Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 155: Chapter 153 – How the Tables Have Turned

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I stand there in shock from the revelation I've discovered. The mere fact that my body has become a much more perfect thing is both a natural conclusion and a shocking thought.

It's like if you don't check the changes that your body has gone through, while changing your diet, your body may change and it's only after seeing pictures later do you realize what actually happened. You know it’s happening, but you don’t really think of it until it becomes obvious.

 I can't help but turn my scan inward to actually look at myself.

It's my same face from earth, but one side matches the other and in a visually appealing way.

Wait. That's not actually completely true. My jaws become a little more angular, with more of a point towards the chin. My cheekbones are also more prominent and slightly higher than before.

Thankfully, my skin color hasn't changed, which means this world won't lighten my skin or anything like that. It's still the same warm and creamy, light brown color. I honestly am reminded of a FFVII character that always wore a suit. He wasn’t a rude guy.

I keep looking at myself.


… Damn, I'm beautiful.

I meant before the change, too.

Many people didn't agree back at home, but that's their loss. Love yourself, regardless of what others think.

 Moving on, I look at the obvious changes like to my actual body structure and in some other things. It mainly looks like the changes focused on symmetry and Toning.

Strangely enough, when I flex my body, I can make the muscles show up much more prominently. Not to the point of a professional bodybuilder, but my arms do increase quite a little outward. My pecs and back rise up and show prominently. And don't get me started on my butt cheeks. Bubbly, yet firm as a rock.

 After a moment of two of looking at this, I become satisfied with all the testing I've done and the primary areas that the healing constitution has allocated my body Structure towards.


It is at this point, after looking at these different aspects, did I realize I've been flexing in different forms in front of these girls. In front of everyone.

They're just staring.

Despite the layer of fabric covering my body, it is somewhat form fitting.

 And they watched every moment, every flex.



I just made the situation so much worse.


For her part, Shi Ji has managed to maintain the exact same face the whole time. Wide eyed, but largely impassive.


I shift on my feet a little.

Her eyes follow my chest.

 I move a little to the right.

Her eyes follow. All without looking even once towards my face.

 Huh, so this is how it feels to be objectified. I thought I would like something like this, but the way they are looking at me doesn’t make me feel like they really care, honestly.

Something that’s more important than me than whatever quick thing I could get out of them.

I turn around to see Chen and Ju’s head looking downward and snap back up to my face. They were looking at my butt.

I look back at Shi Ji and their group. They are looking at my butt now. They don’t even look up at my face.

… is this a comedy routine? Because it’s not funny.


 Turning back to the two on my side, they’ve seemed to have snapped out whatever stupor they were in and have concentrated on my face. Their eyes occasionally wander. They still have no words.

Thankfully, Dana and other two heroes have retreated a distance with Mei Lin. The communication between us shows they noticed something was happening to Chen and Ju, so they moved Mei Lin back.

Mei Lin, thankfully, hasn’t been affected. I definitely don’t need something like that in my life right now.

But this is only a temporary solution. Just like any smell or gas, these things spread and drift. More and more people are orienting their eyes over here.

 Is this a good thing? This definitely has the possibility of helping me to get more people on my side. Regardless of how shallow it is.

 I take a glance over at the redhead woman in Shi Ji’s group.

 She is also staring at my butt.


No. I don't think this is a sustainable solution. I'll need more time to workout how I can use this, but right now it isn't helping.

 Looking back at Chen and Ju, I tell them to head over to Mei Lin.

 Turning to the other group, I quickly let them know I will have to step away for a moment. Using my speed, I run a significant distance away and quickly find a mud puddle. Before doing anything, I use my scan to completely verify that nobody has a spiritual sense on me and that no one in any shape or form is watching me…

I‘m surprised to find that being the case. It looks like cultivators only check in during certain time periods.

Seems like a flaw to me.

Once that is confirmed, I rub the mud on my skin underneath my clothes, until I have confirmed that the smell has dulled enough to not overwhelm anyone. Mainly, I'm mixing other smells into this one, instead of covering it.

 There shouldn't be any health issues from doing this, as my healing constitution should take care of anything of the sort.

Having a pleasant smell will be good and will help with first impressions. It would also be very suspicious if I didn't still smell somewhat the same afterwards. The closer they get, the closer it will be to the original scent. I won’t be able to stop that even with mixing the scent.

At the very least, it will be a conscious effort for someone to do that.

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I then rush back, only to encounter a large group of women moving closer to Mei Lin, Chen and Ju, and the hero group.

They haven’t surrounded them, per se, but they are definitely trying to get closer to establish a rapport.

They likely would have already attempted, if it wasn’t for the fierce appearance of the three heroes.

An enormous spider and a wall of goop is an intimidating thing. Ru Ning is also frightening in his own way to some people.

 There are some guys with the group that were already allied with them. However, they seem a bit confused at why they're moving closer to this particular group. Though some seem a bit excited and were actually watching me flex earlier.


 Seeing the delicate situation, I tried to regather their attention.

“Uhh, is everything alright? You guys seem a bit… stressed about something,”

 I hear the sound of drool being slurped back in, as the group’s eyes shoot back towards me, like a many-eyed eldritch being focusing in on its prey.

 A shiver comes over me a little.

Shi Ji is first to notice and approaches quickly.


She gets close.

Very close.

Much closer than my American sense of personal bubble is used to.


Her face is just under a third of a meter away. I can feel my face hearing a bit. Despite my new looks, I’m still the same guy. Inexperienced with women and seduction.

Luckily, I have already experienced practiced seduction from professionals, so I’m able to handle this better than those times.


Others in the group seem to burn in jealousy, wanting to be in her shoes, but aren’t willing to step on her toes because of her status.

She gulps, takes a deep breath and gets a little giddy, but then speaks.

“… S-Sorry for my earlier display, young master. I was, uh, in awe of your earlier words for your fanny - I mean friend.”

I can’t help but just look at her for a moment before internally sighing.

It looks like the effects are diluted, but it has already made the impression.

I need to work with this. Her group needs to come with me.


I lean in a little, determinedly ignoring my beating heart, as I notice the dimples and freckles on her cheeks.

She’s a beautiful woman. Her glowing red eyes seem to shine, locking onto mine as her chin raises the slightest bit in anticipation. Having an effect like this on a woman this attractive is doing strange things to my heart.

“That’s alright. Such things happen. Sorry for running off so suddenly. I realized I urgently need to take care of something.”

I lean back a bit. She leans in, as if to follow, but stops herself.

I continue, “Focusing on this situation, though, will you and your group be ascending the mountain? I know I will be. I wanted to check with some of the different groups, to make sure everyone is doing alright.”

Breath quickening, she nods.

I nod in return.

“Great. Since you are all set, I’ll head up myself with my group. Looking forward to seeing all the people in your group at the top with us.”

She freezes for a moment, but then seems to catch to subtle hint in my words.

She nods resolutely at this.


 With this, I'm making it a challenge for her to get everyone in her group to the top of the mountain. Specifically, it's almost as if she isn't able to do so for her entire group, she will be lacking in ability.

The downside to this is that she will now have expectations.

Either way, I was planning on monitoring them, but now I will have to manage the interpersonal side. Especially, since my goal is the red head woman.


It is at this point that I accidentally revealed something.

When thinking of the red-headed woman, my eyes flickered over to her and lingered.

Shi Ji caught this and turned her head, seeing where my eyes landed. I can practically see the fires of jealousy flash through her eyes before she seems to have come to an internal conclusion.

She bows and moves back to her group. I can see her quickly speak to the aforementioned woman and bringing her to her side.

The group and woman in question are in shock.

Already, some people in the group moves away from certain people and starts cozying up with others. The group dynamics have flipped.



Look at me over here. Ruining friendships and starting internal wars.


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