Flower of Steel

Chapter 45: 45

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Chapter 45 - Sir Adrian

“He-heck no! I would never be friends with such a man!”

Rave stuttered at my words, while I smiled innocently and added, “Why? You seem very interested in my cousin.”

“No way. I won’t fool around with you anymore. Please don’t get me involved with your cousin. Can you do that? Please,” begged Rave.

“I’ll consider it depending on how you do from now on.”

I looked away as if I was considering, and Rave sighed and opened the door to the Operations Department.

“Good morning.”

Everyone turned to Rave and me because of my greeting and greeted back, “Good morning!”

Ah. Greetings always make people lively whenever I hear them. I sat on my seat and began looking over documents before the office turned into a battleground of policies. Soon, the second hand grazed past the minute hand, and the war of government officials began. I had to look over the documents and revise them as always.

‘This policy should be more efficient if I revise it this way.’


“Secretary Harrant! Come here for a second!”

While I was busy with work, I heard Director Clove calling me over with a fuss. As I walked up to him, the Director sighed, “We have trouble.”

“Pardon, sir?”

“The strategy you proposed at the meeting a while ago was well received by the State Council Meeting where every minister and cabinet joins. His Majesty also heard about it and said he wants to meet with the person who proposed the idea.”

Oh, so it actually caused a fuss. How do I look today? How am I dressed? It’s alright. Makeup? Good. Daisy did a pretty good job at least. Yeah, I’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s do this.

“I understand. When should I go?” I asked.

“The Royal Guards will come to get you in a while. But… are you okay?” asked the Director.

“Huh? Why?”

Why would I not be okay? It’s not like I am guilty of something. I looked at Count Clove with a puzzled look, and he sighed, “Nevermind. I had forgotten that you aren’t a normal officer. There’s a reason why Administrations wants you.”

This reminded me that I had become the victim of two directors’ fight for pride, and I stated, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back to my seat.”


Count Clove became even more surprised by my words and asked, “Wait, are you going back to work in this situation?”

“Yes, sir. The Royal Guards aren’t here yet, so I should finish the policy plan I was working on before they arrive.”

“You sure are something.”

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It wasn’t only Count Clove but everyone at the office that was sighing. I became curious, but whatever. I will go my own way. I should deal with my work fast and face the Emperor.


Not long after, the door of the office opened. I turned in that direction with anticipation. There was a familiar face walking in. It was him.

“I’m here to bring Secretary Harrant.”

The Royal Guard that came to escort me was the essence of handsomeness, Adrian. The other man was Chelleno. I didn’t expect my cousin and Adrian to come. But that aside, Chelleno seems to be quite skilled, unlike how stupid he acts at home. The Royal Guards, which protects the Emperor, were the pinnacle of the Central Knights. Considering my uncle, who values skills above all, there was no way he would let my cousin join because he was his son.

“Yes. I’m Secretary Harrant,” I answered and got up to walk to them.

Chelleno seemed like he wanted to speak as his mouth tried to move, but I glared at him to stop. Adrian smiled brightly and said, “Please follow us. His Majesty is waiting.”



After walking past the office and the garden where there were fewer people, Sir Adrian turned around, smiled at me, and said, “Don’t be so nervous. He is calling you because you have done well. It’ll be fine.”

“Yes. Actually, I’m not nervous at all.”

I heard wind leak from behind, so I turned and saw Chelleno giggling from behind with his shoulder shuddering. Damn fool. He’s a cousin who cackles at me without helping me.

“I’m sorry, Marin.”

I glared at him for calling me by my nickname in such a situation. Chelleno flinched and cowered. Sir Adrian, who was walking ahead, turned again, smiled, and commented, “You two sure are close as cousins.”

Does he think we’re close when all I do is pick on him? It came to me that maybe he wasn’t an ordinary man either.

Chelleno asked, “So, how do you two know each other?”

“It was just a coincidence.” After casually answering Chelleno, Adrian looked at me. Then he made a smile that could brighten the surroundings and added, “And we meet again coincidentally. Isn’t that right, Secretary Harrant?”

His words made my heart flutter. He’s way too handsome.

“Sir, are you trying to court my Marin again? I mean, you are very skilled… compared to me, but no way!” declared Chelleno, as he hugged me from behind again.

I stepped on his shoe with my heel again. Just like last time, I spoke to him with a grin, “Sir, please look after my cousin. He’s got a long way to go.”

Adrian frowned for a second, then brightly smiled, “Have you forgotten my name again, my lady?”

He firmly requested I change the way I formally address him. I sighed at his kind smile and gave him the answer he wanted, “…Sir Adrian.”

His blue eyes seemed satisfied by my answer, and I had to look. He sure is a tremendously handsome man. Such beautiful eyes, he doesn’t falter behind that of the Crown Prince.

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