Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 215: Chapter 213 – The Real Treasures

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A question appears in my mind, within my tempting thoughts.

 Would it really be more effective in my hands?


 The thought gives me pause.


 In terms of optimal usage, I could definitely use it better. However, there are things that are outside the simple realm of numbers and direct actions.

 I’ve also noticed a pattern with my scan.

Things weren’t always what they seemed to be with it. Leading me into places that I typically wouldn’t consider being under my original inquiry.

Despite the fact that it works off my intent.

And in the end, those choices and movements have proven to be generally decent decisions.

 This train of thought leads me to wonder what my original inquiry was. When I first got the inkling that there was an incredible deal out there.

 Tracing it back lets me know it wasn’t so much an item, as it was talking about as if it was a big catch of sorts.

The mere hints of something more.

More than what I was asking for.


 I changed my sight from the items to the man in front of me.

 A man, at his wit's end. A family clearly meant to be powerful, but ran down because of their circumstances.

 It is at this point, that I switched the scan I’m using. I change it to the one that I used on the mountain on the way up during the test.

 The one that helps to determine the possibility of in strength of future allies.

 The moment I turn it on, it practically blinds me.

My scan informs me that merchant is taken back by my clear recoil, but quickly settles down.

As I regain my composure, I also turn on the deal scan from before.

Originally, it was only showing a connection to the items, but now the pairing of scans shows them connecting to him and the people that are a small distance away.

His family.


 This is the real treasure.


After seeing and realizing this, there’s only one thing left to do.


 I give one last long look at the items, imagining all the cool shit I could have done with them.

… And to the best of my ability, cut those feelings off.

Disconnecting my mind from the potential of what ifs and changing my view of them, to think of what This family would need to succeed.

I’m not going to let myself be someone who takes such things from a family who truly needs it.

Not if I don’t need to.

 Visually, I’ve already controlled all my movements so they would be revealing nothing to a non-cultivator. Removing one of my longstanding quirks of giving things away.

 In its own way, that’s very unsettling, as most people rely on subconscious visual cues to determine what to do. The absence of them is disconcerting.

 So, one can imagine his surprise when that face of impassivity breaks into a very long sigh.

 I look at him with regretful eyes, as even after going through my heart, I still can’t fully disconnect myself from this stuff. But I’ve still decided to go through with it.

 There are only enough uses for this family and it is meant for them.

  I turned my eyes to look him straight in his. The intense gaze I give him causes him to sit straight unconsciously.

“Why are you selling these?”

 While this is a question, I have mostly already found out through my scan. My conversation scan, which I have now focused on, lets me know this is the best way to start this conversation.

 He hesitates before speaking up.

“Our family is falling on hard times, and we need this to paying for my daughter’s treatments.”

 He looks regretfully at the items in front of me.

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“Despite the ancient stories from my past relatives, all the appraisers I’ve gone to have said these aren’t nearly as important as I’ve been told. Hence the reason I’m selling them out in this alley.

 “If we didn’t need the money this badly, I would just keep them to remind me of them.”

 I can see his face hardened into one of commitment at his next words.

“But I’ll do anything to help my family. Anything.”

 Soon after saying this, his face changes into one of disappointment and sadness. Now he’s the one that gives a sigh.

 “Since I’ve said as much, these won’t be expensive, as you and I now know how much these are worth.”

An honest man.

Someone that has shown all their cards, despite being a merchant and being in a desperate situation. Truthful about the items he sells, even to his detriment.

If my scan hadn’t told me otherwise, it would be easy to think this would be a flaw as a merchant.

On the contrary, it gained much trust for him from his customers. But was also was the reason that they picked him to be taken down.

A refusal to compromise standards or cheat your customers for others’ benefit doesn’t win you many friends. Especially without the strength to back it up.

 I shake my head and raise a hand against his words.

 “No, no. There’s no need.”

He takes this as a negative sign and begins begging for me to reconsider.

 “Sir, please wait. I’m sure can work something out.”

“… You misunderstand me.

“Instead of buying these off you, I’d like to explain how you can use them. To help you get back on your feet, as well as help your family.”

 For obvious reasons, the man looks confused. Already knowing that he’s going to ask why I would do such a thing, I fill in the blank for him.

“After catching sight of these ingredients and connecting the dots from information I’ve seen previously, there’s no way I can let such a renowned family lineage go to waste.”

 He still looks a bit confused, as it appears he may not know much about his family history.

 And now it’s time for the bullshit. At least I’ll be basing everything in fact, when he inevitably looks this up himself later.

 I give a sigh before speaking.

“It appears that such information has been lost in your family’s records.

 “The Xing family is listed in several works spanning across this continent. From some minor ones showing some battles millennia back, to ones done in this very city to hold back hordes of spirit beasts.

“As an example, check out ‘Thoughts of an exceptional man’, which should have some prints in the main book shop, on the South portion of the city. If I’m not incorrect, it should have at least two instances of members from your family performing some deeds.”

 His eyes appear wide, as I have just given him some information that he has likely been searching for.

 I quickly redirect his attention back to the situation at hand.

“But enough of that. These items before you, as you likely already know, are treasured artifacts of your family. But they require certain things to be activated.”

After I quickly confirm no one is around or listening with my scan, I tell him what I know in vague terms. As if based on rumor and legend. Which it is, as there are mentions and theories in different stories and writings of the eras.

The whole time I’m telling him this, he looks at me with a mixture of hope, complete disbelief, and confusion.

“… Why wouldn’t you keep this for yourself, if this is all true?”

 Controlling my expressions, I respond with a subtle smile.

 “Rather than asking such a question, isn’t there something you should confirm first?”

 I moved my eyes over to the bamboo slip, supposedly containing low quality fighting techniques. It Would be the easiest one for him to confirm my words with.

 I can see him swallow, considering the implications of all of this. Entertaining the possibility that all of this is right. That his family may actually have a chance to get out of darkness.

 Shakily, he reaches over to the slip, holding it in one hand. With his other, he grabs a small knife from one of his inner pockets. Cutting into his fingertip, he squeezes a drop of blood onto it three times, while saying the name of the techniques founder.

“Ju… Ju.. Ju.”

He still has some information about his family history. That will make some things easier to work through.

 Like the seeds of a dandelion, the wooden texture on the slip melts away to reveal a brilliant green color underneath. Unfolding in his hand, I can see his eyes widen and understanding as the information in the slip visibly surges into his mind.

 Just from being near it, I’m able to glean the information with my scan and can see some of it. However, I cut it off, as such a thing could betray the trust of my hopefully new ally.

 As he looks at me again, after some time has passed, the doubt in his eyes has disappeared. However, a question remains on his lips that he’s repeated many times.

“… Why?”

 This is where the conversation scan tells me I can be honest and upfront with him. The only way to assuage his thoughts.

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