Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 150: Volume 7 - CH 146

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A small burst sound echoed outside a hut not far from the Chalk Tower, causing one of the members of the Academy of the Wise's Patrol Team to turn his head to see what was going on inside. He sensed the presence of a person behind the door, but he was quick to discover who it was. It was because the person had opened the door unceremoniously.

「Team leader!?」

The team members were surprised to see their beloved boss, Sheryl. Currently, they have no idea what is going on. Wasn't Sheryl supposed to have followed the head of the Holy Sword Clan? While the team members were perplexed, Sheryl gave a rather stern warning in her voice.

「Hurry up and evacuate the sorcerers in the Chalk Tower!」


「It's urgent. Send all the patrolling units. Within half a koku (2 hours). Or you'll be blown to bits!」

「Y-Yes, ma'am!」

Sheryl's expression and voice were so real that the team members rushed to their feet, even though they had no idea what was going on. After a moment of blankness, Sheryl's words finally sink in for the team members as she tells them that the Chalk Tower is about to be blown to pieces.

Sheryl went to her desk and started rifling through papers, leaving the team member who had started to move. The hurried movement, which was out of character for a woman who is so polite in all matters, caused several of the team members to stop in their tracks.

「Can you please explain what happened?」

While Sheryl and Derek, the deputy leader, were away, Marquat, who had been asked to take charge of the situation, raised his voice. On closer look, you will notice that Sheryl is not alone, but is accompanied by a large woman in a cloak, not much taller than Sheryl, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

「I don't have time now. To put it simply. We lost. The head of the Holy Sword Clan has had her sword destroyed and fallen into the hands of the enemy, and High Mentor Graham Coogan is dead. I, too, have fallen to his side.」

「Wha ......!」

「Satoru-sama says he will destroy the Chalk Tower in half a koku, and then he will destroy Royal Castle Strahltraun in another half a koku.」

Sheryl's rather matter-of-factly announced line sent a scare down Marquat's spine. Each of the six things she had said was of an extraordinary level. But Sheryl ignored Marquat's agitation, found the desired object in her office desk, and turned to the woman beside her as if she didn't have time to waste.

「I'll explain in detail later. Solor-sama, we are on our way to the Royal Palace.」


Sheryl, without a second thought to the still astonished Marquat, tilted her head slightly and then turned her gaze earnestly toward Solor.

「Kick out anything that stands in our way. If you can, don't kill them, but if you can't, don't worry about it. I won't force you.」

「All right.」

What is this person talking about? ―Marquat stared at Sheryl as if she were out of her mind as she uttered one outrageous statement after another. Sheryl, who had immediately set out for the Royal Palace, shouted at Marquat, who was standing there surprised.

「Move your asses! We have less than half a koku before the Chalk Tower is destroyed!」

With so much force, Marquat took a half step back, then nodded and began to move. The Chalk Tower is the symbol of the Academy of the Wise, and although the personnel inside are not so numerous, it is loaded with valuable magical tools and research materials. It was a race against time to see how much could be carried out in half a koku.

Sheryl looked up at the Royal Castle, Strahltraun, which stood on a hill not far from the Chalk Tower, with the words, "please make it in time", playing in her mouth as she asked the team members who had started to move.

The Royal Palace of Ares stands on a small hill in the center of the city, overlooking the city of Ares, and it is a majestic structure. The city's law forbids the construction of any building taller than the Royal Castle Strahltraun, and all the people are aware that the Royal Castle is something to look up to. It is necessary for the country's structure, and only those who can pack into the castle are allowed to look down on the people. It is said that the view of the city from outside the audience chamber, which is located at the highest point of the castle, is nothing short of magnificent, but only a few can see the whole city from there.

King Faisel Kurt Ares of Ares is enjoying a cup of tea on the terrace near the audience chamber, with a table and chairs set up with a spectacular view overlooking the city. His attention was not on the magnificent scenery below or the richly fragrant tea, but on the mental image drawn by the Mental Image Stone on the table.

He sighs again and again as he gazes at Minerva's mental image, though the image of the man she is with is distracting.

She has an absolutely stunning figure―the king thinks. She is taller than men, including himself, but her body is so well balanced that this does not bother him at all. She is a beautiful woman with a calm impression on her eyes, and nose, and a glamorous expression with a hint of melancholy. Above all, her unparalleled soft and ample breasts are most eye-catching. Although there are several women in his own palace who boast of their large breasts, he has never seen a woman with breasts of such a size and maintaining such a magnificent shape.

Man, I can't wait to bury my face in those soft tits―The king waited patiently, looking at the mental image without getting tired of it. It was about time that Count Kraut, the king's own right hand, had made contact with them.

No one would dare to oppose me, the king of the top country of the 13 city-states. Therefore, the king believes that it is natural and reasonable for Minerva to be his.

The king, who had been enjoying his dreams and waiting impatiently, noticed a murmur interrupting his pleasure.

He blatantly scowled and shouted at his attendants.

「What's all the racket!」

The chamberlains and the soldiers of the Kingsguard all shouted in confusion. The angry shouts and noises coming from downstairs were gradually getting closer. Then, the audience door was rudely opened and a man entered. The man who opened the door was the Commander of the Kingsguard, whom the king himself entrusted with great power. The king and one other man who is allowed to wear a sword in this audience chamber, where swords are usually not allowed, are among the five most powerful men in Ares. This normally calm and collected man looks flustered as he draws his sword. When he recognized his king's figure at the edge of his vision, he shouted loudly, 

「Enemy attack! Kingsguard, we cannot let them get past us!」

Enemy attack!?, The king stood up, startled, as the unexpected voice of a knight of the Kingsguard and a chamberlain caused a stir... What kind of a daredevil would attack the royal palace of Ares, the largest of the 13 city-states and the most powerful single city on earth?―No sooner had the questions been answered than a tremendous burst of sound echoed through the audience chamber.


The sound was the door to the audience chamber, which was both grand and sturdy, being shattered into tiny pieces. The door, which was filled with 【Magic Resistance】 and 【Sturdy】, was easily shattered by the most powerful sorcery no one present had ever seen before, and the blast sent the Commander of the Kingsguard flying away. Everyone looked at each other.

There were two women.

One was a woman dressed in a long robe. Her long, light-blue hair swung silently about her slender body. Her white porcelain-white skin peeked out from her outstretched arms. She wears a long, dreary robe stained with dust and dirt, but she gives off an impression of nobility that no lady in a glittering dress could match. Her face is also very well-defined and of a different dimension of beauty. The sheer beauty of her face took everyone's breath away for a moment.

Standing next to her is another beautiful woman, albeit less so. Her flaxen, luxurious hair danced in the wind in a dignified and beautiful manner. Her white sheet metal armor with gold trim is that of a patrolman of the Academy of the Wise. Her cloak, however, is not of crimson but is dyed completely black.

「......You bastards, who are you?」

The king was momentarily taken aback by the beauty of the woman, but he asked the intruder without caution. The king's voice brought him back to consciousness, and the knights of the Kingsguard stood between the king and the woman to protect him.

「Magical Slave of the Demon King Satoru, Solor」

「Likewise, Sheryl Meylander.」

The two women raised their voices clearly, showing the crest engraved on the back of their left hands. Demon King Satoru ― the name was familiar to the king. The name of the disturbed man who had been reflected in the "Mental Image Stone" he had just seen. And the name of the one who was told later was also familiar to the king. She is so talented that at one time she was named as a candidate to marry his own eldest son.

The question marks began to dance wildly in the king's mind.

「Coogan's granddaughter ......! Are you in rebellion!?」

「No. I am not.」

Sheryl lowered her left hand, which was engraved with the magical slave's crest, and threw the two leather bags on her right hip toward one of the Kingsguard knights. Surrounded by 20 or so knights of the Kingsguard, she did not lose her composure at all.

Sure that Coogan's granddaughter is a legitimate heiress of the Coogan bloodline and her soul must have been of a certain height, but that did not stop the king from feeling a strong sense of discomfort that two small girls had rushed up to this audience chamber unscathed.

「First of all, I would like Your Majesty to inspect these two heads.」

「Heads, you say?」

The king turned his eyes. One of the knights of the Kingsguard, who had been tossed nearby, hesitantly picked up two leather bags and offered them to the King. The king, while casting a suspicious glance at the two beautiful women, unwrapped the leather bags. As the king, he had no qualms about having the head examined, as he had done so many times before. However, when he found out whose head it was, the king's complexion suddenly changed.

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The king was looking at the head of Graham Coogan, the High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise, the grandfather of the woman who was standing over him, and whom he hated with a frown on his face. The king was further shocked when he hurriedly unraveled the other leather bag.


「Graham Coogan, High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise. Count Edel Kraut, Chief Secretary of the Guard of Honor. I am proud to present the heads of these two gentlemen, Your Majesty」

The king shot Sheryl an uncharacteristically stern look as she bowed reverently in a theatrical manner. Sheryl, however, showed no sign of endurance. The beautiful woman standing by Sheryl's side simply stood there without changing a single expression on her face. Did these two really make it to the top floor of the Royal Castle of Ares without any difficulties? It was so calm that the king was too suspicious of it

「You...How dare you kill my right hand 」

「I have a word from my Lord, Satoru-sama, a visitor from another world (Foreigner).」

「What is it?」

Sheryl opens her mouth without hesitation, taking no notice of the king's threats.

「『Don't oppose me, don't mess with me, don't leak information about me to the outside world. Sheryl, my magical slave, will remain there as a chaperone. If you don't listen to me, I will destroy everything in your country.』......that's all」

「You, how dare you to speak like that to this King of Ares!」

King Ares' angry shouts echoed through the hall of the audience. The knights and chamberlains were surprised to hear the King's powerful voice, which they had never heard before, but Sheryl and Solor did not change their expressions at all ― in fact, Sheryl looked at the King who was blustering more coldly than ever.

The king has never bowed to anyone other than relatives older than himself. The surrounding countries, with the exception of Raid, were smaller in scale than Ares, and he had lived his life taking it for granted that he would be humbled. Therefore, it is natural for him to have his wishes fulfilled and for those around him to bow down to him, but what are these women in front of him? The king of Ares is a very haughty man.

Sheryl somehow understood the king's frustration. But that doesn't mean she doesn't have to consider it.

「I am a citizen of Ares, but I am in a higher position as a magical slave of the Demon King Satoru」

Cheryl said it so casually. The king's cheeks boiled red. His hand goes up quickly―Before he could shake off his raised hand, another beautiful woman, Solor, muttered words as if she were singing.

「"Paralyzing Bullets (Paralyze Balls)"」


Ten spheres flew around Solor, and then, just as quickly, the spheres struck at a tremendous speed at the five covert men who had come down from above to kill the two insurgents. It is not something that an ordinary person can avoid. Of course, the covert operatives of the Ares royal family are supposed to be first-rate in their skills, but despite them, the spheres that Solor released hit precisely two spheres each person without waste. Five terrific covert operators are blown away, twitching and shaking, unable to move.


The king bit his teeth as well, as the knights and chamberlains of the Kingsguard were astonished at Solor's sorcery, which exceeded the very best of the best. The reason the king was conversing with this rude and insolent person was to buy time to have this covert person come to him. From the king's point of view, these covert men were his trump card, but they were helplessly kicked out.

The knights of the Kingsguard were clearly frightened, although they had drawn their swords. They were no match for the skill of the female sorcerer, who had so easily defeated the covert men who had tried to attack them from above with unorthodox moves. The commander of the Kingsguard, who was originally in command of them and was one of the best swordsmen in the country, was also easily defeated. However, with the king at their backs, they could not retreat.

Solor's sorcery and magic are so brilliant that even Sheryl is astonished. Solor has so far repelled all the obstacles they had encountered with her 【Paralyzing Bullet】 sorcery, in keeping with Sheryl's initial request that she not kill them if possible. Sheryl was completely unaware of the surprise attack by the covert men, but Solor was easily aware of it and managed to paralyze even the most skilled of the covert men. It is said that the magic power of Satoru, her Lord, is even greater than that of Solor, who can manipulate magic, an ancient and sealed art. Even with just Solor alone, not only she could control this Royal Palace, but she could even kill all the citizens of Ares. It is precise because of this overwhelming difference in power that the attitude of the King of Ares appears to be nothing more than a mockery.

A king is a tricky man, so he may have other plans in mind, but Solor probably won't even bother to take a stand against him. Sheryl used to have respect and awe for the king, but now he looks like a mere dwarf.

「My Lord is furious that you sent Edel Kraut to contact him. Furthermore, my Lord is furious that Your Majesty has asked for Minerva-sama.」

「What's wrong with that!? I am the King of Ares!」

Fuhh, Sheryl sighed. The king's attitude is mere bluff. He still does not understand the overwhelming difference in power. What good is the title of King of Ares against the monstrous magic power of Satoru and Solor in front of him?

Cheryl looked at the large clock in the audience chamber. The bells that tell the time in Ares are run by this clock. The time was almost exactly as she had calculated. At first, she was in a hurry, but Solor's power was so overwhelming that she had to adjust the time on foot from the halfway point. To show this king the overwhelming difference in power and make him obey Satoru.

「―Is it about time? Your Majesty. Please look at the west window.」

「The west window?」

The king reflexively turned his gaze to the large window on the west when he was told. Even from the terrace, he could see through the window the Chalk Tower of the Academy of the Wise, another symbol of Ares.

At that moment, a ray of light pierced through the Chalk Tower, and after a moment, the historical structure, which was built 600 years ago during the time of the Ancient Magical Kingdom, exploded with a loud noise.

The Chalk Tower, a symbol of wisdom and knowledge in this world, rattled and collapsed.

「Wha...... whaaaa......」

The king was truly stunned at the sight that was so shocking. The king himself has a very high soul because of his bloodline, and he is also a sorcerer with a certain amount of ability. He is aware that it was considered impossible to destroy the Chalk Tower with sorcery. After all, the tower was built in the time of the Ancient Magic Kingdom, and it was protected by the magic of the Ancient Magic Kingdom. Now that magic has become extinct, it has been concluded that it is impossible to destroy the Chalk Tower with sorcery, and the Chalk Tower was pierced by a mysterious light that seemed to be sorcery, exploded, and collapsed.

Not only the king but also the knights of the Kingsguard and the chamberlains were struck by an indescribable shock. Solor and Sheryl did not change their expression ― or, to be more precise, Sheryl was a little shaken. She was not surprised because she knew it was going to be destroyed. One was that she felt a tremor of magic power, and the other was that the symbol of the Academy of the Wise, where she had worked for so long, had been so cruelly destroyed that she felt an indescribable sense of loss.

But she does not show it openly. All Sheryl has to do is to show this stubborn king the overwhelming difference in power, intimidate him, and make him promise not to let get his hands on Satoru again. The time to show off her performance is now.

「That is the form of my Lord's wrath.」

Sheryl looks out the west window and watches the Chalk Tower crumble in a cloud of smoke. Turning her cold gaze on the upset king, she tells him, 

「In another half a koku (2 hours), my Lord's wrath will descend upon this Strahltraun」

A murmur of agitation rises from the Kingsguard and chamberlains. The king shuddered and hissed as he realized the gravity of what Sheryl had just told him. Tea spills from the cup on his desk. The tea was made from carefully selected top-grade tea leaves. The amount of tea spilled from the cup alone would be worth a silver coin.

「Wh-What did you just say! If you are a citizen of Ares, why don't you stop him!?」

「I mentioned earlier. I am in a superior position as a magical slave to the Demon King Satoru. You should know that I am here, and that's the extent of what I've been able to do. I stopped what would have normally scorched this entire Ares.」

It is both fact and partly false. Perhaps Satoru was not thinking of destroying all of Ares. He is not that ruthless ― Sheryl believes that. When he raped her, he told her to keep that in mind, and that's all.

However, if Sheryl had not stopped him, Satoru would have definitely collapsed the Chalk Tower and the Strahltraun without question. If that had happened, there is no telling how many lives and assets would have been lost. It was only a short time, a little more than one koku (4 hours), but the grace was given only because Sheryl was here and risked her life to persuade Satoru.

To be honest, it was none of Sheryl's business whether the castle or the royal family was destroyed. She just doesn't want to see so many people she knows die without question, and she doesn't want to see the country she was born and raised in destroyed.

Sheryl opened her mouth to the king, who was speechless.

「I will say it again. I ask you to obey my Lord's words. My Lord's power is such that he has killed the 500 strong armies of Baron Dantes, kicked out my grandfather, the High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise, and twisted the Holy Sword Clan to its knees. The power of not only the nation of Ares, but all the neighboring nations ― and even the power of the Feather Dragon and all five dragons ― will not be able to stop my Lord.」


The king's agitation deepened further when he was told that even all Five Dragons, the sanctuary of this world, could not stop him. The knights of the Kingsguard and the chamberlains, who were listening to this unexpectedly, were only horrified. Sheryl continued to speak out in an endless stream of words.

「Do not think that you can stop my Lord with the power of a single person. For example, the collapse of the Royal Castle Strahltraun can be easily accomplished by his magical slave Solor here alone, even without the power of our Lord.」

Solor responded by making a lightning ball appear above her head. The size of the ball, which was out of the ordinary, must have been about two majors (18 meters). The king, the knights of the Kingsguard, and the chamberlains were all speechless. Solor played with the lightning ball that filled the audience hall and clenched her palm in a theatrical gesture, and the ball shrank in size and disappeared. Sheryl, who had not expected her to go that far, was grateful for Solor's assistance and turned her sharp gaze on the king.

「My lord has told me that I am to remain here not only as a chaperone but also as a spokesman. I ask that Your Wise Majesty enlighten me on this.」

A breeze blew in from the terrace, blowing Solor's light blue hair and Sheryl's flaxen hair.

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