Final Apex Monster Evolution

Final Apex Monster Evolution

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Final Apex Monster Evolution

Review: 9.6/10 from 15 ratings

When reality, as we know it is revealed to be an illusion, a dream of the real world, panic, ensues across the world as countries and nations desperately search for answers. Gradually, mysterious phenomena start to appear at an increasingly higher rate until eventually, the two worlds merge together as one.

Now with its origin restored, Earth rapidly evolves amidst the chaos it has caused. Fortunately, it wasn't the only one evolving, as the limiters placed on humans have been lifted, and now they can also evolve to become stronger, higher life forms.

*Basic plot/storyline.
*The story only follows the POV of our protagonist. (There may be other POVs but not too many and not for too long either, so there won't be scenes with enemies scheming against the MC nor revealing future scenarios. We as the readers will be just as oblivious to these things the same as our protagonist.)
*Multiple worlds. (There will be world-hopping/dimension traveling in the future.)
*Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Evil kind of personality. Not too much to be an all-out evil overlord but not too little to be an antihero.
*Don't expect a well-thought-out/stable story. This is just written out of boredom mostly. Some mistakes will be inevitable because of such.
*Multiple concepts from other fictional stories such as Gantz, Godzilla, Pacific Rim, Kaiju No.8, The Edge of Tomorrow, Resident Evil, Prototype, Chronicle, The Mist, Cloverfield, and more that will be introduced throughout the development of the world. (All of these are based on the movies and games that I'm familiar with. If you'd like the story to expand on a specific area please leave a comment below the chapter and the part you want me to develop more of. I'll give it a consideration)
*I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to science and biology (and I'm also very lazy to do more research on it) so PLEASE correct me when I make up some random explanations that don't make sense.
*I hope you enjoy the story :)

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