Flying Dust

Chapter 19: CH 19

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 19

Mo Fei Chen hurriedly sat beside Li Du, to curry favor with him like a lackey and gave him a squeeze on his shoulders, “Li Shi Xiong, please don’t be angry anymore!”

“If it wasn’t for Jun Shi Xiong coming to visit me, I’m afraid I would have died in bed and no one would have known about it.” Although Li Du’s tone was not good, he looked much better.

“Hey… hey…,” Mo Fei Chen moved closer to Li Du’s ear, “I punished Meng Yu last night.”

“What?” Li Du turned his head, “I heard that guy last night, someone was looking for trouble and bothering him at the Long Qing Restaurant, so it was you?”

“That’s right! I chased the guy along the river bank and kicked him into the river.”

Li Du held back and didn’t laugh, “No wonder that guy was soaking wet when he returned to the manor.”

“Li Shi Xiong, you’re not angry anymore right?”

“Go, just go away! If I’m angry with you, this ridiculous monkey, then I’ll become a monkey too, won’t I?” Li Du glanced at him, “Oh yeah, by the way, Shi Fu asked me to go to his room this afternoon. I think he wants to give me some advice based on the competition yesterday. How about you, what are you going to do?”

“Of course I’m going to sleep.”

“You stinky brat, your entire body smells of alcohol, you’d better wash your monkey hair before you go to sleep!”

Before he went out, Li Shi Xiong asked someone to bring Mo Fei Chen two buckets of hot water. Soaking inside the bath barrel, Mo Fei Chen felt sleepy and leaned against the wooden tub, just about to fall asleep.

The door was opened. Mo Fei Chen thought that Li Du had left behind something, so he didn’t open his eyes.

It was only when that person moved a chair and sat down beside the wooden barrel, tapping his fingers on the edge of the barrel that Mo Fei Chen opened his eyes and saw Jun Wushuang’s face showing ‘like a smile yet not a smile’ expression.

“Where did you go last night? You even abandoned your Li Shi Xiong behind and didn’t take care of him.”

“I did two things last night, the first one was to punish Meng Yu.” Mo Fei Chen turned his face to the other side, a little pleased and proud with himself.

Jun Wushuang smiled, “I bet you’d like to teach him a lesson by your own hand. What’s the second thing?”

“I went to drink wine.”

“You, this kid, I guess you have gone to the brothel to drink. Is the girl pretty?” Jun Wushuang revealed that wicked smile again which made Mo Fei Chen actually envy him. No matter how he smiled, he couldn’t have that kind of evil air that always made people want to look at him.

“Ai, no girl, I drank it with a guy.”

“Really? Then that’s even a more serious problem. Are you the one on the top or down there?”

“What’s with this, the one on the top, down, left and right?” Mo Fei Chen tilted his head sideways.

“If you don’t know, then just forget it.” Jun Wushuang simply put both of his hands on the top of the tub and stared inside the water, “The colour of your lower part is quite pale, it makes me want to touch it.”

Mo Fei Chen clamped both of his legs and splashed the water onto Jun Wu Shuang’s face, “JJ you have it too. Go back and touch your own!”

Jun Wushuang smiled even bigger, “How can one feel comfortable by touching himself?”

The two of them were just having a good time by joking and messing around like this when shouting came from outside the room, “Oh, Mrs. Wen is going to give birth! Hurry up! Quick…Why isn’t the midwife here yet?”

And then there was a chaotic shouting.

“Mrs. Wen?” Which Madam Wen? 

“It’s Wen Qian Liu’s wife, Yan Ning. She is a great beauty. She is also Wen Qian Liu and Lu Qingmo’s Shi Mei.” Jun Wushuang raised his head and suddenly smiled that evil smile again, “It’s such a pity, Fei Chen, that you are unalterable a man. If you were a ‘Shi Mei’ or something like that, I would have already asked My Shi Fu to be in charge of proposing to the Manor Leader Wen to let you marry me.”

“Just keep dreaming!” Mo Fei Chen grinned, “If you were a ‘Shi Jie’, I would also beg My Shi Fu to propose a marriage for me to Palace Master Liu. This very night will immediately be our wedding night so that you could give me four children in two years! Hahaha!”

“Xiang Gong (husband), the water is already cold so I’ll help you to get up.” Jun Wushuang smiled and went to bring Mo Fei Chen his clean clothes and draped them on him in a serious style.

“Hn, wife is wise and kind.” Mo Fei Chen raised his head, looking as if he was enjoying the service so much.

All of sudden, Jun Wushuang’s fingers suddenly clasped Mo Fei Chen’s chin, forcing him to turn his head sideways, “What’s wrong with you,my wife…?”

His lips were suddenly held in his mouth and his tongue came in with a great force, it was as if it was going to crash into Mo Fei Chen’s heart and strangle him in his veins.

Suddenly, Mo Fei Chen was scared. Last time Jun Wushuang joked with him, he didn’t even use such force.

He stroked his hand along Mo Fei Chen’s bare chest and down his body. His fingers combed through the hair on his lower body, then he took hold of the soft and sluggish spot as he kneaded it, changing the angle over and over.

Mo Fei Chen went limp and Jun Wushuang who was kissing him, let out a soft laugh and released him.

“My dear husband, has this wife served you well?”

Mo Fei Chen hastily pulled his trousers up, “No need! No need! My wife, you’ve worked hard!”

Jun Wushuang immediately slapped Mo Fei Chen on the head, “You still want to marry me and make me give birth to your child! Just keep dreaming then!”

Mo Fei Chen was relieved to find out that Jun Wushuang was actually bearing a grudge against him because of this ah. It seemed that in front of him, he should less take petty advantage of him in the future, otherwise this guy would definitely use other methods to get back the petty advantage he took with his mouth.

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“I won’t dream anymore, I promise I won’t dream anymore.”

Jun Wushuang smiled, “Of course you can dream, for example saying you married me and gave birth to 17 or 18 fat sons or something like that.”

Mo Fei Chen then vomited blood.

On that very night, Wen Qian Liu’s wife gave birth to a son. They heard that Wen Qian Liu was sitting beside his wife in the room with his son in his arms, although everyone wanted to go and congratulate him, they thought that it would be better not to disturb the family as the family of three were having a good time together, so they only sent their disciples to deliver some congratulatory gifts. Li Du and Mo Fei Chen sent congratulatory gifts to the front door of Wen Qian Liu’s room, gave the present to the steward outside and said a few nice words before they left.

Li Du whispered as he walked, “Leader Manor Wen is thirty-six years old and he only had this one son. He has been married to Madam Wen for more than ten years. Many people had advised him to take a concubine when Madam Wen didn’t have any result for many years but he has always been devoted to his wife.If anyone mentioned the idea of a concubine, he would flatly refuse. Now he is finally happy and blessed with a son.”

Mo Fei Chen nodded and thought to himself, ‘That Wen Qian Liu is not a shallow person either.’

They wandered past a bamboo forest, in which there was a two-storey pavilion, Lu Qingmo was sitting there, leaning against a porch pillar and looking towards Wen Qian Liu’s room. It was still a bit far away, therefore he could not see the expression on his face.

“Li Shi Xiong, you go back to your room first, I suddenly remember that I have to meet a friend.”

“You? Meet a friend?” Li Du somewhat didn’t dare to believe it.

“Don’t worry, I definitely didn’t become friends with Meng Yu.” Mo Fei Chen laughed playfully and then made a detour towards the bamboo forest.

Lu Qingmo was probably thinking about something, otherwise he wouldn’t have not noticed Mo Fei Chen standing behind him for a long time.

“I never thought that the ‘free, unrestrained and unruly’ Lu Qingmo would have such a sentimental and melancholy expression.” Mo Fei Chen leaned on the building right in front of him.

“The words ‘free, unrestrained and wild’ were used by other people to describe me.” Although Lu Qingmo replied, he did not move a muscle.

“Don’t you want to go for a drink?”

“He always tells me not to drink so much yet you’re asking me if I want to drink?”

Mo Fei Chen looked at him and suddenly understood that the person who made it impossible for Lu Qing Mo to be truly free and unrestrained was Wen Qian Liu.

“The reason you want to get drunk is because of him. He told you not to drink so much, yet you only want to drink it even more, don’t you?”

Lu Qing Mo took a breath and looked toward Mo Fei Chen, “God, why would you know; something that I thought he wouldn’t even know?”

“Since we want to drink, let’s go to drink then! Be free and at ease.” Mo Fei Chen gave him a pat on his back, “Lu Xiong.”

Lu Qingmo held his smile, “Fine, let’s go for a drink!”

“I don’t have money so you have to pay the bill. I’ll just be the ‘three escort service‘ man.”

“Three escort services1[三陪 sanpei, so it’s originally kind of words with negative connotation which means ‘three escort services’, referring to usually young women accompanying men in drinking, singing, and dancing, etc., in a bar or nightclub. However Mo Fei Chen changed it to accompany him to eat, drink and get drunk together like a good bro]?”

“Accompany you to eat, accompany you to drink plus accompany you to get drunk together. Is that enough?”

Lu Qingmo smiled, “You’re the first person in this world that says you’d like to get drunk with me.”

“Don’t say it in such an ambiguous way, I, Mo Fei Chen, still want to take a wife!”

It was on a boat again, only this time it was a small boat. However Mo Fei Chen liked the feeling of being able to see everything in full view without any restrictions more than the previous type of boat.

A square table had been set up on the boat. On the table, there were a few bottles of wine and a few small plates of food. As the night breeze rose, it was as if Lu Qingmo’s hair converged together with the flow of the river, making it a beautiful sight.

“Lu Xiong, this little brother would like to salute you and offer you a toast first.” Mo Fei Chen just took a sip yet he spat out the whole thing, “What the heck, what kind of wine is this? So strong!”

“This is a wine unique to Mu Yun Town, it’s called ‘Jian Ci’.” Lu Qing Mo smiled, “The first time I drank wine was this kind of wine, I also took a sip like you and spurted it out in the same way as you did, and it happened to spray on…Wen Shi Xiong’s body.”

Mo Fei Chen saw a hint of hesitation between his eyebrows, so he poured another glass of wine for himself and said, “Lu Shi Xiong… I will sing when I gain and I will rest when I lose. I have many worries and many hatreds.If there is wine today, then today is the day to get drunk. Worry about tomorrow’s worries when they come tomorrow.’ “2[ Phew….another quote from poem: This is ‘A Candid Song’ By Luo Yin (Tr. Qin Dachuan)  罗隐(唐)自遣(Self Consolation) 得即高歌失即休, 多愁多恨亦悠悠。 今朝有酒今朝醉, 明日愁来明日愁。 Dé jí gāo gē shī jí xiū, duō chóu duō hèn yì yōuyōu. Jīnzhāo yǒu jiǔ jīnzhāo zuì, míngrì chóu lái míngrì chóu.[Pinyin] Sing for gain and never mind letting go of loss; Too much fret and regret is a tedious affair. Eat and drink today and be merry with your lot; Let tomorrow take good care of tomorrow’s care.]

I am a little bit careless and read someone else’s aria again. No matter what, as long as Lu Qingmo does not keep thinking about Wen Qian Liu, it would be fine.

Lu Qingmo laughed, tilted his head to another side. Three parts of his sluggish demeanour reappear once again and the remaining seven points were not mocking, but probing, “Fei Chen, there are few people in this world who care about another person without asking for anything. You care about me, but I know you don’t want to get anything from me.”

Mo Fei Chen froze, thinking that what Lu Qing Mo was saying was that he was neither relative nor friend; unrelated to one another in any way. After thinking about it again, Mo Fei Chen suddenly understood something more, “You… as the disciple of Mu Yun Shan Zhuang and come from a famous and righteous martial arts sect. Became famous at the age of fourteen and became one of the Top Ten famous swords at the age of twenty four. You are a handsome man, so you are bound to be loved by many women. Everyone will think you have it all, who would have thought that you would also have something that you could not have?”

Lu Qingmo closed his eyes, like a weary man who had tired for a long time and finally let go of his heart’s obsession, “That’s right, I don’t want the good reputation of Mu Yun Shan Zhuang, nor do I seek to become one of Top Ten Famous Swords. Besides that, I don’t even care about this vile skin-bag. But what I really wish to have, I can not obtain. So do you pity me now?”

“I don’t pity you. You’re just too similar to a person. This someone is the person that …I really want to be nice to.” Mo Fei Chen shrugged his shoulders.

That person is He Yunfeng. He is also famous and a well-known figure, but in reality, he is a person that does not care about fame and fortune … a person that could not hold or win Luo Lianyun’s heart. 

Lu Qingmo took a sip of the wine, “You are just like this ‘Jian Ci3[尖刺: Jian Ci is the name of the wine, it’s literal meaning is sharp/ pointed thorn or splinter]‘. The first sip of it felt incomparably hot and spicy, just like the way you easily saw through my mind. It really hurt me a lot. But only after you carefully taste it, then you know what the flavor is.”

“All the more reason for me to salute you with this drink. You’re the only person in my life who has ever said something good about me.”

“Unfortunately, I’m not the person you want to be nice to, however I want you to be nice to me all the time.”

Translator’s corner:

This chapter made me think of how painful unrequited love could be, imagine being Lu Qingmo unable to be with his Shi Xiong and witness the love of his Shi Xiong and his wife. No wonder he left Mu Yun Shan Zhuang and rarely came back.

Although later he switched his affection to Mo Fei Chen, it’s still kind of unreachable love too with two other crazy rivals. Te he he, however it’s good that he is not becoming crazy in process. Lol

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