Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 227: Chapter 225 – Success Breeds Attention

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 As could be expected, when we touch down close to Senior Song’s position, she continues speaking to the group. Unlike how it typically happens in stories, we don’t immediately gain her attention as she’s doing something important.

 For the next 30 minutes, Senior Ling and I stand at the side waiting for her to finish speaking to the group.

Once she finishes, she dismisses the group and then turns to look at us.

 Despite being dismissed, I can see many in the group are loitering around, acting as if they’re about to leave, but are actually trying to get more information on what’s going on.

Just like it was in my group, there are several information traders who exchange information and fill in each other for favors and money.

I don’t focus in too much on this, as most of it is what I already know and I see something much more important coming from the surrounding area, waiting for Senior Song to finish.

Soft mutterings fill the air, as groups from the previous tests and mine have mingled together with them.

 It's not long after that I see some of my personal group and the coalition groups are arriving, having gotten word that I am here. Searching out the people that are important to me, like Mei Lin and the others that I traveled up with, I quickly acknowledge them with a smile before focusing my attention on the incoming Senior Song.

Just as she arrives before me, both Senior Ling and I quickly bow. She waves it away, allowing us to rise.

And then she just looks at me with a smile.

A look of expectation.

Catching the hint, I reach into my pack and take out two Star Renewal Flowers. Far more than the 4 petals she had asked for.

Even in the light, their blueish petals visibly glow with an ethereal light.

As I hand them to her, her fingers brush one petal purposefully, leaving a small impression on it that shines brightly before returning to its natural glow.

Her smile grows wider as she sees this, as it shows that it is an above average specimen, kept in good condition.

 Soon after, it vanishes. Though, my scan picked up that it went into one of the pouches she carries on her hip.

“You’ve done well.”

 Her voice resounds over the field, freezing everyone in place. Sounds of talking stop and everyone listens closely for her next words.

“Now, as of this point, you’re an inner court disciple… but you may find that there may be something that is far more beneficial to you coming soon.”

 She throws a glance behind her, and immediately I do a ping to see what’s coming.

Just as I sense several individuals coming from higher up the mountain, she moves close beside me, right next to my ear, and whispers softly.

“I’ll warn you, make your choice carefully. For not all are who they appear to be.”

  I can see a flash in her eyes, just before she steps back as if she had never spoke

 Almost an instant later, the figures I had seen via my scan quickly approaching from the edges of my pulse appear in front of us.

 3 individuals covered in draping clothes that clearly denote a higher status than all around here. Even without my scan, I’d know the position that these people hold.


 They arrive sequentially, but in the manner of seconds. The first to arrive was an elderly gentleman, who really reminded me of Merlin from the Arthurian tales of my world. From the assortment of potions and elixirs on his belt, as well as the scars and burns on his hands, give me an indicator that he is an alchemist by trade.

 The second to arrive is a woman, seemingly in her 40s or 50s, and covered in purple garments that wrap around her tightly. Past that, her eyes and face speak of great wisdom held within. I’m not able to discern what position she holds and what her specialty might be with my scan.

 Last to arrive is a gentleman that looks to be in his 30s. From how he walks, to the sword at his side, it is clear that using the sword is both his specialty and focus. The glint of a symbol on his clothes from a sigil hanging from his belt. I can tell he’s part of a major sword clan within the sect. One that shouldn’t be trifled with.

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 One thing I do note is that he has a kind face but with greedy eyes.

 But this isn’t unlike the others, who all look at me as if I was a great catch that only needed to be brought home.

 Quickly approaching me, they stop briefly to elder song, showing their respect for her.

 But immediately after, they give bright smiles to me and I get a feeling of what they’ve come here to do.

 The Alchemist elder speaks first.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet the renowned, and now proven genius from Group 1. There’s been much talk about your exploits, both on and off the mountain.”

The way he says it reveals that he likely has knowledge of me and my actions in Monchon City. However, his next words confirm my guess to his identity.

“I’ve also heard wondrous things about your exploits in the alchemical realm. I think it would be great if y…”

Before he can continue, the woman softly interrupts him and offers some words.

“Now, now Elder Ro. We haven’t fully welcomed our new initiate to the sect yet. Or introduced ourselves.”

Turning to me, she gives a warming smile that doesn’t feel manufactured.

“Congratulations on passing your test and becoming part of the inner court. My name is Yin Tian, but you can call me Elder Yin.”

The alchemist, Elder Ro, seems a little perturbed by the interruption, but still nods in agreement. A twinkle flashes in his eyes as he adds in a few words.

“You may call me Elder Ro, though that may change soon enough.”

The last elder steps forward brusquely and quickly says his name before stepping back.

“I am Elder Gu. I look forward to seeing the heights you can reach.”

Before he steps back, I can see his eye linger on Elder Song for a moment, before looking away in disappointment. Her expression hadn’t changed, even after his looks.


Well… this is a can of worms.


Elder Ro is definitely the one that the Alchemist leveraged to almost put me in the Outer Court. Is he playing nice because of my actions towards the Alchemy Guild or because he wants to make a good impression in spite of it?

Elder Gu brings another thing to consider. Clearly, he and Elder Song have some relation or he wouldn’t have shown such a reaction.

… Actually, I think when I first arrived; I heard that there was a dispute between her and him. And that there might be something more there.


Before I could finish my thoughts, they lay another bomb on me.

One which I suspected could happen if I became too excellent.


“To get to the point of why we are here… we’d like you to consider becoming a core disciple of our sect.”

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