Fixing the Blade

Chapter 4: Fixing the blade (part 4)

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“So, let's be straight, what is your business with this Little Big Sister, Violet?”


As Amai sit across the table in front of the twin, she crosses her hand in front of her face, keeping a seemingly intense aura. As if responding in kind, Violet also stares back at her with intense seriousness.


“Good to see you, Violet~~. Here, have some treats~~.”


Meanwhile, cutting straight through the serious-like atmosphere, Ms. Rossa placed down a set of treats to give to the both of them with a bubbly feeling. As it made an audible “Clunk” sound, the 100 kg dish of treats plumped straight in front of them, blocking their entire view.


“Would this be enough~~? I can bring more if you want~~.”


“That would be enough, Ms. Rossa.”


“Aw~~, but you look so skinny, Violet. You should bulk yourself up a bit more, you know~~.”


“I appreciated the gesture, Mr. Rossa, but not to worry. My body is already optimized for the peak physical height I could achieve right now.”


“Besides, this is just a light talk, Mom. Just this much is enough.”


As Ms. Rossa’s figure towering above them, her beautiful and homely face looks at them softly, as she casually chat with both Amai and Violet. As her giant hourglass figure of over 2 meter tall gently sway side to side, her big chest and buxom sway along with her vibrant verdant hair, their presence feeling like mountains moving, and continents shifting. 




As Mauve can only think of such when looking at her big and fit body straight up, she lay her face to the side, resting on her muscled hand. 


“Well, if you said so, Sweety~~. Well, I’ll be at the back, so call me if you need more treats~~.”


“Okay, Mom!”


As she bade them farewell, Ms. Rossa slowly and softly turn around and go outside of the guest room, which is filled with many kind of plant on the wooden table and shelf, as she made rumbling step that can be felt from under their feet, Waving back at her with a smile, Amai  once again return to her serious mode, as she look straight deep into their eyes (while the orb she bring with her keep chowing down on the treat instead, using the vine growing from it body to bring into it mouth)


“So, once again, what’s your business, Violet? Give it to me straight.”


(S-Such intense pressure! As expected, it must be a serious business…!)


As Mauve sits stupefied in front of Amai’s serious aura, Violet, once again keeping an extremely straight face, gently brings her stuff to the table…


“Once again, this time I brought confectionery for the whole family. This time I pack roughly 1 ton of treats of various kinds, enough for your family to eat for a week.”


“Aww~~! Thank you, Violet. Um~, Our family likes your chocolate cake a lot!”


“As usual, I have to make it with a lot of care, so I appreciate the praise.”   


As Amai casually reached down to the endless void inside the gift box and took out a cake, she ate it with a pure smile on her face, radiating a soft light aura. Surprised by all of this, Mauve almost fell down the chair from the whiplash.


Keeping himself together however, he also brings out his gift from under the table.


“H-Here is my gift to you as well, Miss Amai.”


“Fufu, just Amai is fine, I’m not that old or anything...Wow, is this a brand new set of gardening tools? Thanks!”


“I-It’s nothing much. I’m sure you have a lot of gardening tools already…”


“Indeed, in fact I have.”


While still eating the cake, she brings the box of tools onto one of the walls, as if opened up by itself, revealing countless tools hanging on the wall, in pristine glistening condition, shining through the entire room.


Having to wear sunglasses to be able to look at it directly, Amai then neatly places the tools box inside the opening, while Mauve struggles to see through all the shine (meanwhile, Violet already prepares herself a pair of sunglasses as well). Seeing how many she has, Mauve feel a bit sad about it.


“...Looks like you do have many gardening tools already. My gift is a bit excessive, huh.”


“Nah, it’s the thought that counts! Besides, we go through these tools a lot in our line of work, so having a replacement is always needed. The tools you get for me are pretty well-made, so I’m sure that I will be able to use them often!”


“For how long?”


“Around a week, Violet!”


(The tools Fourth Brother made will last only a week?...As expected of mother, definitely gotta smugly tell him about it)


As Mauve smugly thinks about something to brag about. Amai finally finished eating the cake, as she once again flipped back to her serious mood (while still having cake on the side of her mouth) 


“Okay, now that’s done...I have something I wanted to confirm…”


(!! This time it must be really serious…!!)


“Do you have a boyfriend? Have you kissed yet? Have you tied the knot and bagged him on the spot?”




This time, Mauve fell straight down to the floor with his leg straight up. Ignoring all that, Violet answers her with a straight face.


“Though I have someone I’s yet too early for me to express my feelings for them. Considering my situation right now, I want to be truly ready, before I can tie the knot, as you said.”


“Aw~~, how serious of you! Did you intend to support them for the rest of his life or something?”


“If that’s what I must do.”


“Ooo, that’s some lucky gold-digger he must have been to have you. What’s his name by the way? How does he look?”


“I don’t want to give out his name...But he is very fit.” 


“Oh, really? You must bring him to me next time...Also other people as well, if you have them as deep mutuals.”


“I will, of course...oh yeah, I want to introduce you to Martia as well. He’s the one who helped me out a lot in my recent journey.”


“That I can tell~~...He must be reallllly adorable for you to said that…”


“What does “adorableness” have to do with him here...Though he is very lovable.”


As they both have a casual, floaty chat with each other, with Amai giddily smiling along, Mauve struggles to get up to the table, looking haggard for some reason. Seeing that, Amai gently shakes her head from side to side, with a face tint of disappointment.


“Oi, Big Little Bro, why do you look like you just got hit by a golem fist? Is our conversation too maidenly for your virgin heart?”


“That isn’t what I was concerned about! A-And who is a virgin!?”


“...Oh??? Then who did you bag up then? This Little Big Sister is verrrrry interested, HMm~~”


“I-It’s not of your concern~~…”


As Amai suddenly became very curious about Mauve, she then leaned at him very closely across the table with a giant big smile on her face,  making him avert his face in shame. Seeing that it would go nowhere fast, Violet then coughed lightly, catching their attention


“Ahem, can we continue with our talk, Amai?”


“Aw...Look like I have to ask you about this later, Mauve.”


“(I prefer you not ask this at all!)”


“So, one last question I have with you, Violet…”


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Once again, donning her serious mood that has sharply dropped in value, Amai began her question with a straight face (that also dropped in value). Expecting another silly question, Mauve let himself relax.


“(It’s probably another silly question again, I shouldn't be expecting…)


“So what happens now, after you get exiled out of your kingdom by your own brother?”




“Well, I get to keep my property, so there isn’t any immediate concerned, aside from having to personally relocate my staff back to my house. I am not allowed to keep the surname “Victoris” anymore though, so I goes with Violet now.”




“Ah, I see...don’t you have another surname you could use? From your mother’s lineage or something?”


“...I am not worthy of that name, at least not yet.”


“I see...your mother would have wanted you two to use it though. She wouldn’t care about how worthy you’re of it or anything...”


“...Even so, this is my personal feeling about it. It wouldn’t change...No, it will not change, at least for now.”


“...I see.”




With a seemingly pained smile from Amai and the same straight face from Violet, the atmosphere turned somber, as a quiet and subtle feeling connected the two of them. 


Even at it’s now...even at different times, and different places. The feeling between the two of them doesn’t change, for better or for worse…


And with how suddenly he gets marinated with those emotion, Mauve is forced to retort.


“...Wait, this is a serious conversation???”


“...And how are you surprised with it, again? This story even involves you, you know?”


“Owowow...I mean, I thought it’s just another casual question~~!”


As Amai retorted back with a finger pushing on his face, she start questioning him intensively, making him feel 


“That’s no excuse, you heartless brother~~. How dare you say anything when you’re the one who kicked your own sister out.”


“I-I don’t have a choice! Big Sis suddenly wants to take over this kingdom, so I have to prevent her from shackling herself to this place…”


“By taking over that incompetent king’s seat, and then personally exile your own sister~~?”


“I-It’s the only way I can make her leave! She wouldn’t listen to anyone else…”


Amai then began to drill into Mauve face with her finger, as he feel increasingly more indignant (and secretly want to cry)


“And furthermore, how dare you treat our conversation as child’s play huh? I’ll let you know every conversation we have so far is serious 100% seriously~~”


“Wait, that’s what you’re mad about!?


“No talking back, this cruel Big Little Brother! No wonder your lover dumped you after a one night stand~~…”


“I-I don’t even have a girlfriend to begin with, not to mention a one night stand!”


“Hoh...So you admit it then? You don’t need to lie to this Little Big Sister about not having an affair you know~~~”


“(! Is this what she aimed forrrr?!)”


As her frown quickly turns back into a smile, Amai once again teases Mauve with a bright atmosphere around her, as Mauve slowly reduces to a sobbing mess from all this mess. Once again seeing that this will turn nowhere fast, Violet then silently bonks Amai’s head with a handchop.


“Stop teasing him, Amai. I wouldn’t be able to get to my business if you keep messing with him.”


“Tehe, sorry Big Little Sis!”


“And Mauve, what did I say about being unreasonably emotional? Keep yourself together, stat.”


“Yes, Big Sis!”


As Mauve immediately composed himself like a train soldier, Amai took an interested look.


“Ho, to train him for that well...He sure is whipped into shape.”


“It’s my duty to make sure Mauve is as strong as possible, in all possible facets.”

“...Look like you do a pretty good business about it. Little Big Sister here is proud.”


“It’s only my duty, no need for praise...Anyway, about my business…”


“Yeah I know, it’s about the sword on your hip right?”




As Mauve realizes the situation is serious at last, he takes a proper seat in front of Amai, as Violet gently places the katana onto the table, letting Amai hold it. While he’s holding a proper pose, Mauve can’t help but retorted


“Um, if you know, then why do you keep leading us around?”


“That’s called etiquette. Did Violet not teach you about the proper etiquette in this house?”


“Wait, there is? Why didn’t you tell me anything about it, Violet?”


“Because there isn’t, Mauve. Amai here just like receiving gifts and chatting with people first, before they can do any official business.”


“Besides, you haven’t come back in a long time, so is it wrong to want to have a bit of chatting (and teasing) in the first place? Don’t tell me you are seriously considering just talking to me about the problem, expecting me to solve it, and immediately leave?”


“N-No, of course not… (though I would like you of all people to not tease me, you know...)”


“Good, because consultation hour is 4:00 PM, every Sunday.”




“She also runs a consultation business, in which she helps people with their problems as a side job. If I remember correctly, she made a lot of money from that.”


“My ‘expertise’ has its weight in Adamantium, so of course I have to squeeze out its value, if you know what I mean...You’re Violet’s twin brother though, so my consultations are free of charge. You can come any time for my advice, including how to juggle between many wives effectively…”


“Like I said, I don’t need that kind of advice you know...But I definitely will come, if I need your help.”


Mauve said as such, while looking straight deep at her eyes. Flustered a bit, Amai then quickly returned back to her smiling self, feeling glad deep inside…


“...Well, if you said so, then this Little Big Sister here is glad to help! First we need to solve Violet’s problem though…What’s the problem with the blade you handed me?”


“Yes, Amai...this sword has a crack on the blade’s body, so I wanted to have it repaired, but it doesn’t want to…”


“...I see? But this sword looks completely fine on my end though?”


Looking a bit bewildered, Amai then unsheathed the sword, showing to the two of them its completely pristine condition. Moreover, the blade seems to shine even more, as if it’s trying to show it good side to her.

While Violet's face is as cooled as usual, seemingly expecting this, Mauve meanwhile is truly confused.

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