First Contact…my way

Chapter 21: Chapter 18: Smiling goddess

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While Taegen waits in his own quarters, as we are now awkwardly separated again, I am joining the Admiral for a debriefing session.

I saluted her, and said "good afternoon Admiral, liaison-officer Vohali reporting for duty, sir."

"Warm greetings, Ayanna. Please sit down. Good that we finally meet in person."

"Yes, Admiral." I then sat down, remembering to keep my skirt straight before sitting and then sitting properly like a lady.

The Admiral smiled that I followed military etiquette.

"I see that you have properly adjusted to way of life shall we say. Well done."

"Thank you Admiral."

"Now tell me Ayanna, how is life in the military treating you?"

"Honestly, all is perfect and I feel great. Besides, I just learned that I am pregnant. And I am married now too!"


"Ah, sorry. I mean I am now One with Taegen Pasalor. He is my other half."

"Really? Ah, right he is your comm.officer. Amazing how the mysteries of life can unfold. My congratulations."

"Thank you Admiral. It's just that Taegen received orders that will take him away from me."

"Aww, I see. Well, orders are orders. Which brings us to you."

The Admiral and I then discuss the series of events that had led to the destruction of the ISF Arbella, the ship I was initially assigned to. Then the aftermath, from towing the wreckage to the future of relations with Earth.

"Good, now that your mission is complete, let me say this. I have recalled you to my office for a reason. 
Another liaison-officer has been dispatched to Earth, hoping that she could motivate them to join our Empire in the future." The Admiral said.

"Of course, you want a specialist to take over."

"Oh no, no, no. That is where you are wrong. Let me explain. Your performance in helping Earth to send a proper request for help was above and beyond expectation. You are new in our military, new in your physical body and had to deal with people who were previously your superiors. You showed an uncanny ability to think clearly in a crisis situation and look for creative ways out of the mess that you were put in. Your suggestion to do a, let me check, mini-jump, as you called it, was crucial to the success of this mission. This scenario will be added to the training materials in our academy. You also successfully balanced the interests of Earth and our people and always respected the chain of command."

"Thank you, but you are giving me too much credit, Admiral." 

"I don't think so. Do you think that I am the one who decides policy around here? No, you may not see it, but you have been properly evaluated from different angles. Let me read to you a restricted note from your service record, entered by your former Second in Command, Vencan.
She is young, but wise beyond her years. She shows proper military etiquette and speaks the language of diplomacy fluently. Her innocent remark about simply making a mini-jump changed the tide in our encounter with the Groknac. Of course there was more to it then just some jumps, but she clearly thinks out of the box. This one has a bright future ahead of her. It is therefore my opinion AND the opinion of my late captain, captain Strithik, that she should be put up for promotion. I would love to see what she is truly capable of."

I blushed after this comment. "I don't know what to say. I just did my job."

"And that's exactly what makes you a good officer, you stand firmly on the ground with both feet. You don't need compliments to do your job. But this time you have earned them. Well done Ayanna." 

I looked at the table in embarrassment.

"Ayanna, let me continue."

"There is more?"

"Ha ha ha, yes of course. Why do you think I talked about promotion? Yes, you are being promoted."
She smiled again, and continued. "The president of Earth, if I recall correctly.."

I shook my head "no, the president of the United States. Earth has not progressed yet to have a single person representing all of Earth."

"I see, thank you for the clarification. Well, the good man contacted me through the comm.device of the new  liaison-officer. He told me, in the liaison-officer's presence, that their new officer sucked. I do not understand that reference, but clearly he was displeased with her. You have only been away from Earth for about two weeks, but he wants you to come back to Earth if we ever want to talk about Earth's future again."

I looked at her, hoping that my deepest wish would come true. 

"Ayanna, the current liaison-officer on Earth will leave her post soon. You will take over from her as the Council's official ambassador to Earth. Congratulations on your promotion!"

"Thank you Admiral. I don't know what to say, except... thank you!"

"Ah, don't thank me yet. Your mission will be to prepare Earth for membership of the Empire. Which means you will have to show some goodwill here and there to improve relations."


"Yes, the president politely demanded that you appear on something called TEEVEE at some point in the future."

"Oh goddess, no."

"Oh yes. Just play along, those are the perks of diplomacy."

"Yes Admiral."

"Well, there is one more thing Ayanna."

You are reading story First Contact…my way at

"There is?"

"Would the chance of Earth becoming a member increase when someone would be there to help you?"

"Yes, I think so? Who is it?"

"Could you use an officer like, let me check his name. I always Taegen Pasalor?"

I must have looked surprised "oh goddess, are you sure Admiral? Did you really say that?"

"Of course!"

"Then yes admiral! Thank you so much!"



After properly thanking the Admiral and saying goodbye, I rushed to meet Taegen.

"Taegen! We have new orders"

"Yes, I noticed the update! How did you do this? We can be together!" 

"I think the goddess really smiled on us today, Taegen!"

These are my new orders
Name: Ayanna Vohali
Rank:  Ambassador to Earth, diplomatic division
-Report to the ISF Arraele for transportation to Earth 
Ongoing diplomatic objectives
-improve relations with Earth
-persuede Earth to become a member of the Empire
Other objective: learn to read, write and speak the Shalna language.


The very next day, Taegen and I boarded the ISF Arraele, a smaller maintenance vessel. Due to the ship's smaller size, we would be traveling to Earth for about three weeks. This time we were assigned to the same quarters intentionally, so neither of us complained. 

One day, after traveling to Earth for about two weeks, the alarm that I had set, dutifully woke me up at 0600. After a quick shower I was preparing to put on my uniform, that is when I was startled by the reflection in my mirror. I looked like Rudolf the Blue Nosed reindeer...except that my nose didn't glow. My nose practically screamed "look here! this one is pregnant!" Oh goddess, it took me a while to overcome my fears and dared to walk outside of my quarters. But Taegen helped me to calm down and said that I looked cute.

After a very unsettling breakfast, where, I swear, I saw all the female staff smile at me, I continued my Shalnaen language lessons. Studying was the only thing I could do as our orders would only start when we arrived on Earth. 
Taegen helped me with pronunciations, but that could only work when our translators were offline. What we couldn't say with words, we said with our hearts, and some passionate kisses. This definitely helped me to make some progress with learning the language.  

After traveling for a total of three weeks, we finally entered Earth's orbit. A shuttle takes us down to the planet, but this time we land in what was previously known as Area51. A newly built embassy welcomes us, while we are enjoying all the security benefits of a military installation. Well, it is actually still under construction, so it is not yet suitable to entertain guests.  

After landing right in front of the building, I see a familiar face heading towards us.
The shuttle opens its ramp with its signature hydraulic sound. 

"Warm greetings ambassador Vohali and comm.officer Pasalor."

"Warm greetings, liaison-officer Norfina," Taegen and I said.

We all saluted and then Norfina continued.
"I'm sorry that you have to take over from me. It seems that the people of Earth are....incompatible with me I'm afraid."

"Really? I have heard many good things about you. You were able to keep up good diplomatic relations with Earth, so what has happened?" I asked.

"Well, ambassador, don't get me wrong. They are nice people, but they always say something and mean something completely different. I just don't understand them, so I feel..."


"Exactly. The president recently said that I sucked. But I was not eating or drinking at the time."

I smiled at her, as I noticed that she wanted to continue.

"Another example was that I needed to hold my horses, but I don't have any animals?"

"Ha ha ha," I was laughing really loud, "...sorry, sorry. Yes, I see your point. But don't worry, I will take over your burden from now on." 

"Thank you so much. Ah, and before I forget. The president kept his word about our people who crashed here a long time ago."

"Ehhh....ah, you mean the Roswell crash?"

"Yes, that's the one. We are now returning them home."

"Well done, and until we meet again."

The next month was spent getting the embassy up and running. Teams from the ISF Arraele had to install proper communications equipment, a medical bay and some food dispensers. The last one was Taegens idea, as I'm perfectly happy with Earth cuisine. First thing I am going to do is to get it to make some coffee and cookies. And I promised to share our fishy recipe for Seared Planar Serval with the president and his ambassador.


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