Foreboding Storm

Chapter 71: Senior Brothers Teng And Rong

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Princess Qamari was enjoying a show of red jellyfishes dancing around schools of red-orange fishes, when she sensed burning stares on her face.

Frowning, she turned her head. 

What came into her sight was a group of red clad youths. They stood by the green stadium in an orderly fashion, seemingly present for the ceremony about to take place. Standing in front of this youths were two tall, brown haired men with blue eyes.

They radiated vigor and maturity, their stances one of confidence as they observed the new apprentices. 

And the culprits of the scorching gazes were none other than the two leads.

Teng Wang felt his heart race when her violet eyes met his. His mind went blank and the surroundings blurred, noises and colors fading into the background.

All he saw, was her.

"Brother Teng, are you okay?"

A second year behind Teng Wang hesitantly asked. Not receiving a response, he pulled on his arm in confusion.

'What is wrong with Brother Teng? Why is he frozen like an ice cube?'

Perplexed, the magician took back his hand, turning to Rong Li. 

"Brother Rong, What is....huh?" He saw Brother Rong was in the same situation as Brother Teng. Frozen, with dazed eyes and wide mouth.

'What was wrong with them?'

Following the two's gazes he saw the focus of their attention.

The girl was clad in purple-red with a face veil. Her violet eyes gleamed with a silver light as they coldly swept over them. The aura emitting from her figure was both majestic and mysterious, seemingly out of the realms.

"Who is she?" He dazedly asked. 

Rong Li watched the girl casually sweep her violet eyes over them, before turning. It was then that the question of his fellow magician entered his ears, pulling him out of his trance. Looking around, he saw Teng Wang and Mello fixedly staring at the girl.


He loudly cleared his throat to awaken the two, feeling uncomfortable with the way they were gazing at her.

"Brother Teng, let us go and introduce ourselves. Mellow, you stay here. The second years are your responsibility until the start of the welcoming ceremony." Finished with his instructions, he impatiently moved towards the new apprentices seating.

After taking three steps, he stopped. Turning back, he saw Teng Wang was still frozen in place, still blankly staring at the girl.

"Brother Teng. Brother Teng." No response.

"Brother Teng!" He finally raised his voice in annoyance.

What was this Teng Wang doing?

For a second year to be behaving so absentmindedly and unrestrainedly before freshmen's was already embarrassing enough.

Did he wish to humiliate them before the whole academy as well? Could he not see the elders watching them from a distant?

He inwardly raged, his heart surging with unexplainable frustration and displeasure.

"Huh?" With the shout, Teng Wang finally returned to his senses. Anxiously looking around, he saw that his companions were either giving him strange looks or weird smiles. Understanding the meaning behind their behavior, he shifted in his spot, before nervously glancing at Rong Li.

"Brother Rong, I am sorry. What...what were you saying?" He sheepishly asked.

Of everyone he knew at the Sealand Academy, Rong Li was the one he most respected and admired. The guy's ambitions and determination inspired and motivated him. As such, he always took extra care to be on his best manners, restraining his playful attitude, when he was around Rong Li. 

However, things went a little off track today. Not only was he not on his best behavior, he had also managed to embarrass himself before the other.

He glanced in blame at the one responsible for his lose of senses. Only to find the girl not even paying attention to their group. She elegantly sat watching the sea creatures floating around, unaware of, and unconcerned with everything happening around her.

On the other hand, all the new apprentices were watching them. The contrast made him frown in displeasure, his heart beating restlessly as his gaze shifted to her again.

'What was so great in those fishes that she could not even spare a moment to look at them?'

He wondered in irritation, suddenly finding the colorful fishes and jellyfishes an eyesore.

"I was saying, we should go introduce ourselves to the freshmen's while Mellow holds the fort here. So, are you up for the task, or do you need some time out?" Rong Li darkly asked as he saw Teng Wang's eyes moving towards the same direction.

As he felt his emotions churning again, he realized the reason behind it. It was not only Teng Wang, but he himself was also affected by the girl's presence.

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'I am also affected by that girl? Impossible! How is that possible? I barely even know her, so how could I possibly be affected so drastically with a single glance?'

Rong Li was astounded. 

The one attribute that he most prided himself on was his self-control. Now, that self-control was being tested repeatedly within the span of few moments by the same person.

'Could she be a dark magic wielder?' He wondered in doubt, finding the whole encounter strange.

"Up! I am up for the task. Brother Rong, introducing ourselves to our fellow magicians is a must. As a second year and senior brother, it is only right that I introduce myself to the freshmen, right? For such a simple task, why are we still delaying? Come, let us go!" Not waiting for Rong Li's response, Teng Wang strode towards the freshmen.

Rong Li watched Teng Wang stride past him in disbelief. He could not believe his eyes. Was the guy he was seeing the same Teng Wang? The Teng Wang that waited for him to move before even taking a step? The same Teng Wang that hung on his every word like it was gold?

'What has gotten into him? Is he that affected by her? And who was the one delaying?'

Too late, he realized Teng Wang's accusation. Fuming in anger, he followed behind the former.

The moment they reached the seats of the new apprentices, they were encircled.

"Senior brothers, are you going to be our guides?"

"Senior brothers, what are your names?"

"Senior brothers, I am Stali. This is my friend Rin."

"Senior brothers, are you here for our welcoming ceremony?"

Question after the other rang out, the females excitedly crowding around them as they asked. Every time Rong Li opened his mouth to respond, another question rang out either interrupting him in the midst of speaking or stopping him before he even spoke.

Soon, it got to the point where he did not even bother in attempting to answer. Because he realized the girls were more interested in asking questions than in receiving answers.

'I thought I would never encounter such a situation again after becoming a second year.'

Shaking his head in disapproval, he inwardly sighed in resignation.

Turning to Teng Wang, he saw him push through the throng of freshmen's, walking towards the only sitting individual in the stadium.

Walking towards her.

Without hesitation, he pushed aside the girls surrounding him, following behind Teng Wang.

Teng Wang was impatient. He did not want to waste anymore time than he already had in meeting the girl.

He wanted to know her. 


Disregarding everything, he pushed the girl in front of him aside and strode towards the silent, mysterious, and cold figure.

"Hi, I am Teng Wang, second year magician of the Sealand Academy. You can call me senior brother Teng." Arriving before her serene figure, he directly introduced himself. 

His heart beat increased in anticipation of hearing her voice. 

'I wonder what her voice sounds like? Oh, right. Her name. I wonder what her name is. It must be as mysterious as her.'

As his thoughts raced widely, he waited with bated breath. However, the voice that sounded was not the one he was expecting.

Rong Li's voice rang out right after his.

"Hello, junior sister. I am Rong Li. A second year of the Sealand Academy and the head of the second year magicians. You can call me senior brother Rong." Rong Li warmly smiled, his soft blue eyes faintly brightening as he gently looked at the girl. 

Princess Qamari, who was suddenly interrupted in the midst of her exploration, felt annoyed. 

Did these magicians have nothing better to do? One moment, they were burning holes in her head. The next, they were getting in the way of her learning. She was already being nice in ignoring them after they stared at her like a showpiece. Now, they came before her.

Raising her head, she coldly glared at the two insensible men, her violet eyes as sharp as daggers.

"I do not care who you are. Can you please, leave? You are disturbing me." She impolitely dismissed them, irritation flowing in waves off her slender body.

Teng Wang and Rong Li were stunned.

Of all the responses they expected to receive from her, right-out dismissal and disregard was not one they anticipated.

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