Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 1: 1. The Culmination of a Millennium

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**England, 1998**

In a large mansion that resided amongst the rolling hills and valleys of England a pregnant woman was screaming in pain as a midwife encourages the lady to keep pushing. Surrounded by her close family, her partner, and her parents. Her partner was a man with well-defined muscles visible under the tight-fitting button-down white shirt who could quite easily be described as a Greek statue dressed as a business man, his wavy blond hair swept back looking every part the respectable professional while her parents, both starting to go grey in old age had an air of dignity around them, both well dressed with an elegant and resolute posture despite the obvious looks of worry over their faces.

The tension in the room was evident as time slowly ticked by, accentuated by the occasional 'tick tock' coming from the large grandfather clock that could be occasionally heard between the screams. After 17 long hours of labour the first cries of a young baby girl could be heard followed by the excited cheers of the maids and staff who had been waiting outside for the news.

Happy tears streamed down the new mother's pale face as the midwife handed the baby to her, the beautiful golden blond hair still stuck to her face from the sweat produced by a long and strenuous time. A small smile appeared on the man's face as he looked down with an expectant gaze while the mother's parents let out a sigh of relief, both sharing a massive smile.

After a while of letting out her months of pent-up emotions, the mother finally breaks her happy silence.

"Elyssia. Her name will be Elyssia"

**16 years later**

A young girl with beautiful long and golden hair that looks like pure gold reflecting the subtle rays of light on the sunny autumn day elegantly gets out of the back seat of a Rolls Royce Phantom, her young yet lean body showing hints of her adult charm with curves in all the right places. Reaching a height of 155cm, her B cup breasts modestly outlined by her school white shirt and her slender legs clearly defined by the black tights and skirt. Her brilliant pink eyes showing of a mature and serious gaze. Picking up her bag, she thanks the driver and quickly makes her way up the mansions stone stairs to the front door where a stereotypical butler was waiting to welcome her home.

"Welcome home Miss Elyssia, I hope the day went well for you?"

"Yes, thank you Harold. The weather has really turned today, would you please have some tea prepared to warm me up?"

kindly smiling Harold asks, "I shall prepare something suitable at once, do you want it sent to the parlour?"

"Also, your grandfather is waiting for you in his study, you should quickly hurry as he seems to have some important matter to talk to you about."

With a slight look of worry on her face, Elyssia responds "Yes please. I hope it's nothing bad."

"Worry not young Miss, whatever it is I can say with full confidence you can handle it!" Harold responds with a soothing smile.

Hurrying up the grand staircase in the entry hall, Elyssia quickly makes her way to her grandfather's study, warmly greeting the various mansion staff along the way who all respectfully bow and happily return her greetings. While being the young lady of the mansion, she is respectful and courteous of those that work under her family, being loved because of her friendly and happy nature as well as respected for her excellent image built from hard work and great achievements. While some of her piers from both social circles and the reputable school she attends can be quite arrogant and narcissistic, especially those from well off backgrounds, Elyssia had been brought up to follow the true noble principles. Expected to wield her power and privilege for the betterment of those around her and to behave with dignity and pride, Elyssia was a distinguished young lady who was looked up to and respected by those she met.

Walking into her grandfather Arthur's study, Elyssia looked around at the large room with bookshelves covering both walls either side of the door, the massive oak desk with various important documents piled high letting some of the rays of sunshine from the late evening sunshine across the room from the large window behind.

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"Elyssia, welcome back home. Please, come and take a seat". Looking to her left, Elyssia turns to the serious sounding voice of her grandfather who was sat in an old leather armchair facing the fireplace next to the door.

The now 61-year-old man was wearing a finely tailored tweed grey suit, holding a glass with a small amount of aged whiskey which Elyssia could catch the scent of exuding a refined aura of a respectable old man.

Making her way to the nearby sofa and sitting down, Elyssia asks "Grandfather, I was told you had something serious to discuss?"

Arthur was usually a loving old man, often doting on Elyssia at every chance he could get, so seeing him with a serious look on his face could do nothing but bring worry to her mind. Through all her life it was rare to see her grandfather with a serious expression on his face. Looking into his eyes, she could see a hint of sadness and anger, as well as concern.

"it's your 16th birthday next week. As you know we plan to hold a party two days before however we will need to have a family discussion between that time. I know you are very busy, so you will need to free up the day."

Seriously worried now, Elyssia asks "what is this about grandfather? To free up the whole day, something major must be wrong!"

Forcing a smile on his face he responds "Its nothing to worry about at the moment. For now, just enjoy the next couple of days and your birthday celebrations. Anyway, with that sorted, how has your swordsmanship training going?"

"Ok Grandfather, but you know after leaving me in suspense like this I can't help but worry?" Elyssia retorts with a slight frown

"I know, but do your best ok? Anyway, tell me about your training" he responds trying to reassure her.

Knowing that pressing the issue will get her nowhere, she thinks 'I just have to wait and see. I'm sure grandfather has his reasons. Still, if this is something that I can solve without being left in the dark I will be quite annoyed'.

Quickly supressing her thoughts, she answers "It's going well, I have completely mastered the use of Germanic longsword fighting styles, as well as both traditional English and our families own combat styles. I have a good grasp on the classic Japanese katana styles as well as ancient Greek and roman sword and spear techniques. While I have tried to integrate some of the forms together it has been quite hard, especially between eastern and western styles since the weapon design makes things slightly harder."

As Elyssia continues on, the sparkle in her eyes becomes more obvious, putting a smile on her grandfather's face. While he did not want to see his beloved granddaughter taking up the sword, seeing her so happy talking about it put his mind at ease a little even it was inevitable since she was born a daughter of the Sadrestium Duke family.

Returning to his usual mood, Arthur asks "I'm happy to hear you are doing so well I always knew you would progress so quickly over the last 10 years! Your talent for learning new things always astounds me. Now then, how about we have some tea and cakes while we wait for your brother to get home?"

With a flash of excitement in her eyes, Elyssia excitedly responds "yes grandfather, I have asked Harold to prepare me some tea in the parlour! Let's go now!"

Standing up, they both cheerfully head to the parlour.

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