Foreboding Storm

Chapter 85: Lessons

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Marui Osklain and Rima Yulan simultaneously swept their gaze over Princess Qamari. Seeing the same coldness and indifference in her expression, they gritted their teeth in silence.

It seemed, ruffling the princess's feathers was going to be harder than they thought.

"More new apprentices? Are their characters as flawed as the princess they were accompanying?"

"Who knows? Considering that they are from the same batch, I doubt they will be any better than the cheating princess."

"You have a point there. They are all peas of the same pot. How different can they be?"

The apprentices mercilessly mocked the newly arrived Marui Osklain and Rima Yulan along with Princess Qamari.

There was not a trace of politeness in their words.

Flushing red from the naked mockery, the two embarrassedly took their seats. They had implicated themselves with their own cleverness.

Getting seated, they sent vicious glares towards the unperturbed Princess Qamari.

Princess Qamari, sensing the two's glares, sneered disdainfully.

They were the ones to start a rumor about her. She had yet to seek them out for their slander, and here they were, glaring at her as if she was the culprit.

It was their good fortunate that she didn't lower herself to seeking petty revenge. Otherwise, in the entire academy, they would have nowhere to stand.

Cling! Cling! Cling!

At this moment, the chiming of seashells filled the hall, and the gossiping apprentices instantly took their seats.


Powerful wind gushed forth and all lightweight materials in the room floated in the air. In the next instant, space warped and a figure appeared.

This figure belonged to a middle-aged woman. She was short with wavy brown hair and brown eyes, powerful force radiating off of her body.

Without doubt, the woman was one that could not be judged by her appearance.

"Well students, it's another day of learning the fantastic topic called magic! Now, who would like to start us off and introduce to our new friends how magic is absorbed and stored? Three merit points for whoever takes the lead." Tidying her clothes and fixing her messed up hair, the lady went to lecture.

"I'll go professor Mi Ying!"

A vibrant student with dark curls excitedly stood up.

"Excellent, Su Rou. Go ahead."

"Ahem! Magic is the practice of the elemental energy that flows through the realm heart. We can neither see this energy nor sense. However, when two sources of energies with opposite charges clash, a reaction occurs. That reaction is what we call ability power." 

The Instructor clasped her hands behind her back, casually pacing through the classroom.

"Correct, magic is practice of elemental energy and the clash of two elemental energies produces a reaction that allows us to see what we call ability, or elemental, power. The reason for this reaction is very simple. Would you tell us why, Su Rou?" 

"Yes! That is because all elemental energies are in a stable state, or in equilibrium. Their charges cancel each other out, creating a state of stability where we can neither sense nor see the elementals around us. However, the moment a new force, or energy is introduced into the mix of stability, the equilibrium between the forces is broken, producing a reaction."

Instructor Mi Ying nodded her head in approval, before taking over.

"And that reaction, is what we call magic. When water and fire energies are floating in the air in harmony, they are in a stable state, not producing any reaction. However, the second you introduce another elemental energy in that environment of water and fire, a reaction takes place, breaking the harmony between the two energies."

Moving to the front, the professor flicked her fingers and a spark appeared.

"This spark of fire appeared, because I added a new source of energy to the already stable environment in this room. As the source of energy originated from my finger, that extra energy is also concentrated there, breaking the equilibrium within that spot. This is why you are able to see the flame."

"Now, new apprentices, your first lesson today is to produce a spark using your elemental ability. It does not matter whether you are a water, wind, or air ability wielder. The environment here will allow you to create that spark when you add the elemental energy dwelling inside you. Now, begin."

The new apprentices immediately concentrated on summoning their elemental abilities. 

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Smoke flew, hair burnt, and flames erupted.

But no one was able to successfully create and hold a spark for a period of time.

"Princess Qamari, right? Elder Yun has informed me of the issue with your magic ability. You do not have to participate in this lesson, but do watch and learn. Once your problem is solved, you will need to start from the basics to control your ability efficiently." 

Instructor Mi Ying approached Princess Qamari and amiably stated. 

She was confused on how the girl was able to get through the evaluation with the uncertain flaw in her magic wielding.

However, as an instructor, her responsibility was to teach, not dig into the students secrets.

"Yes, Instructor Mi Ying."

This was the first time Princess Qamari opened her mouth since entering the hall. Her calm and soft voice drifted through the air, carrying a natural soothing affect.

Mi Ying was surprised by the gentle melody of the girl, immediately thinking of the old hag in the Medicine Hall.

"Do you have any skill in healing, student? Even if you don't, you should still stop by the Medicine Hall. The old hag there might just take a liking to you and impart her skills. That'll be a much better use of your time as you await for news from Elder Yun." 

She amiably patted the girl's shoulder, suddenly feeling fond of her.

"Yes, thank you for the advice, Instructor Mi Ying."

Princess Qamari already had the thought of stopping by the Medicine Hall. After all, healing was not only a skill imparted to her by her mother, but a natural instinct for her.

It was a skill that connected her to her innermost self.

Later that day, Princess Qamari went to the Building of Knowledge, wanting to know everything she could about the seven realms, Realm Heart, magic, and magical beasts.

As she read through parchment after parchment, many questions in her mind were cleared.

Before, she was not able to understand why she only discovered her magical powers in a dire situation. Why she never displayed any signs of possessing magic before.

And why, her ability she formed bond with Snow without either of their consents.

According to many texts, every magician does not appear with their power unsealed. In fact, in many cases, the stronger magicians were born with their elemental abilities sealed.

This was the body's natural way of protecting itself. As kids lacked the sense and sensibility to rightly wield their ability, it usually sealed itself within their core. All traces of magic and elemental abilities were wiped out, leaving the magician seemingly an ordinary human.

It was only when the individual was in danger, that the sealed elemental ability within their core unsealed. 

And the formation of spiritual bonds was determined by the strength of the individuals souls. 

"Me and Snow are strong-minded individuals. It only makes sense that neither of us would have lowered our head before the other first. As such, the bond formed without either of our consent to hasten the process."

"Snow, do you see that? It is not me that forced the spiritual bond on you, but our strong souls that forged the bond. You cannot hold a grudge against me in the future, okay?"

"Hmm...even though this texts say so, I do not think that is it. Do not forget. I am an immortal spiritual beast, while the beasts referred in this texts are only ordinary magical beasts. How is it possible for an immortal beast like me to be an equal to a mortal girl?"

"Hey, are you looking down on me? I am only weak for now. Someday in the future, I will become such an incredibly powerful magician that even the Great Magicians of the Seven Order will be forced to the sideline within my presence."

"For later matters, we will see to it later. As for now, however, I do not believe the words these texts are completely accurate. It should be referring to the bond between magical beasts and magicians."

Snow was not convinced by the text in the parchment. At the end of the day, her soul was still that of an immortal ancient spiritual beast. How could a mortal's soul match to her's?

In this fashion, Princess Qamari attended her morning lessons, went to the Building of Knowledge after lunch, and spent the rest of her time in her dorm, going over the steps of the Instructor. 

Since she was only putting on a front of being unable to wield magic, she had no problem going over the lessons in her own spare time.

Time flew, and the princess of the Jinn Kingdom, Crown Princess Consort of the Amayan Empire, slowly transformed from a fledgling, novice magician, to a renown healer in the Sealand Academy's Medicine Hall.

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