Fix Smile Order

Chapter 96: CH 96

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Tan Lingyin went back angrily. She was restless and became sullen for a while. After a bit of contemplating, she felt her reaction was a little strange: Why was she acting this way?

Tang Feilong only climbed up in terms of status; just another ‘rags to riches’ story. What was she so angry about?

It couldn’t be that... that... um, she felt something for him?

As if just struck by lightning, Tan Lingyin felt her heart start beating wildly. She immediately started to deny this idea: How come? Based on what? How could she possibly like him?! What's so good about him? He's not the type she likes at all, okay? He also did so many bad things: robbed her of money, changed her book, and made her infamous.

He also laughed at her and used his fiancee to oppress her.

Tan Lingyin felt irritated for a while. In the end she comforted herself by thinking: So what if she was confused and started to start to feel something for him? He was about to get married; she would never steal meat from another’s person's plate.

Coming back to the subject of Tang Feilong's marriage, Tan Lingyin had to admit that she was indeed a little depressed and found it a little hard to accept. Probably because his fiancée was too good, far exceeding her estimate of his worth.

Tan Lingyin said to herself, "What's so great about getting married? I just have to nod my head and I can get married right away. Zhu Dacong is also very good."

Well, Zhu Dacong was indeed not a bad candidate. However, Tan Lingyin was not fond of him. She pushed the thought of Zhu Dacong to the side, but was still in a foul mood; she still couldn’t think of a good solution for her current dilemma.

She didn't want to see Tang Feilong for the time being. She didn't want to stay in the same place with him and she didn't want to think of him. Her response to this unfamiliar and confusing emotion was tio avoid it. In the end, she ‘ran away from home’ with Tang Tang.

She didn’t go far away. Tan Lingyin left the county government’s office, turned left, and walked into Gutang Bookstore.

There were two gates between the Southern Study and the Gutang Bookstore, which were usually guarded. Seeing a sullen Head Commissioner Tan leaving with Tang Tang and a small bag, all the guards acted in unison, and immediately reported the matter to the County Magistrate.

Tang Tianyuan was still anxiously thinking about how to coax a girl. When he heard this report, Tang Tianyuan was in between laughter and tears. That brazen girl was quite temperamental. Fortunately, she went to Gutang Bookstore. If she had run any further, he wouldn't mind tying her up and dragging her back.

In any case, he was the one who angered her, so it was his duty to coax her back.

Tang Tianyuan went to the Official Registrar Hall first. There were several pots of chrysanthemums raised by Zhou Zhengdao. The chrysanthemums didn’t do well in the cold weather, so they were rarely seen outside. Zhou Zhengdao was lighting a charcoal pot indoors. The chrysanthemums he raised were full of vigor, and bloomed very well. Tang Tianyuan walked in and asked Zhou Zhengdao, "County Deputy Zhou, can you lend me a few flowers?"

Zhou Zhengdao knew what he was going to do. Although he was distressed, the magistrate's face had to be given. So he reluctantly nodded and smiled, "Lord, no harm in picking a few."

Tang Tianyuan really began to pick chrysanthemums without any guilt. Some red, some yellow, he picked a couple of every color, and finally tied them into a bunch and walked away.

Zhou Zhengdao's heart bled as he looked at his once beautiful flower that had been destroyed.

Tang Tianyuan arrived at Gutang Bookstore with a bouquet of flowers. Unfortunately today was Gutang Bookhouse’s day off, so it was closed. He looked around for a while, and finally decided to jump over the wall and enter the backyard.

As soon as he entered the backyard, Tang Tianyuan heard the sound of a door opening. Tang Tianyuan hurriedly hid behind the wall and quietly stuck his head out to look.

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A young man came out of a room with a wooden bucket. He closed the door and said to the person inside, "Boss, wash slowly. If you need anything, just hit the gong."

The person inside didn't speak, so the young man closed the door and left.

Tang Tianyuan knew that this ‘boss’ was Tan Qingchen; it seemed that he was taking a bath. He was not interested in men taking baths, but he was interested in Tan Qingchen. In particular, he wanted to know if Tan Qingchen had scars on his body, and what kind of scars he had. He had inquired with Tan Lingyin before, but she was on guard and didn't want to say anything explicitly.

There are questions unanswered pertaining to Tan Qingchen's past. Tang Tianyuan actually had a bold guess, but he didn't tell anyone for the time being.

With an opportunity presented to him, Tang Tianyuan temporarily put the matters of Tan Lingyin aside. Wanting to find out, he tiptoed to the window of the room.

Poking a small hole in the window paper, Tang Tianyuan leaned over and looked in through the small hole with one eye.

The person bathing inside was sitting in the tub, with their back facing him. The water in the tub was relatively full, and was above the armpits, leaving only the outline of their shoulder blades. While they washed, their body also moved along with the water. Their black hair covered most of the shoulders that were exposed above the water.

In short, nothing could be seen.

Tang Tianyuan did not plan on giving up so early as his face was almost pressed against the window. He held his breath and stared hard at Tan Qingchen's back. Finally, when Tan Qingchen raised his arm, Tang Tianyuan saw a small scar on his back.

This scar should not be small. It was just one end that was exposed; most of it was covered by the water and his hair.

Oh how Tang Tianyuan wished he could just run in and lift his hair up with his hand. He really wanted to get a clearer look at Tan Qingchen’s scar.

Stand up! Stand up! Let me see how big it is. He screamed in his heart.

Naturally, Tan Qingchen didn't hear his cry as he continued to take his bath at ease.

Tang Tianyuan consoled himself that once Tan Qingchen finished his bath, he would be able to see the scar clearly.

Sadly, he was unable to wait till that moment.

Tan Lingyin wanted to find a few books from the front. When she passed by her brother's room, she happened to see someone leaning against her brother’s room’s window; acting very suspicious.

The man also held a handful of chrysanthemums behind his back, shaking it from time to time, like a dog wagging its tail.

Tan Lingyin knew that her brother was currently taking a bath. So, this pervert was here to sneak a peek at her brother bathing?

Peeking was peeking, but to even hold a bunch of flowers– that was too provocative.

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