First Contact : Transmigration

Chapter 1: Chapter 001 : Planetfall

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"Prepare the ship for a long distance jump!" A soft voice echoed through the main bridge, cutting through the noise of various people speaking in agitation.

"Lady Yielliath! If we jump without finalizing a destination, the ship might not make it!" A being with copper colored hair and pale silvery skin spoke with conflict evident in her face.

"If we do chart a course, the enemy is likely to follow us to our spacial coordinates." Lady Yielliath said, ignoring the bright flares of light outside as the ship's shields struggled to keep up with the constant attacks of several battleships in hot pursuit.

Lady Yielliath had chocolate colored skin and ankle length hair that had a soft purple glow. Her facial features were extremely defined, with her shimmering purple eyes glancing at every one on the bridge.

"The Ieln'ai nearest patrolling battleships won't arrive in time, so we can only hope our ship can hold out." Lady Yielliath knew that although her people were extremely powerful even comparing to the top civilizations, the fact of the matter was her choice to leave their territory and now even her life was in danger.

"Kilure, is it done?" Lady Yielliath asked and a small dot appeared and grew until it assumed the form of a standard Ieln'ai with silvery skin and copper colored hair.

"Yes Lady. The engine is primed and I've started to redirect the reserves to increase our range. There is a problem however." Kilure said with a forced smile but wavered at the end.

"What is it Kilure?" Lady Yielliath asked and saw a line of text flash below Kilure and frowned. The ship wouldn't be able to remain intact if the shields fell now.

"The location indicates a random star field we haven't charted. If we jump, we are likely to collide with any large stellar bodies or even end up in a star if we're unlucky." Kilure knew perfectly that the ship ריליאַנט דאָן, or the Reliant Dawn was very tough, but with the shields worn down, the ship wouldn't last even a few minutes before the hull was compromised.

"Then let's hope we're not unlucky. Kilure, activate the engines." Instead of staying and dying or risking being captured by the Qhozol, it was better to attempt to escape even if it was dangerous.

"Feeding engines. Power levels sufficient. Beginning jump." Although no one on the bridge mentioned that doing a jump would send out a shockwave that could shatter large asteroids and if it was close enough, small planets, the situation was dire.

The screen flickered as the lights being displayed seem to lengthen into infinity, but at the same time, they also fell away and then the ship groaned and shuddered as the Reliant Dawn exited the warp point.

"Scanning ship's systems. Shields are holding at three percent and the integrity of the hull has dropped to seventy. But something is wrong." Kilure said as everyone heaved a sigh of relief at not dying upon arriving.

"Before the ship successfully jumped, our largest gravity actualizer took a hit. With our current momentum, we won't be able to alter our course." Lady Yielliath tapped a finger on the armrest of her chair and then looked at the map being displayed.

"From our statistics, we'll collide with a planet in a few thousand Qus. Based on the ship's durability, the ship may be scrapped on impact." Kilure said with a frown.

"Are there any lifeforms on the planet?" Lady Yielliath asked and Kilure nodded. Although the Ieln'ai didn't have any reasons to factor these creatures into the equation, it wouldn't be right to crash down without a care in the world.

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"Technological level?" Another silver skinned man asked and Kilure relayed what she managed to glean from the planet's available data. Although it could be faked, it was the only thing she could do now.

"Primitive." The divisions of technology could have been said to have several stages. Primitive, Inferior, Advanced, Superior, Pinnacle, Emerging, and Universal. A species that couldn't even achieve the Primitive stage was not worth mentioning, especially to the Ieln'ai who had long been possessed Universal Stage technologies.

"So they haven't left their galaxy yet? Then we should be safe if we do crash on the planet. With our shields down, the ship will be defenseless as all available power will go to repairs." Lady Yielliath said and then looked at the blue green planet with a bit of helplessness.

"We're six minutes out from planetfall. Our scans say we'll collide with an uninhabited landmass." Kilure said and saw Lady Yielliath rise and then turn to those on the bridge while her voice sounded throughout the ship.

"As you know, we're not in the best of situations right now. Before we make impact, everyone needs to secure themselves in pods in the scenario the ship cannot withstand the impact."

"Secure all transport ships and fighters. All personnel will enter pods to prevent the worse case scenario, the elimination of the entire crew. Stand by for further orders." Lady Yielliath gave her trusted officers a look and watched as they left unwillingly.

"Four minutes from planetfall." Kilure's voice sounded as Lady Yielliath sat down and placed a hand on her face. She left the safety of Ieln'ai controlled territory to meet an ambassador of another race but her decision to forgo a defensive escort was being paid for now.

"Three minutes to planetfall." Lady Yielliath knew the three kilometers long cruiser would at worse be damaged beyond immediate recovery on impact, and at worst, the Reliant Dawn's engine actualizer and gravity actualizers would be too damaged and would destabilize.

If that happened, even the planet would be vaporized as the Ieln'ai usually used such a safeguard to prevent Ieln'ai technology from falling into other species control. As a Universal Stage Civilization, the Ieln'ai had many enemies, mostly among the other Universal Civilizations as well as Emerging Civilizations who wanted to steal their technology and information accumulated over the millions of cycles.

"Two minutes to planetfall." Kilure kept watch as Lady Yielliath sat with a calm expression on her face. Just by age alone, Lady Yielliath could be said to have lived for several cycles, but if she died here, it would be a huge loss.

The oldest among the Ieln'ai had lived for more than several hundred thousand cycles and if Lady Yielliath died, the Gravex, the enemy who had attacked would be erased by the Ieln'ai in retaliation.

"One minute to planetfall." Kilure saw Lady Yielliath sigh and then slump in her chair. Although the bridge was extremely sturdy, perhaps the sturdiest part of the ship, the impact dampeners wouldn't be enough if the shields couldn't mitigate some of the impact.

"Ten seconds to planetfall." Kilure frowned when Lady Yielliath made no motion to move and the blue and green planet grew larger and ever larger still, some weak radio signals attempted to make contact them, but the velocity of the Reliant Dawn was too great to even attempt to veer off course.

"Engaging gravity actualizers." Kilure at the last second, before the Reliant Dawn entered the planet's atmosphere set the throttle to the maximum in the opposite direction and the ship groaned and shuddered as the ship became a three kilometer streak of power slamming into a small land mass below.

"Shields have been overwhelmed. Ship stability below ten percent!..." The moment the Reliant Dawn made impact, the immense force knocked Lady Yielliath unconscious amidst the sounds of Kilure's alerts.

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