Foreboding Storm

Chapter 82: Four Instances [BONUS CHAPTER]

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Crown Prince Lail was in the midst of practicing with his spear when he felt his heart palpitate. Freezing, he placed his hand on his chest and immediately thought of his wife.

'Is she missing me?'

A faraway look appeared in his gaze as he stared into the distance.

He hasn't known her for that long, their first meeting not even lasting more than the time it took a candlestick to burn.

The second meeting being in the midst of her welcoming banquet, where he hadn't even looked at her.

And their third meeting, the meeting that sealed their fate as husband and wife forever, took place in the middle of the night within a group of the seven realms most significant individuals. 

He had only begun to consider her as a part of him on their fourth and last meeting, their wedding day.

They had no further interaction and no deeper communication than those exchanged within those four meetings.

And yet, here he was, constantly thinking about her, worried for her, and desiring nothing more than to be with her.

Sighing, Crown Prince Lail picked up his spear again, going back to his training.




"Thunder slash!"


His plan was to completely master his magical ability before the seven academies competition commenced.

Because after meeting her, he had no intention of ever separating from her again.


"As first years, the place you will most frequently be visiting will be the Treasure Hall. There, you can find all kinds of exotic artifacts, magical potions, magical spells, magical shields and armors, and even magical accessories. But most importantly, it will be the place where you will be receiving your monthly magical stones."

Teng Wang looked at the ecstatic apprentices and smiled.

It was always heartening to witness the same excitement and enthusiasm in the new apprentices that he himself felt when he first entered the academy.

"Magical stones are the most important and necessary resources for all magicians in the seven realms. They have multiple uses, but are most widely used to hone and strengthen magical abilities. Your instructors will go into more details about their uses."

"For now, let's go and get your magical stones for this month."

The apprentices animatedly whispered to one another as they followed the second years, walking through a glamorous hall swirling with tiny sea creatures and translucent pink, red, and yellow exquisite flowers.

First years from this year's admission selection observed them with curious eyes and competitive spirit as they went pass. Many females event going so far as to glare at them.

However, the newly admitted apprentices were too caught up in the beauty of the environment around them to respond or take notice of the hateful glares aimed at them.

Their breathing quickened upon witnessing green-pink magical jellyfishes shoot out yellow-pink water bubbles that took on the shapes of various wild beasts.

As females, they were naturally attracted to beautiful things. And seeing the wonderous creations of such beautiful creatures took their breath away.

"Kyaaah! That is so cool!"

"I am a water elemental ability. Do you think I would be able to do that after learning how to wield my magic?"

"I want to know what I can do with my elemental ability."

"Sigh, it's probably not going to be that easy mastering our elemental abilities."

"We don't have to master it right away. We can take our time learning."

"Didn't you hear what brother Rong said? We need to complete missions and earn merit points to change our status from first years to second years. How do you plan on accomplishing that, if you don't master your ability quicker?"

"Ah! That's right! What are we going to do now?"

"Work hard! What else?"

The apprentices chattered excitedly as they looked forward to starting their magical lessons.

Unbeknownst to them, their ordeal was only just beginning. Because learning and mastering magic was not as easy and simple as it seemed.

The second years exchanged glances and silent smiles at the naïve girls ravings, taking their words for what they were.

The gibberish talk of ignorant individuals. 

"They are going to be hit hard once they flunk their first lesson."

"Please, do not mention that topic again. It's the last thing I want to remember." Mellow felt sick just thinking about his first lesson. Of all the topics there were to talk about, they just had to mention that!

"Alright, cool down. Do not forget. We are second years, and should act like one. What are you trying to portray by acting so rowdy in front of the new apprentices?" Rong Li felt like a an observer sometimes.

He was unable to understand how his fellow brothers could behave so unrefinedly and unrestrainedly in front of the new students. 

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As second years, shouldn't they be upholding the image of seniors? What was wrong with them?

He glanced back at the purple-red clad girl. 

She was still focused on her surroundings, raising an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

Truthfully speaking, he no longer knew what he felt for the girl.

The first time he saw her, he was instantly taken with her. 

The second he spoke to her, he was displeased with her attitude and manner of speaking.

The third time he witnessed Teng Wang protectively shielding her at his side.

The fourth? She turned out to be a light magic wielder with an unknown talent level.

As such, he was now perplexed. He could not tell what he felt.

Awe, displeasure, disapproval, or interest?

Sighing, he removed his sight, focusing back onto the task at hand.

"Hi! You are Princess Qamari, right? I am Stali and this is my friend Rin." Stali nervously approached the purple-red clad girl, wringing her hands as she introduced herself and Rin.

Cold sweat slid down her back, her heart racing faster then when she ran through the rough village fields.

Ever since she had seen the princess, she was inexplicably attracted to her.

Her aura at the seaside was suppressing.

Her presence at the Sealand Academy gate was overwhelming.

Her attitude at the welcoming platform was humbling.

And her display of power in the stone room was domineering. 

She had no words to express the feelings of worship and admiration she felt. Everything about the mysterious girl drew her attention.

Within the last couple of hours, she wished to approach and befriend her multiple times, but always ended up cowering out at the last moment.

This time however, she was not able to suppress her urge. Taking advantage of the fact the seniors were leading them to the treasure hall together, she stealthily drifted to her side.

Princess Qamari turned to look at the blushing blonde girl. The girl was shorter than her by a head, making her feel conscious of her tall frame.

'Is she feeling dwarfed by my height?'

Her behavior was quite strange, making Princess Qamari wonder if it was because of her height.

"Hi, I am Princess Qamari Ramulas. Seeing that I am no longer at home, leaving out my title would be the most sensible thing to do."

"However, my parents have always addressed me as Princess Qamari even when I was alone with them. Therefore, over time, the princess became more of an endearment than a title. It became a part of my identity." Her eyes glazed over as she thought of the past.

Some things were taken for granted. It was only when they were gone that their significance was truly felt.

For Princess Qamari, that was her parents.

Stali was stunned.

'She responded! She responded to my introduction!'

She never expected her last ditch greeting to the princess to receive a response. And when it did, she was over the realm with joy.

However, her bubble of happiness immediately burst when she heard the concealed grief in the princess's voice.

Looking over, she could not find a trace of sadness or unhappiness on the princess's veiled face. But that did not erase the suspicion in her heart.

On the contrary, it increased further.

Because that, was exactly how she responded to the pain, when her own mother passed away in a horrifying incident.

The beautiful princess she admired, was upset and in pain. 

"Princess, I really admire you. Can we be friends?" 

Smiling brightly, she raised her blue eyes to meet her violet ones.

She could not erase or lessen her grief, but she could distract her from it.

"Friends? I am not sure. I have never had any friends before. Of course, there is my cousin, Princess Nari. But she is more of a sister to me, than a friend."

Seeing the princess's perplexed eyes, Stali almost burst into laughter.

'Since she is a princess, she probably never had the chance to make real friends. Then, wouldn't that make me her very first friend? Kyaaah! I am so glad that I approached her.'

Stali was so excited on being Princess Qamari's very first friend that she forgot about her own best friend, Rin.

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