Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 157: Chapter 155 – Splintering

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 With these thoughts on my mind, I think on what I should do regarding all these ingredients around me.

Since the alchemy Guild already knows who I am, it wouldn’t hurt at this point to showcase that part of my abilities. In all technicality, this means I’m guaranteed a high spot if I can get to that alchemy test.

 Alright. It might be good to establish myself to my peers as someone they can trust to buy concoctions and elixirs from early on.


… And since the Guild doesn’t like me anyway, I might as well take a few more customers from them.

I’m sure that won’t cause any problems, right?


Nonetheless, I move my mind back to the issue at hand.

To my knowledge, I can take as I want from these mountains. They based this out of the assumption that no one would actually use a significant amount of the ingredients. Especially with the sheer amount available.

 They may not have realized is that there is a variant of the concoction that can be made to assist with this test. The only difference is that it has to use an exceptional amount of ingredients that are concentrated and then refined twice.

 Well, it’s not that they don’t know of that version. It’s that it would take an exceptional amount of skill and a way to mix very large quantities of it together. Something that is extremely unlikely to happen when you’re trying to hide that you’re an alchemist and only share it with friends.

For someone like me, I don’t have to hide it. And I’m planning on helping large quantities of people, so I need to mix large amounts, anyway. With this setup, I just need to make larger tools.


With the general plan in mind, I use my scan to determine best stopping point for the night, while being able to help the greatest number of people.  It looks like that point will be just a bit before the first quarter of this test, at around 36 kilometers. This is where the majority of normal people will have tired themselves out, extending themselves too far. They will be weakened and will be looking for a place to rest.

It won’t only be them, as most participants rest around this area to determine how their feeling on this first day.  Even the physical superstars, like Huang Kaida will be taking time to rest there tonight.

Most people that are going see them camping out, will also camp in fear or wariness of why they would do so. The real reason they do so is to make connections and get to know each other.

This will allow me the greatest possible influence on the group as a whole. I guesstimate around 1500 people will be there.

 My job will be to make a safe place for them to be as, as well giving me a chance to create a large batch of the stamina recovering concoction.

I also adjust my scan to be a little more forgiving with its requirements on who could be helpful. Now it is taking into account that these new people may not be totally dedicated, but could have a significant amount of goodwill and potential allies.

 As could be expected, the number of people that are shining have gone way up now. Out of this group back here, a large majority fit the requirements. Which makes the most sense, since they are the ones that were concerned about even making it in the first place. Anyone that’s headed up ahead, either were prepared or believed in themselves enough to go for it automatically.

Of course, there are a large number of people who wouldn't be grateful enough to be loyal to you, even if you did help them. Ones who would simply take more from you regardless of how much you give them. Even within this group, though, most are shining somewhat.

Showing that they would be somewhat grateful and would remember the actions. However, they still wouldn't do anything about it unless it was mutually beneficial.

 Oh well. You can't win them all over.

And so, I continue on with my group.

 Soon after the five-kilometer point, I see the resting bodies of people who weren't used to physical labor, but did not have the friends or items to go any further.

Even with the concoction, getting these people up the mountain would be a struggle. They'd require two to three times more than the normal person would, to get the same distance.

Of course, I soon come across someone who was shining brightly earlier in the original scan.

It is a panting man whose limbs and body are gaunt, scrawny, and long. I feel surprised he got this far with the state of his body.

 After walking for a bit, I act like this is a good place to take a quick break. Mei Lin, Chen, and Ju seem to appreciate this, using the opportunity to drink from the stream flowing a slight distance from the stairs.

Ah, right. People need to drink water during heavy exertion. I don’t even feel slightly thirsty, so I forgot.

I use the opportunity to go with them to the stream to drink.

As could be expected from a stream coming down from a major and righteous sect like this, the water is safe to drink and delicious. In fact, the most delicious I’ve had, barring the one from the caves.

On my way back, I come up with an idea.

There are numerous trees nearby. Not enough to make this a forest, but a continuous amount that is just a small distance away from the stairs and stream.

 I move a bit of a distance away from everyone, grabbing a sturdy looking and sharp rock nearby.

Eh, with my increased strength, I should be able to knock down a tree or two in a few hits. Maybe make a bowl or something to carry water in.

I latch the stone to a stick, like I saw in one of those survival videos back on earth (using my scan to fill in gaps in my knowledge). Aiming the handcrafted ax at the tree, I slam it onto of the bigger trees, using a stronger hit than I normally would. Mainly thinking of the trees on Earth and not really considering the effects of my strength.

This was a mistake.

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The first thing that happened was the ax broke during the swing. Specifically, the stone flew out into the distance. Luckily, it went out and away from the stairs.

The stick and my hand slammed into the tree.  


Obviously, the stick broke.

My hand? Almost broke. Definitely in pain.


But what also broke, unexpectedly, was the tree.


In fact, it exploded where I hit it. Shards of wood flew out and into the surround area, including my face. The tree crashes over my shoulder, with its enormous weight landing on me and then falling to the side.

I’m lucky that my everything is so tough, or I would be dead, full of holes, and blind. Not in that order.

 It also creates a very loud and conspicuous sound, drawing everyone's eyes towards this area. Even the people resting on the ground freeze, and fear of something happening.

Obviously, my group looks over here and it's just staring. Mostly in shock.

As casually as possible, I tried to grab another rock and carve out a deep cup out of the biggest piece I could grab from the lot. It's trivially easy to do so with my strength.

I now realize I could have just done the same thing with a stone instead.

As I walk over past them, towards the stream as casually as possible, scoop water up and then move back to the stairs toward the gaunt man. Even he is practically up and paying attention. His eyes widened and full of fear.


I end up walking over to the man and placing the water in front of him, before nonchalantly heading back to the stream, with the rest of my group is.

The worst look, by far, is from the hero group.

I can already sense from our connection that there are a myriad of ways they would have done this better.

I really need to think things through first.

… fucking A.



 The only saving grace of this situation, I could get an idea of what my strength when I'm not consciously controlling it is like. When I swung the axe, I was imagining myself as if I was on earth doing the same thing and trying to swing with a good amount of strength.

With this amount of strength, it should be easy to grind out a giant boulder and turn into a Giant mortar and pestle for the ingredients. With this much water nearby, I should easily be able to make the concoction in the right amounts.

 My group has gone back to work, but their eyes are still warily on me.

 I diffused the situation, by letting them know I was doing some testing with some abilities, which is why I took some distance from them. I also saw that one of the people on the stairs needed help so I used what we had to give some to him.

They’re definitely not fully buying it, but verbally end up accepting it.

Most likely, they might think I’m trying to intimidate other groups. Which isn’t a bad idea, since I can already see some groups looking to take advantage of us.



I have to stop being stupid about these things.

I need to think before I act. Each action gives off an interpretation.

Also, those massive wooden splinters could have killed anyone near me if I didn’t take distance from them. I need to control my strength at all times.


… so much to think about.

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