Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 159: Volume 8 - CH 155

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「So? What is it you want to say?」

Satoru untying Leia's bound hands pulled out his penis, and seeing that she had calmed down a bit, whispered into Leia's ear. Leia, who had finally emerged from the post-sexual trance, looked up and exchanged glances with Satoru. Her eyes are a little vacant, but there is a glint of reason in them.

「You heard from Solor, didn't you? About the rewriting of the mind by 【Otherworld Summoning】?」

「Yes, I heard that. You know, the more violent, the more greedy for your sexuality, right?」

After the battle with Baron Dantes' army, Solor told Satoru about the rewriting of the mind that is contained in the art of Otherworld Summoning. Satoru was also convinced when he was told that he had become somewhat more violent and sexually voracious.

「This analysis made me understand my Lord's state of affairs up to this point.」

When considering Satoru as an individual, Leia, who has been watching him closely, knows very well that he is basically sweet and gentle, but occasionally shows a violent side or becomes arrogant. This tendency is most noticeable when he forgets himself in anger or during sexual intercourse.

The same was true for the current intercourse, which was a form of Satoru's desire for dominance. Leia is aware that she does not dislike this kind of play, and in fact, prefers it, so she does not see it as a problem. But if today's play is Satoru's true intention.

「Say, my Lord. Are you not holding back against us in a sexual sense?」


Satoru was at a loss for a response when the point was made point-blank. The hand that was playing with Leia's hair also stopped moving.

「Well, I can't go full throttle with Rico and Liz. And since Minerva is pregnant, I'll have to leave her out of it for the time being.」

Leia turns her prone body on its side and exchanges glances with Satoru. She is not hiding her not-so-large breasts but is proudly exposing them. It is a sign that she wants to listen to him without running away. Satoru almost looked away from her because of the awkwardness, but he managed to hold his ground.

「I have some difficulty with some aspects of my body size. My Lord's nature is such that he will not embrace anyone he does not feel like embracing, so even if we must exclude Isolde, who does not feel like embracing at this point in time.......」

*creak*, The bed made a creaking sound. It was the sound of Solor sitting up in bed. The small 【Ward】 around the bed allows you to hear the bedtime conversation if you are paying close attention.

But only if you are awake. Minerva, who was forced to sleep by the 【Sleep】 art, as well as Liz, Rico, and Isolde, all seem to have fallen asleep. Liz is flapping her legs in bed ― her sleeping position is as bad as ever.

「I told Master at that time. I don't mind being roughed up a bit, and somewhere inside of me, I also wish that Master would do the same to me.」

When she said that his nature had changed, Solor was certainly saying that. However, even if masochistic tastes exist in Solor, there is a sense of shame in Satoru to indulge them and give in to his own desires, and he is quite restrained in the expression of the libido that swirls inside of him.

Leia saw through that.

「Even if it wasn't. For example, you want to have more fun with more than one person. You can hit me with ...... no, or maybe that's a bit of a different way of putting it.」

Leia, biting her lower lip and searching for words, raised her chin as if satisfied.

「Don't repress that libido.」

Satoru is unable to reply to the demand, which is said outright. Leia slowly spins her words to Satoru as if to say each word.

「It is honestly not good for my Lord to force you to put up with yourself. Excessive patience is a breeding ground for outbursts. Frankly speaking, I don't want to see my Lord broken again.」

By holding back sexual desire, becomes stressful, and will eventually cause an outburst. And if it does, as in the previous outburst, you will lose consciousness ― Leia points out that there is a possibility of that. As someone who has lost consciousness once, Satoru can't say strongly enough that he'll be fine.

Leia lays her hand on the hand that was playing with her hair.

「If the mental burden can be alleviated by our sex, then I want you to use us to your heart's content. The people who follow my Lord as magical slaves now, except for Isolde, are ready to do so. Even Isolde would not say no if my Lord asked her.」

Satoru shakes his head from side to side. Satoru has no desire to embrace someone he doesn't like, just because she doesn't say no. Besides, it is too much of a shame to ask for endless demands from the other magical slaves, no matter how much they do not hesitate to open their bodies.

With a small smile, Leia pulled her overlapping hands to her own mouth and lightly kissed the back of Satoru's hand.

「Honestly―My Lord is too kind. I understand that my Lord's kindness excludes Isolde, and I understand your fear that you might force her to do something she doesn't want to do. But that is a difference in priorities. We do not think it is impossible. Rather, if we can reduce the possibility of our Lord's outburst or breakage, we would like to do so.」

Satoru was still at a loss for a response when he was told what was on his mind. He's not ashamed that Leia saw through him. Leia already has an inner being, an inner being partner, and she doesn't hide things from him, and basically, Satoru is an honest person, so it shows on his face right away. It is easy for Leia to read him.

「Occasionally or every night. That too is up to my Lord, okay? You can do one for all of us every night. I don't care how many times each person does it per night, as long as your bodies and minds can handle it. I'd rather have a little venting and have the risk of us being broken than have my Lord suppress it and have you being broken. Besides, receiving my Lord's semen will strengthen the soul of all but Solor.」

Satoru sighed long and loudly as he placed his kissed hand on Leia's head and stroked her head.

「I can't honestly say that I'm happy about it. ......」

The whole "Soul Strengthening" thing is just a way to get Satoru to avoid being so reserved, so to speak. As expected, even Satoru can read that much.

「Can I ask the reason that makes you think so?」

「The main reason is a shame. Seeking and greedily eating a woman is just plain pervert(?), and I've grown up in a world where it's not considered desirable.」

Hmmm, Leia sighs.

「Not much has changed in this world. I was born and raised in a time when there was still a lot of warfare, so being a sexual prowess was also considered a sign of heroism. In the present era, when things have settled down a bit, as you can see from Isolde and Rico, chastity is also considered to be something to be valued.」

Depending on the historical background, chastity is sometimes considered to be esteemed, and sometimes it is said to be useless. Immediately after the Seven Day Disaster, the idea of chastity was treated as a hindrance due to the drastic decline in the population, but in today's world, where human society has settled down, the idea of chastity is more common than it was in Leia's time.

However, in the world in which Satoru lived, the idea of chastity was still stronger than in this world. It is a strange thing to have such beautiful girls around you and not be allowed to behave as you please.

「What does Solor think?」

Leia looked back over her shoulder at the doll made by the Kingdom of Ancient Magic sitting behind her and asked her.

「With all due respect. I have not yet been able to confirm the common sense of the modern world, but as a matter of biological logic, it is natural for a powerful person to have more than one opposite sex. A Master's soul is a unique and huge thing, a thing that only Supreme Ruler or a King can have. I think it is strange that a Supreme Ruler to hesitate to embrace a woman.」

Solor's words, spoken so matter-of-factly, are in a sense truthful. Most beasts seek strength in their mates. A typical example would be a herd of monkeys or lions. The leader of a herd has the females as his attendants, and the other males are sometimes driven out of the troop. Minerva was attracted to Satoru and followed him for the primitive reason that she wanted to have a strong male offspring.

I understand the logic. I understand it, but...

「That part........I'm not a big man, you know.」

Sighing heavily, Satoru finally blurted it out. In some regions of the world, polygamy by powerful men is considered natural. As someone who was summoned from a world where monogamy is the norm, it's not surprising that he doesn't fit in morally.

「In fact, I'm afraid to have beautiful women like you around me.」

Satoru was downstairs at the tavern today when a woman got involved. Think of the reaction of the other customers when they saw Solor and the others coming back from shopping.

Leia blurts out a small laugh. Satoru, who has a variety of different types of beautiful girls and women, who are not that bad, is naturally the subject of intense scrutiny from the other customers.

The same is true when he comes to this town. A good-natured old man who happened to accompany him on his travels. The travelers who happened to be with him at the Mistletoe of Normad, the people he passed by... Satoru was envied by all of them.

But this is only because Satoru has tremendous power.

「I certainly have power, but. But I don't want to use that as an excuse to be arrogant.」

After all, this big man from another world is a little too moralistic. Leia thinks so with all her heart.

「Humility is also a virtue, but too much of it is a form of servility. Arrogance and servility, modesty and arrogance, are indeed difficult issues.」

After she had finished her speech, Leia's sincere eyes met Satoru's eyes.

「I think it's okay for my Lord to be a little more arrogant, especially when it comes to your sexuality. Say Isolde, don't you think so too?」

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The beautiful swordsman, who was supposed to be sleeping in the bed next to her, reacted with a jerk under the covers. Satoru looks bitter.

「You don't have to go out of your way to call her. ......」

「Well, she seemed to be interested in it for some reason.」

Satoru, Leia, and Solor all knew that Isolde was awake. It was no secret that she had a fear and a strong aversion to sex, but her interest was insatiable and she was tucking herself in and listening attentively.

Isolde, who had been caught tucking her head in, looked annoyed as she sat up and turned her gaze away from the naked Satoru and the half-naked Leia.

「I-I, w-well, I can't say anything big, since I'm not a part of the fair... ......」

Isolde glances at Leia and then turns away. She seems to feel a strong aversion not to Satoru's nakedness, but to the marks of Leia's lovemaking. In a sense, Isolde is a germophobe. With her gaze subtly averted, she finally takes a breath and opens her mouth.

「I think Leia-dono is right. I think Milord could be a little more open-minded.」

「Is that so?」

Satoru returned discouraged.

Isolde is the only one among the magical slaves who have not participated in the servicing of Satoru. Even she told Satoru that he should be more open-minded, and Satoru realized that he was imposing his world's common sense on the magical slaves.

He scratched his head and exhaled heavily through his nose, then turned his attention to the two women looking at him.

「All right then, Leia, let's go for another round.」

「Nnoh. Let's, see, ....... d-do as you want.」

After having said so herself, Not being able to say "please be gentle" or "I'd rather not," Leia pulled herself together. Solor gets up, feeling bad for disturbing them, and Isolde wraps herself in the covers again.

「Anyway, I'll tell everyone about it tomorrow......Nnmuhh」

Unable to say no, Satoru silently locked lips with Leia. It would be another hour (40 minutes) before Leia, who had unexpectedly been in a series of fights, would be released exhausted.

* * * * * * *

The next morning.

When Satoru woke up a little later than usual, he saw the women looking at him in an irresolute manner.

It seems that Satoru was the best sleeper today. As she had declared, Leia must have told the magical slaves the contents of last night's conversation.

Satoru scratched his head in discomfort and turned to his magical slaves in his usual morning daze.

「I can't believe I made Satoru put up with this. ......uuhhh」

Rico, who even had tears in his eyes, came up to him and jumped into Satoru's chest. Satoru, who was still a little dazed after waking up, couldn't react fast enough, and a considerable shock hit his upper body.

「Satoru! I'll do my best! Please use me a lot? Even if I'm on my period, you can use my butt!」

「Th-that's not a good idea. ......」

It is an unspoken rule that no sexual intercourse is allowed during menstruation. It is a natural thing to do considering the physical condition of the women, but even so, Rico's determination to say that Satoru can use her butts is heavy. But that is the ultimate in force. It is unacceptable in any way.

「Ha, haauuuhhh ......」

It is Isolde who was very flustered by Rico's comment about her ass. She may have known what anal sex was, but she was probably unexpectedly terrified by Rico's unabashed statement.

Leaving Minerva in a daze, Liz leaned closer to Satoru with her eyes fixed on him and a rather scary look on her face. Liz's expression, which Satoru had never seen before, made him shrink back.

Liz stood in front of Satoru and glared at him for a while before looking back at Leia with a sigh.

「So far, I have been doing it once or twice a day, except when something was inconvenient. Maybe that was not enough. Is that what you mean?」


Leia's reply was clear. Satoru couldn't see Liz's face ― he was a little scared. But here in the room. There is no escape for Satoru.

「Hey, Onii-san」


「You're not looking in the right direction to be shy with us.」(?)


Satoru replied with a downcast look on his face. Liz's mood was so scary that even her reply was respectful. Liz has the lowest soul and the least fighting ability among her fellows, but her mental strength when she gets angry is becoming more and more noticeable these days.

It is a strange sight to see a pre-adult girl lecturing an adult man who is 10 years older than her, but all but one of the newcomers to the group accept it as a matter of course. Liz began to admonish him in a shimmering tone of quiet anger.

「Unless there is something special going on, I ask that you do this at least twice a day, either twice per person or once for each of us. Well, three or four times is fine.」

「But ......」

「No excuse. You ejaculated five times on Sheryl, but you were fine with it the next day when you were holding Solor, so there is no problem at all, right?」

Satoru could not reply to Liz, who blocked his objection. "Ueee", Minerva raised her voice.

「Did you just phew your baby's juice five times? Danna-sama did the same thing at that time as you did with Minerva, it's unfair~~」

She's missing the point.

However, Liz did not even react to Minerva's comment but continued to look at her Lord coldly.

「Where's your answer?」

「...... I understand.」

Grudgingly, Satoru accepted Liz's offer. Liz puts her hands on her hips and hmph and breathes.

「It's the kind of relationship where you don't even know who's in charge.」

Leia giggled at Isolde's unintentional muttering. Well, the relationship between Satoru and his magical slaves is different from the normal relationship between magical slaves and their Lord.

But this is fine. If Satoru cannot be arrogant, then it is only a matter of controlling him to be so by the magical slaves. Liz knew this and dared to show it to Satoru with a strong attitude.

「If you understand, that's fine. Isolde, you have chosen an ornament, so please put your magic power into it today and then relax. And Onii-san, if you want to hold someone, please say it properly.」

「No, it's still daytime. ...... A-anyway, I understand.」

Why is it that when Liz comes strong to me, I don't feel like rebelling?―Satoru almost thought about it and stopped thinking. He was no match for Liz with his mouth anyway, so there was no use in rebelling.

After this. Satoru will be seriously thinking about how to kill the time of today.

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