Flames of Change

Chapter 4: Chapter 1 (New version)

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Peacekeeper POV

Ugh. I groaned as I woke up with the worst headache I’d ever had. Well actually it was more like the worst everything-ache I'd ever had. It took me a while to orient myself but eventually I managed to form coherent thoughts. And speak them out loud. 

"Where... Where am I?" My voice sounded rough and sore. Then again, my entire body felt rough and sore. I don't think I'd been this beat up since... I don't think I've ever been this beat up before.

"Oh, you survived. Guess they truly do not grant just about anyone the rank of Peacekeeper..."

I tried to open my eyes but failed. But I knew that I wasn't alone. I didn't recognize the voice, but given the way they talked about my title, I was definitely in enemy territory. This wasn't good.

I was running low on mana, whoever was there had probably disarmed me, and exhausted doesn't even begin to describe how I felt currently.

I was in no condition to punch my way out like I usually did. Nor was my brain really fully operational yet, so bullshitting my way out was out of the question. Even though I pretty much could grasp my situation, more intel could never hurt. 

"Where am I?" I asked again, more stern this time.

"You're on Genesis #25978. I took the liberty to ask the locals to nurse you back to health after our fight. As per our agreement. You did better than most, by the way."

Another voice. Sounded distant; they must have just entered the room. That also meant that wherever they were, the door was. That's important. And also something about Genesis #25978 sounded familiar. WAIT! I was sent to suppress a rebel uprising. Of course. I asked the locals to send me their strongest champion. Seems like I was defeated though. That's a first. 

"He should be stable enough for your healing magic now, go ahead."

Magic?! Healing magic?! Yeah I knew a trap when I saw one. 

"Hold on, I didn't agree to any healing-" I was cut off.

"Peacekeeper, I believe you must return alive for the empire to honor their word and grant us independence. Plus why put you in a hospital in the first place if we plan on killing you?"

They did have a point. 

"Fine...", I groaned. 

As soon as the regenerative magic coursed through me, the pain started to ease. I pretty quickly started to feel rather comfortable, actually. Hell, by the end of it, I could actually succeed in opening my eyes. While some bits of my memories were still foggy, I could mostly recall what happened.

I had been sent here to suppress the rebel uprising to preserve the stability of the empire. The usual political shenanigans, whatever, didn't really care about that.

I only really cared about the opportunity to fight the strongest fighter the star system had to offer. That's where the fun was.

The deal was quite simple: defeat me and the empire leaves you alone. The catch was, of course, actually defeating me.

Not one person had managed to do it. Well, until now. And they were looking right at me, sizing me up almost. As if we hadn't been on each other’s throats just yesterday.

"So you two got any names or something I should call you?"

"I'm Amber, the Phoenix, as well as the champion you faced, and the young man - yes he is a man - who has tended to your wounds, is called Blue."

I’d done no lasting damage at all, huh? I didn’t know who this Amber person was, but they were strong. They could probably whoop Omegas ass. Maybe even my fathers.

"And if you tell me I'd look cute in a dress or that I should smile more, I am reversing the healing magic and then I'm kicking your ass!", the person I now understood to be Blue said as he interrupted my train of thought. He didn't look like a man, but hey if he says he's one, who am I to disagree?

"Nah, worrying about what other people wear is beneath me. That's some pretty nice healing magic by the way, kid. Could use someone like you in my squad. Interested?" My question was met with repulsion. As in he literally jerked backwards in disgust.

"I'd rather live out the rest of my days as the most feminine woman than work for the empire. You're either the most tone deaf person I've ever met, or an idiot, and I'm not sure what Amber saw in you that they thought was worth keeping alive..."

Well damn, that was cold. But hey, it's not like Blue is the only healer in the universe. If I REALLY wanted one on my team, I'm pretty sure if I just asked Omega for one I'd have like 50 lined up eager to join up like an hour later... 

Speaking of Omega, I should probably report back. Actually...

"How long was I out for?"

"About three days"

I went pale upon hearing Blues reply. Three days. That was the deadline. Fuck! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! It might not be too late. As fast as I could, I activated my communicator.

"Omega! Come in! This is the Peacekeeper speaking! Commander Omega, come in!" Nothing. Amber and Blue seemed - understandably -  a bit put off by my frantic reaction to being told how long I was out for, but I had more important things to worry about. Fucking hell I'd been such an idiot, I should have confirmed that from the start. Every fucking second that had passed could be the last second where they can stop it. Fuck! 

After what felt like an eternity of me yelling into my communicator, finally the familiar hologram of Omega popped up.

"Peacekeeper, you survived. That's great. You need to leave this planet as soon as possible, however. You know the procedure." He said that as if it was a fact. Well it WAS a fact that I knew what was going to happen. But fuck, I’d made a promise, and I was going to keep it. If nothing else, I'd at least try to buy enough time to get everyone off world.

"Yeah, about that, I'm in a bit of a situation here. They're using some kind of prison I haven't seen before, and it's going to be tough to bust out of there. And I'll have to gather my crew and locate my ship. Can you give me a week for evac?" Blue looked like he wanted to say something, to which I shot a begging look, at both him and Amber. Fortunately the latter picked up on the meaning and covered Blue's mouth, motioning him to keep quiet. If Omega found out I was cooperating with the rebels and stalling time for them, we'd all be toast instantly. I fucking hate that policy.

"You were defeated?" Omega wondered. "That should not be possible..."

"Yeah, they got the drop on me. Not gonna happen again. Anyways, can you please confirm the extension of a week?"

"That will not be possible, Peacekeeper. But rest assured, you will be remembered as a hero. We might even turn this day into an empire-wide holiday to honor your memory. That being one of death, carnage and destruction of course. Truly you were an excellent lapdog for the empire but we've been meaning to get rid of you for a while now. The risk you pose far outweighs your uses…"

With that, Omega hung up. Fuck. I crushed the communicator in my hand. It was useless now. It had been remotely wiped and deactivated the second the coms had been cleared. He was serious. 

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" 

I punched a wall, causing it to collapse. I'd feel bad for it, but given that the star in this system was going to blow up soon, I doubted it mattered. 

"What IS the protocol this Omega mentioned?" Amber inquired.

I sat down on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I looked at them and simply said, "Supernova."

Crimson POV

Three days. It’s been three days since I last saw Draco. Since I’d given the order to fall back. Since I’d left him there. Alone.

I knew he probably would be thanking me for making sure the squad was safe, but…

I felt guilty all the same. What if something happened to him? What if he died?

“Crim, Draco is alright, right? He’s too strong to die!”

I didn’t know what to tell Fox. Other than me, Fox was the closest to Draco. Hell even including me probably. They weren’t related by blood, but for what it’s worth, they were brothers.

“I- I don’t know. Draco is strong, but- Whatever that thing he was fighting was… It’s scary.” I knew trying to lie to a fellow fox-kin wouldn’t work.

My ears and tail would be a dead giveaway that I was nervous. Hiding something. Doubly so to people who had the same tail and ears.

“I just wish Omega would let us go down there to try and save him.”

I shook my head and sat down on the couch next to Fox. Or well not really couch. It was more of a bench with padded seats. Even had a hole in the backrest to accommodate for tails. One of the few good things I could think of, that the Empire normalized.

“I’m sorry.” It was obvious Fox was sad. Not just by his tone, his ears had folded down and his tail was hanging low.

“It’s not your fault. Draco would have lost either way. Doesn’t matter that this is your first time in the field.” I hoped I could reassure him, but I’m not sure if I got through to him.

How did Draco do this? Whenever he was around, everyone just seemed extra motivated and it felt like nothing could go wrong.

You’d think that as his second in command I would have picked up a thing or two about leadership, but nope. The one time I decided to ignore his orders and follow my own judgment, it had ended in him going missing and, by now, being presumed dead. And the worst part was he’d probably thank me for it too.

“Crim, Fox, you gotta see this! Draco just checked in on coms!” Leo all but shouted at us.

The Lionkin had barged into the room, sounding very excited. Of course he’d be excited. Draco was alive. Draco was alive! This was big news.

I immediately jumped up and followed Leo, Fox would most definitely do the same. If not run ahead to get there faster.

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“...an excellent lapdog for the empire but we've been meaning to get rid of you for a while now. The risk you pose far outweighs your uses…” was all I had managed to pick up.

Omega had signaled to cut communications, so cut they were. Even when it came to stuff concerning Draco, one didn’t question orders from Omega. Not that anyone in the military was trained to question orders anyways. Our Squad was a bit of an exception to that I suppose.

“Ah Major, great, you’re here. I won’t have to send someone to get you after all,” Omega spoke after he noticed my presence in the room.

“Gather the engineers, get a Nova-Charge ready. We’ll blow up this star and head out.”

“We’re going to go and get Draco on board before that, right?” Leo asked and quickly added a “Sir” before Omega could reprimand him.

Peacekeeper is conspiring with the locals. Traitors to the Empire. As such, he shall be treated as one of them and be killed with the rest of them.”

I gulped. I didn’t think it possible for Peacek- Draco to turn against the Empire, but - at least according to Omega - he had. That would leave me in charge of our Squad. Would I even want to keep going like this? Would anyone want to keep doing this? Would I… Would I want to join Draco?

Actually… I'd never questioned my loyalties. Not after how the Empire had treated my Sister. Not after how they'd threatened me. No. I was going to stick by Draco even if, or especially if, he decided to start a rebellion.

Fox I’m pretty sure would join me and him in a heartbeat. Leo probably after some consideration. Bob? No chance. Okay Crim, keep calm and think this through, I told myself.

I needed to move carefully. Plan out my next steps. We’d drop the bomb and then leave the system. I could take Fox along as an excuse to show him how to set up Nova-Charges. Omega wouldn’t have a reason to object given that Draco and by extension now I were tasked with training the foxkin.

I needed to find a way to get Leo to come along too. Then we’d sabotage the charge and head to an escape-pod. Omega wouldn’t notice until after the star was supposed to blow up and by then we’d be off somewhere else. It could work.

Before I could get started on doing any of this however, Leo had pulled out his gun and pointed it at Omega. And Omega had stabbed his arm into Leos chest.


Omega POV

“It is treason to draw a weapon on the army general. Maybe we should add that to the curriculum for recruits. I had expected people to have the common sense not to do such a thing, but clearly, I overestimate the commoners intelligence.”

I shook my head slowly. I knew lecturing Lieutenant Whatshisname wouldn’t be productive, given he was dead, but I had to get my royal hands dirtied with his peasant blood, so I was in a bit of a sour mood.

And that was after the day had started out so well. The walking insolence known as Peacekeeper had failed to check in for three days, so I finally got to blow up a star again.

That in doing so I would kill that thing was a very welcome bonus. If it wasn’t for his majesty making himself very clear that I was not to directly harm it, I would have taken great pleasure in tearing it apart ages ago.

It’s a shame I forcibly deactivated its communicators. I would have loved to tell it about how I just killed it’s oh so dear teammate.

How that thing was supposed to be the perfect soldier was honestly beyond me. Just the fact that it got emotionally attached to soldiers was a glaring weakness.

And that’s not even talking about how these soldiers were all peasants. Not a single drop of good blood between them.

Excluding the insolence itself which, for some blasphemous reason, had his majesty's blood coursing through its veins. And if that wasn’t enough, it had insisted on making its team full of animals.

I wish I could have gotten someone of noble blood in there at least, but perhaps it was for the best that the one normal soldier of that cursed team was some disposable commoner.

Speaking of the animals, I should go and kill the two foxes. The disposable commoner can handle setting the charge for the star. I don’t need any of these two.

“Any more treason? Seems to run in the team. Maybe I should just have you two executed just in case.”

The young one looked like he was about to say something. Please. Do give me a reason to kill you. As much as I hate it, I cannot actually kill them unprovoked. It would cause too many problems for myself.

If we were out on an active battlefield, I could do it and claim it was enemy fire, but we weren’t. Not that I’d ever grace a battalion of commoners, much less one including animals with my presence.

Unfortunately the young one was signaled to shut up by the older one. I never liked her. It was obvious she didn’t like me either, but she was smart. She never said or did anything that let me have a reason to get rid of her.

Especially with her under that things protection and that thing under his majesties.

“Army general, whilst the betrayal of our two comrades was sudden, it was as much of a surprise for the two of us as it was for you. I think it would be best if our newest member and myself head to somewhere more private so I can help him process what just happened.”

There she goes again, ruining my plans. I had no real reasons not to give them that. But once we were done, they’d both be kicked out of the army.

Or at least the young one. The older one would be more of an issue. For some reason his majesty himself insisted she had to stay in the army.

“Dismissed. Lieutenant, please take care of the explosives while that happens. This run-down system doesn’t deserve to bask in the glory of my flagship, so I’d rather we leave sooner than later.”

The pests left to go to their quarters. I could listen in to what they were saying via the surveillance system, but I do not concern myself with whatever these animals would talk about.

“And someone get this thing out of my sight. I expect the bridge to be spotless by the time we make the jump back to base!” I pointed at the animal corpse in the middle of the room.

I sat down in the commanding officers chair and impatiently tapped my fingers.

The sooner we would get out of this forsaken system, the better.

Before long I finally received confirmation that the charge had been planted and set. Took these peasants long enough. Not that I’d want to risk noble blood by making a proper soldier work down there.

“Sir! Our scanners picked up a humanoid figure leaving the planet. It appears to be headed to the star!”

“What?” I jumped up, alarmed.

“We have visuall!” a second soldier chimed in. “It’s Peacekeeper!”

I relaxed and sat back down. No matter how much hubris that thing had, it could not match a star. If it was whatever force haf defeated it, I would be worried, but just it by itself? That wasn’t even worth an afterthought.

“No matter. Let Peacekeeper fail at stopping a star. We’ll stick to the course and head back to base.”

There was no way it could survive the supernova, much less stop it.

Draco POV

“Okay star, give me all you got!” 

I had recovered as much as I could, Blues healing magic definitely helped, and made my way to the star.

I decided it would be best for Amber and Blue to flee in my ship while I stayed back and did what I could to stop or delay the explosion.

I thrust my hands into the star, flinching a bit at the pressure, and just started channeling mana through my origin to absorb as much of the star as possible.

Which was not enough. And also way too slow. Didn't matter. I never really intended to fully stop the explosion, only weaken it, contain it, delay it so more people could escape. 

My origin started to hurt and feel hot from all the stress, but that didn't matter. I know that with my origin being an artificial one and me being pronounced dead, burning it out meant no more magic for me, but I had a hard time caring, for reasons mentioned before.

What I hadn’t factored in however, was my self-preservation instinct kicking in. I had been surprisingly successful at absorbing the explosion, but just as my origin hit its limit, I flinched back. It only took me a second to try and resume what I had been doing, but that was one second too long. 

A sudden increase in gravity, finally being allowed to spring into action, violently compressed the star as well as sucking me in. The pressure made me scream out in pain. Weirdly enough though, I did not feel any pain from the heat. Not that I had much time contemplating that, because just as fast and violently as the star and I had been sucked in, the gravity reversed. The star had gone past the critical point. Its pressure now overpowering gravity it rapidly grew.

I was quite adept at flying, however I was unable to focus on anything at all, leaving me at the mercy of the plasma violently erupting out in all directions. I was thrown around like a rowing boat in a storm. Not that I had anything solid I could impact anyways. I think.

I couldn’t really see anything, due to everything around me, and probably including me, being about a million degrees hot and therefore glowing in a bright white light.

I couldn’t hear much either, well beyond loud. I don’t really know how else to describe it, it was just loud. Like an explosion but it kept happening and happening thousands of times in just one second.

As for what I felt, it was mostly pain from being compressed on all sides with some occasional force of acceleration as I was rag-dolled through the dying star. 

I did however pick up that a number of spacecrafts had left the system through my magic senses. Amber and Blue made it out. And as many people as they could evacuate. No doubt me holding off the explosion had helped with that.

Knowing this, I did actually find some sort of closure and very soon after this, I blacked out.

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