First Contact…my way

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Handshake protocol

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The limousine stops about fifty meters away from our shuttle's front side. 

"Alright guys, our ride has arrived. Let's see what they do now," I said, trying to calm their nerves.

Several people exit the limousine, a man in a suit and I think those three are his bodyguards. Is it perhaps? is not the president. They all walk to the front of the car and the guy in the suit then waves at us, gesturing to come to him. 

"Alright, open the shuttle's ramp. Pilot you keep the shuttle secure, the others are with me but wait a bit before following me."

"Yes ma'am." All of them said in unison. How is that for a babysitting mission? Luckily they didn't see my grin.

The ramp slowly opens at the shuttle's rear end, making its hydraulic sound again. I slowly walk down the ramp but decide to wait before setting a foot on Earth. It's a small step for....nevermind, I just don't want to scare anyone. It's still November, but the temperature isn't cold at all today. A pleasant breeze enters the shuttle, filling it with fresh air. It sure smells like home, pity that it isn't anymore.

The immediate area around the shuttle is clear, but I still see several units keeping an eye on my every movement. Smile, Ayanna, smile...

I decide to move a few steps away from the ramp, when the pilot warns me that the shields are still up. So this is as far as I can go for the moment. I then slowly, really, really slowly, put my hands in front of me, like I'm surrendering. Let them see I am unarmed. All the time I am smiling, mouth closed. Showing teeth might be misinterpreted. I'm this careful because it only takes one person to pull the trigger and we have an unpleasant situation here. 

While I am waiting, I motioned for my guards to stay in the shuttle, we still have our shields on, so there is no risk for me at the moment. Then I hear a car approaching, I guess they radioed that I am standing at the rear, waiting to be greeted.  

Again the man in the suit exits the vehicle, his bodyguards right next to him. At least nobody is aiming a weapon at me, visibly that is. 

I lowered my hands, as they were starting to feel heavy while I had to wait. Then I wave slowly with my right hand. The man in the suit motions me to come to him.

But we are both startled when the shield makes a loud noise. Something has impacted it, causing the shields to glow yellow and it shows waves like a stone thrown in a pond.  

The body guards rush the man back into his car, but they don't leave. Nothing happens for a while.
I guess they are a bit jumpy, which is to be expected in this situation. I look around and see a marine lying on the ground, being pulled back by his teammates. I shout "are you alright?"

They don't reply, but use the radio again. 

And we are back where we were a few minutes ago. The man in the suit exits the car, extra carefully this time. He sees that I haven't moved a bit, but I feel that this is taking too long. I decide that they need some help, so I shout "Hi there. Is everything alright? I saw one of your marines being dragged away."

Great, he is looking confused, yep, I speak your language, now be nice to me. 

He straightens his jacket and shouts to me "yes, all is alright. We were only startled. Someone accidentally hit your...shields or something?"

"Yes they are shields, we will lower them in a few minutes. How about you come closer, so we don't have to shout?" 

I can almost see the gears in his head spinning, "can I trust the alien?"  Yes, my friend you can.
He comes a little closer, but still further away than where the marine was a minute ago. He stops about twenty meters away from me. I loudly say "do not be alarmed. We will lower our shields now. Do you understand?"

"Standby! I will tell the others!" he replied. I guess they want to signal the defense teams around here to not open fire.

"Yes, you can lower your shields now."

I turn my head, but otherwise don't move. "If you can, slowly lower the shields, otherwise drop them at once now."  

"Yes ma'am, dropping shields,"  the pilot shouted from the cockpit.

And sure enough the shields started to glow yellow, a dome shaped yellow all around us. The dome then split on the top, opening there, then slowly retracting until they are gone. 

"Shields are down!" the pilot shouted.

I focus on the man again and say, still in a loud voice, "we have lowered our shields. Be not alarmed, my three guards are following me outside." But I waited for him to nod in agreement.

I signal my guards and they are now standing behind me, their weapons ready.

"Stop!" The man shouted and startled me. Now what?

"What is it?" I said, probably sounding a bit frustrated by this overcautious behavior.

"Tell them to lower their weapons. I promise that you will be treated as our guest. You will not be harmed in any way," he said.

"Funny..." I said, " your Abrams, Apaches and snipers share your hospitality?"

Oh goddess, his face! Yes, my friend, I know all about the US military. This lady has fangs.

He hadn't expected that. "I assure you, they will not fire until I order them to. Now, PLEASE, ask them to lower their weapons."

I turn around and nod. My guards lower their weapons.

"Are you satisfied?" I ask, beginning to grow tired of these games.

"Yes, would you now please join me to meet the president?" he asked in a polite tone of voice.

"Am I at least allowed to bring along a guard?" I almost begged, making sure to sound really annoyed.

"I am afraid not. Again, I can only ask for you to trust me. You are our honored guest."

Alright, let's just play along. I have worked for the military, if I can't trust them, then I can trust nobody.

"Alright, I will join you. One moment." I said, waiting for the man to nod.

I turned around, "alright you guys wait in the shuttle and keep it secure. If they come too close, just raise the shields. But they should know better."

"Yes ma'am, by your command."

Good, I focus on the man again, and hear the ramp closing behind me. I look back one last time, yep it is closed. 

"Alright, I am now walking to you. Don't be alarmed." That guy is as nervous as hell, better play the slow game with him.

I stop ten meters before him, and say in a warm voice "I bring you warm greetings. I am unarmed."

"And warm greetings to you. You have my word that you are safe here."

"Good, then let us introduce ourselves. I am Ayanna Vohali, liaison-officer, representing the Galactic Empire's Council. But please just call me Ayanna."

"Nice to meet you Ayanna, I am David Walsh, I report directly to the president. You can address me as ambassador or as David."

"Nice to meet you too David. Now tell me, are you working for the CIA, FBI, NSA, or any of the other scary three letter word agencies?" Great, that face tells me all I need to know, boy does he look surprised at the moment!

"NSA actually. I am impressed by your knowledge of Earth matters," he said, showing a weak smile.

Oh wouldn't you want to know more....but I need to be careful with this one.

"Yes. I believe we are supposed to shake hands. Do you agree?" I said. Don't make any sudden movements...

"Of course, it is our custom."

"Ah, wait," I said. "Maybe a funny question, but why aren't you wearing a hazmat suit? Aren't you afraid to catch an alien cold or something?" 

"Well, not at all, but that is a long story. How about I inform you about that part in a more private setting?" me curious. 
I give him a warm, albeit fake, smile, and show my right hand, ready to shake hands. Then I slowly walk towards him. And then....we finally shook hands. Only now do I realize how tall I am compared to these people. Either I am really, really tall, or all of them are really, really short. I guess I am the tall one.

"Good, I was afraid that you weren't going to shake my hand, David. And I even showered this morning for this occasion." Trying to defuse some tension here.

"Haha, well said. I hope you don't blame me for being careful?"

"Not at all." But there is also something as being too careful David, but I didn't feel like I should voice my thoughts. 

He smiled, "great, now if you would please enter this vehicle. Ah, please mind your...head. "

Ouch, yep. Hit my head. This is one small limo, let me tell you.

He looked apologetic, so I said "I'm okay. Let's roll," while rubbing my head.


The driver then drove us right up to the entrance of Cheyenne Mountain Complex. 

"Do you mind walking for a bit?" David asked politely.

"Not at all, ambassador, please lead the way."

I noticed that there were guards posted at each corner, and two were always on my six, following my every move.

We walked past the huge blast door, entering a long corridor with that special color scheme that immediately makes you aware that you are inside a military building. I remember that this facility can withstand a direct nuclear attack; the blast door is one of the measures ensuring the safety of the people inside in such a situation. At the end of the corridor we stopped at a checkpoint where David needed to show his badge. Lucky for me I didn't need to wear any badge; they probably think that I can't read or write English anyway.  

One of the guards pressed the elevator button and after about ten seconds the doors opened. We enter the elevator and David takes us many, many levels down to sublevel 12. 

Outside the elevator is another checkpoint where David needs to show his badge, but it doesn't take much time. We are then led into a meeting room by one of the guards on this floor. The ambassador sits down and motions me to do the same. I think he is a bit rude or just very nervous, because I would ask my guest to sit down first. The meeting room's door remains open and I can see one guard waiting on the outside, even though another one is standing in a corner here.

I was about to sit down when I noticed a large mirror. Oh...don't tell me..yes, isn't that nice? A one-way-mirror.
Mirror mirror on the wall, playing games with me isn't nice at all...

"One moment please," I said to the ambassador. He looked a bit confused but then nodded. I slowly walked to the mirror, giving the impression that I am only interested in my own reflection. I don't directly look at them, but I still notice a security camera in each corner, the one above me is slowly rotating until its lens is locked onto my presence. 

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I decide to play their game for a while and pretend to look at my reflection, putting some hair behind my left ear. They must have seen my face properly by now, so I knock gently on the mirror. 

"Hello, are you coming to join us? I didn't come five billion light years to wait, you know." I said, while smiling.

"To whom are you speaking, Ayanna?" David said, with an obvious fake innocence in his voice.

I looked at him for a second, then at the mirror again "Really? Didn't you know that there are people behind this mirror?" Then I looked up into the camera, and said "I hope that you are at least using a 4K monitor to properly see my face." 

Can you blame me? I came all this way and they played the waiting game. 

Then the phone rang, the ambassador answered, "yes Mr. President," then he hung up.

"You are right, we were being careful. For that I sincerely apologize. The president is on his way."

"Good, I forgive you. David, you should really work on your diplomatic skills, I was almost offended," I said, making sure that he heard I was starting to get frustrated with these games.

He was already nervous, now even more so. Good, that is his fault for trying to fool me.


Then a guard enters the room, followed by an "all clear", then the president enters the room.

I decided not to move. Man, I really am tall. I remember the president from television, he was much taller in my memories. I give him a warm smile and say "warm greetings Mr. President. May I shake your hand?"

He walks towards me, smiles and extends his arm, giving me a firm handshake that makes me wince.

"Ah..sorry," the president says, "I am used to firm handshakes."

"No problem, allow me to introduce myself. Ayanna Vohali,  liaison-officer, representing the Galactic Empire's Council. But just call me Ayanna please."

"Truly an honor to meet you Ayanna, I am the president of this nation, Benjamin Marshall. Please call me Ben."

"The honor is all mine, Mr. President, eh Ben." Never thought I would be speaking informally to the President.

"Now, now, no need to be so formal Ayanna. Please...make yourself comfortable here," he said.

"Thank you, you are most kind. You speak the language of diplomacy quite well." I glared at the ambassador. I think he got the message.

"Mr. President, do you perhaps have a whiteboard for me to use?" I asked politely.

"A whiteboard? Really? Sure, anything else you will need?" The president then motioned David to take care of the matter.

"Oh god..dess..., yes, some coffee and a sandwich would be great,"  I said while rubbing my tummy.

I love the expression on his face. He must be wondering how I know all these terms, and of course use them correctly too. Guys...I used to be human...but I am not going to tell you!

Nobody says a word while we are waiting for the whiteboard to arrive. I check my comm.device to see if there are any messages waiting, but there is nothing at the moment. 

"If you don't mind me asking, what is that thing?" the president asked.

"It is more or less a smart watch. I was checking for emails." 

Again that face. I love it.

"Ayanna, are you sure you are an alien?" The president said jokingly.

"No, as far as I know none of my people are aliens, Mr. President." I replied, chuckling. Then I remembered that David should enlighten me about the lack of hazmat suits in this room.

"Eh..David? While we are waiting, as promised, would you perhaps now tell me why you think you don't need to wear hazmat suits? No offense, but my doctor tells me it is safe for me on Earth. But how do you know that my presence here is not a threat to your health?"

"None taken, Ayanna," the President said, glaring at David. David must have said a bit too much earlier.
"Well, Ayanna, let me be honest with you here. Do you remember when you sent us your message, and we needed some time to reply?" The President said.

I nodded, but then David continued, "Well..we have met your people before. They crash landed here a long time ago. We didn't know what to think when we saw a familiar alien face contacting us. No offense." 

"None taken. Wait...don't tell this about, what was that town called again? Red, no. Cromwell, no....Ah! Roswell, New Mexico."

Both of them looked surprised, "you knew about that too?" David said.

"Well, I knew something crashed there, but not that they were my people. Oh goddess, what about their bodies, what did you do to them?"

The President shrugged and glared at David again, the ambassador obviously is responsible for revealing a state secret.

I guess David knows more about classified stuff than he does in this case.

"Eh....well...we preserved them on ice."

"I see. And that is why you know that I'm no biological threat to you?" 

"That is correct, yes. Our bodies are mostly very similar, so is our immune system. Now we are speaking about hazmat suits and stuff, just to be sure, would you allow us to take some of your blood?"

"David! She is our guest here. What's wrong with you?" The president was pissed at David's blunt behavior. 

I put up my hand, as in the stop sign, and said "It is no problem Mr. President. But I need something in return."

"Name it," David said to the annoyance of the president.

"I want my people to go home, even if they died a long time ago. Where are they? Area51?"

"No....somewhere else, but I'm afraid..."  David tried to speak, but was interrupted by the president "...we will gladly return the bodies to you as a token of goodwill."

"Thank you Mr. President. I accept your kind token of goodwill and will gladly offer some of my blood to you."

"Thank you Ayanna. But seriously, you really do seem to know many things about Earth, have you been observing us?" the ambassador asks.

I shake my head, "no, we only arrived recently. But we have been watching your television broadcasts for quite some time. We have a strict non-interference policy, until a civilization reaches a certain level of technology. Which you recently did. But for that I need the whiteboard."

"Ah, I see. Who would have thought that we needed a whiteboard to start an intergalactic meeting," the ambassador said.

"Hahaha," the three of us laughed, only the guard didn't move a muscle. 

"Ambassador, my apologies, you DO have a sense of humor,"  I said.

But before the ambassador could reply, the president said "I like that you have humor, I really like to see that in people, eh, I mean.."

"I know, Mr. President. The feeling is mutual. Humor is perfect for meetings like these. Imagine that we were all so nervous that we couldn't speak. Now that would be bad."

At that point, the whiteboard is delivered and then put against the wall.
But more importantly, coffee and sandwiches have arrived!

I walk towards the whiteboard, and relocate it, so that the mirror is partially covered. They hate it, but they don't say anything. 

"Ah, do you mind?" I asked, pointing at the coffee.

"No, please be my guest," the president said. 

I took a cup and saucer and a spoon, then poured some coffee in my cup. Then added some cream.

"Do you want some too?" the two shook their heads. Nice, more for me.

I took the cup, smelled the fragrance and breathed it in.....nice....and the was divine!

"You seem to like our coffee," the ambassador said.

"Are you kidding? This is amazing, I saw this on your television shows, but it is even better in real life."

We all had a good laugh, while I stood up and started drawing on the whiteboard. I don't know if they noticed that I wrote in English though...

I explained to them what had happened. The atom-communication incident that had accidentally created an emergency transmission. The fact that the Groknac destroyed the USS Portland and new ones were coming this way. And of course that we were ready to protect them, with mutual friendship as the only payment. We only need one formal request for help from Earth, but it has to be a global majority decision.

I drew the milky way galaxy, then apologized for not being able to properly draw, and showed where both our worlds relative to the Groknac were. I also explained to them that Earth is located at our borders, in a rather uninteresting part of the galaxy, so our presence here is minimal. I apologized again for the "uninteresting" part, but they didn't mind.

Of course they wanted to know who exactly the Groknac are, so I recited everything I could remember from my training. They were of course mostly interested in things like enemy strength, numbers, weapons and shielding. 

We managed to make good progress in a short amount of time. During a coffee break I asked them if they had some kind of defenses against orbital units that I should know about. Something that could help our cause. 
I asked "please tell me you have a big honkin space gun hidden somewhere that I don't know about yet?" 

Both of them shook their heads, but I felt that they weren't completely honest. I decided against pushing the matter. I informed them that our reinforcements were already on their way, anticipating the request for help, but also that they might arrive a bit late.  

Our meeting was interrupted by a medic who was only interested in drawing some of my precious blood.


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