Flip The Script

Chapter 4: Ch 004

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Toshi blinked and recoiled from the intense rage coming from Hinako. Nobody else spoke, as apparently this girl was expressing a rage that was shared by all. Toshi looked his sister in the eye and said simply, "No." Hinako looked shocked, "What?"


"I said, 'no'." Toshi let go of her hand and reached out to cup her cheek, "Are you my sister?" She nodded. Her expression was a combination of sadness and rage. She struggled to keep her feelings under control, but her hatred seemed to radiate from her as an aura with a life of its own. Toshi pulled himself forward a little to look her straight in the eye, "I remember nothing. I am not soiled. I have not lost my honor. None of this was my fault and I don't blame myself." He gave her a sad smile and let his hand slip off her face, "If you go out and spend one second trying to find this person, that is one second she stole from us."


Hinako couldn't believe her ears, "You? YOU! You want me to just let her get away with this???" Toshi shook his head, "No. I expect you to let the cops do their job." Hinako and the mother both looked at each other, growing concerned. Toshi continued, "If you go kill her, you will not bring me peace." Toshi squeezed Hinako's hands to get her attention, "You will either get killed yourself or wind up in jail." She sputtered, but Toshi cut her off, "And then I will truly be devastated as I will have lost my sister a second time." This shut down Hinako entirely. All she could do is stare at the wall as the color drained from her face.


He then turned his attention to his father, "That goes double for you!" Everyone was quiet because of the tension, but now everyone shifted to a state of confusion. Toshi's father lifted his head up from his wife's shoulder, "Me?" Toshi nodded and gave the most stern expression he could, "Yes. I don't need you going on a rampage trying to get revenge for something I can't even remember." He pointed an accusing finger at his father, "I need help. I need to put my brain back together and I need my parents for that." He waggled his finger back and forth between his father and mother, "Both of you." His father just gaped in wonder at Toshi. He had been rendered completely speechless.


Hearing this, the mother stepped back and for some reason looked ashamed. No, not ashamed. She was broken. Without a word, she turned and fled the room. The father seemed to know why but didn't follow. He just looked at the floor. Toshi looked at the exit, then back at his father, "Hey." His father looked up. Toshi pointed at the door, "This is the part where you chase after her."


Hirofumi stood there, dumbfounded. He just stared at his son like he was an alien. Eventually he looked off into the distance as he thought about what Toshi said, "You know what? You're right." He turned and stepped out into the hall. He looked left, then right, then took off in a sprint.


Hinako looked at the doctor, "Can we be alone?" The doctor nodded and quickly stood up, "Of course." She walked out while muttering something about the call button. Hinako looked at Toshi askance, "Now I KNOW you lost your memory." Toshi pulled his head back slightly, "Explain?" Hinako pointed at Toshi, "You wanted to be a pop idol. You started singing and pushing for lessons and everything. You are... were.... good at it. Dad was backing you. Mom didn't like... you being whored out."


Toshi's eyes went wide, but he didn't comment.


"Dad... started devoting more and more time to your career and mom was feeling lonely and..." Hinako sighed, "A guy started hitting on mom and she was-" Toshi cut her off with a knowledgable, "Ah." and glanced away.


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"They've been separated for a year now. I think they were going to get divorced soon." Hinako turned away as she stood up. She started to pace then slammed her fist against the wall, "Damnit!" She turned to face Toshi, "This is such a mess! Mom was right! Look at what happened to you!" Her face was bright red with rage, "SURE! She shouldn't have cheated on dad but... damnit! This is just... FUCKED!"


Toshi pulled back his covers and swung his feet to the floor. His sister quickly returned to his side, "Hey! Do you really-" Toshi grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, "It's okay." She tried to pull away but he kept holding on. "It's going to be alright." Toshi muttered softly. She yelled, "NO! No, it's not! It's not-" She tried to get out of the hug, but he kept holding on. He stroked her hair as he spoke soothing words to her, "It'll get bad, then better, then bad, then better, but in the end, it is all going to work out." She froze up for a moment before she started crying. He held her tight, rocking slightly, "That's it... let it out... brother is going to take care of everything." She sobbed, "I'm not crying." He nodded, "Okay. You just got leaky eyes." She let out a short laugh then sniffled, "I'm supposed to be taking care of you." He shrugged, "How about we take turns?"


Toshi and Hinako heard a sob from the doorway. They both looked up to see their parents. His father was crying, but looking happy at the same time. Mother was working hard to fight back her own tears. She looked to her husband, "I'm sorry for everything. You didn't do this to him. This wasn't your fault. You-" Father hung his head, "I so wanted him to become what I couldn't be. I never..." She reached over to pull him to face her, "We both really screwed up. Can we just put all this behind us and be a family again?" She swallowed and took a moment to compose herself, "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't believe I-"


He put two fingers on his wife's mouth, "I... don't know if I can." She looked heart broken as he continued, "But our son needs both of us right now." She perked up, "And I need you too." Hinako pulled back and ran over to hug both of them, "Really!?" She pulled away to look at both her parents at once, "We can all move back in together?" They both looked at each other, then back at their daughter and nodded in unison. Hinako laughed and jumped, "YES!" She spun to face Toshi, "Toshi this-" She stopped and just stared.


Toshi just smiled back at the three of them and said, "yay?"


Hinako closed her eyes and made a fist, "What a horrible reason to become a family again." Toshi clapped his hands once. Everyone looked at him. He took a deep breath, "Stop that. Maybe this is a good thing." They gaped at him. He waved off the looks, "Maybe it is for the best. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that maybe... maybe I needed a fresh start most of all." He stood up, grabbed his IV stand and shuffled over to the rest of his family. When Hinako tried to help him, he waved her off. He kept moving, step by step until he was close enough, "Okay. I'm not normally a touchy feely kinda guy, so enjoy it while it lasts." He then held out his arms, "Group hug!"


The three looked very confused by Toshi's remark, but leaned into the group hug. Father let out a happy sigh, "The Kimoto family is finally back!" Mother let out a short sob, "Yeah..." then wiped at her eyes as she tried to keep herself under control, "We're back. And I'm never letting anything bad happen to my family again." Toshi enjoyed the hug, thinking about how weird this all was, but hey, he got what he asked for. I guess something had to give. However, the more he thought about things, the more he started to wonder if something was... very... very...




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