Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 225: Chapter 223 – First Discovery

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If I thought the area for the training grounds was large, the sheer amount of land that I’m passing by that’s dedicated to the warehouses and sect servants trivializes it.

Buildings and Roads that soar over gaps that are too frightening to mention.  

There’s at least 1000 kilometers of just these buildings here. And I know there are even more out there. 


 Which makes this situation even more strange.

 The amount of the area I’m actually seeing from this position within the sect is at least 100,000 sq km large. But my scan from when I first arrived on this world, Privilon, was that the sect’s area was around 10,000 sq km.

That could only mean that the space distortion I noticed when I arrived near the mountain is even more pronounced than I thought. The technical area from the outside, is 10,000 sq km. However, the inside is far larger and just as true.

But how is the question?

From what I can tell, it may actually be a quirk of the mountain itself, rather than a formation created by the sect. Likely one of the reasons they chose this sect.

Despite my subconscious telling me I need to focus on the journey, a major realization stops me in my tracks and causes me to stare up… at the sun.

The Revolving Heavenly Light Sect primarily uses primarily light-based techniques as their sect cultivation methods.

If the amount of area in the sect is actually extremely large, with a constant amount of sunlight spread within it, then that means any large scale, light-based technique used within the sect and facing outwards would be concentrated to an absurd degree!

Adding to that is the defense walls, which concentrate light, going from the top of the mountain all the way to the Outer City walls. Making the amount of light that would come out exponentially larger!

That doesn’t even include the shenanigans that could be done to improve light-based cultivation at higher levels…

Just as I finished this thought, felt a shift in the air. Metaphorically and physically.

At the same time, my scan alerts me t-

“Well, Well. Looks like we may have another genius on our hands. Making waves in More than one way, eh?”

Oh no. I finally triggered it.


The cultivation information detectors.

 As I rapidly turn around, a wizened, elderly man comes into view.

 Covered in expensive flowing clothes, he is the picture of a cultivation master that I imagined when I came into this world.

 I can see a knowing smile on his face as he continues.

 “It appears that you’ve discovered one of the Majestic qualities of our humble mountain here.”

  His eyes twinkles as he lowers his voice a little.

 “But I wouldn’t be here speaking to you if that’s all you discovered, now, would I? You seem to understand the intricacies of how light in our world works. Something that is crucial to our sect.”

Despite my attempts to keep my face neutral, there are signs of fear on my face that can’t be hidden even with my scan identifying them.

 But as my scan works in overtime to figure out what needs to be done with my conversation scan, I’m suddenly put at ease by my findings and his next words.

“No need to be scared, young master. I’m only here because you have been shown to have great potential in our cultivation methods. You may not know this, but for all sects, there are general probes that check for compatibility for their methods.

“And it’s not what you think. They can’t actually read your mind, but they detect a shift in how Qi reacts to your thoughts. Something that shifts when you get a better understanding of the world and your body subconsciously shifts to accommodate.”

He gives a wry laugh.

“It takes a pretty significant understanding of our world to have such a thing happen, though. Interesting that it would be someone who’s already shown to have a different cultivation method.”

 I went too deep.

 But in this case, it turned in my favor. This is a benchmark that many geniuses hit, who understand how light works.

For people in this world, that’s a major achievement. I just have a head start because I came from a science-based society.

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 The most important part about this? That this keeps positive attention in my direction.

 And being recognized by their cultivation information detector means it’ll be much tougher for them to whisk me away at this point. As I could be an essential piece of a defense strategy if they ever really need me. One of their little-known rules is that others who understand the method well, even if they don’t practice it themselves, can teach newly initiated in case of an attack.

  With this information, all signs of worry leave my body, and this cultivator can clearly sense that as well.

 I then realize I’m not paying him the proper respect.

 “My apologies Esteemed Senior. You may already know, but my name is James. May I have the honor of knowing your name?”

 He gives a bold laugh, before stating something shocking.

 “There’s no need to call me by such titles, young master. In fact, I am simply an Outer Court member, only at the first level of Foundation Establishment. I go by the name of Ling.”

 I can feel my face freeze as I process what he just said. I was almost completely sure that he was an elder, though I wondered why the amount of Qi coming off his body did not seem as much as other elders.

But since I wasn’t using my scan on him, and assumed that he was holding back in a spiritual pressure on my behalf, I had no way of knowing.

 It doesn’t help that he is the complete picture of what I would imagine a cultivator to be.

 But, at the end of the day, I still think he’s someone worthy of respect. It’s clear he has knowledge that I don’t, and has been here for far longer.

 So even with that set, I still bow to him and do the proper greeting for an elder.

“Nonetheless, you were still my senior and I must pay you the proper respect. Thank you for passing your wisdom onto me.”

 I can see his eyes twinkle yet again, giving me a strange feeling.

 Was… was this a test? Because I feel like there was an ulterior motive for this.

 The feeling doesn’t fully go away, as he takes something out of his side pouch.

 Extending far out of it are two swords.

 Placing both on the ground, he quickly explains his intentions.

 “Since we’ve made our introductions, I know you must be eager to hurry along to senior song in completing your quest.

 “She sent me to make sure that you got here safely throughout the site, as you may be unfamiliar with the grounds. “

 Ah, that might have been why the guards were looking out for me. But why wouldn’t they tell me if that was the case?

 Unless they were looking out for another reason….

 I’ll need more time to figure out the politics of this place.

 As I finished this thought, I see him wave towards the swords in the ground.

“These swords here may not be fast, but I should have just enough power to get us both to her safely. My grandniece should be happy to see you there.”

 Huh, I guess this will be my first time on a flying… did he say grandniece?

 Obviously, since he gave a bomb statement like that, I looked towards him as if I want to ask something, but he gives me a mischievous smile that lets me know it’s not the time to ask.

  As he climbs onto the sword, stepping on it like a skateboard, I follow in suit, matching his actions to the best of my ability.

 As I do so, I can see him flash a few hand symbols and mutter a few words before the swords hover in place. At the same time, I can feel something similar to a seat belt placed upon my feet. Partially locking me to the board. I can sense if I ever wanted to jump off, I easily could and that its only purpose is to make sure I don’t fall off.

 Slowly, it rises to around 30 feet in the air. Almost immediately after, it sets off at a fast speed, just a bit faster than I was going.  Definitely not my top speed, but one that people would be comfortable with in this Sect.

 As we travel along, I turn towards senior Ling To talk further, but I can see him straining to concentrate.

 It appears he truly is a foundation establishment. But one that is full of mystery.

It makes me wonder what will happen next….

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