Foreboding Storm

Chapter 31: Crown Prince Lail

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As the news of Princess Qamari's disappearance spread like wildfire through out the Amayan Empire, dissatisfaction and disapproval presented itself in the form of angry citizens and grumbling ministers. No one dared to challenge the Regent Prince to his face, however, it was obvious that none of the Amayan people were happy with their new magic wielding Crown Princess Consort. The threat of war as the cost for the failure of the alliance was the only thing keeping them from storming into the imperial palace, demanding for justice.

They felt wronged for being pushed into accepting a possible dark magic user as their Crown Princess Consort, but were too helpless to change anything.

In the Eastern Palace, Crown Prince Lail changed into his battle black robes, tying the black belt around his waist as his sight fell onto his dark sword. Without bothering to tie up his hair, allowing it to freely flow down his shoulders and back, he bent and picked up the sword, caressing the edges with his fingers as his eyes clouded with emotion.

12 years ago, his parents left to aid a border lord of one of the kingdoms' under the Amayan Empire's control but never returned. The only news brought back by the commander of their army was of their disappeareance and certain death. At that time, he was too young and weak, too green to be of any support or help. But now, he was no longer a little boy waiting for his parents return. He was the Crown Prince Lail of the Amayan Empire and the husband of Princess Qamari.

And he would bring his Crown Princess Consort back no matter what.

Turning, he went out of his chambers with brisk steps, cold sharp gaze, and sword in hand. Without hesitation, he made his way to the gate of the Eastern Palace, jumped on the back of his black Myif in one leap and pulled.

"Fly!" Crown Prince Lail loudly commanded the Myif.

The Myif spread its velvety midnight wings with a roar before taking flight.

The palace servants and black armored guards watched in surprise and shock as their Crown Prince flew, a matter strictly prohibited in the Imperial City, out of the Eastern Palace into the aqua blue sky. By the time they returned to their senses, the Crown Prince and giant black Myif were nothing but a tiny black dot in the vast sky.

"We have to inform the Regent Prince of the Crown Prince's departure." One of the maids fretfully declared.

Before the gathered servants could stop her, she turned and ran towards the main hall, the palace the Regent Prince conducted state affairs.

"Your majesty, a little maid from the Crown Prince's Eastern Palace is here to report an urgent news." The eunuch at the door announced loudly and clearly, his head bowed as he waited for instruction.

The Regent Prince, who was scrutinizing a stack of documents with furrowed brows, raised his head, surprised.

"A maid from the Eastern Palace? Send her in." He declared as he put the document in his hand aside, his focus fixed on the door.

"News from the Eastern Palace? What could it be now?" The Regent Prince pondered to himself.

The eunuch soon brought the maid in, who immediately knelt on the floor and knocked her head on the ground without waiting for the Regent Prince to speak.

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In a trembling voice, she reported the news she brought.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince flew out of the Eastern Palace on his Myif without leaving any message or clue of destination. I failed to carry out the duty entrusted to me. Please, punish me, Your Majesty." The maid begged tearfully, her forehead splitting and bleeding at the spot where she repeatedly knocked on the moonstone floor.

"The Crown Prince left the Imperial City." The Regent Prince pondered on this fact before realization replaced the confusion on his face.

"He must have gone to find the missing Princess. Get up. There is no need to punish you. After all, how could you have known that the Crown Prince would just pack and leave suddenly without even informing anyone? You can go back now. Make sure no one in the Eastern Palace finds out you report to me. Understand?" The Regent Prince amicably said.

After all, the Crown Prince had personally gone to bring Princess Qamari back. How could he not be happy when her return would bring the 'golden bird' back with her?

The Regent Prince was fully certain now that the 'golden bird' was related closely, very closely with Princess Qamari. As long as he gained possossion of the two, no one could stop him from reigning over the seven realms!

As he thought about the beautiful future, a creepy smile spread across his face, scaring the little maid who sat in the middle of the hall out of her wits. Trembling, she stood back up and bowed once deeply before stumbling out of the hall as if a beast was chasing her.

For the nth time, she cursed herself for her greedy nature that had now gotten her stuck in this quagmire that had no way out. The Regent Prince was not only scary but was so scary that she shivered every time she met his gaze as if a vapor was slithering down her spine as he predatorily eyed her, ready to swallow at the slightest mishap.

Shaking her fears off, she silently walked back to the Eastern Palace, wondering if she would have to pay for the sin of her greed for the rest of her life.

Back in the main hall, the Regent Prince stood up and left the hall as he made his way back to the royal mansion on the west side of the Imperial Palace where his family of three stayed. With the addition of Princess Nari, now four.

Entering the mansion, he saw the useless Jinn Kingdom Princess again trying to please his wife with her tea brewing skills with a sweet smile on her face, not even the slightest bit of worry for her missing cousin to be found in her clear brown eyes. Snorting disdainfully, he made his way into his inner chambers without sparing her a glance as she stood to greet him.

"Useless thing!" Was the only words that fell into Princesa Nari's ears as she watched the figure of her Father-in-law disappear behind the verdant doors of his private chamber.

Her eyes teared at the snide remark, but reminding herself to stay strong, she blinked back her tears and went back to serving her Mother-in-law. She had to ensure to win at least one person over to her side. Until then, will not she have the capital to get acquainted with the powerful madams in the empire and secure her future?

She will only be able to have a backing if she endured now and won the Regent Prince's wife over. Thinking thus far, Princess Nari smiled sweetly at her Mother-in-law, giving the impression of not taking the Regent Prince's behavior to heart.

Inside his secret chamber, The Regent Prince pulled out the Mirror of Reflection. Splitting his palm with a small knife, he held it above the mirror. Upon contact with the mirror, the blood immediately disappeared. After a long while, with a pale face and bloodless lips, the Regent Prince retracted his hand, carelessly tied his wound with a handkerchief, and deeply gazed at the mirror.

"Show me what I want to see.. Will the Crown Prince succeed in finding the Princess?" He inquired the Mirror of Reflection, which instantly glowed with a bloody light before displaying the shadowy image of two figures in the midst of massive crowd.

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