Forced to become a good guy

Chapter 6: 6. Duel

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"Haa... I swear today is the longest day ever" 

For the entire history class, he could feel the fifth prince and the priest's eyes on him.

'Do they also have a grudge on me?'

Whatever it was, Luke made a silent not to himself to keep his distance as much as possible.

Now it was finally time for the dreadful combat class.

If it weren't for his bruises, he'd love to do some warm up. But now he had no choice but to sit on a bench and read book like a nerd next to the damn variety class. 

"Today, we will have a spar with other classes!" 

Unfortunately even the plan he hated didn't become true. 

"You must learn what to do when facing an enemy with a weapon or unknown skills. No one would be an exception as it's directly related to your grades!" 

"Yes, ma'am" 

The students, despite shivering in fear answered in a loud voice like a trained soldiers. 

Luke however was feeling a strong sense of deja vu. 

A hair so red, even redder than the girl he saw yesterday... Just where did he see it? 

"Kyle Goodhill, Luke Alaistar! To the first field" 

That was enough to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Excuse me, did you just.."

"What're you spacing out for? Start walking to the first field!"

He couldn't believe his name was first called and his first match is that guy. 

Even he knows that Kyle has been 1st in swordsmanship class since he enrolled. How is he supposed to beat him with his wounded body? 

It was a clear setup by the instructor. 

He was obviously a student that every teachers hate but Luke didn't expect someone to pick on him this boldly. 

'I will remember your face' 

First things first, he has to face this guy. 

With a pitch black hair and crimson red eyes, his opponent was without a doubt inferior looking than him. 

The reason why he was reminding himself this obvious fact is that Luke knew he was about to lose. Quite horribly at that. 

He could've won using dirty tactics like usual if he was in a good condition but his body was like a wooden dummy right now. 

"You're from variety class right? What kind of weapon do you want?" 

"Just give me a brass knuckle" 

"Eh? But brass knuckle against a sword is a bit.." 

It took him just one glare to silence the staff. The guy immediately brought him a pair of iron ring shaped weapon known as brass knuckle and ran away.

Like an absolute madman, Luke stood before Kyle with something that couldn't even be called a weapon. 

"Are you sure you want to use that?" 

Even his opponent was concerned. 

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" 

Kyle swallowed back his worry at the arrogant answer and got in an attack posture. 

The training ground has 20 separate fields for a duel. Only after all the students were assigned to each field did they send a signal to start the duel. 

Everyone was super excited to witness the next duel. Specifically they were all excited to see Luke lose one-sidedly in the most horrible way and get his pride trampled on. 

Luke could clearly feel their mocking glares. And he had no intention to give them what they wanted so easily. 

'Even I have a pride to protect' 

Being a laughing stock is okay but getting caught in other people's plan is something he hates from the bone. 

"Both parts ready?" 

"Yes, ma'am" 


The two replied in unison. 

The person judging their duel was the red haired variety class instructor herself. Luke silently made a note to remember her face once more. 

"You'll win if the other party gets severely injured or admit their loss. Then start!" 

Both students didn't move immediately. 

Kyle was planning to restrict from using magic or boost himself by using aura. Because his opponent was someone who didn't deserve going all out. 

Actually he has despised Luke ever since he saw him beating up other students. Thrice. 

The boy had no mercy for his opponent and didn't hesitate to step on their head. Kyle was planning to do the same to him, just so he could understand how a humiliation feels. 

"You can attack me first" 

Luke was surprised to see Kyle giving him the first move when he could've finished him easily. 

'He's planning to crash me' 

He felt that the guy in front of him was abnormal once more. 

He was a hypocrite that far more surpassed his mother. 

"Thank you for your generosity" 

Saying so, Luke dashed forward. 

When Kyle swung his sword, he casually dodged to the side and threw a punch. But it was blocked by Kyle's palm. 

Even in terms of pure strength, Kyle was far superior to him. Luke who has accessed the situation within a millisecond, suddenly pulled back his hand, grabbed his sword with his free hand and kneeled him in the abdomen. 

However it didn't do much damage to the swordsman. Kyle recovered in matter of seconds and aimed for his ankles. 

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Luke barely managed to dodge the upcoming sword by rolling on the ground twice. His body hurted all over. 

"You.. I can't believe you grabbed a sword" 

An unusual grin appeared on Luke's face. 

'As expected... he has zero experience' 

Luke had a feeling when he last saw him frowning after seeing the guys who assaulted his friend.

Until now he must've trained in a sheltered environment and never even hurt anyone with his sword let alone take a life.

Because the only proper fight he has experienced are duels, Kyle was aiming for only his limbs since the beginning. 

The fact that he even looked surprised by Luke grabbing his sword with his bare hand proved his doubts even further. 

"Come here, Mr. Number 1. You can attack me first" 

Without a moment of hesitation, Kyle grabbed his sword and attacked. In other words, he was successfully taunted by his opponent. 

His movement was fast, so fast that it was hard to catch up with his eyes. 

However Luke didn't need to see where he'd attack to pull his next move. 

'A sand!' 

Kyle, who has been expecting this kind of shallow trick since the beginning skillfully turned away. He wasn't very afraid since all Luke could do was attack him in a close range.

As long as he keep his eyes on his hand and doesn't lower his guard like before, he can win.


Using the opportunity, without missing a single second,  Luke activated his aura and jumped high up then kicked him right in the face. 

"I give up"


All the spectators were speechless. 

Everything happened way too fast.

First he grabbed a sword with bare hand, then attempted to threw a sand towards his opponent, managed to kick him very hard and in the next moment, Luke admitted defeat in a heartbeat. 

"K--Kyle Goodhill won!" 

The instructor announced the winner everyone was rooting for yet no one applauded. 

Kyle's face was drenched in his own blood as his nose continued to bleed nonstop. With such a terrible face, he glared at Luke, with eyes that has the same color as his bloodied face. 

"Why did you admit defeat? You had a chance to win" 

'Geez, what a tough guy. Most people usually faint' 

Luke kicked him using an aura when Kyle wasn't using it but he only managed to break his nose. Still, Luke felt pretty good as he feigned innocence.

"What're you talking about? I lost because I've no chance of defeating you. Everything was decided fair and square" 

It was shameless of him to speaking about fairness when he was the one who used those underhanded tactics. But it was true that Luke would've lost either way. 

From what he heard, Kyle is already a 4th class magic-swordsman. 

It means he's capable of using both magic and aura just like his father. Luke, who has only 2nd class aura that he uses from time to time, couldn't even dream about beating him.

Fortunately Kyle didn't use aura or magic until the end. Luke managed to punch him once only by luck and underhanded tricks.

However no one could complain since he already lost the duel. 

The instructor's plan to humble him backfired. Everyone had to spend the entire day with that distasteful feeling. 


'Well, this is awkward' 

Luke was now sitting side by side in the infirmary with a person he punched just a few minutes ago.

"Hi Luke. I knew you would come here within a day"

Just like how he was acquainted with the principal, he was also friends with the nurse, Grace.

"It was an official duel and I even lost so stop making fuss and treat me" 

"Well if you had a fight with Kyle then that's an obvious outcome. Right Kyle?" 


The boy with broken nose didn't respond. 

It was certainly not the face of a winner. 

"Okay, I'll treat Luke first then heal you later. You can lay down there and wait" 

"No need" Luke cut her off. "Give me a first aid kit. I'll treat this myself" 

"Are you sure? That cut looks pretty deep" 

"I have plenty of experience in treating wound thanks to someone who's rarily in their office" 

Besides, Luke didn't want to take off his gloves and become a topic of gossip for years. 

With a sigh, Grace handed him the first aid kit and turned to Kyle. 

"Wow, it seems like you were hit pretty hard. Look at all this blood. Close your eyes" 

The divine power was activated. A rich golden energy was emitted from Grace's hand as she prayed to the god. The energy was warm and comfortable. 

When he opened his eyes again, the nose was restored completely and he didn't feel an ounce of pain.

"Thank you, ma'am" 

"Haha, it's okay. I'm just doing my work, that's all" 

He turned to get up and noticed the other guy has already left. Kyle glanced at the clock. 

It was already 2.30. The time for tutoring meeting was at 3 o'clock.

However Kyle went to meet the principal instead of the designated meeting place.

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