Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 217: Chapter 215 – Unblinking Stare

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After picking my jaw up from the floor, from how strong he and his family are going to get from this, I can see that he’s trying to do the same with himself.

 As a previously wealthy individual, he’s had body cultivation training in his youth. So, the extent of my healing and the extent of its effects have not been lost to him. Most cultivators or body cultivators know that a major way to improve your spirit root, at least initially, is to improve the body first. Therefore, most spirit root increasing treatments or concoctions are aimed towards doing just that.

  He deeply bows, but I quickly raise him back up.

“There’s no need for that between allies. In fact, we have much to do, right?”

 I can see his lips shake with emotion before he recollects himself.

 As I prepare myself to come up with a starting point on the information on his three generations of ancestors, he interrupts my thoughts with the commonsense question.

 “Young master? If it’s not too much trouble, could we head to my dwelling, so that you can treat my daughter?

Ah, right. That would make the most sense. A good father would want to treat his daughter as soon as he knows they can help her.

 Unfortunately, I’m not sure that would be the case with many people in this world. But even my world had issues with that.

“Of course. We can head there now.”

 From there, we go down alley after alleyway. It’s strangely reminiscent of the time I was traveling with Lin and down the other city’s slum streets.

 As we move, the man apologizes for the long walk. He notes that there are unsavory individuals that might look to take advantage of him and his family, if he lives closer to where he works.

 Eventually, we reach what is a common sight in this area. A door is positioned in a building like any other.

Many people live like this, in unremarkable places with no distinctive features. Just trying to make it through.

 He enters first, announcing that he’s home.

 Despite their fall from wealth, they appear to have a better home than most others in this area do. By that, I can see that they have two small rooms, comprising the entryway room and a bedroom.

 I don’t see any specific place where they can use the restroom or cook, though I see a small pot and a heat stone nearby. The heat stones are like the light-stones, yet they emit heat constantly.

 The home is extremely clean and has small trinkets around on the walls. Displaying the amount of care that goes into the home, despite its poor setting.

 As he leads me in, I can just barely see the edge of the blanket with feet under it in the bedroom, likely the daughter.

 Soon after we enter, I can see a woman, near to the same age as the father, but looking much younger. She moves towards us, but then notices me as I enter as well. I can see her freeze in place, her eyes stuck on me before immediately drifting to her husband who reassures her with his eyes.

 She softly whispers to him after a brief swallow, though I’m still able to hear it because of my hearing abilities.

“Is he here for one of the debts?”

 Looks like there are a few things that are going downhill in this. Not very surprising, considering that they are still afloat.

 But it looks like I’ve gotten here just in time, as it looks like they have no other valuable things to their name. Except their bodies, of course.

 He gives a quick glance at me to see if I have heard anything, by which I feign ignorance. He gives a quick shake of his head.

“No, he’s actually here to heal Xun’er.”

 I can see her face go through a mixture of emotions, varying between surprise, hope, and dismay. She seems to struggle to whisper her next words.

 “How much?”

  He’s the one to swallow at this point. Thinking about his words carefully.

 “He’s a friend. A close one at that. I’ll tell you more about this later.”

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 Her lips grow pursed, but she nods slightly before stepping back.

 I chance a small smile at her, hoping to appear friendly, before heading into the room.

I can see before me a young woman covered in warts and pus, crusting her eyes and face. Her body is so deformed by her ailment, she likely can’t move, speak, or see. It’s possible that she may not feel anything but pain, either, as her nerves are so messed up.

 Her mother quickly returns to her side, cleaning up a small amount of blood dribbling from her cracked lips.

It would be easy to assume if you didn’t know that this would be a natural illness or disease. But their daughter was purposely poisoned and infected with the disease. Mostly to drain funds from them and weaken them as a whole.

The cure to such a disease is hidden, though I’d be able to take care of it with my knowledge of alchemy. However, this time, it would be an expensive venture.

 Luckily, I don’t need to use just alchemy. Since this disease is more serious and specific than most things I’ve healed with my cultivation method, I position both my hands over her body.

I could do it without placing my hands on her, but it makes things easier, as I utilize both my cultivation technique and my healing aura.

 Before I begin, I ask permission from the parents on whether I can begin healing their daughter. And that I would have to place my hands upon her to work better.

 The father readily agrees and squeezes his wife's hand, which causes her to cautiously agree as well. 

As he does so, my scan catches a look of slow realization as she feels the strength in his hand. She is starting to see the changes that her husband is gone through, now past the distraction that my presence had caused.

 While that happens in the background, I put my hands on her stomach area and allow them to glow both from the aura and the technique.

 I can feel the power surge through the warts and deep inside of her body, while simultaneously targeting each of these areas and making it spread like wildfire at every point that needs my deeper attention. As I usually do, I focus in and generate a 3D image in my mind of her body, improving it in every way I can.

 It is like this that I progressively remove every wart, blemish, and disease from her body. Her chestnut eyes and dirty blonde hair reveal itself.

 But it’s not until I’m done that I jump back in surprise.

 I just realized that she’s been staring at me since she woke up, sometime during the procedure. The face and aura of the woman in question is scary.  

Equal parts intimidating and beautiful.

Normally I would hear something during healing, due to how pleasant it feels to have the things healed.

 Instead, she just stayed quiet and stared at me.

 Thus, prompting my surprise.

 Despite my looking at her, she maintains her unblinking and intense stare.

 I have no idea what she’s thinking.


 A little unnerved, I move over to the mother, and let her know I can heal her as well. Preparing her body for a cultivation method that her husband shall provide.

 She seems obviously shocked at everything that’s happening but begins profusely thanking me, as does the father.

 Once they are done with their initial thanks, I moved to heal her as well, which doesn’t take very long.

 Things crawled to a stop after this point, though. I really don’t feel it’s my place to talk about what will need to come next.

So, the father catches the cue and begins explaining to his wife and daughter what I’ve told him about regarding the artifacts and what we will attempt to do with the items and how to unlock them.

This should be interesting. How far should I lead them in this process?

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