Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse)

Chapter 3: Chapter 03: Interrogation

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A few blocks away, two men were sharing a can of beans on top of a roof.

"Recently zombies numbers dropped significantly in this part of town, some other group is hunting in this area"

"Probably, but this guy is a freak? "

"Do you think he is an awakened"

"I don't think so, we have been watching him for days, and he didn't display any unusual abilities, except being efficient with the use of a hammer and smashing zombie skulls, nothing is out of the ordinary"

"Are you fucking serious, can you do that, I have never seen someone kill zombies with one swing, this guy is anything but ordinary"

"Ray you always worry too much, this is an easy score, this guy is sitting on a lot of zombie cores, just these few days, I lost count of how many zombies he killed, and he may have even more"

"I don't think we should do this David, it's too dangerous "

"You must've heard from jack about the army having a way to make wakened stronger, what if they have a way to help us awaken, I'm not gonna miss this opportunity"

"Those are only rumors, you don't know for sure"

"Fine if you wanna pussy out, I'll do it myself, but don't cry later when I get all the loot for myself"

Fletcher just got out of the shower and was checking his gains from today

" 13 strength 11 agility 2 vitality and 0 intelligence cores, I can't rely on luck to get the intelligence cores, it will take a long time to collect them, I need to find another way"

After he consumed the vitality cores, he went to sleep.

A few hours later

A faint clicking noise sounded from outside, someone was trying to open the front door. Fletcher who possessed advanced hearing capabilities, due to his upgraded stats, picked on the noise immediately and got out of bed.

The house was in complete darkness, but Fletcher could rely on his senses to navigate his way.

David and ray were sneaking their way inside, unaware of the danger that awaits them They split up, and David went to the right presumably toward where Fletcher was, and ray to the left.

David carefully opened the door of the room and walked inside, he kept darting his eyes around he could barely see, he bent down to pick up something that looked like a backpack on the floor when he felt a hand cover his mouth and another looped perfectly around his neck, David tried to get away, but those hands felt like they were made of steel, Fletcher had to control his strength otherwise with his strength five times stronger he could easily snap his neck, he put him on the ground gently then zip tied his hands and legs and put duct tape on his mouth and then went after the other now

Even though Ray knew his friend's plan was dangerous, he couldn't let his friends go in alone, so he changed his mind and decided to tag along with him.

Ray made his way to the kitchen and was looking through the cabins when he heard a voice right behind him.

" I have been waiting for you guys "

Ray's heart dropped at that moment, he knew his worst fear, has come to life, he fucked up, and his hand reached for the knife in his waist.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you "

Ray pulled the knife and swung fiercely behind him, his wrist was caught by a vice grip, and then a fist smashed into his face, and that was the last thing he remembered, before passing out.

Later on.

Fletcher was standing, in front of ray, who was tied with zip ties to a chair, he slapped him in the face a couple of times.

" hey rise and shine buddy "

Ray looked quite young, he was probably 16 or 17 years old, just a skinny white kid with an innocent face.

Ray opened his eyes only to see, Fletcher standing over him with a sinister smile, and murderous eyes, ray almost pissed himself just thinking about what this maniac would do to him.

" Listen carefully buddy I will ask you some questions, and all you need to do is answer them honestly, and I will let you go you and your friend, but if you lie to me, or I get a different answer from your friend, there will be very bad consequences, okay nod your head if you understand "

You are reading story Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse) at novel35.com

Ray nodded his head, and Fletcher removed the tape off his mouth.

"Now, first, your name and age ?"

" My name is Ray, short for Raymond I'm 17 years old, listen we were just..."

SLAM ray was slapped in the face before he could finish he felt his entire face throbbing with pain and his ears were ringing, and he was disoriented for a few seconds.

"Answer only the questions I ask you, nothing more, next time it won't be just a slap on the face "

"What's your friend's name and age "

Ray spat some blood from his mouth, "his name is David and I think his 19 or 20 years old"

"Are there any people with you "

Ray hesitated for a while before he simply said "yes but not here back at the camp"

"How many ?"

"21 people total, including me and David"

" is that all remember if I hear differently from your friend, I'll bash your face in"

" I swear I'm telling the truth we belong to a scavenger group from the 12 base our group consists of five lookout groups, each lookout group consists of two people, one main hunting group that consists of 6 people and the remaining 5 people take care of menial work like cleaning, cooking or medical help"

"Hmm, interesting, seems very organized for a scavenger group"

" It's quite common, there are many scavenger teams, it is the only way to make a living nowadays"

"A living? What are you looking for out here?"

" Well anything useful really, but our main goal is zombie cores, the military is giving all kinds of rewards for them back at the base, there are also other people trading them too"

" So you and your friend are a lookout team? What do you do exactly ?"

"We spread around the city, and collect information discreetly, like how many zombies are there in the area, and where are they heading, also we check for places where there is supplies of food, fuel, and medicine, and then we report back to the main group, we were supposed to come to report back tomorrow morning"

"If you are just a lookout team, then why did you monitor me for two days, and then broke into my house in the middle of the night?"

" I'm so sorry, sir it was David's idea, we saw how many zombies you killed, and we wanted to steal your cores"

"Where are the rest of your group located?"

Ray went silent for a while, clearly conflicted

"North of here we are staying in the harmony golf club, it's isolated from the city, so we don't have to worry about zombies attacking us in the middle of the night".

"Do you have any awakened in your group? If so, describe their powers?"

“Our leader is the only awakened we have, he has electric powers and he is part of the hunting team"

"Interesting "

Fletcher finished things with Ray, and moved to interrogate David next, the questions were similar but David unlike Ray he demanded more encouragement to spill the beans, Fletcher had to break a few fingers to get the truth out of him.

The sun was almost up, and Fletcher finally finished interrogating the two thieves.

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