Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse)

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Elite Battle

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Fletcher was running at an abnormal speed causing the wind to push against his body, in a fleeting moment he was already upon team 3, they were still in the middle of arguing with each other and unaware of his presence.

“Wtf* is this?” Fletcher looked at the people in front of him in bewilderment.

Binna was the first one to notice the arrival of a stranger, she immediately alerted everyone “Who are you?”, the rest of the team shifted their attention toward Fletcher.

“Young lady where are your manners, don’t you think it’s rude, to barge into my territory and ask questions without identifying yourself first?” Fletcher said sarcastically portraying a relaxed attitude, but internally he was evaluating his opponents he could see two awakened a guy in flame and what looked like a human werewolf hybrid.

“She asked you a question, you better answer her right NOW,” Dylan said fiercely.

“Hehehe” Fletcher giggled a little, it was truly amusing having these brats glare at him like that.

“Wow that was almost convincing, there isn’t enough conviction behind it, say it again, this time use your diaphragm and make it sound believable” Fletcher sensed the urgency and lack of experience, from these kids, so he was trying to mess with them a little bit.

“What is wrong with this idiot” Dylan looked around him, trying to confirm that everyone was hearing and seeing the same thing.

“Let’s just fuck him up, and then ask questions later” Roberto as usual preferred to use his fists, his feet Deformed and pushed strongly against the ground, sending his large body flying toward Fletcher, his claws were inches away from Fletcher's face, just then his target strangely disappeared from its place, Roberto made it a few steps past Fletcher, and just when he was trying to make sense of what was happening, Roberto’s vision blurred and his thoughts came to a halt, and then he dropped on the floor, or rather his head rolled down away from his body.

For a brief moment, the place drowned in silence.

In Fletcher’s perspective things played in slow motion, it took fletcher less than a fraction of a second to finish his target, when Roberto's attack was about to connect, Fletcher's body accelerated dodging the opponent's attack and swinging his ax at Roberto’s neck in one swift motion.

From the other member’s point of view, Roberto attacked and missed somehow even though his opponent did not move an inch, and then his head fell off.

“AAAAAAAHHHH” Emily shriek tore the silence and brought her teammates out of their state of shock.

Dylan's neurons fired on, “GET IN FORMATION NOW” he shouted at his teammates, he then threw his Flame toward Fletcher, while Luke activated his ability and got in front of everyone, ready to defend them with all he got, while Binna and Emily stayed at the back ready to provide back up when needed.

Fletcher easily avoided the jets of flame, these people were not his opponents at all, he was not even taking it seriously, with his agility attribute at 8, his opponents looked like they were moving in slow motion.

Fletcher was about to take down Dylan, he was mid-swing when a figure intervened with extreme speed, one aggressive knife swing blocked Fletcher’s ax, while the muzzle of a gun with a silencer crept up and a flurry of bullets overwhelmed Fletcher forcing him to retreat a few steps.

Major finally showed himself, he was tasked to protect the recruits, but he had already lost one, and he wasn’t about to lose another, he looked behind him, and flashed a Foster lab Elite member badge, which surprised the remaining members of team 3, “retreat right now, head back to the base, and don’t stop”

Dylan eye’s twinkled at the sight of the elite badge, that was his dream goal to become an elite member, the others also stared in surprise.

“GO, NOW” Major ordered in a loud voice.

“We can help you, we can fight him together,” Dylan said excitedly.

“He is not an opponent that you can handle, you will only hinder me, I can’t guarantee your safety and fight him at the same time, this is an order to leave NOW” Major said.

Dylan and the others followed Major's orders and retreated from the battle scene dejectedly, they wanted to fight and revenge their fallen teammate.

You are reading story Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse) at novel35.com

Major looked Fletcher up and down, he dropped his trench coat on the ground, reveling the arsenal underneath, gun holsters and multiple armor piercing ammo clips, in addition to two combat knives, he then said in a calm tone of voice “this is great, you look quite capable, at least coming here wasn’t a waste of time”

Fletcher was ignoring Major and eyeing team 3 members who were running away.

“Don’t even think about it” Major said and aimed his gun at Fletcher.

Major made the first move, he shot a few bullets aiming at the enemy's head while closing the distance, Fletcher protected his head by turning his right hand into metal and shielding his face, when Major was in range he switched to his combat knives, he skillfully delivered a variety of attacks aimed to stab, slash or disarm his opponent, Fletcher defended with equal skill, not falling for the enemy traps, and keeping up with him easily, after a few exchanges both fighters staggered rearwards, staring at each other trying to size up their opponent. this exchange was nothing more than a test to gauge the opponent's strength.

Major already saw Fletcher's bracelet so he knew that he had probably upgraded his attribute, and from the brief exchange, he could feel that his opponent's stats were higher than he was, even though he had maxed his agility and strength stats.


Fletcher also noticed the Bracelet on major’s wrist and smiled ' finally I'm fighting someone with boosted attributes, this will be exciting, and I can test my strength properly '

The two interlocked again their bodies blurred, sparks flew everyone, and the thundering sound of their weapons clashing echoed throughout the forest, they were evenly matched, unable to gain any advantage over the other; each strike would be deflected or avoided with a few slashes and cuts here and there but nothing severe.

Major unleashed a chain of strikes, not giving his opponents any room to relax, this style of fighting is designed to overwhelm the opponent by the sheer amount of intricate patterns of attacks, staying at 45° degree and using angels to find the gaps in his opponent’s defense.

Fletcher found it relatively easy to deal with his opponent thanks to his advantage in attributes, but he started to get agitated that he could not cause any damage to Major, even when he used the blink attack ability his opponent would somehow dodge in the last minute.

'This is not good if I didn't have my Danger sense ability, I wouldn't be able to keep up with him, how high is this guy's stats, to not only be faster but stronger than me' Major thought internally he was at his wit's end, no matter what move or trick he tried he couldn't land a hit on his opponent.

Fletcher contemplated in frustration 'What a weird feeling, each time I'm about to finish him, he somehow avoids it, like he knows what my next move is, I'm sure my agility and strength are higher than him but he is like a slippery fish, I can't grab hold of him.

The fight was dragging on for too long with no end in sight, so Major decided to go all out, he used his guns to keep Fletcher busy, although these bullets weren’t lethal to someone like fletcher they still packed a punch and caused a lot of damage since they are armor-piercing bullets, when Fletcher was occupied with defending himself from the bullets, Major grabbed a cylinder object and threw it with full force toward Fletcher giving him no time to react.

Fletcher noticed the object but he couldn’t get away in time so he threw his axe at it, the axe collided with the cylinder object just a few meters, away from fletcher, causing it to implode in a huge fiery explosion, that engulfed Fletcher's figure and sent his body flying through the forest and crashing into a few trees on his way.

Fletcher successfully used his full body metallization to protect himself from the explosion, but it cost him a whopping 50 MP, and adding the few blink attacks he attempted, he was running low on MP, right now he only had 12 MP left, and he needed to find a way to grab hold of this slippery opponent otherwise he might lose this battle.

The bomb left a crater on the ground showing how powerful it was, in the distance a body strewn on the ground, Major carefully approached Fletcher’s emotionless body, there was no sign of movement, it was to be expected the bomb he used was extremely lethal, only a few elite members possessed the cylinder plasma bomb, it was developed by Foster labs, and served as a last resort to guarantee the safety of their elite awakened.

“It’s over,” Major said in a victorious voice, he bent down and stabbed his knife toward Fletcher’s chest just to make sure his dead, just as the knife penetrated a few centimeters into the skin, Major’s Brain lit up with warnings, and his entire body tensed up.

"Got you" Fletcher activated his Electric charge ability at full power, Major eyes enlarged, and a powerful electric current traveled through his knife to his body, causing his body to convulse uncontrollably.

Fletcher baited his opponent in, seeing him unconscious and unarmed, Major lowered his guard, and went for the kill, Fletcher had to be extremely meticulous and not rush or delay the activation of his ability, otherwise Major would avoid it or stab him in the heart. Fletcher used his last remaining MP to deliver a full electric attack, stunning Major, and immobilizing him completely, until his body dropped to the floor.

After that, Fletcher easily finished him with a swift swing of his axe, sending his head flying away.

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