Forced to become a good guy

Chapter 4: 4. Magic class

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For a while, everyone was dead silent.

There was no one brazen enough to badmouth the well known delinquent in his presence, let alone speak to him. Except from one person.

"Ha, look who it is. Is the sun rising from the west? Luke Alaistar actually showed up to class" 

Rosemary slightly tugged Lisa's shirt to stop her. But the hot headed girl obviously didn't listen. 

"What's wrong? Did you finally decide to become a decent person? But I think it's too late for you though" 

Luke didn't respond and continued rummaging through his bag in search of something. He finally took out a brand new textbook and a notebook. 

'A pen, I need a pen' 

His bag was arranged neatly thanks to Kevin. Everything he needed was found quite easily too. 

"Are you listening? Or are you too embarassed to speak?" 

"Hey you" 

Instead of responding to Lisa, Luke called out the girl sitting in front of him few rows apart. The girl turned around and answered meekly.


"Close the window" 


She couldn't understand. It was the middle of a hot summer and there were over 60 students here. But what he said next silenced everyone. 

"Don't you hear the flies buzzing around the class since earlier? It feels like my right ear is about to go deaf" 


"So close it before more bugs fly in"

It took everyone a several seconds to understand. 


Sebastian's suppressed laughter was the first to break the silence as Lisa's face heated up. 

"You bastard.." 

Luke finally turned back to face her. The pair of cold green eyes glared at Lisa, full of annoyance.

"I have no idea what you are up to but mind your own business, miss forever number 2" 


Just in time the professor walked in. 

Lisa had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. 

It was even worse because she felt like she was admitting defeat and the guy besides her kept laughing. It was hard to even focus on the class thanks to that. 

Not only Lisa but others also found it hard to concentrate today. It was because their eyes kept moving towards Luke, who was taking down notes diligently. 

Even when a new student comes, they don't feel this curious. 

It was as if the delinquent they know was possessed by someone else. 

Aside from the students, there was also one other person who was astonished. 

It was none other than the professor of magic class, Elena Wilson. 

When Luke was a first year student, he used to attend lessons from time to time. But it was just attending and nothing else. He never even took out a pen to write down the lesson. 

But now, he was noting down everything frantically. It was such a rare and wonderful sight.

"Now we will practice what we've learned just now. Use the 2nd class magic circle and try activating the magic without a chant" 

It was an easy task since almost everyone here has a magic affinity that exceeded 2nd circle. 

Or else they wouldn't be here after all. 

"Professor, I'm done" 

The first to finish was as usual, Sebastian. A soft light glistened from his notebook as the professor gave a nod of approval. 

"4 points. Your magic circle is drawn very badly" 

His magic circle looked like a doodling of a child but his enormous mana and lack of talent activating it possible. 

Not long after students finished one by one. 

"Rosemary, 3 points"

Rosemary has a high level of mana and affinity so she easily grew a plant from the circle. 

"Kyle Goodhill, 2 points" 

Kyle, a natural swordsman was bit weak in elemental magic. After some struggles, he finally made a small flame appear and that was enough.

"Marcus Blanche, 2 points" 

"Lilith Moore, 3 points" 

The students finished one after another yet the best they could get was only 3 points. 

"Damn, why isn't it working? I swear I drew it perfectly!" 

Lisa exclaimed, banging her desk. 

As a person who worked on swordsmanship several years, she has neglected her magic class for a long time. To make things worse, she couldn't concentrate on the class the entire time thanks to certain someone.

"You should transfer your mana to that circle and imagine the element you wish to create" Sebastian advised.

"Shut up! I already know what to do!" 

Of course she didn't. Her pride just didn't allow her to take advice from someone who was laughing at her just a moment ago.

'C'mon, please work.. I'm begging you..' 

Even if it was a small flame like Kyle's, it'd work. Yet the circle remained the same way for a while. 

Step, step..

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Then she heard the professor approaching her table. A small droplets of sweat formed on her forehead.

'I'm done for' 

Professor Elena is a 6th class battle mage who has retired from the battlefield due to her age. She was a woman very strict when it comes to completing task within a certain set of time.

'Huh.. she's not here?' 

Fortunately Lisa wasn't the only one struggling in class. The professor stopped right next to the student in front of her.

"Luke Alaistar. May I know what's taking you so long?" 

The professor glanced at his notebook, expecting a messy handwriting or a bad drawing of the magic circle. 

"This.. You're surprisingly decent at taking notes" 

"Thank you" 

The notebook was brand new of course but the lessons Elena taught today were noted down perfectly, as if it was a textbook. 

"Now, try activating the magic circle. Or is there a part you don't understand?" 

"Professor... I'm an Alaistar" 


The whole class stared at him confusion. 

'Is he implying that because he's an Alaistar he won't do it?' 

Luke realized what he just said and quickly corrected the misunderstanding. 

"There's only one type of element I can use. And it might be a little dangerous because I still lack control" 


Now Elena understood why he was so hesitant. 

Alaistar is a household that symbolizes darkness. The members of that family has been using powerful dark element for several year. In return they've lost the capability to use other elements. 

"I remember your sister Loraine was able to control it well" 

'So why can't you do it too?' 

The professor's eyes seemed to be asking him that. It was obvious that she didn't believe him lacking control at all.

"It's because I've never practiced my magic since I was 12" 

Everyone else was shocked. 

He didn't use magic for 6 years despite getting into fight all the time?

"Then I'll cast a barrier around the magic circle as soon as your magic is activated and help you take control" 

"Y-yeah.. sure" 

Luke was surprised that the professor didn't scold him and was trying to help him instead. He was even expecting to get the 'negative point' Mr. Blackburn warned about him.

"Let's start"

'It hurts..'

When she put her hand on his back, he flinched away a bit due to the bruises on his back which hurt even with the slightest contact.

"Mr. Alaistar, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, of course" 

Every person's mana core is located in the heart so the professor was trying to transfer her mana into his body to direct it. She found it strange that Luke would flinch away just from a touch. 

'Is he awkward with people?'

"Okay, you can cast whenever you want"

Something like a barrier magic can be casted with just a flick of her finger. However she didn't cast it right away and waited, in case her magic interrupts Luke's mana. 

Feeling the touch of a gentle hand, Luke closed his eyes and started to focus. 

It has been a long time since he moved his mana. 

'Small flame.. just a very small flame'



Some weak hearted girls were startled by the tall dark flame that appeared so suddenly. The professor quickly casted a barrier spell. Inside the round barrier, the dark flame started to go even more wild in an attempt to be set free. 

"Calm down and focus on your mana. You have to suppress it very slowly. Little by little"

Luke took a deep breath and did as she said. The thick dark flame started to fade until a small part was left. 

The strange colored fire was simply there. It didn't burn anything yet it's shape looked very steady.

"Is this enough?"

"4 points. One point deduction since you required my help"

In another words, his accomplishment was nearly perfect. 

The whole class was astonished. Even Luke was a little startled. 

The cold and stern looking professor who's extremely stingy when it comes to grades generously gifted him 4 points. 

'I've only collected 4 out of 150 points though'

He still had a long way to go. But it wasn't a bad beginning.

Before Elena could move on to the next students, the bell rang, signaling everyone for the next class.

"The five students who failed today will come to the afternoon class" 

Lisa, who was included in those five students gritted her teeth.

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