Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 7: 7. A Nightmare

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Elyssia was standing on a flat plain that was riddled with scorch marks from fire. Shards of ice and earth randomly protruded ground while puffs of smoke drifted across the battlefield. Corpses strewn around her, some mangled beyond any sort of recognition. This sight completely freaked Elyssia out, alongside the horrendous smell that hit her nose causing her to retch while holding her stomach.

Trying her best to regain her composure she looks back to the corpses with a pale face, still feeling nauseous smell of death and burning corpses.

The majority of these corpses seemed to be wearing armour with an emblem featuring a hippalectryon, a creature Elyssia remembered reading about in Greek mythology.

A hippalectryon was a hybrid creature with the front half of a horse, and the back half of a rooster. The emblem depicted the creature reared up on its back legs, its wings spread and its head facing backwards.

Meanwhile the other corpses shocked her. Elyssia could tell these beings were on an opposing faction due to the direction they died in as well as the types of remaining weapons and arrows that were protruding from those with the hippalectryon emblem, they appeared to be from a variety of races with many different types of armour and features. Elyssia could clearly make out short and stout dwarves, tall elves with long ears and pale skin as well as those with dark skin, Satyrs with their lower bodies being that of goats as well as some bodies completely covered in fur with animal features just to name a few. These mysterious races seemed to make up about a third of the number as the majority of dead from this army.

Elyssia was completely baffled by the sight. Following the direction from which the sounds of fighting were coming from she could see two armies engaged in a bloody melee with the occasional flashes of what Elyssia guessed was magic.

The Mixed-race army seemed to be pushing the other back towards the centre of the area where a humungous city lay secluded on an island.

The landscape in the area featured massive mountains in the distance that seemed to cover the majority of the horizon with large gaps in various places. The landscape from these mountains seemed to slowly decline towards where the city was situated at the lowest point. Looking around Elyssia could make out a number of large, scattered forests and a few occasional towns situated amongst the rolling hills. A river that descended from the mountains in the far distance slowly snaking it's way through the landscape splitting and flowing either side of the island where the massive city was located. Elyssia estimated that the massive river flowing around the city to be at least 1km wide on all sides with 4 long bridges leading to the city, 2 crossing each side of the river as they stood firm to the constant flow of water.

The city itself gleamed in the distance like a jewel, its white walls reflecting the midday sunlight. Straining her eyes, Elyssia could notice that the city was made from sections divided by walls that made 3 concentric circles with the city's districts separated by straight walls that lead from the inside circle to the outside. In the centre of the city was a massive castle where a few domes and towers could be made seen, however due to the distance she could not clearly see the castle.

Looking towards the districts situated within the middle ring Elyssia could see what she assumed to be a Colosseum rising from the nearby buildings in one, while in two other areas she could see a smaller castle and a large building that looked like a small fort. She could not make out what was behind the castle due to the glare of the sunlight that reflected off its walls and rooves.

Looking at the outer section of the city Elyssia could not see anything of particular note assuming it to be the residential areas. Looking outside of the city Elyssia could see around one end of the island were massive docks where a number of large ship masts rose with some ships leaving the port while others were arriving with their sales unfurled.

Meanwhile at the other end of the island Elyssia could make out a number of towers that were encircled by its own wall completely separate from the main city that strangely seemed to be bathed in hue of varying colours that seemed to shift about like a subtle aurora.

Deciding that she should quickly move out of this area and get to safety, Elyssia starts running towards a nearby rise that she could see in the distance to get a slightly better vantage point. From there she could find the closest nearby town and figure out sort through her thoughts while possibly having the chance to gain information.

Thinking to herself 'that's if they are even friendly and speak the same language'.

Just as she reached 100 metres away from where she woke up, the world started to warp around her causing her to become nauseous again and start retching. After a few seconds the world seemed to refocus, however this time she was in between the fighting armies.

Thinking to herself 'What! No, I have to get out of here! I can't get involved with this war! I have no idea who I should be fighting, let alone if I should be fighting at all!'

Quickly looking around, she could see she was directly on the battle line in the middle of the two armies' clash. Quickly drawing her weapon ready to parry any oncoming attacks she suddenly lets out a scream as the back of someone's head blocks her entire vision.

Stumbling back, she sees the rest of the tall elven man running through her towards the opposing army.

Now completely loosing her mind over the absurdity of what's going on, her thoughts once again shift focus as she reflexively ducks as a streak of lightning flies through the space her head once was. With her palms profusely sweating, Elyssia tries to take a deep breath to calm her beating and nerves.

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Slowly analysing the situation, she first thinks about the man who had just run straight through her.

'Last time I encountered fantasy elves were very much still corporeal. While this may not be the case since I know nothing about where I am right now, I should…'


An earth-shattering sound similar to glass cracking yet more ethereal sounding booms from above sending shockwaves across the battlefield. Knocking some soldiers down to the ground, while causing others to stager back by a few steps. However, Elyssia was completely unaffected.

A massive dark line jagged its way across the sky easily 3000 metres directly above the shining white city oozing dark black smoke that was rapidly expanding downwards.


An even more deafening sound ripped across the battlefield as the black line in the sky suddenly expanded in an instant, looking like a black abyss.

Elyssia stood there stock still as she stared up at the sky absolutely horrified at what she was seeing.

Suddenly with a bang with shockwaves that could be clearly seen burst from the black abyss in all directions, bringing with it chunks of black rock covered in black flames with a cold blue huge where it burnt the hottest.

At least 500 of the flaming rocks could be seen, seemingly slowly descending due to the distance. The first explosions caused by these rocks could be heard as the white city below was hit since it was closest to the black abyss.

Sending plumes of smoke, rubble, and dust into the air from where they landed, the outside of the city quickly received the same fate as the flaming rocks caused massive plumes of water and steam to erupt from where they smashed into the river, sending shockwaves that instantly shattered ships that were out on the water while the large waves of water capsized others.

As the bombardment quickly approached where the two armies stood frozen in absolute shock, with horror plastered across every single face, a scream rose from someone as they realised that in a few short seconds they would be next. This set off a chain reaction as the thousands of troops irrespective of their side dropped their weapons and started running as far away as they possibly could.

Elyssia stood completely still. She had never expected to find herself on a battlefield. She had never expected to find herself seeing magic. Least of all she had never thought that she would find herself facing her death from the impact of a massive chunk of black faming rock falling from an abyssal hole in the sky that released destruction like it was rain.

Losing all strength in her legs she crumpled to the ground tears falling from her eyes as the only thoughts that now crossed her mind were her beloved family who she would never see, imagining their sorrowful faces as they lived with the torture and pain of not knowing where she had disappeared to and never having that question answered.

As she stared at the sky with her vision becoming more blurred by the second, she could watch in utter despair as one of the flaming black rocks flew directly at her.



Elyssia woke up screaming at the top of her lungs, eyes completely red from the tears that were streaming down her face.

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