Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 107: Volume 7 - CH 103

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「It's about time.」

A man riding his horse on the street muttered to himself on the horse.

The road connecting the 13 city-states on the outskirts of the Dark Green Forest and the great western kingdom of Raid is a road that normally sees a fair amount of traffic. Even though it is on the outskirts, it runs very close to the Dark Green Forest, so beasts and lower-class monsters sometimes appear on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to have an escort, but right now, there is only one man on the road.

The traffic on this road has stopped for the past few days. The cause is a mysterious explosion that occurred at the outer edge of the Dark Green Forest.

The reason for the huge crater, with a radius of approximately 15 miles, is still unknown. However, due to its impact, a portion of the city road has been blown away and is unusable. The surrounding countries are also concerned because the cause of the explosion is not yet known, and little progress has been made in restoration or investigation. Everyone's life is precious.

The streets, which should have been reasonably well-maintained, have turned into a chaotic mess. The man frowned at the sight of the large amount of sand and soil that had been blown away and a large number of broken trees scattered about. The man had a long sword and a dagger at his waist, a kite shield strapped to his back and was clad in hard leather armor. He looks like a well-traveled mercenary. He must be skilled. Otherwise, he would not be going alone in the vicinity of a highly dangerous and unexplained explosion.

After dismounting and pulling his horse, the man rattled along a roadless path off the road and found a bit of open terrain, tied the reins of his horse to a suitable fallen tree, and placed a tree branch from his pocket nearby. Then, checking the reach of the horse's reins, he occasionally thrust the wand he had taken out of his backpack into the ground, circled around, and then cast a spell.

「『Warding (Field).』

The man's sequence of steps is familiar. The art used by the man just now is a simple warding art, an art that keeps beasts and monsters at bay. It is not an art that will keep them away, but rather an art that will distract them, but this art is essential to protect a horse that is this mobile.

He set up a simple tent for himself, prepared a tub from among his possessions, created water with sorcery, and placed it in front of the horse. The man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the horse, which had been grazing on the grass at his feet, happily plunge its face into the tub and begin to drink the water. He had put his beloved horse through a lot of hardship on the way here. He stroked his partner's neck, who had survived the tough journey, and himself took out a piece of black bread and dried meat from his backpack and began to chew it into small bites.

The man's name was Paz Derek. He is a veteran who serves as the deputy leader of the Academy of the Wise's patrol unit. He did not attain this position because of his sorcery skills, but because he has made a name for himself as an adventurer and a soldier. He has a below-average soul and only beginner-level skills in the arts of rijutsu, fire, water, and the physical body, but his skill with a sword is truly advanced, and his knowledge is wide-ranging. He was ordered by Sheryl Maylander, the new head of the unit, to investigate the location of the explosion because he was the best person for the job, as he could handle various tasks by himself.

After finishing his meal, Derek deftly hid his backpack in the bushes and walked light into the forest. He was holding a hatchet in his hand and occasionally wrapped the grass he had cut around a fallen tree or two, using them as markers. It is a ranger's knowledge. Originally from a small village in a mountainous region in the southern part of the continent, Derek learned many things from the hunters in his village when he was a child. Even if his sorcery is not brilliant, his ingrained skills more than makeup for it.

The rain has stopped since yesterday, but it is still very humid in the forest. The Noritos branch, which is an insect repellent, has been stuck under the horse's feet, so he is relying on the Noritos leaves, which are less effective, but the forest is so deep that he wonders how effective they would be at this level of depth.

When the surrounding earth had been pushed up and a considerable amount of fallen trees were folded over, Derek bent down and carefully made his way between the fallen trees. The center of the crater must be the location of his and the group's target ― Although there was no direct danger to the sorcerers who happened to be in the suburbs who had investigated the outer edge of the city, and there was no impact on them, the sight of the target person made even the old and powerful Derek feel fearful and cautious in his steps.

When Derek saw the open, wet, light-brown terrain beyond the trees, he gulped.

It was completely different from the dense forest he had seen before. Not a single tree grew, just a desolate landscape. Looking over the rim, one can see that the earth has been gouged out in an almost circular shape. As he recalls, the radius of this crater is 15 miles. Shuddering at the thought of this again, Derek carefully positioned himself and picked up the tube he had been carrying at his waist. It was a telescopic tube, a legacy from the days of the Ancient Magical Kingdoms, discovered by the head of the Academy of the Wise, High Mentor Graham Coogan when he was exploring the labyrinth long ago. He inserted the mysterious tube, which can see at a level 30 times greater than its predecessor even though it is not filled with any magic power, between the fallen trees without making any unnecessary noise, and peeked into it immediately.

The sight is not quite right, and Derek adjusts it by shifting his body and the tube little by little. His movements are deliberate. There is no information so far that Satoru has noticed any reconnaissance that does not involve magical powers. However, Dere cannot deny the possibility that Satoru was aware of it, and together with the fact that Sheryl is awed by Satoru's abilities, he had to be very careful.

Derek carefully adjusted his sights as something appeared at the edge of his field of vision. Derek turns the end of the tube to control the sight.


It was a mistake to say that not a single tree had grown. Derek could not believe his eyes for a moment when he saw a huge tree standing in the center of the crater amid nothingness around it. No, but it was definitely a tree. There was nothing around it.

「.......I appreciate that I can see in this tube because there are no obstructions, but it's also troubling that I can't get closer.」

He tried to say it out loud in a small voice. Derek looked into the tube again with relief. If the trees were still dense, he could have used them as cover to get closer. However, there was almost no way to hide himself in the gouged out ground. Clouds were hanging in the sky, but it was not raining, which meant that visibility was good, but the conditions were the same on the other side. The ground inside the crater was muddy from the rain that had been falling for the past few days. If he was discovered and chased, even the mighty Derek would not be able to escape.

Derek carefully points his telescope at a tree in the center of the crater. Derek didn't realize it, but he was lucky the sun wasn't shining. Because if the sun had been shining, there is a good chance that the light from the lens would have been reflected.

Spotting a pea-sized presence in his field of vision, Derek fixed the telescopic tube and stared. If his own eyes were correct, there it was.

「People ...... girls, huh?」

Two of them, too. They appear to be facing each other, set in chairs across a desk. However, they appear to be so small that he cannot see their faces.

After confirming that there were no more shadows in the vicinity, Derek pulled back. The area he had been watching was densely covered with fallen trees, so he remembered to place a landmark there as well, just in case he needed to keep an eye on it. Returning to the point where he had hitched his horse to the marker he had prepared by tying up the grass, Derek pulled an egg-shaped blue ball from his pocket. It was a calling stone. He breathes in and chants the command word.

『To the second pair of stones, this is Derek.』

「This is Maylander. Are you in the location?』

It was Sheryl, the team leader, who responded to the second stone placed in the control room. Derek sat down on the leather, feeling comfortable. The horse came up to him and he stroked its nose.

「Yes. Reached the outer edge. I checked through the telescopic tube, and there is a large tree-like object in the center of the explosion.」

『Trees, you say?』

「It's only barely big enough to see through the telescopic tube, so it's not possible to confirm any further.」

A useful item, though, Derek thinks, as he talks to the calling stone in his hand. Even though they are hundreds of miles away, they can communicate with each other in this way. The duration of effect is about 300 counts, and it is said that once it is used, it cannot be used for one hour (40 minutes), but that is still more than enough time to use it. It is also more immediate than a message tablet. However, this item is very expensive, and Derek has never picked it up before.

『Don't push yourself too hard, all right?』

Derek chuckled at the concern in Sheryl's voice. There are a few ironclad rules for veterans like Derek who have made some name for themselves as adventurers. He wonders if Sheryl knows that one of them is to make a run for it against an opponent you can't beat.

「It's a crater, so there is no way to hide. I won't push myself. It's just ......」

『Just what?』

「I have not been able to identify Satoru and Minerva, but I have identified another person... possibly two girls.」

There was a slight pause in Sheryl's response.

『――Can't you check the color of their skin?』


No matter how much a telescopic tube is used, it is impossible to see the skin color of a person in a cloak. Just knowing that someone was there was a great accomplishment. Derek thought in his mind that anything more than this would be extravagant. Of course, Sheryl was aware of this, and her next response was a testament to that.

『If the High Mentor's guess is correct, one of them is probably 【Fallen Sacrificial Princess】 Leia Löwenstadt. She's the 【Immortal King】, be careful』

A shiver ran down Derek's spine. The 【Immortal King】, the top of the immortals, is said to be the irreconcilable enemy of all living people. In this world, 【Immortal King】 is said to be second only to the Five Dragons.

Derek has killed skeleton warriors and ghouls in the lower ranks, but from the Wraith on up, it is a general rule not to touch them.

And if he were to accidentally encounter the legendary Leia Löwenstadt, the 【Fallen Sacrificial Princess】, more than two hundred years old, he would be instantly extinguished. The Fairy Tale is known throughout the world, and of course, Derek knows it.

「...... Understood.」

Derek licked his lips with his tongue. Before he knew it, he noticed that his lips were chapped and thirsty.

『Please keep an eye on them and call me as soon as anything happens.』

「Understood. I'm going to hang up the long-distance conversation once. 『Make another call』」

After ending the call, Derek, fuhhh, breathing heavily on his shoulder.

「The 【Immortal King】. ......」

That's one hell of a secret, Derek blurted out.

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Sheryl had not told the team members of Leia's possible existence. The name of the 【Immortal King】 is so threatening that even someone as old and powerful as Derek is intimidated. The name was so threatening he might be so upset by it that it would interfere with the mission.

As expected, it was probably decided that it would be dangerous to keep the name secret even from Derek, who was on a forced reconnaissance mission. That is why Sheryl revealed it at this time.

Derek stood up slowly, reprimanding himself for shaking... and then a muffled explosion sounded in his ears.

「What is it ......?」

Derek had a bad feeling about the sound of the explosion, which was quite far away, but he was sure he heard it, so he readjusted his equipment and hurried back to the scouting spot he had just been at. A small mushroom cloud was rising in the far left-hand corner with a tree in the center of the area in front of it.

「Hey, hey, hey, ...... Did other countries have a hand in it」

Carefully, he points the telescopic tube at the spot where he thinks the explosion occurred. Unfortunately, the distance is too great to see clearly, but several objects are visible. They are probably the investigation team from some other country that was defeated.

「Let sleeping dogs lie(1)」

It is possible to move along the outer edge and use this tube to check from nearby ― Derek thought and shook his head from side to side. He thought it was a pretty dangerous bridge.

And. A chill ran down Derek's neck. Without hesitation, he drew the small sword at his waist and pointed it in the direction of the danger he sensed.

「......! Who's there!」

His keen intuition certainly sensed that someone was there. Derek shuddered when he saw a man wearing a ragged, earth-colored hood standing there, sobbing noiselessly and without a sign of life.

―How long had he been there?

An assassin can't get behind someone without being noticed unless he or she is an assassin of a very high level. At least Derek had confidence in his intuition, but the man's lack of sign of him shattered it to pieces. If the man had been serious, he would have been killed without realizing it... Cold sweat trickled down Derek's chin.

「I take it you are Derek, the deputy leader of the Academy of the Wise patrol team for people to watch out for.」

The man said in a low voice, matter-of-factly. Derek's eyes grow strong as he stares at the man. He clicked his tongue at the fact that not only his organization but even his name was known. The man, dressed in a ragged cloak with a few rips here and there, is shorter than he is, but his physique is toned. Derek is poised to make his escape without being caught off guard.

「That's right, but...」

「I beg your pardon. My name is Zelphys.」

Derek was tense as he keeps the point of his small sword pointed at the tip of the man who calls himself Zelphys, who has bowed to him in a foolishly polite manner. He would not be foolish enough to show a single inch of space to a man who would not show a single inch of space to him. Staring at the man from head to toe with a nonchalant, unblinking stare, Derek carefully picked up the twig with his left hand. Derek's intuition, as a seasoned veteran, was telling him that he did not think he could win. But that doesn't mean he has no intention of being beaten in cold blood.

「......Who the hell are you?」

The man is nonchalant, without intonation, in response to Derek's probing question.

「I don't know how much you know about this. The Holy Sword Clan, do you know about this?」

「...... Are you a part of that?」

「Indeed. I have no intention of hostility.」

A little bit of tension release. He doesn't imitate releasing all of it. That's how frightening this Zelphys man is. He knows that the Holy Sword Clan is involved in this matter. However, Derek only knows about the clan itself on a fairy tale level. Derek is not so foolish as to believe him outright when he hears this man say that he is one of them.

「I see. So, what's this all about?」

「I was wondering if I could borrow that tube for a moment.」


Derek's voice rose at the unexpected offer. He knows that the tube Zelphys talking about is a telescopic tube. But why? Before he had time to think about it, Zelphys opened his mouth to continue.

「I am confident in my ability to hide. I can scout a little closer.」

I see...Derek was convinced. He doesn't have much of a talent for the art of hiding. So, he had no desire to go through the crater and get close to the target, but this man who calls himself Zelphys said he could get a little closer.

「Confidence, huh? But you saw what I just saw.」

「That was Raid's investigation team. Supposedly they touched the wards.」

「Raid, huh ......」

Without taking his eyes off Zelphys, he glances backward. The mushroom cloud that seems to have already taken out Raid's investigation team has been blown away by the wind, and he had only an approximate idea of its location. He had no intention of going to check, but if this man says he will, that's better.

Knowing Derek's intentions, Zelphys turned his gaze only in the direction of the damage site.

「Thanks to them, we now know the extent of the warding. Combined with my 【Hiding】 art, it is possible to reconnoiter from the very edge of the ward. I can get to the very edge without anything in particular, but when it comes to more detailed reconnaissance.....」

「This tube, huh?」

Derek made an immediate decision.

「...... There are conditions. You must give us the information you have obtained, and you must return alive. Those two things.」

Zelphys nodded assent to Derek's conditions. Information is valuable, but at this moment, Derek and Zelphys should be like-minded people. There was nothing to hide.

「I am truly grateful.」

「I'm not going to be stingy with you for a koku (four hours)(?). I'll lend it to you until the sun comes up. I'm sure you have a good idea where I'm camped.」

Zelphys nodded in agreement, and Derek smiled bitterly. He was so desperate that he had to sneak off and put up with the bites from the insects to get his horse to a spot a short distance away, but it made no sense at all. Perhaps Zelphys had not seen Derek by accident. He must have noticed Derek a little earlier. He observed him, learned that he was related to the department of the Academy of the Wise, and came here to expose himself.

It's a dumb story. I didn't notice him at all until he took my back ― or perhaps he made me aware of it.

「Then, come to me tomorrow morning. We'll exchange information there.」

「I am indebted to you」

Still, on guard, he put down the branch he was going to throw at him and pointed the tube at him. Zelphys approached without a sound, received the tube, bowed condescendingly, and immediately disappeared. There was no more sign of him. Derek shuddered again, not knowing where he had gone.

「......The Holy Sword Clan, huh?」

The man of the clan who called himself Zelphis must be a low-ranking man. But since he can manipulate such concealment to such an extent that even I, who has made a name for myself as an adventurer to some extent, am unaware of it, I wonder what kind of abilities the leader of this clan possesses.

Derek silently raised his shoulder as he realizes that it was a monster vs. monster scheme. Both himself and his horse have been pushing themselves very hard up to this point, and they are tired. If Zelphys is going to do the reconnaissance, I'll take a good rest, he said.

He was also a first-class man.

1. [TLN: sorry don't know how to translate this line, 触らぬ神になんとやらだな, When it is literally translated, You can't be cursed unless you touch God. It means ''Don't ask for trouble'']

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