Foreboding Storm

Chapter 41: Princess Sera And Prince Noore

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'Now, how will I go about trapping a prince whose whereabouts are unknown to even his loyal subordinates?' Princess Sera internally frowned as the thought crossed her mind.

She tried using her magic to pick up traces of his aura in the imperial city, but all her attempts were met with failures.

The prince she wished to marry was gone, not a single clue of his location to be found anywhere. Her beautiful dream was shattered before it even began.

Left with no other choice, she focused her attention back on the Amayan magician that could save the dying land of the Ahankar realm. In the end, she still needed the Ahankar Empire to exist in order to smoothly and successfully marry into the royal family of the Amayan Empire with the title of a princess, with honor and glory.

"Anyway, if we are going to find that person, we need to first figure out which royal member of the Amayan Empire has magic flowing in their veins. To do that, we need to establish connection with a member of the royal family." Princess Sera shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Princess. We can try approaching the new Princess Consort of Prince Noore. I heard the mansion maids whispering among themselves about how the new Princess Consort was hosting banquets every other day, trying to establish ties with the noble ladies in the imperial capital.

As a foreign princess from a tiny kingdom, the noble ladies of the Amayan Empire obviously looked down on her as only two-three ladies showed up every time she sent the invitations. I heard the others gave excuses of being busy or polishing their skills to not attend.

In such a situation, if she suddenly found a friend in the princess of the Ahankar realm, she would be beside herself with joy. Moreover, through the princess, we can also get in contact with the Regent Prince and Prince Noore, rising our chances in determining whether or not either one of them could be the royal member we are searching for. What do you think, Princess?" The maid excitedly suggested her proposal with gleaming eyes.

Unbeknownst to her, the moment she mentioned Prince Noore's name, an idea started taking root in her princess's mind.

"That is a good idea, Ira. But we cannot approach the princess first. We will have to make meticulous arrangements where the princess consort herself will come seeking us." Princess Sera lightly smirked, a bright light flashing through her gray eyes.

'Oh yes! Prince Noore! Why did I not think of him earlier?' She joyously thought.

On the day of the Empirial wedding, she saw the look in the prince's eyes as he stared at the Crown Princess Consort who was enveloped in the bright light. That look was possessiveness.

However, it was not possessiveness for the princess herself, but the magic and power she represented. Magic she herself possessed.

So what if she was not able to trap Crown Prince Lail? Was there not a Prince Noore who would be even more interested in her the instant he learned about her magic? Although he was married, in the empires where polygamy was a norm, second or third marriages were nothing.

She would first use him to become his second wife, then slowly remove the Princess Consort from her position, snatching the title of main wife and Princess Consort for herself.

And in the future, when the time came, she could also use the Regent Prince to help him get on the throne and become the empress of the wealthiest and most prosperous empire within the entire seven realms! The empress of the Amayan Empire!

As she imagined her bright future, Princess Sera's spirits soared, lifting with hope and expectation.

On the Northeast outskirts of the Amayan Empire, there was a vast, dense forest thriving with the vitality of nature. The green pine and maple trees stood tall and compacted, their lush leaves lightly swaying in the evening breeze.

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Deep in the middle of the forest, there was a large settlement where Amayan citizens lived in treehouses, wood shacks, and huts. These villagers lived ordinary, peaceful lives hunting, carving, and harvesting plants and herbs amidst the woods, completely alienated from the happenings of the empire.

Every three months, they would hand their carvings, games, plants, and herbs to their village head, who with the male villagers went out of the forest to meet with traders and merchants traveling through the region. There the villagers' goods were sold or traded with other necessities needed for their daily lives.

Currently, it was one such occasion. The village head who had been silently sheltering under the thick foliage with his men, stepped out from the shadows of the dense, evergreen trees to meet the incoming caravan of merchants and traders.

The caravan of merchants was headed by a fat man with beer belly, gray hair thinning as his squinted pale blue eyes swept over the village men. The traders and merchants were stationed in an orderly fashion, their wagons rumbling loudly on the rock-hard ground as they strolled over, stopping just a little distance from the villagers.

"Hahaha! old man, how have you been these past few months? Got anything good to trade or sell this time?" The fat merchant loudly greeted laughingly.

"I have been doing just fine, old buddy. However, how about a hug after such a long separation?" As he spoke, he stepped forwards, enveloping the fat merchant in a big hug without hesitation.

"I see you have not changed a bit old Lin. We have not seen each other for only three months. What are you creating such a big ruckus for?" The merchant reprimanded in mock anger, his eyes tinged with redness.

"Are you not the same? It has only been three months and you are already tearing up on seeing me again." Old Lin teased back.

"What are you talking about? Me, and tears?"

As the two went back and forth bantering with each other, they completely ignored their people, engrossed in each other.


The sudden clearing of throat interrupted their chat, bringing an abrupt end to their conversation.

Looking towards the direction of the conversation breaker, Old Lin saw a lean, young man with ash-blonde hair and sky-blue eyes clad in white clothes standing in the setting sun, the orange-gold radiance of light highlighting his charming and captivating appearance.

As Old Lin watched the young man, a feeling of inferiority swept over him, making him feel like an ant standing before an elephant.

'A noble.'

The thought appeared unbridled in his mind the instant his gaze connected with the mans'.

This young man was none other than Prince Noore of the Amayan Empire, who had left the imperial capital in search of Princess Qamari.

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