For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine

Chapter 2: Linea Vitreal and Lendell

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Author's Note: For those of you who have made it to the second chapter. I sincerely thank you. Even if there are only 2 readers, it makes me feel proud that there are people willing to read something I wrote. Thank you and enjoy!




“Welcome to your new world, Linea”


Linea, bolted upright. Adrenaline flooded into his veins making him seem almost jittery, completely contrary to the plush, relaxing atmosphere of the room he was now in. He was sitting on a large mattress, easily 20 feet across by 20 feet wide, which sat in the center of the room. The floor was covered in a large carpet that seemed to be made out of tiger skin. Silk covers donned the mattress, embroidered with gold and silver. The walls were intricately detailed with winged figures, large columns rising up 10 feet at minimum. Countless rubies and diamonds sparkled in warm light that seemed to emanate from the ground. Even the windows, clear as air, were covered with jewels. They looked as if they were floating in mid air, as the windows were so clear. It was tacky, the kind of thing that only someone with enough wealth to buy a small country would buy.


Ah Aistel. The first world I ruled over. I was filled with so much hope. I threw in everything I had into this world. I chose their leaders, blessed them with power, and gave them peace. And all it did was rot them from the inside. I won’t go into details, but I’m sure you can imagine it.”


The previous anger she held in her voice had dissipated. Instead, Linea heard a hollow bitterness.


“The place you have been reincarnated is Lendell, known as the Holy Kingdom of Aistel. Save for a larger percentage of the population believing in the existence of a Goddess, there is absolutely nothing holy about Lendell.”


“If you wish to communicate with me, use this book. It will serve as a means of communication while I am dealing with other planets. You may write down a question in the book and I will respond to it as soon as possible. The first few pages are filled with information you might find valuable. Do with it what you will, just remember what awaits you if you fail.”


A light brown leather back book materialized from the air and landed with a light poof on the bed. Linea reached over and grabbed it, feeling its spine and cover. It was rustic and worn. The kind of book no one would question on a shelf. This was a very critical item, he would need to conceal it to prevent even the slightest chance of questioning. He heaved a sigh. Nothing would come from moping around because of the shock, he might as well get started on his plans, but one thing came first.


Linea put a foot down off the bed. And slowly got up on unsteady legs. The feeling of the carpet beneath was beyond anything he had ever seen or felt on Earth. Rich fibers cushioned the bottoms of his feet, leaving a warm and tingly sensation. His eyes roamed around the room, searching for either a bathroom or a mirror. A new body meant a new face, and as much as it hurt to admit, he was quite ugly before. 


He spied a door near the back corner of the room and hobbled over. Opening it revealed a bathroom almost as large as the room he was in. He spied a mirror in the far back of the bathroom. 


As much as it hurt him to not look immediately, he held back. He wanted to see his new face in its full glory. He gazed around the bathroom. The marble floor was warm to the touch, as  small orbs of flame floated around the room. A large bath sat in the center of the room, sunken down to floor level. It was as large as the bed and completely gold. Decorative jewels of all colors were carelessly scattered around, embedded in the tiles or lining the walls. The mirror itself, he had noticed from his brief glance, had a frame made entirely from diamond encrusted wood. It seemed that there was an obsession with gemstones. 


Linea slowly refocused his attention to the mirror. The full gravity of the situation slowly began to dawn on him. Everything so far had been a rush, from the Goddess’s torture to his new reincarnation. Reincarnation? Would it be reincarnation? A new life, a new world, with magic. Dragons maybe? Swords? Magic Spells? It all sounded so utterly delightful. 


What did he look like? Was he tall? I hope I’m tall. A strange tension filled the air as his palms began to sweat. He took a step. He paused. A whole new body. What would it feel like to see someone else in the mirror? He took another step, keeping his gaze firmly on the floor. The drum of his thundering heart let out a steady rhythm. With bated breath he stood in front of the mirror. He stared at the diamond encrusted wood in the bottom of the mirror. Each gemstone glistened as if it was crying out for attention. He slowly looked up. The mirror reflected a pair of pale feet, with polished and clean nails. As his gaze traveled up, he noticed the black silk trousers that donned him. 


He could tell they were once of considerable quality. Rather than silk, it was more like he was wearing a cloud. He couldn’t even feel them on his body. He gathered a bit of the cloth in between his fingers and rubbed. He truly couldn’t feel it. He pinched himself. No, I do still have touch. Is it really silk? He gazed down at it, unable to comprehend how soft they were. 


He quietly undid the ruby buttons on the front of the shirt he was wearing and took it off. The skin underneath wasn’t just pale. It was a ghastly white, as if someone had sucked all the pigment from it. He could have been an albino. His torso was long and muscular. Lithe muscles stretched across his body and his waist to hip ratio was almost perfect. He even had a six pack. It could be said that he was the most standard definition of a conventionally attractive person from the modern era, albeit without the farmer boy tan. He was handsome. Before, he had a particularly hard time dealing with people before due to all the scarring and the limp. 


As he admired himself, he noticed a small tattoo on the inside of his wrist. 3 interlocking circles arranged in a triangle with a crest around them. Around the crest, which sealed the 3 interlocking circles, 6 angel like wings at even intervals extended outward. He gently ran his thumb over them. He gave a small chuckle. It wasn’t a tattoo, it was a brand. He could feel the warped texture of charred skin. It was most likely a slave mark. 


Finally, he gazed up slowly into the face in the mirror. Two almond shaped eyes sat in his face. A perfectly proportioned nose and lips. The skin on his lips was so thin that it seemed as if it was transparent, making way to the dark red color of blood. He made eye contact with the face in the mirror. 


Two black eyes, like shards of obsidian gazed back. Blood vessels that glew gold raced across the whites of his eyes, leading to a near hypnotic look. He pulled back the flesh of his cheek and eyelid back and leaned forward to get a better look. He could see gold coating the irises of his eyes. A thin mirage of it layered over the obsidian black, creating a distortion like oil on water. As he looked closer, he could see it swirling around. 


In short, he was beautiful. This was very, very good. People are more susceptible to attractiveness. Although he wasn’t sure what attractive was considered in the world, he had a hunch that this face and body were quite popular. One thing was strange though. He had no calluses, so he was curious as to how the body was so fit. Whatever. He would figure it out as he went along. From his estimations, he was anywhere from 17 to 19 years old. 


As he was admiring his face in the mirror, he suddenly froze. What was the point in a pretty face if he was lacking down there? If what he felt before was nervousness, now he felt abject terror. Please, please let me be blessed. He pulled down his trousers and gazed at his little buddy. 2 inches. NO NO NO NO! No please it can’t be like this. I’ll trade the face for the guy anyday, please I beg you. He was about to cry, why be pretty when you couldn’t do anything? Wait, it isn’t up yet. Maybe if I bother it a little. He shook his hips side to side as his little guy made slapping sounds against his thighs. As he watched it grew from a measly 2 inches to almost 10. 


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He felt relief flooding into his veins. He looked up to the sky with tears in his eyes. Thank you. Thank you so much. As he held it in his hands, thanking the Goddess for his endowment, the door swung open. A young maid, maybe 12 years old, walked through, only to see the son of a Duke staring at himself in the mirror with his dick in his hand. 


Although in his previous life, Linea was hardly ever phased, there isn’t much to say when a child walks in on you in such a… compromising position. “I… uhh… this isn’t what it…” Linea barely stuttered out a cohesive word. However, strangely enough, the girl didn’t seem embarrassed or annoyed. Instead the look she had on her face was of pure terror. She threw herself to the ground and smashed her head into the ground. 


“Please, master, please don't kill me. I’m truly sorry, I- I didn’t mean to see you like this. It was my fault please master, please I don’t want to die.” That was all Linea understood before her voice dissolved into the most incoherent mess. Sobs, loud sniffles, whimpering. He was just confused. What the hell was going on. He was about to reach over to comfort her when he realized there was something still in his hands. He quickly tucked it back in. In his mind he bitterly lamented to himself, the first person I interact with on a different planet and I look like a pedophile.  


He knelt down beside her and in the softest voice he could manage, told her: “Please calm down, I am not going to kill you.” No response, the girl was still groveling on the ground. He repeated this multiple times, trying to coax her in different ways, but it was all meaningless. Confused and irritated, particularly because consoling crying children was not his area of expertise, he grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her upright. This time, more forcefully, he looked straight into the girl's eyes and repeated, “I am not going to kill you. However, your crying annoys me, and if you continue I will.” This had an almost immediate effect. 


Linea sighed. If someone wouldn’t respond to passive consoling, that usually meant they were used to more aggressive commands. After all, if someone had been conditioned to being treated like a servant, treating them as an equal wouldn’t subconsciously resonate with them. For example, treating a dog like a human wouldn't immediately register because its subconscious would assume that the actions were not directed towards them, despite the fact that the only subject of the actions was the dog. It would seem this girl had been treated as an inferior for quite some time. He growled, “Now get out, and tell the other servants to not disturb me.”


Nodding with eyes full of tears, the maid scampered out of the room. He furrowed his brows and rubbed his eyes. It seemed that exploring would have to wait. He grabbed the leather book from his bed and opened it.



As the sunlight streamed in from the pristine windows, they illuminated Linea, whose face was buried in his hands. He sat on the bed, despairing at his current predicament. On the bed, a book lay open, containing the contents that had sent him into such despair.


The first page was quite simple. It was a character chart of Linea Vitreal. 




Name: Linea Vitreal

  • Second Child of the Duchy of Vitreal


Age: 18



  • Magician
    • Current Rank: D -> A-
      • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Commander
    • Current Rank: F+ -> A+
      • Transmigration Override
  • *New* The Goddess’s Executioner
    • Current Rank: A-



  • Strength: F+ > A-
    • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Agility: F > A-
    • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Stamina: F > A-
    • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Mana Capacity: D+ > A-
    • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Magic Proficiency: D > A-
    • Goddess’s Executioner Override
  • Mental Strength: E+ > D:
    • Transmigration Override


Divine Blessings:

*Important Note* Based on your performance, more blessings may be awarded in order to assist you.

  • Right of the Executioner:
    • All offensive blessings will be rendered ineffective against you. 
    • Increased durability against magic
    • Increased durability against physical attacks
    • Increased disease resistance
  • Puppet Master:
    • Using a combination of the Mana Creation blessing (origin: Solis Royal Family) and the Blood Puppet blessing (origin: Da’us Gelida Royal Family), you will be able to create autonomous puppets that can draw on skills you have understood. They can operate individually or under your direct control.
      • Important:
        • Strength of Puppets directly corresponds to your stats
        • You can create any number of puppets, however mental strain will accumulate correspondingly



Looking at the stats, he was quite strong. Linea wasn’t entirely sure about the average strength of the people in this world, but he was fairly certain that among his peers he was already more than strong enough. This however, was not the reason for his despair. That could be found on the next page:




Holy Kingdom Lendell:

  • Population: 17.5 million
  • Currently in the midst of a massive power struggle between King Alexander and the Nobility. The Nobility has united behind the eldest child of the King, Prince Alexander the Second, while the King supports his daughter, Princess Aurora. 
  • Corruption Rating:
    • SS
  • Primary Threats to Note:
    • Famine:
      • 20% of the population cannot feed itself as the imported grains are purchased by nobles who then significantly mark up prices and then in return sell it to their populations. The population's hatred for the Kingdom and Nobility has become extraordinarily high.
      • Estimated time to Revolt: 2.2 years
    • Civil War:
      • The Nobility Faction has been gathering strength for some time. Their soldier count roughly equals the army. They plan on revolting soon. 
      • Estimated time to Civil War: 2.7 years
    • Corporate Empire:
      • Nearly all industries and goods, including essentials such as water and food have been monopolized. Markup prices are as high as 1200%. Residents are no longer able to afford necessities, much less luxuries. 
      • Standard of Living down 22.4%
      • Wealth Inequality: 94.5%
        • The top 1% of the population control 94.5% of the Kingdom's wealth
      • Estimated time to Economic Collapse: 4.3 years
  • Secondary Threats to Note:
    • Crime Ring:
      • Due to a very depressed outlook on the future of the Kingdom, many residents have turned to drugs. A huge drug empire has emerged. Many nobles directly profit from this drug ring.  12.3% of the population has been addicted. 
      • A large number of women and children have been kidnapped off the streets and sold to slave rings. 200,000 people have been sold to slavery.
    • Disease:
      • Due to the high tensions in the capitol, basic infrastructure has been neglected. Water wells are no longer clean and have been diseased and dirtied. Untreated sewage and excrement has been left in the streets due to a lack of piping infrastructure. Diseases have run rampant
      • 1.7 million deaths can be attributed to disease in the last decade.



What the fuck kind of country was this?

You can find story with these keywords: For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine, Read For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine, For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine novel, For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine book, For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine story, For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine full, For the Sake of my Salvation, This World Will Become Mine Latest Chapter

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