Fixing the Blade

Chapter 7: Fixing the Blade (part Final)

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‘...That’s what I’m afraid of.’





Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened


  • worried that something undesirable will occur or be done. 
  • unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of the consequences. 


Conclusion: I am experiencing fear against Amai. At the same time, I’m worrying that something undesirable will happen between me and Amai.


Problem: It’s impossible, I don’t feel fear.




  1. Fear is unbecoming of royalty (However, I am no longer royalty, so that is no longer unbecoming)
  2. Fear is an obstacle to becoming strong (However, fear is also necessary to becoming strong.)
  3. I have nothing to fear Amai for. (However, ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ )


Error: Elaborate point No.3 has experienced meltdown. Conflicting thought detected.


Reason: I have nothing to fear Amai for.




  1. Amai used to be Mother. 
  2. Amai used to train me very well.
  3. Even if Amai put me to death countless time, the training we have between me and Amai is the opposite of fear, but ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇


Error: Elaborate point No.3 has experienced breakdown. Can’t elaborate feelings contained within the count limit.


Reason: I have nothing but love for Amai.


Love that can’t be described.


Love that stays eternal.


Love that ca▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇.


Error: Conflicting thought process.


Conclusion: I have ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ to fear Amai for.


Error: Conclusion experience ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ 


▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ 




The next few days come without any incident.


Violet is on her routine job, making sure that her transition from royalty to an independent force within the Kingdom have been going smoothly, from relocating staff members, to finishing unfinished tasks, to kicking out challengers that’s coming in droves, mistakenly thinking that she’s out of touch.


Leaving the mess of challengers to the servants of her estate to handle, she receives a notice from Amai, delivered in the form of an overly elaborate letter, with engraving so beautiful it could be a national treasure.


‘I have done fixing the blade, Big Little Sister. I’m currently waiting at the Garden.’


With such a curt and casual message, Violet immediately went to the main garden, as per her instruction.


The garden of her estate is as beautiful as ever.


“As ever”, because the garden contains a beauty which lasts for eternity.


No matter spring, summer, fall, or winter.


No matter if it is clear or rain, storm or drought, feast or famine.


No matter how many people and forces try to destroy it.


The garden will remain indestructible, the garden will remain everlasting.


And with it, the timeless beauty of it will last forever.


In the midst of a myriad of brightly colorful flowers, freely swaying in the wind, underneath an evergreen tree, growing strong and ancient in the center of all the flowers, lasting from time immemorial to time forever after…


Amai stands there waiting, tending to a garden of flowers above a plaques, with high and tall stems, and rose-like petal wrapping to each other surrounding a beautiful stamen. Casually carried on her back, the sword, wrapped in cloth, looks snugly on her, as if it’s where it should belong.


“Mmn, your garden looks fantastic as usual, Violet.”


Looking back, Amai waves at her with her hand raised high, greeting her with as much energy and peppiness as she can show.


“It’s only with your constant effort, love and caring that made this garden possible, Amai.”


In response, Violet politely bowed to her, as she elegantly and silently came over, looking as indomitable as ever.


“Aw, you flatter me. Besides, I have seen that you also took care of this garden very well.”


“It’s only the thing I have to do. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to take care of the garden in the first place, if you haven’t personally made it for me as well.”


“Aw, now you flatter me again. Speaking of, where is that bundle of adorableness you mentioned from time to time? I want to see him.”


“You mean Martia? He is still exploring the capital right now, along with his friend. It will take awhile until he comes back here.”


“Oh, I can wait, not like I have anything to do today anyway. Oh yeah,--”


Having their casual chat like usual, the two of them harmoniously converse with each other, despite each following their own beat. 


Amai usually takes the lead, and probes answer out of Violet with her child-like curiosity and smile. ..


Violet perfectly responds to every question with a proper answer, with the same calm tone and still face... 


It has always been their routine, from back when they first met, and back when they first met again. It’s what it always was, and it seems to be what it always will be...


After quite a long while, Amai finally stopped, as she then brought the sword toward her. 


“Well, chat over...It’s time for the test.”


Taking the sword and unwrapping the cloth, she finds the sword looking the same as ever. Still the same white handle and violet scabbard. Still the same simple guard, and the same simple single-edged blade, shining in the sun. 


“I don’t change its outer appearance much, since I figured that you would be much more comfortable handling the same blade as usual.”


“What’s important is what is within...But first, try to follow the tenets hidden within this blade.”


“I will.”


Holding the blade upright, she gently closes her eyes, as she concentrates her will into the blade.


“Not “around” the blade, at its edge...Penetrate deep within, and fill the blade to the brim.”


As she concentrates, and engraves the sword with her will, the blade slowly glows a bright white, as if trying to outshine the sun.


“Fill, fill, fill...until the blade fully becomes my own.”


As if trying to contain the shine, the light, shining all over the garden, gradually converges, until it all contains deep within the blade, as it’s fully coated with a pure white color, blank of all features and reflection.


As she checks that her control is complete, Violet, still keeping her control, then begins to dive deeper into her consciousness, as she’s now fully connected with the blade. 


“From rigidity, to flexibility (Solid to Liquid).”


Then, the blade “unfurled”.


As if a flower is blooming, the blade slowly expands, and separates itself into long petals, as it softly blossoms into a tall, rose-like flower. In the very middle, a stamen is left, standing straight above the interlacing and multi-layering petals of flowers now surrounding it.


“Ooh, a flower-theme swordsmanship huh. It looks very beautiful, Violet.”


With the sincere cheering of Amai, Violet silently nodded, then after that…


“From flexibility, to weightlessness (Liquid to Air).”


The petals, as gently as they’re unfurled, now also gently detached from the flower, and float into the air one by one. Leaving the stamen behind, the petal tenderly hover and circling around the blade, as if it’s now a conductor. Following its silent and still command, the petal dances around all across the garden, driftly touching each flower and plant, as it bounces from leaf to leaf in mischief.


“From weightlessness, to the essence (Air to Void).”


Then, the petal slowly dissipated, as its particles now rest between the petals and leaves of the garden, as well as floating freely in the air, the stamen also disperse away, and all it left is a sweet aroma softly covering the entire field.  It leaves all the living things around, from all the plants in the garden, to all the uninvited bystander who find themselves stopped working to marvel at the fairy tale-like spectacle happening in the middle, to even Amai herself, a feeling of restful calmness. Even in that deep peacefulness however, something arouses within all beings, as if waiting for the time to “awaken”…


“Then, free yourself from the essence (Void to Nothingness).” 


Then, when that time comes, everything glow brightly with a vitalizing halo.


This is the blade that awakens life in all.


This is the blade that gives life to the non-living, gives strength to the living, and gives potential to the strong. The blade which unlocked true potentials, and granted possibility to all things blessed by its light.


In short, this is the blade that eliminates weakness.


Not by cutting parts that are unneeded, the blade instead grants strength to even the weakest link. In doing such, the line between strength and weakness becomes blurred, and the being within the radius of the technique, found themselves becoming the perfect version of themselves.


As all the plants found themselves growing, blooming, and exhibiting themselves wildly. As all the servants found themselves squatting and screaming with all their might, as if their muscles were going to burst out of their clothes and their hair changing colors. As even space itself underwent evolution, and is about to advance to the next dimension…


“Okay, Violet. That’s good enough for me.”


With a smile, and a single clap, the sound makes the aura surrounding the garden completely gone away.


It wasn’t that the technique had been stopped.


It wasn’t that Violet’s mind got perturbed, and woken out. She has always been paying attention to Amai’s impression in the first place.


It was that, with the “clap” itself, it was a declaration that “the result is fine as it is”. With that statement spread to the entire field, the world has no choice but to “maintain” their state as it were, as if they’re always been perfect all along.


One can’t change perfection.


Neither can they eliminate weakness, to the thing that has none.


As such, both the sword, and Violet herself, have no choice but to stop. Gathering the glow back into one place, it silently turns back into a simple blade.


Violet, as always, is still as ever.


Neither the frustration of meeting overwhelming power, or the hopelessness of meeting an insurmountable wall. Without neither a disruption to her mental state, she just stands to accept things as it were.


Her natural disposition aside, it’s just as it always has been.


“(As expected, I still have a lot to learn.)”


With the thought repeated countless times, she silently listens to what Amai has to say.


“Mm! As expected, you catch up on it quickly! This Little Big Sister is proud of you!”


“It’s the least I can do.”


“A bit servitudely humble right there, but okay! Anyway, the theme of flowers is very gorgeous, like I said before, so I’m always in favor of you using it often. It could be much faster, though I know that you can already do it instantly anyway, so no point going there.”


“However, keep in mind that, since the definition of “weakness” and “perfection” is entirely subjective, it would be subjected to change by the opponent with much higher “persuasion” power such as myself. To combat this, I suggest that you leverage your own personal origin of “Infinity” into your technique, and change it from eliminating weakness to getting infinitely stronger and more well-rounded. Forcing your transcendentally massive willpower onto your surroundings also works as well, though I don’t need to remind you as to taking countermeasures against mental attack.”


“Also, since your goal are naturally beyond any normal standard, make sure that you don’t strengthen your allies too fast and too hard, making them nearly go berserk like earlier...Or well, if you does, just make sure that they don’t go berserk, by just forcefully clamping them down mentally.”


“Yes, I understand.”


The absurd power she casually exhibits.


The gentle guidance of unthinkable expectation.


The deep understanding and trust that she can do it, regardless of what requirement.


For Violet, it does not bring her any dread or stress. Nor does it bring her any despair, anger, or any sort of negative emotion.


For Amai, the person whom she carry endless respect, endless aspiration, and endless love, such lesson filled her with endless bliss and enlightenment


(And this is why, there is ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ to fear Amai for).


(Error: Conclusion experience ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇)


“Still, considering how successful you have done that, that means the sword has completely accepted you! I left a neat little “proof” on the blade itself as well.”


Following where Amai is pointing at, Violet then sees a marking on the side of the blade, glowing faintly. From the bottom near the guard, to the top of the blade, is a pattern of a familiar flower, with its stem growing long and straight, and a rose-like flower with a stamen big and beautiful.


“The Roadside Rose, the flower that grows beautifully no matter where they are, whether the hottest desert or the swampiest marsh, whether the frigid tundra or the scorching volcano…”


“To be able to show the Amarossa on our blade (that I just made recently), is to show that you’re the one worthy of carrying that name.”


With a bright smile, and reassuring words, she blows away all worry within one heart.


To be able to solve everything with just a smile...Amai now, is the same as who she was back then. No matter what, she will remain smiling at her, in the end.


(...And this is what I’m ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ off)


(Error: Conclusion is ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇)


“So, you don’t need to worry about carrying our names-”




This is why, Violet denied her word.


“Like I said before, I am still not able to receive your name just yet.”


More like, she feels like she has to.


“After all, I am still unable to fulfill your become strong, and strong enough to carry your name with pride.”


Compelled by force bubbling uncontrollably within her, she declined her acceptance, as if it was something unacceptable.


“So that’s why...My apology, but until I fulfill your purpose...I can’t accept this.”


With clear eyes and a steady mind, she made her decision looking straight into her eyes.


However, behind those clear eyes...


(Error: Decision conflicted ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇)


(Decision is True, Requirement for “Amarossa” not reached. Request denied. )


(Decision is False, Amai’s happiness value in danger of plummeting. ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ Directive Violated.)


(Error: Decision conflicted with current logic)


(Source: ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇)


(Error, Error, Error, ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇,▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇,▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇)




A light chop on her head. 


A comical sound made jestly from her mouth, with an unchanging smile.


Yet, Amai’s gaze upon her…


“What’s with all that robotic thought you have there? I don’t remember birthing nuts and bolts out of my womb.”


With soft, yet piercing eyes right into her soul, Amai cleared out Violet's thoughts in an instant.




They spend a few minutes, sitting side-by-side…


Under the evergreen tree, right by its root. Behind the Amarossa garden, surrounding a plaque.


They sit with their bare legs straight, touching the grass with the sole of their feet. 


Patting her head comically with the side of her palm, as if gently and comedically sawing at her scalp, she asks, in jest.


“So, done with your beep-boop thought?”  


“...I am done, Amai.”


Despite that, she still looks the same as always, with the same clear eyes full of clarity, and the same emotionless face, filled with stability.


For no matter what happens, she will always be acting the same: with sanity, with honesty, and with calmness. Even if the world turns upside down and all things turn sideways, she will anchor herself steadily, and unwaveringly go into her own path.


For she is strong at birth, and stronger with ages. Her mentality is always that of a great warrior, of a wise sage, and of an eternally shining light.




“So, what’s with all that robot logic stuff you have there?”


“...It’s when I need to think logically.”


She was without flaw, and rarely faced a moment of weakness.


Because of that, when she faced such moments, she found herself in an unfamiliar place.


“When I face a problem, that thinking normally wouldn’t work, I decided to eliminate as much irregularity as I can, and optimize my thinking, leading it toward the most correct answer.”


When she faces an unfamiliar situation, she still acts as always.


With strength, with sanity, with clarity, with honesty and calmness.




“However...looks like by eliminating all irregularity, I was ignoring the true cause of it. Hence, logical thought becomes illogical, and what should be the most correct answer, becomes conflicting thought.”


“That it is. So, do you know what the true cause is?”




With strength, meant without weaknesses.


With sanity, meant ignoring one’s insanity.


With honesty and calmness, meant without comforting lies, and soft sentimentality.




“Oh yeah, do you know why I gave you two my name?”




Suddenly, Amai speaks out, almost as naturally as it comes.

So easy was it, that it sneaked inside her, and reached toward something inside her.


“It’s not because I wanted you two to “continued my name” or “follow my example” or anything.”




“Otherwise, do you think your twin brother, of all things, would also receive it?”


“...That’s true, unfortunately.”


With a chuckle, she laughs on her own remark, as naturally as she breathes. 


And just like that, the atmosphere immediately softens, clearing out the tension within her.


“Haha, you have that awareness, at least. No matter how much talent he has above you in certain aspects, no way would he be able to keep up with your ridiculous amount of effort. It isn’t something even I would be comfortable doing, with or without my “Talent”. “


“But Amai, you also work hard as well.”


“Yeah yeah, but I was praising you, you know...Anyway, the true reason I give you two the name, is more of a wish, really.”




“Yeah, wish.”


With slightly raised eyes, Violet now looks closely at Amai, attentively hearing her explanation. In response, Amai then let her word flow to the wind, as it carried the garden’s aroma to the sky above, relishing in nostalgia.


“I was born nameless.”


“I was born naked and alone, in the midst of countless dangers.”


“I was born, losing everything I have ever cherished.”


“I was born, knowing that I don’t have much time to live in the world.”


“And from that, I began my journey. To make my own mark.” 


Looking at the sky above, still reflected within her eyes the same blue as it was. She talks, still with a smile on her face, under the astonished eyes of Violet.


“I travel across the world, defeat countless enemies, make numerous friends and foe alike. I adventure across the cosmos, reaching heights no one has reached before and scenery no one has ever seen, finding and obtaining a myriad of treasures both precious and mundane and unthinkable and common…”


“And while performing countless feats, high enough to reach the universe from one end to another, I clearly carve into the stars above, the name I made for myself, the name everyone should always respect and fear.”


“The name of Nanuza, clearly meaningless, and can’t point to anything else but myself...And the name of Amarossa, the flower which blooms lovely and eternally, no matter where it grows, no matter where it moved to, no matter where it end up.”


Looking at the flower, rising straight toward heaven, in defiance to both time and space, she looked on, toward the horizon.


“When I decided to settle down, and bring birth to you two...I decided, nearly from the very start, the first thing that I should give to you two.”


“Since you two were already born royalty though, it isn’t the gift that can be use right away, but…When you two first come out, I decided right away to give you two my names.”


“Well, obviously I can’t give you two the names of Nanuza though...It’s obviously my name, and I was slightly concerned that you would try to become me and all that. Hence, only the Amarossa is left,  and I think its meaning is wonderfully splendid, if I said so myself.”


“To stay beautiful and strong, no matter where you start, no matter where you go, and no matter where you end up...It sounds like a good wish, I would say, and so I just casually give it to you two in passing.”


Hearing this, Violet raises her eyebrow a little.


“ ’In passing’ mean when we asked you what’s our last name back then?”


“Yep! I even said the meaning of it to you two, like what we’re doing right now. What, you were expecting that I would throw a big party for it or something?”


“...I mean, it was such a wonderful and important gift you have given to the two of us.”


“Ahaha, is that so? This Little Big Sister is glad about that...But well, something like this shouldn’t be made too much of a fuss you know.”


“‘Something like this’...can you please elaborate?”


Looking at her clear eyes, clearly expecting an answer, Amai can only sigh a little, while scratching her head.


“Well, I mean...something like a last name, should be something you two should naturally have, right?”


“After all, when I first opened my eyes, I found myself without a name to call my own, makes sense that I wouldn’t want you two to be lacking that, right?”


“...I see.”


Violet then started looking down to the ground, mulling over what she had revealed to herself.


Something this important and precious, said in such a carefree way...would it be okay for her to do something like that? Or so she thought.


“Hey, you don’t need to worry about what I said too much or anything...After all, all of this used to belong to someone that is now long gone.”


“...Amai, I think it’s insensitive to say that.”


“Is that so? Ahaha, sorry about that! Well, what I said is still true though…”


Amai then glanced over at the plaques on the ground, surrounded by the flowers. Above the plaques, carve the intricate image of a black Amarossa, blooming beautifully and brightly.


“After all, while the person known as Nanuza Amarossa has gone to sleep peacefully for eternity, the person known as Amai Rossa is still here, still smiling, living, and breathing.”


“For all that she did, she did it happily, proud of what she did, and without looking back...and beyond her wildest dream, her wish has come true, after all that’s happened.”


Silently patting Violet on her head, she shows a bright smile toward her.


“So, let's just think of it as a light, heartwarming story, used to make you lighten up a bit, okay? Let's just think of it as a nice little psychological priming to get you to open up about your own problem (Tehe).”


“...Amai, isn’t that too blatant?”


“Well, it works, doesn’t it not? So, figured out what’s the problem, yet?”




Still get treated with the silent treatment, Amai then think for a little while, before she reminded of something


“Oh yeah, can’t believe that Mauve handed me the job of explaining all of that to you.”




“Well, he should already know about the reason why I gave you the Amarossa name, yet he decided to keep silent about that. Since you don’t come to me knowing that already, the only logical explanation is that he left the task to me, hoping that I can get through your skull better than he was.”


“He knows that as well… And he left it to you?”


“Well yeah, like I said, I remember explaining the same thing to the both of you from a long time ago. In fact, it’s odd that you of all people don’t seem to get it, for some reason.”


“No, I definitely understand that, but…”




(Problem: It’s something I should already know, yet I don’t know.)



  1. I forget this information (Impossible, I will not forget any memory about Amai for the rest of my life)
  2. I considered it unimportant (False, the weight of the names is too heavy to be ignore)
  3. I denied it.



(Question: Why am I denying it?)




“...Thank you, Mauve.”


Suddenly, she understood everything.


The problem that has been blocking her from the truth.


The emotion that blinded her sight. 


“Hm? You’re thanking him? My my...I shouldn't have said this, but that is a rare sight for me to see.”


Noticing Violet's gaze now looking straight at her, Amai glanced back, making a surprised comment.


Still, her smile hasn't faded away. 


Not only her smile, but her entire being, still as brilliant now, as it was back then… 


Reaffirming her feeling squeezing at her chest, she steadily replied back to her.


“Why would it be strange that I praised him? Like you said, he has much more talent than me, though it doesn’t look like he really spent his effort trying to utilize it fully, yet.”


“That’s true. Almost makes me worried about the future of the kingdom…”


“Moreover, to understand the problem I have, and bring out this solution...He is always sharper than me when it comes to understanding people.”


“Hm...I would say you’re sharper, in my opinion. But in this case, he is sharper than you when it comes to understanding us.”


“...That’s the case, isn’t it?”


With strength, meant without weakness.


“He, who is always much closer to his emotions than I ever will be, will be a much better ruler of the kingdom than I would ever be...And you will always shine much brighter than I can ever imagine.”


And with clarity, meant without murkiness.


“...And from chasing after that light, and being the one who is able to match with it, I am blinded, not just from your own teaching, but from my own feeling.”


And within that murkiness which she ignored, lay the foundation of what she became.


“The feeling of gratitude, the feeling of wanting to measure up...the feeling of repayment.”


“Hm...repayment, huh.”


Nodding along, Amai looks at her with a serious, and slightly somber tone.


“...When I first came into the world, the first thing I experience, is the warmth within your womb.”


“Oh yeah, a bit surprised that you immediately talk to me the moment I can feel your presence back then. After that we proceed to have a lot of prenatal conversation.”


“Yeah. From there, I learn of your story. I learn of your achievement...and most importantly, I learn of your brilliance.”


“Aw, you praise me too much~~.”


It’s never too much.”


With an unusual intensity, Violet slightly raises her voice at her. 


As if slightly releasing the energy bottled up inside her. As if restraining her needs to shout out her impression.


It’s never too much, when it comes to you, Amai.


“After all, you’re the one who successfully truly brought us to this world, on your own.”


“After all, you’re the one who teaches me everything I need to know, can know, and doesn’t even imagine about knowing. You who show me the true depth of where I live, as well as its highest peak.”


“After all, you’re the one who trained me from living to death and back, to show me what true strength is. You who show me the true height of power, and pound me in with the realization that there Is no stop in the pursuit of infinity.”


“After all, you’re the one who demonstrates it to me, that miracles exist, and that there is nothing that can’t be done. You who repeatedly shatter my expectations again and again and again.”


“The things you have done for us...the things you have done for me, are countless, and priceless, and immeasurable.”


“As such, I need to repay you, for the equal amount of worth.”


To say she is slightly venting her feelings out toward the world, would be an understatement.


However, she has no choice, but to keep herself as calm as possible, as she said her own sincere feeling.


Otherwise, the scream she would make from the very depth of her soul, would rivaled that of the Big Bang.

“But, I can’t give you anything back, for there is nothing in this world which is as valuable as you.”


“But, I can’t stay with you for eternity, for your time as the one who nurtured us is already over, and there is no turning back.”


“As such, my only course of action left would be to live up to your worth.”


To express emotion like this is unsightly...Violet would not think of such.


For what she expresses to her, is only the absolute fact.


But, from such, the monumental weight, that Violet never seems to feel, is laid bare to Amai’s eyes.


“When you entrusted your wish of becoming strong, before heading to your eternal sleep...I vowed to do just that, and strive to reach where you were.”


“To be as great as you, to shine as brightly as you, and to be as strong as you...if it’s for repaying what you have given to me, such a mission is only simply a duty I must fulfill.”


“And as such, for my entire life after you were gone, I have diligently trained myself. To improve myself, to transform myself, to constantly evolve and grow infinitely…If it’s for fulfilling your wish, it doesn’t matter if my body evaporates over and over and over again.”


“And it’s something I will continue to do, even if it will take me to the end of eternity, but…”


She then stopped for a bit.


The constant weight exuded from all around her very self, threatened to flatten the entire garden itself, suddenly become lighter, like air.


For she has restrained her own will, for the sake of a lesson.


“Throughout my journey, I met many important people in my life, who taught me many important lessons.”


“They taught me to not destroy my body just for the sake of myself. They taught me that I should keep myself safe, so that people around me can feel safe. They taught me that I shouldn’t keep too much weight, for it can harm the people around me instead of myself…”


“And from there, I slowly learn the error of my way.”


Her intense emotion, always as if on the verge of explosion, quickly cooled down. The words that carry the weight of a thousand sun, now became their usual calmness. 


Still, the true color of her feelings still get across.


“...When I met you, in order to ask you to fix up the blade. And when I meet you again, as we’re talking like this.”


“What I was afraid of, is seeing your smile.”


Hearing such, Amai’s smile finally disappeared.


But, Amai still looks at her with calmness. 


And, replying back the same, Violet continued to throw out her feelings with that same tranquility.


...No matter the weight crushing on her heart.


“For...I messed up a lot.”


“And even after all this...even after I learn and grow from my own journey, I still make the same mistake I did back then.”


“I still broke your sword, because of my inability to connect with what I hold dear.”


“I still misunderstand your words, and twist it with the weight I left on myself.”


“And...even now, I still let your smile disappear, because of what I said.”


The weight started leaking out again. 


But, she can’t help it.


For her true feeling to be expressed to her...for her to be honest to the person she treasured the most, she must let it go.


“I’m afraid that, despite all that, you will still greet me with a smile.”


“You will still forgive me for all of this, and make it as if it doesn’t happen.”


“And then, I will still be unable to repay you, despite making that many mistakes.”


“I knew it...I didn’t deserve your name-”


“Bonk again.”


This time, Amai brings out a paper fan, and slaps her on the head with an audible force.


Once again making her mind be blanked by her, Violet can only watch Amai in stunned silent, while instinctively holding her head (for apparently no reason, she thought)


“What did I say about all the “deserve” stuff? Like I said before, you two-No, I will say it clearly this time: You’re always allowed to have my name, no matter what happens.




“No if and but! If I said that you can have it, then you will take it! Or is it too good for you?”


“No, but-.”


“Then end of story! You’re now known as Violet Amarossa, and that’s that! And what do I say about saying ‘but’! (Bonk).”


Bonking her with a realistic-sound toy hammer this time, Violet found herself standing still, stupidly looking at her (while holding her head yet again).


After all, it was absurd to her, yet again.


Despite all that she said, Amai instead forced her name-her most precious gift, upon herself, and basically forced her to take it.


Of course, it brings her endless happiness, but…


“But, isn’t that too selfish…”


“That’s the fucking point, you dimwit! (Bonk)”


Literally hammering her point, she then laid down her 100-ton toy hammer on its handle tip, looking a bit crossed.


“Be selfish with me as much as you want!”




“Or do you now don’t want my name? You do want it, don’t you!”


“...Yes, I do want it.”


“Said it louder!”


“Yes! I want to take over your name very much!”


“Said it more simply!”


“I want to have your name!”






You are reading story Fixing the Blade at

Getting swept up by the atmosphere, Violet followed Amai’s word and yelled out her desire loudly, while still holding her head comically.


“Good, keep being selfish like that with me! Haven’t I told you before that you’re way too selfless!”


“You’re also way too self-centered as well, so you end up always thinking that you should do everything alone! You create unrealistic standards for yourself alone, you’re always trying to solve everything alone, and you’re always trying to sacrifice yourself alone!”


“That’s fine and all that if you only have yourself to care about, but that never was the case! You always had me and your own brother in the past, you still have all the servants and sisters and brothers of different mothers after I was gone, and now you genuinely have friends and people you’re romantically interested in as well!”


“You said you realize it all by yourself, but did you forget about how I said the exact same thing? That you will trouble a lot of people you care about, and of whom care about you, if you keep acting like that? Because they will always feel your burden, even if you never felt it !?”


“...Sorry, I guess I never really understood it before…”


“Don’t apologize, that’s a good thing!




“Not learning stuff people said to you before, only to fall into the exact same pitfall people warned you about before. Learning the lesson you should have listened on your own, as you messed up a lot. Making mistakes again and again, even as you learn it, and then having to improve upon yourself to cover that mistake…”


“That’s genuinely not a fault or an absolute sin, but just how people live! To err and err again, is the necessary pain of life needed to feel the joy later on, in order to truly learn later on!”


“So mess up a lot, and learn from it a lot! Live a lot, and want a lot! You genuinely like to be around people, so act that way!”


“Be true of your own desire, and be as selfish as you want with me! I’m being selfish with you anyway, wanting to give you my wish, so that’s fine!”


“If it was too much, I will say it to you and put a stop to it! If you mess up, you can just come to me and ask me for help as much as you want!”


“For you will always be my Big Little Sister (daughter), for as long as I myself exist in this world! It’s fine for you to be that spoiled to me, you know!”


Once again, with a smile, she shines brightly toward her, clearing away the darkness in Violet’s heart.


Another miracle has been made, Violet thought, as she feels lighter and filled with bliss. 


She’s being blessed with her presence too much, she thought.




“...Can I really be selfish with you?”


“Of course!”


“Can I mess up a lot?”


“Well duh, what did I just say?”


She finds her word stuck at her lip.


What she wants to say sound very self-serving, so she doesn’t want to said it.


“...Um, can I-”


“Still want to reach my height? Well of course! Not that I want to stop my own Big Little Sister to keep improving or anything.”


“! Really?”


“Besides, you have another reason you want to do it, right?”


“...Yes. After all, I always dreamed of defeating you, as well.”


“Defeating me, eh?”


“Yes. Having the Victoris blood in myself have made me competitive toward you, and…”


(You shine so bright, there is no light which can follow you…)


(So, I wanted to be a light which can follow you, so that you won’t shine alone in the sky)


(But, that wish is too preposterous for me to say at the moment, so..)


“...No, it’s nothing.”


“Hm…it’s nothing huh~. Well, try to keep up then~.”


Suddenly finding herself smiling cheekily at her for no apparent reason, Amai continued talking.


“Oh yeah, since I just basically forced you to follow my wimp, how about I grant you a wish?”


“...A wish?”


“Yeah, anything you desire from me, as long as it’s within my capability.”


“Well, the thing that I can’t do is close to none though, so just treat me as an omnipotent wish-granting machine. You can even wish for world-domination, or rearranging the stars in the sky, or even just pop the universe as well!”


“I prefer you don’t do that last one though, I’m serious.”


Woah, what’s with that instant death glare? My apology then, so aside from that, what do you want ?”


Briefly glaring at Amai intensively for a moment, she then contemplates for a bit.


The thing she wanted the most from’s a small thing, that she is sure that Amai would instantly grant her.


But for her, it’s almost worth it for the world.


“Then...can I call you Mother, as well?”




Hearing a strange request, Amai cock her head to the side a little. Feeling the curious mood, Violet then slowly elaborated.


“...No matter what.”


“No matter where you are, or who you become, or who you ended up as, and become.”


“‘You’re the one who gave birth to me’, that fact will never change, for so long that I exist in my current form. And since I intend to keep my current form for perpetuality, this is the truth I intend to keep forever.”


“Since it’s as such, I want to call you Mother, just like how we’re used to be.”


“I know we aren’t the same as who we used to be, I know that you don’t like to be called Mother all the time, since that makes you sound too old…”


“Hey, you don’t need to say that right in front of my face, you know (blush).”


“My apology...still, at least once in a while, while there are only the two of us. When we only have our families around...can I call you, in the same way I will always treasure you?”


“That’s my smallest, yet greatest wish, that I want you to accept.”


Locking deep into her gentle eyes, Violet awaited her answer.


‘I know she will accept it, that’s how I always know her.’


‘She has to.’


‘She is fine with Mauve calling her Mom, so she should do the same with me as well.’


‘But what if, instead…’


Countless thoughts swirl in her head, unlike what her thought is normally.


It sounds expectant, it sounds greedy, it sounds needy…


And it sounds juvenile, it sounds childish.


Her thoughts, jumbling between her absolute certainty, and her unstable uncertainty, make her feel disoriented. 


She feels like, even if the chance for the worst possible case is infinitely close to 0, she would never want it to be the case, no matter what. It’s as if she’s standing before a pit of absolute nothingness, where nothing will ever matter to her anymore.


However, even if so, she must brave for the worst, and prepare herself. To prepare herself into taking that plunge-


“But, it’s fine if-”


“What do you mean? Of course it’s fine.



And suddenly, the pit is no more. And what lay before her, is the endless field of flowers, just like before. And her brilliant smile, just as before.


Even if she knew that it would never be the case.


Even if she knew, that the possibility does not exist in any way, shape, or form.


To actually see that possibility completely disappear, and replaced with this absolute certainty...This  absolute reassurance, as if a gentle embrace is slowly lifting her up from the deepest corner of her head, almost makes her feel like she is in heaven.


“Of course, like I said before, I don’t like it if you say it in a public place like this with this many eyes looking over, you know.”


“Like you said, it makes me feel like 26 years older, so except on a private occasion, you should at least be calling me Big Little Sister. I don’t want to feel like an auntie just before puberty.”


“But otherwise, you can call me as affectionately as you wa- Hey, do you even listen to me?”


As she is in the middle of her (nonsense) lecture, Amai found Violet to be a bit absentminded. 


Wrapped in the blissful feeling she had never felt before, it took Amai calling out to her, before she snapped back to reality.


“Huh?...I-I’m sorry, I was in danger of actually getting recruited to heaven…”


“Ehh?? Those guys are the peak of trouble, so don’t follow them, you hear? Well, it isn’t as if you haven’t been in touch with them before, so I know you already know how to deal with them.”


“But of course, I even have an acquaintance who’s from there.”


“Glad to hear that then...But still, to think you’re that happy about it...You must be missing me a lot, huh?


Acting playfully coy, she asked while holding her face, looking bashfully all over.


In response to that however, is a slight puzzling look.




“Wait, don’t tell me you don’t know what happiness is, okay?? Little Big Sister would be very concerned if that was the case.”


“No, of course I know what happiness is...And of course I am very happy that my wish is fulfilled…”


...There is a void in her chest.


It’s what has been with her from the time she was born, and what has been what defines the making of herself.


But, that void felt a lot more emptier, when she was gone 13 years ago.


Even when she knew that she would come back.


Even when she knew that it had to be like this.


Even when she knew that it would lead to a better result.


That emptiness never goes away, as if it’s that never-ending pit of nothingness.


It has laid the foundation of her swordsmanship, the Six Blade style.


It has led to her journey, and led her to meet many friends, and forged deep bonds.


It has led her to her growth and improvement, both in strength and in who she is.


But...All of that hasn’t filled in the emptiness within that void.


For that is from the inconsolable separation of bond with her, the bond which can’t be replaced, and of which can’t ever return…


...Until now.


“...And of course, I do miss you very much.”


As the emptiness slowly gets filled back.


As her emotion seems to spill over.


As the void within her chest, though hasn’t changed, feels much warmer and comfier…


She feels a strange wetness on her face, running from the corner of her eyes, to the bottom of her face, and dripping down to the ground.


Confused, she reflexively touched it, checking as to what it was.


The liquid was clear, yet seems filled with emotions. Just one drop seems to convey the story of a million words. 


It was as if her feeling, which is overflowing, has condensed upon this single drop, and flow out for the world to see.


“Hm? What’s this strange phenomenon I’m experiencing right now?”


As she tilted her head in wonder, and the mysterious liquid seemed to keep flowing…


Amai replied back, with her eyes also getting watery.


“...Violet, you’re crying.”


“...I am crying?”


“What, you don’t know what crying is, as well?”


“No, of course I know what it is...I see, so this is what crying feels like, and what I have in my hand is tears…


As she look on it in silent contemplation, Amai then stand up with a kind teaching tone (even though she’s trying so hard not to immediately burst out)


“You silly girl, you shouldn’t just sit there and look at your tears when you’re crying, you know.”


“Instead, you should stand up, take a deep breath, and…”




Catching the attention of Violet, she suddenly gets caught in the middle of a heartrending cry, as Amai cries out so much, her tears become literal streams that sprinkle on two sides.


Continuing taking on that exaggerated expression, Amai then hugged Violet tightly, and found herself crying even harder.




Taking the hint, Violet hugged back at Amai tightly, though still a bit confused about the whole thing.




“It’s okay, Mother. I know that it’s for the best to the two of us.”




“No, you’re the best mother that we both can ask for. All your lessons, your teaching, your has all been beneficial for us, and helps us to deal against everything coming our way. More like, it’s us who can’t live up to your expectations…”




“And I-no, we do. After all, we both are trying, as ourselves, to live up to your wish, engraving in our names…”


As Violet gently patted on Amai’s head, completing the role reversal, Amai then momentarily stop wailing, and look up at Violet incredulously.


“...Um, Violet?”


“Yes, Mother?”


“Why don’t you cry like me, and instead just try to comfort me for some reason?


“What do you mean? Don’t I cry right now?”


Pointing at the continuing stream of tears on her face across her gently emotionless face, she answered curtly.


“THAT’S WHAT I MEAN! I’m supposed to be your Mother here, so let me comfort you instead! Let me hear you cry as loudly as possible, releasing all of your feelings, and let me comfort you with a lap pillow and all that!”


“Oh, is that what you mean? Sorry, I am not used to this whole “crying” thing, so I don’t know how I am supposed to act. Beside…”


Slightly looking away at her, she said, with a slight blush on her cheeks.


“With this entire situation, and with you being like you are...I just want to show you my best decorum...Or more accurately, I’m just a bit embarrassed, I guess.”


Being hit with such an unexpected cuteness, Amai can’t help but smile widely, despite tears still streaming on her face.


“Oh you~~. You’re my daughter you know, you don’t need to feels embarrassed about showing your unseemly side, you know?~~”


“It’s because I am your daughter that I don’t want to show you something like that...Besides, if I do show you all of my feelings, my wail could actually shake the universe apart…”


“Oh, is that what you’re concerned about? Do you forget who I am already?”


Standing against, she looks at her proudly, with a hand on her chest.


“I am Amai Rossa, the most talented person in all of existence. And more importantly, your Big Little Sister (Mother).”


“As such, it’s fine for you to unravel all of your feelings toward me, you know! Or what, you think I won’t be able to take it?”


“At worst, I’m just going to repackage it to something we can share between the two of us, anyway.”


Looking at her with absolute confidence, Amai proudly declares to Violet, with a tint of arrogance which shoots toward the sky.


After a while though, her absolute “manliness” mode crumbled, and she burst out into a bashful laugh, scratching the back of her head.


“Ahaha~. Sorry, I don’t really act like a comforting mother right now, aren’t I?”


Seeing such, Violet also can’t help, but to smile, and subtly giggle, breaking down the wall of her tranquility.


Fufufu~. It’s fine, it’s I who should be sorry, that I can’t quite act like a needy daughter for you.”


“Well, we’re both not used to this whole mother-daughter thing, so it’s fine.”


Finding themselves laughing for quite a while, Amai then finally answers, with a confident smile.


“Well, we can both work with this together in the future, so it’s okay. We will have all the time in the world being for each other, after all.”


“Hm...Though I think it’s fine for us to be like this. After all, I have never seen this as anything less, than the most precious way we are to each other.”


“Heh, it’s rare for you to be this corny. Well, take this from the top, and a one, and a two…”


Immediately after, Violet’s wail did indeed threaten to destroy the universe.


However, thanks to Amai's boundless talent and love for her daughter, she ends up taking in it all, and prevents Violet from bringing destruction to the world through the dumbest way possible.


As a bonus, they also managed to create a special memento which can last through eternity, but that’s the story for another time…


The story of a mother who isn’t quite used to being a mom, and a daughter who is too good of a daughter.




 “Mom? What’s Amarossa?”


Mauve, only a young kid of around 4 years old, innocently asked his mother, with an upturned eyes.


Well, it’s my last name, of course! My full name is Nanuza Amarossa, after all.”


Nanuza, with her long flowing black hair, and her pitch black eyes, answered back with a mischievous smile.


“No, I know that’s Mom's name, what I meant is…”


“Oh, it’s not just my name. The name of Amarossa is the last name of you two as well! Surely you don’t forget that already?”


“I know it, Mom, but...Muuuuu~~.”


Finding Mauve steadily swelling his cheek with teary eyes, and Nanuza looking steadily more cat-like, a young Violet appropriately chimed in, while performing her daily 10,000 push up with a sofa on her back.


“Mother, I think what Mauve is trying to ask is what your last name means. We have been curious about that for ages.”


I know, I’m just messing with ya. Violet, lay down that sofa, please.”


After Violet handily let it down in the corner of the room, Nanuza gently sit down, invited both of them to sit with her, before she began telling.


“Well, back in my journey, I met a mysterious flower.”


“I have seen many sorts of flower on earth before, from the permafrost roses of the arctic, to the lilies of everlasting life, to the crystal flower hidden deep beneath the earth…”


“But this particular flower, comes from space.”


 “Woah, from space!?”


With sparkling eyes, Mauve looked at her expectantly. Happily, Nanuza continued.


“Yes, from space. I personally saw a single flower dance among the stars above, before gently falling toward the earth. Landing on its tip-toe, its stem rises tall and straight, its petals nestle together like roses, and its stamen, from the very middle, grows straight and beautiful.”


“And with just a touch, that flower immediately spawns more of itself, straight out of the ground, until the entire field is full of itself, as it glows like a milky way on earth.”


Seeing that she completely took the attention of the two of them, with even Violet intensively looking at her, she continued, while creating a magical image straight from her memory, for both of them to see.


“Seeing such a magical scene, I thoughtlessly went toward the middle of the field, and plucked the one that’s sprouting all of these wonderful flowers.”


“Perhaps it was beckoning me to do so, hoping for me to spread itself throughout the globe. Perhaps it was just me, getting deeply entranced within its beauty and wanting it for myself...Perhaps it’s just fate.”


“So anyway, after that I personally carried it with me to everywhere I could travel, spreading the seeds to every single corner. And man, it sure can grow.”


“From the coldest of tundra to the hottest of volcanoes. From deep in the most dangerous forest, to even the chaotic cave of dragons. The flower never falters in its growth, nor does it ever wilt and lose its luster.”


“I even tried growing it within a black hole, from the deepest darkest depth where it came from, and it still managed to grow, surprisingly enough. Soon enough it immediately covers the entire ball, and turns it from black to a myriad of colors.”


Personally seeing the scene, perfectly replicated from her memories, Mauve soon found himself jaw-dropped, and his eyes only shone further.


“Wow!! How can it grow in a place like that?”


“Hm...If I remember correctly, it has to do with how it bent the very law around its presence, and using the intense warping of space-time itself as fertilizer for its growth. But yes, it’s quite hardy, to say the least.”


As the twin beside her kept looking at the passing memories, as gorgeous as she recalled it, she briefly closed her eyes, in nostalgia. The scene then snaps back to where she first met the flower again, a year later, as she lay her body down among the flowers which grow endlessly beyond the horizon.


“Since it can grow in any place in the universe, as beautiful and vibrant as it could be, I decided to give it the name of Amarossa, The Roadside Rose.”


“For no matter the humblest or the most hostile of places, it can still grow proudly, and shoot itself up beautifully...And since I found it quite fitting of myself as well, I end up naming myself after it as well. Well, with the flower’s permission, of course :).”


Smiling cryptically at them, Mauve then prompt to ask her a question.


“So Mom, what happened to that flower then? After you carried it all over the place in the universe, where did you put it?”


“Fufu...just before I get married to your father, I placed it somewhere very safe. Safe to say, that place is the most peaceful, the most quiet, and the most secure place for a flower to grow, that I know.”


“So, where is it, Mom? Is it somewhere on Earth?”


“Fufufu, that’s a secret...You two are simply a bit too young to personally go there, so I can’t bring you to where that flower continued to grow, just yet.”


“Even Big Sis Violet can’t go over there?”


“Yes, even Big Sis Violet can’t go over there just yet.”


Hearing such, Violet, who stayed silent all this time, then also asked her a question.


“So...when will we be able to go to that place?”


“Hm...I don’t exactly know when, but I will tell you, when it is the time for me to do so.”


“Then, when we’re able to go there, you must tell us!”


“Well, of course!”


“Then, let us go there together, as well. Can you promise us that, please?”


Hearing such, Nanuza momentarily froze in place.


For unknown to the both of them (or perhap, only to Mauve), she can only spend 2 more years with them, before she has to depart from the mortal coil.


She doesn’t know if she would be alive by then, when those two would truly be ready to go to that place…


(Well, even if I am a ghost or even just a wisp of consciousness in the future, I can definitely lead them there, so…)


“Sure, when both of you are ready, I will definitely bring you two to there. Until then, just grow as healthily as you can at the moment, and you will eventually reach there, I promise.”


With as big and confident a smile as possible, she promised them so, with a big thumb up right in front of them. Seeing so, Mauve gets reasonably excited, as he jump up and down from the sofa. 


“!!...Mm!, Okay Mom! I will try to grow as big and strong as possible, then! So that I can be as strong as you!”


“Haha...okay, maybe “as strong as me” is a bitttt of a tall order there, being the most talented person in the world and all that. You should be aiming for places much more reasonable first.”


“Hmph, I can definitely reach where you are, don’t you worry about it!”


“Hm? Then have you done 10,000 push ups like I did today?”


Seeing that Violet now is performing another 10,000 push ups with a giant boulder she takes out from somewhere instead, Mauve, previously standing smugly, now froze, before slumping down for a bit.


“...No, but doing it 10,000 times with that heavy weight is too much for me anyway!”


“Oh? But if you aren’t trying as hard as her, you would be even further away from achieving your newfound “dream” than she is, you know?”


“Gununu...I know, Mom, but stilllll!!”


“Oh, don’t you worry, you don’t need to do it now or something. As talented as you are, soon enough you will be able to do 10 times as much!”


“...Really, Mom? Then, can I go to where you are, then?”


“Hahaha, of course not yet, but you will definitely move toward my place, I promise. Now, let us start with at least 100 push ups…”


“That I can do!”


“...While wearing these 100 tons jacket!”


“That I can’t do, Moommmmm!!”


Having fun with her son, Nanuza energetically chases Mauve around, as she’s trying to get him to wear the specially-made training jacket she made for him.


While watching on, Violet silently keeps pushing up like usual, though also seemingly with more vigor than usual, as she’s also motivated to be as strong as her, someday.


So that they can go, as a family, to the place she promised to lead them, at some date in the future.


No matter how far they separate. 


No matter how different they are from how they used to be, when they get to meet each other again.


This silent memories, of an ordinary day, contain within all of them a certain promise, that they will be together again.




=A Short Epilogue After=


“Oh yeah, I heard from your sister that you don’t have a password to my house yet, so I came to give it to you!”


After finished meeting up with Violet (and as such, finished from her universe-shaking battle of letting her daughter cry), Amai met up with Mauve, deep within his newly-estate royal chamber, as he is busy with his paperwork.


How she managed to get in there, going through hundreds of layers of security as easily as taking a walk, is an exercise for the soon-to-be sleepless investigation team in the future.


The hint is: ‘With Violet’s permission’.


“...I mean, you haven’t bothered giving it to me for apparently 2 years, but okay.”


“Well well, don’t sweat the small stuff~. After all, not like you could have known that I was here, with Violet purposefully hiding me and my family anyway.”


“Geez, not knowing where you are so I can visit you frequently is the small stuff, I guess. Though well, it’s true that I wouldn’t be able to find out if Violet is involved…”


“Oh, how sassy you have grown over all these years that I haven’t seen you. Sounds like someone who doesn’t want to be able to go into my house here~~…”


“My apology, of course I want them!”


Immediately performing a perfect seiza in front of her, Amai nodded in satisfaction.


“Haha, just messing with ya. Well, here is the password…”


“Thank you very much, Mom!”


“...But first, a hint.”


“...Of course, Mom. So, what’s the hint?”


“Well, it’s nothing as complicated as you might imagine. Just a quick question: What is our family’s job?”


“A family of florists. Didn't you already show it to me a few days before?”


“Yes, just confirming that you don’t have short-term memory loss due to all the crybaby you do that day…”


“Okay okay, you don’t have to remind me of that again! (intense blush)”


“Well, you’re slightlllly incorrect though. Try again.”


Thinking about it more deeply, Mauve gave his answer again.


“...Is it that you’re the best, and most popular florists in this capital?”


“Bingo! Very good job, Mauve!”


“Of course I have to remember that as well. I even did a little research to confirm that that fact is true…”


“Aw, you flatter me…”


“...And also that your shop is among the top most No.1 spot of “no touching” place, even among the most hardened and brazen nobles in this country. Just what the hell did you do to them, Mom?”


“Well, I don’t like how stuffy and elitist they are, so just whatever it takes. You two are among my exceptions of course :).”


“Yeah, how reassuring…”


With a flick of her finger, Amai candidly continued giving her hint.


“Well, from that fact, what can you reasonably guess?”


“That you’re the absolute devil among the nobles, on the same scale as the terror made by Big Sis herself?”


“The fact before that, you silly.”


“Ah...Then it’s the fact that, aside from most of them, you sell your plants to everyone within the capital, right?”


“Bingo again! Another gold star for you, Mauve!”


Slapping a gold star on his chest, Mauve received it with pride. After that, she continued.


“So then, from there, what can you reasonably figure out?”


“Hm...that the flower from your shop is everywhere within the capital, right?”


“Right, another gold star for you (slap)! Then, combined with what you know, which conclusion can you reasonably get to?”


“...From what Big Sis said, there is a magical barrier which prevents certain types of people from coming in, or even noticing about your place, without your permission.”




“So, from what I can reasonably guess, the barrier you have set up has to do with the formation of all of your plants and flowers and vine, spreading throughout this capital, right?


“And also the pollen and aroma, and just their general vibe as well, but you’re basically correct! With the Four Season Formation that I have proudly stolen and revised, I can always ensure that those pesky nobles who hear of my name will never ever come into my place. Even if they do, all the rude bastards who think everything belongs to them will meet a terrible fate~~.”


With a malicious smile plastered on her face, the grin she made almost made Mauve shudder. Holding it in though, Mauve made his remark.


“As expected of the Flowering Devil, as the nobles said among themselves.”


“Oh? I even got a nickname as well, how flattering~~.”


“Anyway, that means that the password has something to do with all those individual flowers and plants you have spread throughout the capital right?”


“Obviously. Well, the way to input it is simple though: Just walk past the correct plants, with a good vibe on your shoulder. Well, the right types, positions, and numbers of plants you need to pass by is different, depending on the times of day, the weather, and where you start from though. You need to remember all that, so prepare your pen and papers!”


“Aye aye, Mom!”


Immediately bringing out a huge stack of papers, he then began to write furiously, listening to what Amai said at rapid paces. After finishing a whole book about it, Mauve thanks her.


“Thanks Mom, now I can finally goes to your home-”


“Don’t thank me yet, Mauve. This is only for today.




“What? You think a single book alone is enough to crack the code of my barrier? If you want to visit me anytime for at least this year, you need to write 365 more of those books.”


“Eh??? Isn’t that overkill?”


“Within this country?? I would say I’m still letting them off too easily with only that. Now start writing all of them, because I’m only going to say it once!”


“! Aye Aye, Mom!”


And so, for the entire day, he spends all this time writing the password from Amai, even locking up his room just so that he can concentrate better. Soon enough, his room became filled with books, as he furiously wrote the last few pages.


“...And that is that, Mauve.”


“Phew! I’m poofed!!”


As he laid the last books, he immediately lay down over the table, as he let out a long heaving sigh. Seeing such, Amai can only shake her head.


“Really, for you to get tired with just this. Violet would have instantly remembered all that I said in her head, without needing to write it down.”


“Yeah yeah, but I like writing it down anyway. It would be a good national treasure for this country which would last for generations.”


“Ah, so that’s why the books look so needlessly high-quality.”


“Like you can talk about “needless”…”


Silently shaking her head, Amai then turned around, while waving goodbye.


“Well, I have more stuff I need to do for today, so chao! I’m expecting to see you tomorrow, so make sure to come early.”


“Yeah’re soon to be getting lonely anyway, so I will remember to come.”


“Well duh! With Violet soon to be going back to the academy, you have to pick up the slack, okay?”


“Roger that!...Since I have to stay around anyway, I might as well spend more of my time with you as well.”


Hearing that, Amai stops her feet, before turning around with a twirl. With a smile as always, she asked.


“...So, no regret on what you have done?”


“Yep, no regret. A man shouldn’t turn back on his word, anyway.”


“So, still wishing that you could have done things differently?”


“Well of course! Being a king of such a cutthroat country isn’t something I would like to do in one’s right mind. Still, not that I will need you to change it, not one bit.”


“Oh? And why is that?”


“Well, no regret, remember? Besides...with Big Sis being able to go free, and even meeting you again at last, I would never say that this result isn’t a great one.”


“Is that so, hm?”


Turning her back around again, she began walking away, while saying some final words.


“Well, I don’t expect you to come meeting me everyday, but be sure to come often, okay?”


“Yes, I will!”


“Also, if you need any tips on running this place, you can just go and ask me as well. I know quite a thing or two as to how to mess this place up and down.”



“Also, my offer to teach you how to bed women is still valid, you know.”


“Okay, I don’t need that, again! Can you just go already!?”


Opening the door, she turned around, with a beautiful smile on her face.


“Well, see ya! Love you, Mauve!”


“Love you too, Mom!”


After that, Amai leaves, with a spring to her step.


In fact, she is in such a good mood, that she even plays around with the guards coming to stop her as she is coming out, masquerading as the mysterious flower thief, stealing both flowers and the heart of maidens…


But that’s a story for another time.  

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