Foreboding Storm

Chapter 68: Elder Wu

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Princess Qamari glanced at the black haired elder in interest. This elder's aura was different from the other elders beside him. While he seemed impatient and intolerant, there was a sense of restraint in his every action. It was as if his presence was too large to blend in with those around him.

"I am Princess Qamari Ramulas, elder." Princess Qamari quietly replied, the cold aura radiating of her figure dimmed a little by her slight smile.

"You are the other Marikeen? Princess Qamari, right? I am elder Wu Lian. You can refer to me as Elder Wu." Wu Lain clasped his fists, respectfully greeting the girl.

"Ahhh...Elder Wu, you..." Princess Qamari was stunned.

An elder of the Sealand Academy was greeting, a younger generation like her in such a respectful manner? What was she supposed make of this?

However, while Princess Qamari was only stunned, the other elders were frozen speechless. They started doubting their eyes and ears, their gazes repeatedly shifting between the purple-red clad girl and Elder Wu as they rubbed their ears.

"Did Elder Wu just introduce himself to a younger generation? One that is barely even a magician?" One of the elder's could no longer restrain his surging emotions, quietly asking for confirmation from the other elders for what he saw.

"He did not only introduce himself, he introduced himself with clenched fists!" Another elder exclaimed in astonishment.

"Elder Wu showing respect to others? A younger generation at that? How is this possible?"

"This should not be an illusion spell cast by one of the practicing magicians, should it?"

"But why would Elder Wu behave like that?"

"Is there something special about this girl? She is getting a treatment that even the Great Magician Iiam never received."

More and more elders started voicing out their questions, confusion and bafflement on their faces as they looked from Elder Wu to the girl standing in front of the new apprentices, a little distant from the yellow and white clad girls.

"I know! She must be the Marikeen! That is why Elder Wu is so respectful towards her!" One of the students behind the elders excitedly exclaimed, his voice ringing out in the area as he declared.

The other students beside him looked at him like he was a fool. There were two more girls present within the group of new apprentices. Two girls who had just as much possibility to be Marikeen's as the purple-red clothed girl did. So, how could he declare only one girl as the Marikeen?

The elders also felt the same. Since there were two more girls with just as much possibility to be Marikeen's, how could only one be the focus of Elder Wu's admiration and respect?

If the Marikeen was Elder Wu's focus of attention, then the other two girls deserved to receive the same respect and admiration as well, right?

Unbeknownst to them, Elder Wu's action was not caused by the possibility of Princess Qamari being a Marikeen, but by her aura and strong presence.

Elder Wu felt if a Marikeen was going to emerge from this batch of new apprentices, then the girl before him would be the mostly likely candidate. She had the disposition of a leader, the composer of a healer, and the aura of a great magician.

She was a speck of clear and pure light among a shade of darkness.

When the two girls were compared with her, it was like comparing the bright and radiant moon to tiny specks of stars. The stars could shine and give out their own light, but they could never compare nor hope to overtake the luminous moon.

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And upon seeing her, he finally felt like he saw the light in the never ending darkness of confusion and fear.

The other two girls, Marui and Aarya, were beside themselves with frustration, hatred, and rage. They appeared in front of Elder Wu before Princess Qamari did, but received only dissatisfied looks and disapproval from the former. But the instant Princess Qamari appeared, it was like the difference between heaven and earth.

They were treated with disinterest and dissatisfaction, while the other was welcomed and worshiped. They were treated like mud, and the other like a jewel of the sun.

"Such insult, I can no longer tolerate it!" The yellow robed girl, Marui Osklain, gushed her teeth in hatred, her venomous eyes shooting daggers at Princess Qamari.

"Yeah? But what can you do about it?" The other girl, Aarya Quime, scornfully asked as she glanced at the girl beside her. Without another word, she shifted her gaze away, focusing on the elders in front of her. She must stay calm.

In order to stand out in the academy, she needed to form good connections with the elders. Gathering all the information she could before the start of her academic year, would provide her with a great beginning. As such, it was important for her to note the elders names and their personalities to handle them better in the future.

"Princess Qamari, welcome to our Sealand Academy. I hope you will have a wonderful time learning from your fellow magicians and elders at the academy. As an elder, I will do my best to assist you all I can, so please, feel free to seek me out whenever you need guidance." Elder Wu was unrestrained in his greeting and welcoming of Princess Qamari to the academy.

"Yes? Okay." Princess Qamari uncertainly replied, her brows furrowed in confusion.

This caused the other apprentices behind the three girls to smirk in disdain at the other two girls. They still remembered the taunts and mockery they received at the seaside from them. The overbearing and condescending way the girls looked at them, as they lamented their lost limbs and consoled themselves for securing their lives.

Now, it was just perfect. The high and mighty girls were ignored as if they did not exist the moment Princess Qamari appeared. The high and mighty girls did not so much as receive from Elder Wu, half the greeting and respect Princess Qamari did.

Without doubt, the Sealand Academy elder also favored the princess and saw greater potential in her than the other two girls. The elder was probably just as optimistic as them of Princess Qamari being the Marikeen, than the other two girls.

"Did you see that? I told you Princess Qamari had a better chance of being the Marikeen! Now even the Sealand Academy's elder agrees with me." Stali whispered to her shy friend, her fervent eyes fixed on the graceful figure of the princess.

"Of course, Princesses are more glorious as they have royal bloodline. Their bloodline carries the power and authority to look down on anyone in the realms. But because of their gentle and kind hearts, they embrace rather than disdain the civilians. Unlike someone else. Not even noble, yet acting like one." Another girl in the crowd of apprentices lowly commented.

"I heard that princesses were noble of heart, not status. So, why would any of you think that Princess Qamari is noble? Is it just because she has the 'princess' in her name? If so, I would say your definition of a princess is extremely flawed." The blue haired girl spoke up at this time.

Anyway, she did not like any of the girls present here. Whether it was a princess or a servant, she would not hold back nor give anyone face. Her entrance into the Sealand Academy as a possible Marikeen was hindered because of one individual's untimely intrusion. As such, she would make the whole group experience her wrath.

Unfortunately for the girl, she was taking out her anger on the wrong individuals. The first criteria for the Marikeen selection was not based on individual excellence in the dark forest, but on the possession of black hair and violet eyes, clearly displayed in the Mirror of Truth.

"Alright, elders. If you are ready, should we lead the new apprentices into the academy? They need to see their place of resident for the next three years." The recruitment elder saw the tension filling the air, and timely stepped up to bring an end to Princess Qamari and Elder Wu's chat.

"Right. The new students need to be led into the Academy. But if Junior brother Jerom would permit me, I would like to personally show Princess Qamari around the academy." Elder Wu stepped in again, raising another series of gasps and exclamations from the elders and students behind him.

"Relax. It is not like I am going to eat the new student, so what is up with all of your weird expressions? I accept, I am not too friendly with you all, but is that my fault? If all of you were not so hard to get along with, pulling long faces and moody attitudes all day long, would I have been so uninterested in conversing with you?" Elder Wu disdainfully looked at the elders beside him.

The elders faces turned even more strange on hearing his words. They exchanged secret glances with each other, the question clear in their eyes.

'Is it truly us, the ones pulling long faces and moody attitude all day long? How come they did not remember it that way?'

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