Finally Devastated

Chapter 3: Volume 1 & Chapter 2 :My Name and My House.

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Volume 1 & Chapter 2 :My Name and My House.


The day starts with getting out of bed and looking out of the window towards the horizon.


I couldn’t have imagined a life like this in my father’s manor, I can’t believe what a coward I used to be. 




A maid walks in with a tray. 


“Leave the tea and walk out, bitch.” I screamed at her.


 As I move forward towards it, I take out a vial of poison and pour it all in the cup after brewing myself some tea, after the poison starts to show its effect I start Circulating Raw Mana to cleanse my veins and spread it thin to increase my resistance.


My mother’s methods are surely weird. But among my peers I stand at top and even my seniors won’t be able to hold a candle against me.


I am to become the next emperor. Who in this world can rival me?


My daily schedule was as follows, Day starts with learning about the Crossian Faith that we follow in the holy empire. Then I attend the classes by knight order captain, Master James , one of the three captains of the orders of our household. From tactics to weaponry he teaches me everything.


Born in a baron family he is a low noble , but a noble indeed. James Fronyt, Second son of Baron Charles Fronyt. Charles is a vassal of grandfather therefore he will be one of mine when I inherit this Marquisdom.


Grandfather walked in the room where James was teaching me tactics and battle formations.


“Come with me, Arthur!” he said.


While going downstairs a maid stumbled and the tea pot fell on my shoes.

The maid went PALE after seeing that. She started frantically wiping the tea off my shoes in a hurry.


I smiled and said “it was okay.”


I went to attend my business with my grandfather. We arrive in the main hall and see a man with armed guards and a letter with the sigil of the Imperial House, in essence My House. 


“I shall now Declare the Imperial Decree” he shouted. Everyone Bowed and listened carefully.


“Arthur de Geog Nathansson , Son of Count Nathan, Grandson of His Late Imperial Majesty Kaiser de Geog Aelasson. His Imperial Highness ,Kcarl de Geog Kaisersson Bestows Thee Upon the County of Pulma and the title of Count.-- '' The Imperial Messenger Shouted.


I Got Shocked.


Pulma was the castle of my father. I was devastated, for I knew what it meant.


The Imperial Messenger continued “-Due to Sudden Demise of Count Nathan all the Possessions are to be inherited by his Only son and Heir. ”


I got Visibly confused, It was only some days left until my Baptism and Birthday. I was sure that I had Contact with him and this happened suddenly.


Tears came out right through my eyes as I started crying. 


“You have been Ordered to leave and go to the Capital city of Jearl. Your Baptism will take place in The Jearl Church of Pearls.” He announced. 


He ended speaking and came forward to bow and handed me the Papers that were Meant For my Inheritance.


We escorted the messenger out and I immediately summoned the maid in the torture room.


The site of a 7 year old torturing a man horrified the maid.


“You know those shoes were my favorite” telling that to the maid made her weep.


“My Lord– I am – Sorry – ” She weeped, “IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO CORRECT MY MISTAKE???” she shouted while crying begging on her knees.


“I will – I will do anything, just give me a chance!” she stopped while begging me.


“I am Really in a Very Bad Mood” Mumbling in her ears. She was trembling but didn’t speak a word after that.




At that moment the sadistic nature I was in suddenly made me Depressed.


“Your Punishment is done, I am letting you off the hook this time,”I told her.


My mother who always supervises me while torturing, seeing this she was displeased.


“What was that?” she asked. “Carrot and stick, If we make sheep too afraid of the shepherd they will stop following him” I told her. Then I left the room and went to my bed.


I ordered my servants to start Start packing my things and went to grab my sword. 




Standing at the gate were the guards and knights of the family damas with the banners of the house. The Carriage was ready and the entourage began.The Destination was Jearl, The city of Pearls.


Mage Aldrich, My magic teacher started telling me more about the history of the Empire.


Jearl is a Holy City of the Crossian Faith, This City was taken back after the Holy Crusade on the Grand Empire of Abnan. The Grand empire collapsed after the Crusades and was fragmented in small regions of petty kings and independent lords.


The Kingdom after the War was rich but weak. But the neighboring rulers didn’t attack as they didn’t want another war. Then He started teaching me about the nobles and Hierarchy. The Noble hierarchy is established as follows, Emperor at the top as king of kings, then there is a king, then just below is a Duke, Followed by Marquis and Count. These are all high Nobles. Noble Peerage has lower ranks too, Viscounts, Barons, Mayors. The title mayors of cities were not hereditary, so many didn’t even consider them nobles. Whereas Viscounts and barons are hereditary.


Due to his Contributions in the Holy War, The Patriarch of the Church Appointed Your Grandfather, late Lord Kaiser as the king and my lordship was given the title of a baron.” My lord, the House damas will always be loyal to the imperial throne. But– “ He said nervously, “My lady is too cruel and disloyal so you should be rational about the decisions you make”


“Oi you old man, you know you are talking about my mother!” I Lashed at him. “Yes, I fully understand this my lord but I am saying this for your own good!” He cried out.


Then a sudden realization hit me.


A late night. Carriage. Bag. Mother. Injured grandfather. Father dead.

Too many Coincidences in one place.The Timing of events and all the pieces are joining together. 




We arrive in the City of Jearl. James is on a horse beside the carriage and asks me Step out of the carriage to greet the Imperial councilor, Who is supposed to escort me.


I get out and see the grand Castle at the end of the city and a road leading towards the town center with the other road leading to the old Church of Jearl. The Jearl Church houses the pearl of life. It is said that it can bring the dead back to life, but only the apostle of god knows how to do it.


We have to walk on foot from here on and weapons are not allowed inside the castle. The only people allowed weapons inside the Castle are the emperor ,The 5 imperial councilors , The Imperial Guards and High Nobles.


Technically I am one too, But not officially so my sword was deposited at the gate and we were searched before going in. That didn’t bother me but I had to wait 4 hours to have an audience with the emperor and I was instructed not to call him uncle. The Protocol was seriously frustrating, you can’t call your uncle as uncle and sister as sister.


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We were finally inside and on our knees.


We couldn't raise our heads unless ordered to, We had to show Submission over anything.


Other Nobles were standing in the order of their ranks beside the Carpet. I guess the Meeting and setting took a lot of time. 


Emperor Kcarl stood up and announced, “Son of my brother Nathan, Arthur will soon be eight and receive the imperial baptism inside the Jearl church and shall be given the city of pulma and the title of count. If there are any objections, voice them now!”


There were some minor nobles and counts who showed displeasure but many high nobles didn’t show any reaction. The Councilors were in agreement and no one in the whole court could say anything against their decision.




The parade starts and I am getting very big treatment from the courtiers. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I am getting this preferential treatment. 


James comes into my room with a book and hands it over to me and leaves. It seems to me a journal of my father. It was protected by magic and sealed.These types of magic seals were also done on letters he sent. I started reading it after opening it and found many disturbing things. It was certainly his because the handwriting and pen strokes matched with the letters he used to send me.


The thing that baffled me was the mention of not spending a night with my mother and him having a bastard son.


This concluded two things. I am not his son and also the fact that he loved me regardless. 


The Journal revealed to me that he was No Idiot, Neither Pervert nor a drunkard. He had made that public image to hide the fact that he was amassing a huge wealth and army to usurp the throne for himself.


He was cheated by his brother for the throne, by his wife for love and friends for their positions in the court. He wanted Revenge. Against everyone and did everything he could to make it possible.


There were weapons hidden deep in the mines along with tons of gold. It seems he had found a gold mine but didn’t report it and started storing it inside different underground locations. He also embezzled tax for himself. The Taxes he paid were only a fraction he was owed and had built the castle city of pulma into a prosperous land with a self-reliant population. The castle could withstand long sieges and could mount offensive operations from inside.


I summoned James, I asked him where he got it and he said in a very low tone in my ear, “I am a loyal subordinate and had delivered all your letters to the late count and his to you.”And gestured his fingers to the ceiling while making a sign with the other hand on his ears , This meant someone was listening to our conversations. 


Spies in the imperial palace to ward out the traitors plotting against the empire or the emperor. I can’t openly say that I will be the next emperor when Three heirs are above me in the line of succession. Marriage between the heirs is the ideal solution. Cousins marriage is common in noble society to conserve power within the realm and to remove the prospects of rebellions for the throne.




Gate opens and I walk slowly behind the Church priests and Deacons. They stopped and asked me to move forward and I walked into the pool of water while wearing simple cloth wrapped around my waist.


The Cardinal held my nose and had me dip in the water. The Moment I got submerged in water, I felt as though I was falling in a Endless stream inside an ocean. 

I heard a voice, “Will you stop trying to escape or what?”


I said, “Or what???!!!”


Voice: you are slow to realize that you can breathe inside this water and talk conveniently 

Me: I just panicked and didn’t realize 

Voice: Well now you do so stop trying to escape

Me: where am I ?

Voice: Simply put, You are in the flow of Mana. The Force that governs magic.

Me: How Did i get here?

Voice: I took you here, forcefully.

Me: What was your reason, you strange person.

Voice: Shut up and listen, stop asking these questions and listen to me.


You are right now receiving a Revelation, Which only either the Apostle or the patriarch or whatever you call it. You are Neither.


I Know you are wondering why I am bestowing you this. Let me Tell you one thing, you have a consciousness and wisdom level of a 70 year old man. You are someone who reincarnated here from a different world and there are more people like you. This life is a new chance you are given.


Me: why was i Chosen??


- A flash happens and I see all sorts of things and information fills my mind. I understand the reason and also the moment this happened before when I was just an infant.


Me: What a horrible person I used to be. I started contemplating.


Voice : You won’t remember much after this is over.


Another flash happens and I am back at the church.


People are in an Awe as a halo and horns are present on me with sunlight directly surrounding me and sparkles going around me. The cardinal was startled and surprised. 


The moment I opened my eyes it all disappeared . People were in Fear and the Cardinal came forward and proclaimed, “A new Apostle has been chosen to serve the will of god!”


I Interrupted and said, “Well I am not the Apostle !”


Cardinal said, “we clearly saw the sign of you getting a revelation and –” I cut him again and said, “I did hear god's voice and he specifically said that only the patriarch or the apostle can receive this – ” The Cardinal cuts me and says, “You certainly are not the Patriarch!”

“I may not be the patriarch but I am also not the apostle. I just received some guidance from” I shouted.


The Cardinal then said, “I think you received a Blessing, nothing more or nothing less. This day was very Auspicious it seems. We shall see what your blessing is.”




I am ordained as a count and Declared officially as a high noble .


On my Eighth Birthday, My presents included: A blessing from god, Me learning that fact that I am an illegitimate child,  Becoming Wealthy overnight, Gaining Friends and enemies and lastly sorrow for learning the facts i shouldn’t have known.


With plates of silver having lavish food on a table in my room, Luxurious clothes on my body, I am but a sad and alone person inside not knowing who to trust when I feel betrayed by my own mother.




I Hire some mercenaries and go on my way to pulma while my mother and grandfather go back to Damas. James and Aldrich followed me to pulma.


I step in the house I was forcefully taken from, for my own good. I can’t understand why he did not try to take me back. Maybe it was to hide the rebellion. I search his documents and hide them in his old study and lock it with magic.


My mana flow after the baptism is very smooth and the amount has increased many folds.




2 Years Pass and I am 10 Now. I made James a baron in the County so he could serve me properly. He wouldn’t have inherited his father’s barony so making him a baron was okay.


Aldrich is on his deathbed and thanks me for being a good master to serve. He told me, Ever since he served a servant of god he was satisfied with his life and didn’t have any final wish. He gave me his prized magic stone which he had got from a dungeon when he was a young adventurer.


His Hand falls from my hand and tears Drop from my eyes to the Floor.



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