Flower of Steel

Chapter 52: 52

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Chapter 52 - Party at the Siccain’s

“Glad you came today, Secretary Harant,” said Prince Siccain.

“Oh, yes. I didn’t know you were the Prince Siccain.”

As I casually turned to his side and greeted him, I saw him smiling sheepishly as he replied, “But you don’t seem all that surprised.”

“Well, to be honest, there is nothing to be surprised about. I did expect you to be a son of some high-ranking family.”

At my words, a smile appeared on his beautiful face. I saw some of the ladies faint, but to me, he was just a person from another world. Then the Prince asked, “Are you always predicting everything like that?”

“What… It’s helpful to be prepared.”

It’s always been convenient to look ahead at all the variables. I did that only to prevent problems in advance, but his expression turned into a playful one in response to my words.

“Let’s see if you have also predicted this.”

As soon as he spoke, he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I heard people gasping at that sight. I was also shocked. It wasn’t because of the unexpected circumstances, but because of his unexpected actions.


‘So, he’s a bit crazy. He enjoys watching me while I’m in shock.’

“Lady Marina. Will you dance with me, Droinel Adrian von Siccain? Please give me the honor of dancing with you.”

“It will be my honor, Prince Siccain.”

For a moment, the urge to embarrass him by refusing to do so came to me, but I wasn’t crazy enough to act on the impulse to disgrace the Chancellor’s son at his party. I guess I should enjoy this chance of being the focus of this party. Elise von Schuteiner, I’m coming on top of you. As I smiled at Elise, who was staring at me, it seemed like her durable mask had acquired a small crack. This pleased me.

“You look like you’re enjoying it, Marina,” said Adrian.

I found it a bit annoying that he addressed me by my name, but I decided to let this one slide since he allowed me to crack Elise’s mask. I actually did feel pleasant thanks to you, so I replied, “Well, I saw something amusing for a short moment.”

“Something amusing?”

I grinned at him as he asked me with a smile, then his expression became strange.

“Yes, something really amusing,” I said.

As people’s attentions were focused on me and Adrian dancing together, I saw that b**ch looking at us both with cold eyes. At this moment, she wasn’t the one who was shining the brightest at the party of the Chancellor, the man with the most power after the Emperor. It was Marina von Harrant, a fallen noble who had become a government official. All envious eyes and jealous swear words were directed to me right now.


“Marina, I want you to call me Rian from now on,” said Adrian.

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As he leaned over and whispered to me while we danced, the murmurs grew louder. That was a good move. Thanks to that, I was able to see a lot more funny faces from Elise and her cronies. I’m not sure what intentions you have by doing this to me, but I’ll pay you back since I enjoyed it because of you.

“I’ll do as you wish, as repayment for making it an enjoyable occasion, Rian.”

His beautiful smile deepened as I called him by his nickname. I never knew what he was thinking, but he was still undeniably handsome. It was to the point that I was constantly astonished even when I didn’t care much for a person’s looks.

“It’s an honor, I look forward to being called that name wholeheartedly. Beautiful Marina,” said Adrian.

There was no sincerity in hearing such a compliment from someone more beautiful than me. Still, my feelings toward him were friendly for now, as I was able to hurt the ever so proud Elise thanks to him. As I was about to part with him with a smile, I heard the sound of another horn.

“The Little Sun of Genorium, the Crown Prince Clyde Sieghard Urd Genorium, enters!”

At the sound of announcing the Crown Prince entrance, I frowned without realizing it. I didn’t expect that nutjob to attend parties.

“Good evening, Your Highness,” said the Chancellor.

The Chancellor and his wife, the hosts of this banquet, bowed their heads, and all the nobles bowed their heads as a courtesy to the imperial family. Then I heard an arrogant yet beautiful voice, “You may raise your head.”

When I raised my head, I saw him glaring at me. Damn it. It looked like he decided to keep an eye on me after that damn doll incident. It was apparent that my goal of staying under the radar at work had failed. But it didn’t matter as the end goal was the same. After all, it would have been impossible to do so under that crazy man anyway.


“Chancellor, this is a wonderful party,” commented the Crown Prince.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” replied the Chancellor.

“Even if there’s some that I find unpleasant.”

The Chancellor did not even blink at the nutjob’s additional comment. He had the nerve to, as the leader of all officials.

“I am sure you will find a lot lacking for your noble taste, but I still wish for you to have an enjoyable time,” said the Chancellor.

I was able to guess what the Crown Prince thought after the Chancellor replied to him with a laugh. He would have cursed him for being a sly man. Anyway, I didn’t need to think about the mind of a crazy individual, so I figured it would be best that I didn’t pay attention for my own sake.

“It has been a pleasure, Sir Adrian.”

Adrian looked at me with a slight disappointment after I corrected how I addressed him but soon returned a bright smile as he responded, “Marina, my mother really wants to meet you. Would you mind spending some more time with me?”

I felt burdened by this but figured it wouldn’t be terrible to be acquainted with the Duchess. Now that I was at the capital, I had to fit in, so I replied, “It will be an honor.”

I was escorted by Adrian to head toward the Duchess and saw the Crown Prince looking at me with a sullen expression on his face. I guess he doesn’t like me around him. It’s understandable since he had shared his secret hobby unwillingly with me. But it was nothing to be ashamed about.

I stood in front of the Duchess, who was in her seat as she watched the party. She was an elegant and charming beauty resembling Adrian that caught my eye. Unlike her son, she had golden hair like the sun and gray eyes. She was a beautiful woman who didn’t look her age.

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