Foreboding Storm

Chapter 94: I Am Willing To Be Your Concubine!

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The heaven shattering words were like a sharp knife gutting her insides. She felt her heart descend into a pit of endless despair. Head spinning, she staggered back as if stung, swaying on her feet.

"Wife? Wife!?" The words were like a curse, repeating themselves in her mind, crushing and smashing her heart into smithereens. 

"Wife? You are married?" The Dean frowned.

This was a news to him, since he had never heard from the young man's mouth that he was married.

'If he is already married, than there is no chance for Ling'er.' Sighing in regret, he worriedly looked at his disciple, hoping the blow wouldn't be too great.

"What!? Brother Lail is married!?"

"Oh, my, heavens! He is already married!"

"Who is the lucky girl?"

"Most definitely not someone from the academy."

The females were crestfallen and depressed. The shocking news of their Brother Lail being a married man was such a huge blow to them that regret filled their eyes.

Now that they knew Crown Prince Lail was married, all their fantasies and dreams were crushed in an instant.

Su Rui froze, her mind turning blank as the females words entered her ear from one direction and flew out the other.

She never expressed it to anyone. Not even her childhood best friend, but in the past six months, she had unknowingly developed feelings for the new admit.

His charismatic and majestic figure, coupled with his handsome and refined appearance haunted her dreams during the night, as her eyes sought him out during the day.

Without her intention, she fell into the quagmire called unrequited love.

However, she did not mind. Because she knew and was assured of the fact that even if she couldn't have him, no one else could.

Not even Murong Ling.

Brother Lail was so attractive and outstanding that every female girl in the academy either had a crush on him or was already in love with him.

However, none of them would succeed in seducing him because he was Brother Lail. 

Outstanding. Attractive. Charismatic. Refined.

But most of all, indifferent and cold.

Such a man was not only hard to win. But impossible to even approach.

But now, that same Brother Lail said with his own mouth, a gentle smile and longing look in his eyes, that he was married.

The blow was too great for her mind and heart.

Clutching her chest, she stumbled backwards and weakly leaned against the wall. Reality faded and a painful void silently crept into her heart, invaded her senses.

'He is married...'

Mina's surroundings blurred and she wondered if it was possible for her to faint. At least then, she would be out of this nightmare.

'He is married.' She felt her breath catch, her heart throbbing with piercing pain.

But she could not cry out her grieve or speak of her pain.

Because here, she was not alone.

So, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, blinking rapidly to keep the tears away. 

At this moment, the secret she silently and closely kept hidden within the depths of her heart, threatened to spill, clawing violently on the chains of reason.

But if she loosened the reigns and they broke out into the open and became exposed before the public eye, she would never be able to raise her head again.

She would turn into another Murong Ling; ridiculed and mocked, laughed at with naked scorn and derision.

That was a nightmare she didn't have the courage and strength to face. 

So, she clenched her teeth, her lips turning bloodless as the words echoed in her mind.

'I wonder who the heavenly blessed woman is.'

She thought with a trace of envy, jealousy, and faint malice that even she did not perceive.

Crown Prince Lail, completely unware of the surging waves his words has caused, retracted his smile and turned to leave.

But right at this second, a pale hand weakly grabbed his sleeve, causing him to frown in displeasure.

Turning, he glowered darkly at the relentless girl.

"What is it now?"

The growl was fierce enough to frighten any girl away.

However, Murong Ling, who was oblivious to everything other than the young man's face, did not sense the hidden edge in his low snarl.

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"She is your wife and you desire nothing but her love. I won't say anything about that. I won't even dare to speak a word in her presence. So Brother Lail, will you please marry me? Please take me as your second wife. In the seven realms, such practice is common and shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

Her words were like a drop of water into a heated pan, instantly raising commotion among the spectating females.

"How can Murong Ling be so shameless? She is requesting Brother Lail to take her as his second wife even after he rejected her advances!"

"Does she not feel embarrassed to speak out such words?"

"Hmph! Clearly a case of forcing oneself onto an uninterested party!"

"But, I feel that her decision is not so bad. I mean, think about it. If you can be addressed as Brother Lail's wife, wouldn't you even accept being second? No matter how shameless and embarrassing it seems on the surface, in reality, it is actually a good trade."

"Well, when you put it that way..."

Mina and Su Rui, who faintly heard the words in their daze, looked in shock at the frail figure inside the dean's room, admiration and envy brewing in their hearts.

At this juncture, their old grudges and differences with Murong Ling was already forgotten.

As a female in the same boat as them, hopelessly and irrevocably in love with an individual they could never obtain,

An individual who they suddenly came to know was happily married, there was only empathy remaining in their hearts.

And her courageous act to step forth and propose to the man to take her in as his second wife, made them secretly admire her bravery and envy her good fortunate.

Even if Brother Lail wouldn't marry her as his first wife for various reasons, at least now, seeing her submissive and humble attitude, he would probably be moved, right?

The prospect of this happening renewed their vigor, filling hope in their heart.

Because if he did, they would also have a greater chance of becoming his third or fourth wife.

With shinning eyes, they glanced at the radiant young man, sure of his ice heart melting under the beauty's humble and earnest request.

However, they didn't even have to wait long before Murong Ling's figure went rolling across the floor.

Stunned, they blinked their eyes, wondering if they were seeing things.

"Sssiiiii! Brother Lail kicked Murong Ling!"

The awe filled gasp knocked them back to their senses and they openly gaped at the man.

'What man could bare to hurt such a heart moving beauty and turn down such a humble, submissive request?' 

This was a common response many of the females heard the male magicians make in response to the questioning of their close girl mates. It was a question that the males used to excuse themselves for getting swayed by the gentle request of a female student.

This time, they witnessed an even humbler and more submissive request delivered by and even more heart stirring beauty.

However this time, they also seemed to have finally found the man that could not only bare to hurt the heart moving beauty, he could also brutally kick her away without a trace of remorse or guilt.

On recalling his claim of being married, their hearts twisted with intense jealousy and deep resentment. Such a man, why weren't they on the receiving end of his love?

"Ling'er!" The Dean rushed to Murong Ling's side, supporting her to her feet.

Raising his head, he angrily glared at Crown Prince Lail.

"Lail Amhei! What in the realms are you doing? You dare to kick Ling'er? Just because she loves you selflessly, do you truly think you can treat her however you want? For the realms, she is willing to lose her pride and lower herself! She is willing to die for you! Have you no heart?"

With the same grim look in his eyes, Crown Prince Lail ripped his robe, finding the place she held disgusting, and threw the shred away.

"She can go ahead and die if she wants. But tell your disciple to stay away from me. If she ever touches me again, a kick will not be the end of the matter. Touching someone without their permission is a form of harassment."


The Dean was struck dumb. He said so much and yelled so loud but it seemed as if nothing entered the kid's mind. Whether she lived or died, he didn't care. He didn't care for Ling'er at all.

This was a end dead. 

"Brother Lail, I lowered myself and decided to become your second wife. Why are you still not able to accept my feelings? In your eyes, am I that unacceptable?" Wiping the blood off her lips, Murong Ling sorrowfully gazed at Crown Prince Lail.

Even though she was just brutally kicked, there wasn't a trace of resentment on her face. There was only deep pain and heart wrenching anguish on her delicate features.

"It's not about whether you are acceptable or not. It is that I would never allow myself to do anything that would disrespect my wife or hurt her feelings. Take you as a second wife? Hmph! Even if the entire seven realms frowned at me and despised me, I would never commit such an act. Because for me, having her is enough!"

"She is that important to you? So important that you can't even bare to hurt her feelings, even if it means the entire realms scorning and mocking you?"

"Yes, that important!" There was a faint smile on his lips that raced her heartbeat.

Such a perfect and outstanding man, was willing to go so far just to protect the feelings of his wife. 

For such a man, if she could even become his concubine, she would suffer no lose.

"Brother Lail, I am willing to be your concubine." 

The words were another heaven shattering declaration that enveloped both inside and outside the room in a dead silence.

For a day to come where such words would come out of Murong Ling's own mouth, the females had never dreamed of.

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