Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse)

Chapter 9: Chapter 09: Two Birds, One Stone.

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Inside the hotel.

Ray was on his knees, with his hands tied behind his back, he could not help but overhear the conversation between the men who captured him, and someone who seemed like their superior.

"Sir, there were two guys in the building, we captured this one, but the other one got away," the henchmen said apologetically.

Ray was relieved to hear that Brian could escape.

Luke was visibly upset “you incompetent fools, you cannot even capture some kids" he slammed his huge fist on the wall next to him.

The henchmen couldn't help but gulp down in nervousness " Don't worry sir, I have sent a team after him, Sara managed to injure him, so he couldn't have covered much distance”

Luke thought for a second before he said " OK lock this one up in the interrogation room, and assign someone to watch him"

"Yes sir" the henchmen, followed the order, and took Ray deeper into the hotel.

A few minutes later.

Luke was in a hotel room arguing with a woman.

"For fuck sake Sara, why didn't you take the intruder down, when you had a chance?"

"I've tried, and I missed" Sara answered unapologetically.

"We both know, that's a load of crap, I've never seen you miss before"

"Okay, I missed on purpose, I told you before Luke that I'm not going to kill anyone, not for you and especially not for him," Sara said with a determined look in her eyes.

Luke released a sigh of frustration and looked at her, this woman still clung to her pride, and idealistic mindset "Things are different now Sara, it's survival of the fittest, next time you hesitate to kill, it might cost you your life"

"I don't care, I'm not gonna kill people in cold blood just because I'm afraid, I don't want to turn into someone like you or Jason"

Luke was speechless this woman was more stubborn than he is, but that's the reason he liked her so much.

"Anyway I'll deal with this mess, if Jayson asks you, just blame it on me say that I ordered you not to kill"

"It's my decision, I can take care of myself, I'm not afraid of him"

"For once Sara just do as I say," Luke said in agitation

"Why are you afraid of him so much, we are both awakened we can take him down if we work together" Sara confidently said

"You clearly underestimate him, even if there were 10 of me and you, we wouldn't be able to do anything to him" dropped his head and said.

"Anyway, just promise me, you won't do anything stupid, please" Luke grabbed Sara's hands and pleaded gently.

Sara gave in and said "Fine"

Back at the camp.

Everyone including Fletcher were huddled around, watching as Olivia was treating an unconscious Brian, she looked at the arrow lodged in his shoulder and said in sight of relief " luckily it didn't damage the bone, it went through cleanly " after that she looked at Fletcher and said " I need your help with the arrow" Fletcher grabbed the end of the arrow and easily broke it with his bare hands, after taking the arrow out and cleaning the wound with alcohol, she stitched the wound and bandaged his shoulder, she also gave him some antibiotics.

"What do you think happened to him out there?" Alicia said, clearly disturbed and worried, she asked Stacey on the side.

"This is awful, things are getting more dangerous outside, I would be happy to be back at the base right now"

Just then Brian came too and tried to get up, "ouch", he winced in pain, Olivia hurriedly stopped him.

"Stay down, your wound will open, if you move too much"

"What happened to you? And where is Ray?" Fletcher asked impatiently

Brian couldn't help but get agitated "You fucker, if it wasn't for you none of this would have happened…" a flare of curses hurled at Fletcher, perhaps Brian was emboldened by his riled-up emotions and residual adrenaline in his system, he also lost it, when he heard the name of his friend, who is probably dead by now, he wanted to vent his anger at the man responsible for them ending up in this situation in the first place.

You are reading story Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse) at novel35.com

The room went silent, everyone was waiting in anticipation.

Fletcher got down and stared at Brian, who didn't budge staring back at him, Fletcher put his hand on Brian's wounded shoulder, and squeezed his thumb into the wound, blood immediately started coming out, Brian screamed in agony "AHHHH, YOU MATHERFUCKER", Brian's body started convulsing in pain.

"Please stop" Olivia begged on the side, she knew that’s all she could do, for fear of angering him further.

"Answer the question" Fletcher increased the pressure his thumb was halfway deep in Brian's flesh.

"AHHH, WAHGHHG,....., okay I'll talk AHH, I'll say whatevver you wantt jj just stop please" Brian couldn't take it anymore.

"We did as you instructed, and searched the city for any signs of organized groups, we tracked down a few looters, and luckily they led us straight to their campp HUFHH" Brian was breathing hard barely able to finish his sentences.

"Continue" Fletcher urged him to keep talking.

"They were a large-sized group, staying at the Melano hotel, in the 2nd district near ranger park, we surveilled the place for a few hours, but unfortunately we were discovered and ambushed, Ray and I split up and I got shot with an arrow while trying to escape, I was barely able to make it back" Brian finished explaining what happened with some difficulty.

"It's your lucky day, if you didn't bring me such good news, I would have thrown you to the zombies outside" Fletcher leaned in and calmly added "next time you disrespect me like that, I'll tear you limb from limb"

When Brian heard Fletcher’s voice his hair stood on end, he could feel the coldness and the pure malice behind that threat.

Fletcher got up and went back to his room.

A while later.

Someone was knocking on the door.

Fletcher had a guess who it is, so he hid the bag he was packing.

"Come in"

Olivia walked into the room, she noticed Fletcher's nonchalant demeanor, she stood there for a while unable to say what she wanted.

“Are you just gonna stand there like a statue, what do you want?”

"What are you going to do about my brother?" Olivia asked anxiously

Fletcher remained silent.

Olivia clenched her fists "please, you're the only one who can save him"

"You're right, I can save him, of course, if they haven't killed him already”

“Does that mean you’re going to try” Olivia eagerly said?

“Why would I do that? What's in it for me?"

"He was doing what you wanted"

"You’re brother, failed such a simple mission, why would I save such a useless person?" Fletcher robotically answered.

Olivia felt like, she was backed against a wall, she realized this man, would never do anything without it benefiting him in some way.

"Alright I understand, you want something in return, then I will give you anything you want, my body, my soul, everything as long as you save my brother" Olivia decided to give the only thing she have left to save her brother.

Fletcher finally got the answer he wanted to hear, women like Olivia are tough to conquer, but now he can use her only weakness to break her defenses.

Fletcher approached her and gently caressed her face, "I will hold you to that"

Olivia felt like she just made a deal with the devil.

Fletcher was planning on going anyway, he saw an opportunity to conquer Olivia, and thought why not hit two birds with one stone, and decided to pretend like he didn't care, Ray was a work in progress, whoever dares derail that would pay dearly for it, he just hoped that Ray was still alive, otherwise it would be a huge waste.

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