Flying Dust

Chapter 15: CH 15

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 15 *( ͡˘̴ ͜ ʖ̫ ͡˘̴ )*

Warning : Slightly NSFW!!! 

Just by using his sword, the other side had such power, Mo Fei Chen couldn’t help but sigh that there were indeed crouching tigers hidden dragons 1[卧虎藏龙 fig. talented individuals in hiding or concealed talent]in Jiang Hu!

Soon after that, that person formed a sword with his defensive Qi as the white light swept through him. Although Mo Fei Chen’s martial arts was second-rate, his Qing Gong could be considered top-notch. His body moved backwards as his feet were using the “Ride the Wind” step. While on the other hand, that sword Qi directly swept down a row of roofs of the house behind him. The sword Qi sank into the ground, leaving a deep ravine.

“Little thing, I guess you’ve been following me since I was in the brothel, right?” The other party was leaning against the wall of the dark alley. In the darkness, only a hint of smile from the corner of his mouth could be discerned.

“Yu Shi Xiong…” Mo Fei Chen called out to him, wanting to step forward.

“I haven’t seen you for seven years, let’s see how far you, this lazy monkey have improved.” After saying this, the other party’s body figure moved quickly out of his sight like a flash, a sword Qi breaking through the wind came forward to him as Mo Fei Chen swung his sword to block it, but his wrist numb because of the hilt of his sword kept shaking. He had to quietly focus his true qi on his sword while his wrist kept moving to block Yu Jin’s sword energy.

“You have trained your sword technique much better than mine. It’s indeed right that ‘when you have not seen someone for three days, you should look at them in a different light’2[士别三日, 当刮目相看: A scholar who has been away three days must be looked at, with new eyes.  Or  After even just three days’absence, a scholar must be regarded with new eyes.  Nice story about it here:  One day, Lü Su, the new head of the army, went to visit Lü Meng. Originally Lü Su viewed Lü Meng in contempt, thinking that he was a mere military man, but when Lü Meng discussed his five strategies against Guan Yu, defender of Jing Province, Lu Su was surprised. He commented, “I had previously said that you only had skills for war, but today I see you differently, you are both knowledgeable and wise, and no longer the Meng under Wu.” Lu Meng chuckled and replied, “For a man of ambition, if you’ve not met him for three days, you should see him with new eyes, not to mention the fact that we haven’t seen each other for a long time!” The two later became close friends. The meaning of this proverb is that people can change, so we should keep that in mind and not judge people solely on old information. ]. It’s just that … it’s a little less bold!”

Suddenly, a flow of swords came from a mountain and split the rocks. Mo Fei Chen moved along with the momentum of the swords. The next moment, his wrist was twisted and he was pinned down to the ground by Yu Jin.

The moment Mo Fei Chen fell, he did not feel any pain.It turned out that Yu Jin had already supported his waist and fell to the ground with him.

Yu Jin’s other hand was around his neck yet he didn’t put too much force, “You can’t be soft-hearted when you meet an enemy. If you met someone else, your neck would have been cut off.”

Before Mo Fei Chen could say anything, there was a buzzing in the air and a powerful thick ice kind of sword Qi broke through the wind and came straight at Yu Jin’s forehead.

He turned his body to the other side, let go of Mo Fei Chen and stood up.

“What a great sword aura (Qi)!”

Jun Wushuang flew in and pulled Mo Fei Chen up from the ground, “So it’s the Protector Yu of Jing Shui Sect, I’ve heard a lot about you and I have been looking forward to meeting you.”

Yu Jin smiled, “I’ve heard that every disciple in the Xiushui Palace is very pretty, but today I see that even the male disciples are so beautiful (lustrous), it’s indeed made people unbearably feel the stirrings of love.”

Neither any angry or irritated look could be seen from Jun Wushuang’s expression. The moment he spoke, it was as if he had made a ringing sound when thrown to the ground 3(fig.for the powerful and resonating voice). His face was half turned to the other side. His eyelids and the contours of his cheeks form a line that had a flowing and unrestrained beauty sense in it, “This person is Mo Shi Di from the Kun Yun Mountain Manor. This is the first time he has left the Mountain Manor so If he has offended Protector Yu, I hope you are magnanimous enough to forgive him.”

Mo Fei Chen finally understood, Jun Wushuang was probably worried about him so he followed him here. Seeing that Yu Jin was holding his neck, he was probably thinking that the other party wanted to take his little life, “Jun Shi Xiong…”

Without waiting for Mo Fei Chen to explain, Yu Jin began to speak first, “There’s no harm, It’s not a bother at all. I’ve been magnanimous enough to forgive him for more than ten years. This time, I don’t mind either.”

After saying this, he leapt away, “Fei Chen, ‘the green hills will never change and the crystal clear water will always flow’4[青山不改, 绿水长流 : “The green hills will never change and the crystal clear water will always flow” is from the poem “Farewell”. The green hills do not change means not changing one’s mind and the long flow of green water means eternity. The unchanging green hills and the long flowing green water represent eternity. The mountain and the green water will not change which means that hatred and friendship will not change either, yet it can also be interpreted as a farewell. It represents the friendship of two people who will not change like the mountain and often communicate like the water. ]. I hope we will meet again some day.”

Mo Fei Chen didn’t say anything, he just raised his head and watched him leave.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve! You even dare to follow behind the Protector of a cult sect!” Jun Wushuang slapped him on the head, bringing back his spirit that had flown away with Yu Jin.

“Damn, you want to slap me silly with such force!”

“I was afraid that you wouldn’t even know how and when you would die !” Jun Wushuang stared at him coldly.

“Yu Jin used to be my Shi Xiong. Just now, he was just playing around and he didn’t fight me seriously so he won’t really kill me.” Mo Fei Chen reached out to grab Jun Wushuang’s wrist and said, “But that sword of yours just now is really too cool. At first, I thought that your ‘Heart Binding Sword’ sounded kind of girly. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful!”

Jun Wushuang suddenly changed his expression, hugging his arms and showing the hint of elegance and unrestrainedness in his eyes, “Mo Shi Di, since you always suspect that I am a woman or if not, you always say that I am girly. I think I still need to prove it to you!”

Mo Fei Chen was so frightened by his look that he walked backwards step by step, even stepping into the dark alley.

“There’s no need to prove it! Didn’t I touch you before today? You’re a man!” Mo Fei Chen shook his hand. Originally, he thought Jun Wushuang was someone that he could talk to (get along quite well), so his mouth couldn’t help but talk (cheap) loosely. The fact proved that the disciples from the righteous sect were not as generous as they were in the martial arts novels.

“Now you know that I’m a man, but you look more and more like a girl to me. I’ve heard that all the disciples in Kun Yun Mount are male disciples. Are you blend in there and disguised as a man? You never stop thinking about your Yu Shi Xiong, so do you like him in your heart?”

Mo Fei Chen’s eyes blinked as he put both of hands on the other person’s shoulders and chuckled, “Jun Shi Xiong, you shouldn’t aim to become the Sect Leader of Xiushui Palace, but you should walk firmly on the path of a dog blood author!”

He didn’t expect Jun Wushuang’s head to be pushed forward, before then the tip of his tongue teased and propped open his upper lip and kissed him in a dignified manner.

Mo Fei Chen couldn’t help but be shocked, wanting to push him away, but the other party’s palm was pressed directly against his waist while he brought him over, with his palm probably filled with some internal force, making it difficult for Mo Fei Chen to struggle.

With his back against the stone brick wall, Jun Wushuang turned his face sideways. His kiss was completely different from the appearance and the image he was seen in front of other people, it was so frantic, wild and passionate. There was an overwhelming dominance, as if one had the urge to possess. Mo Fei Chen was pinned to the wall firmly by the kiss, both of the other party’s hands suddenly came to his thighs and lifted him up in one go, letting both of his legs to hang around on his waist, while his palms moved around his buttocks, kneading them vigorously, his fingers seemingly embedded in Mo Fei Chen’s muscles.

I am almost out of breath!

Mo Fei Chen’s fingertips poured internal force into Jun Wushuang’s shoulders. The other party finally released him with a shudder. Mo Fei Chen panted vigorously, his legs still hanging on Jun Wu Shuang’s waist, only to see the opposite party lowering his head slightly, looking at Mo Fei Chen, seemingly about to kiss him again.

“No more! No more! It’s killing me!”

Jun Wushuang took a half step back so that Mo Fei Chen’s legs could be put down, but his two hands were still on Mo Fei Chen’s ears. He laughed, his voice was very presumptuous, “You tell me, am I a man?”

“You’re a man! You’re a man!” Mo Fei Chen hurriedly nodded his head. Although when he took baths together with his fellow senior martial brothers, they used to make fun of each other. However, it was not as exaggerated as today.

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Jun Wushuang straightened Mo Fei Chen’s collar, holding his hands as he led him out of the alley, “You’re a man too, so you also need to make it clear5[干脆 : clear-cut/ straightforward/ frank/ be blunt or be quick]!”

“What?” Mo Fei Chen was still bewildered, he didn’t know how Jun Wushuang had changed the topic of the conversation.

“I see that your Yu Shi Xiong is doing and living a very good life, so he won’t go back to Kun Yun Mountain Manor even if you keep thinking about him. Why don’t you just be carefree and simply let him go?”

Mo Fei Chen understood what he meant, nodded his head and said, “Thank you, Jun Shi Xiong”

“So… are you still going back to that room to sleep?”

“Go back, of course go back! Didn’t you already pay a tael of silver right!”

Jun Wushuang looked at his back and shook his head.

When they got back to the room, Mo Fei Chen was lying under the covers and said honestly and uprightly, “Jun Shi Xiong, I already know that you’re definitely a real man, so at night, if you have nothing to do, you don’t have to prove it by touching and kissing me!”

Jun Wushuang rolled his eyes and turned around to go to sleep, “With that monkey appearance of you, I’ll get up in the morning and rinse my mouth!”

“Tsk, it’s not like I asked you to kiss me. You can just kiss, but what’s the point of sticking your tongue in…?” Mo Fei Chen’s waist was immediately pinched by the other party.

“If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll take out your tongue!”

Mo Fei Chen hurriedly shut up and went to sleep.

The next morning, Jun Wushuang shook Mo Fei Chen and woke him up and told him to go back to the inn and meet up with his fellow senior and junior martial brothers.

After walking for so many days, they finally arrived at the Mu Yun Mountain Manor that very night.

When Mo Fei Chen saw the mountain manor, he couldn’t help but totally flabbergasted at the moment.

Originally, Mo Fei Chen thought that the name of the mountain manor was “Mu Yun” because it was built on the top of a mountain and surrounded by clouds and mist. However, would have imagined that it was only built on a flat piece of land? Since the town was called Mu Yun Town, that was why the name of the manor was named directly as Mu Yun Mountain Manor. It seemed that Luo Lianyun was a woman that did not bother about small matters.

However, the size of the mountain manor was unexpectedly large. Imagine that if there were not thousands of martial artists attending this meeting, at least it was around 800 guests. Besides that, each sect leader had a separate compound to live in and every two of his disciples had a room to themselves. All of their food, clothing, accommodation and transportation were well arranged. All of these made Mo Fei Chen have no choice but marvel at the financial resources of Mu Yun Mountain Manor.

Mo Fei Chen and Li Du were put in the same room. The two of them jumped into their respective beds and let out a sigh of relief, “Finally we can have a good sleep!”

In the evening, there was a banquet. Mo Fei Chen followed Wen Qing Yuan into the hall and looked at the hundreds of tables in the hall and stared dumbfounded.

A man in a grey robe slowly approached. Wen Qing Yuan extended his hand in salute and said, “Greetings Manor Leader Wen.”

This man is Wen Qian Liu?

Mo Fei Chen could not help but raise his eyes to take a closer look. This man’s appearance was ordinary, but he gave people a touch of elegance, especially the jade pendant hanging on his waist, which was the only bright spot on his grey robe, but it was not offensively conspicuous.

“It’s been a long time, Leader Manor Wen. Please take your seat!” Wen Qian Liu and Wen Qing Yuan walked side by side. Their conduct and words were calm and gentle, without the overbearing air of a famous martial arts sect leader, “Originally, I thought I would have the pleasure and luck of meeting Senior He Yunfeng, but looks like this time it’s failed again.”

“Shi Zu no longer wishes to set foot in Jiang Hu, he just wants to spend his days leisurely and carefreely in the mountains.I hope Leader Manor Wen will understand.”

“That’s right, ‘Senior He’ has experienced so many rights and wrongs in Wu Lin. Nowadays, it also can be regarded as a wonderful thing to withdraw from Jiang Hu.”

Wen Qian Liu guided them to a place quite close to the Xiushui Palace and a group of monks.

At this moment, Jun Wushuang was sitting during the feast, looking as gentle as a jade.

Look at this little guy (dude), just keep pretending,ba!

Mo Fei Chen looked sideways at the group of big monks. One of them was a kindly face and amiable looking man, about 60 years old. He was leaning on a pillar with his sceptre on one side. When he saw people, he gave them a salute, yet everyone was very respectful to him, even Wen Qian Liu, this Manor Leader bowed to him before took his seat.

Mo Fei Chen knew in his heart that this Chanshi6[禅师 (Chánshī) : honorific title for a Buddhist monk] was probably Wu Liang 7[无量 (Wu Liang) : the monk name is Wu Liang, his name means immeasurable or boundless]of the Ding Chan Temple, the sword owner of the Tai Cang 8[Tai Cang sword: the highest/ greatest gray?  太 : highest or the greatest 苍: dark or deep green (dark blue)/ grey; ashen; this word combined with other word usually used to describe pale color, giving the vibes of desolate place such as temple.]Sword, one of the ten most famous swords in the martial arts world.

Looking around, Mo Fei Chen was a little disappointed that among all these people, he did not see anyone from the Jing Shui Sect, let alone the shadow of Yu Jin. He had hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to meet again and have a drink with Yu Jin at this manor.

Translator’s corner:

Planning a schedule, huft..

My intended to keep Schedule, let’s see if it’s applicable:

In 1 week at least will update min 4 or 5 chapters:

Flying Dust [Fei Chen] (on Knoxt) min 2 chapters a week

Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God (on CG) : min 1 or 2 chapters a week

The Idyllic Scenery is Infinitely Good (on Knoxt) : min 1 or 2 chapters a month (based on what I usually update)

The Little Sweet Cutie always think that he is a stand-in (on CG) : min 1 or 2 chapters a week

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