Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 65: Volume 6 - CH 61

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There are five major problems if a modern Japanese person were to be transferred or reincarnated into a world with a background similar to that of the Western Middle Ages.

One is language. However, in Satoru's case, for some reason, he was able to understand the language and the characters were almost the same pattern as Japanese hiragana, so he did not have much trouble.

The next one is the cultural level of life. Modern people, accustomed to the existence of home appliances, find it extremely inconvenient to be without them. However, while there will always be some dissatisfaction with this, you will get used to it in time.

The next one is food. Even though the rice-eating culture is slowly disappearing, seasonings such as soy sauce and miso still bring nostalgia to Japanese people. Also, there is not much of a fast food culture, so when you get hungry, you will miss snacks, cup noodles, curry, etc.

Another thing is toilets. As a modern Japanese living in a world where water and sewage systems are almost completely covered, it is difficult to take a bowel movement in a pot because it is so unsanitary. Even when sewage systems are in place, the most you can find are boarded up toilets. Of course, there is no toilet paper, so you have to be especially careful when defecating.

The last one is bathing. Although there are customs such as bathing, it is only a few people who enjoy bathing in a bathtub, and since water is precious in some regions, it is difficult to wash your body with a lot of water.

After being summoned to this world, Satoru has managed to get used to eating and using the bathroom, but he only taken a bath once, and no one can blame Satoru for muttering this after a little over a month of being summoned to this world from modern Japan.

「I want to take a bath. ......」

Shaking his slightly dusty head, Satoru muttered on the back of the Flying Dragon, Minerva, who flying high in the sky.

「I'd like to say, "What a luxury" ......, but I understand your feeling.」

The brown-skinned girl, Rico, who straddles the back of the Flying Dragon Minerva with Satoru, shivered and responded to Satoru's complaint. Thanks to the fact that they have been flying high in the sky for fear of being caught, they haven't been attacked by any stray monsters, but it's still cold. And yet, when they go down to the surface, they feel the humid heat of early autumn, which is even more unmanageable.

Satoru wipe his body every day, and the clothes he's wearing right now are clean because he washed them and dried them with the Leia's magic, the 【Immortal King】, who lurks inside Satoru's shadow, and he have been able to stay away from fleas and lice, but he can't help but feel like a worn-out sparrow.

The custom of bathing is seen in some countries among the royalty and nobles, and it is a symbol of disparity. Rico was from the thieves' guild in Galhassan, and Galhassan did not have the concept of a bathhouse where ordinary people could bathe. At most, she had only wiped her body with water drawn from a well, but once she took a bath, she was completely taken by the refreshing feeling.

『Hmmm ...... but Minerva can't smell any firewater around here』 [TLN: 火の水=firewater, sorry don't know how to translate these]

Minerva, the flying dragon, spoke to Satoru using the art of 【Telepathy】. When she was on her way from Galhassan to Ares, she said she could smell firewater, so she went there and found a hot spring. That was the first and last time Satoru had taken a bath since he was summoned into this world. At that time, it was just the four of them, Satoru, Leia, Rico, and Minerva, but now there's another person in the group――No, maybe it's not strictly true that it's just one person.

「Minerva, what did you say?「

「She says she can't smell the hot springs.」

「I see......that's a shame」

The art of 【Telepathy】 can only be used to communicate with one person in the mind of the users. Minerva was talking to Satoru, so Rico could only hear her grunting.

『Bathing, huh.......I'd rather not to take a bath, but....』

Satoru couldn't help but chuckle at Leia's muttering from within the shadows. While relaxing in a hot spring that Minerva happened to find, Satoru got horny with Leia and they had a sex in the hotspring, which resulted in Leia falling into the hot water and causing a bit of a commotion. Leia must have remembered that.

(What? Just don't take a long bath.)

『That may be the case, but........I wonder if my Lord will let me go.』

(This guy ...... Yep, that's not a big deal.)

Satoru stroked his chin in response to Leia's chilling voice. Ugh, he choked, and he couldn't hear anything from Leia. Satoru gotten used to talking to the shadows. In the beginning, he used to simply say things out loud, but now he can communicate with just his thoughts.

「There's also a way to warm up the water at the water's edge.」

『If it's just water, there's plenty here...』

At Minerva's voice, Satoru turned his gaze downward. The dry canyon spread out below him, and at first glance he could not detect any sign of water, but Minerva, with her keen smell, must have been able to smell it. After conquered the 『Labyrinth of No Return』 and making three encampments, they were now within striking distance of the 『Dark Green Forest』 which was their goal for the time being.

「All right, Minerva, take us to a nice waterfront. Where there's little sign of monsters or people.」


The Flying Dragon Minerva, who howled loudly and high-pitchedly, "guruu," to the side, gradually lowered its altitude. She glides along, killing her speed and she is sniffing around.

The presence of Minerva, the largest of the flying dragon tribe, causes even birds of prey to flee in fear. There have been no cases of monsters or demons attacking then during their journey so far. This is a testament to Minerva's presence and the power of Leia's wards during the night camp.

Checking the height of the sun, Rico gave a small twist of her head. She felt that it was a little past the third koku (14:00). It was a little early for them to prepare for the camp, since they usually travels until the fourth koku (18:00).

「Are we done for the day? Isn't it a little early?」

「It's good to take a rest once in a while. We're camping out, though.」

Satoru was a modern Japanese who had no experience of camping except for camping when he was a child, but he has been in this world for 33 days now, 22 of which have been camping, including sleeping in the labyrinth. He had gotten used to camping. It was fortunate that they hadn't been exposed to rain or dew on their journey so far.

「Also. If there's a waterfront, I'd like to use earth magic to build an enclosure and take a bath in it.」

「Wow! That's a great idea!」

『Good grief』

Hearing Rico's cheers and Leia's ridiculous voice at the same time, Satoru turned his attention downward. A scene similar to the dry canyons of the American West stretched out before him. The area was untouched by human hands. The monsters created from the 『Labyrinth of No Return』 have been walking around and have refused to accept human hands.

However, this will eventually come to an end. This is because Satoru and others have conquered the 『Labyrinth of No Return』, which has tormented the people of this region for many years. Once the labyrinth has been conquered, it will dissipate its accumulated magical power and will never regain its original strength. From now on, there will be no more crazy monsters to be created.

「That remind me, you can make a simple house with earth magic, right?」

「No, that's only for Satoru.」

Rico immediately gave him a tsukkomi. Is that so? Satoru replies absentmindedly. He is still a little skeptical about his own soul, which is said to generate magic power.

「Well, there is a way to make a house using earth magic. Ordinary people can't build a house in a few minutes like Satoru, you know.」

「Really. I wish My Lord be a little more aware of your own abilities.」

Leia's upper body appeared out of Satoru's shadow, and even Leia criticized Satoru. Before, she couldn't come out of Minerva's flying shadow. Leia's 【Life Force Absorption】would take away Minerva's physical strength, but now that is no longer a problem. Thanks to the magic contained in the bracelet that gleams on the finger of Minerva's right hand.

「Yes, yes, I'm sorry I'm still alive(?).」 [TLN: はいはい、生きていてすみませんでした]

Leia and Rico exchanged glances and laughed at Satoru's childlike sulking. Of course, Satoru didn't really mean it. They know that much.

「Geez. Don't sulk.」

While patting Satoru's thigh, Rico asked him how he was feeling. Of course, it was a joke, and that was enough to put Satoru in a good mood. He stroked Rico's head, and then Leia's, whose upper body was exposed diagonally below.

『Uuhh. Somehow, Minerva is left out by everyone―』

Satoru patted Minerva's neck in response to the low growl of discontent that came from her. Of course, he doesn't mean to leave Minerva out of this. The only one who is left out in this situation is the newly added companion from three days ago, the 【Magic Doll】 Solor, who has been lurking in the shadows with Leia and has not said a word. She is an artificial life form that was created just before the destruction of the Ancient Magic Kingdom hidden in the deepest part of the 『Labyrinth of No Return』. It is an existence that lives by magic power and has few emotions. Filled with magical power by Satoru, she reveres him as her master and follows him on his journey.

『Hmm. That area, looks good.』

Minerva changed her direction downward in her gliding posture. She manipulated her large body to descend through the canyon. He saw that there was a river flowing at the bottom of the canyon. The current is calm and the area is large, a good place to camp, and the surrounding cliffs are slightly lower than before.

「Oh, it looks good. That's Minerva for you.」

『Heh heh.』

Minerva decelerates with a big flap of her wings and swoops down into the open space. Fluttering down, Rico and Satoru, in that order. Leia, too, dives back into the shadows just before she descends, and then comes out of Satoru's shadow again with Solor. Minerva confirmed that everyone had gone down, said "Minerva is going hunting," and flew up again.

While Rico was trying to get ready for the camp, Satoru focused his attention and created a flat stone about 5 meters square in the open space. It was about 50 cm thick. He thought it would be better to have a cushion than to lay the skin directly on the ground

「Oh, my Lord, why don't you try to 【Softening】 this rock anyway?」

「【Softening】? Oh, you mean soften it?」

It would be more comfortable to have a soft rock than a rugged one. He was lost in his imagination for a moment, but then he placed his hand on the newly made slab of rock and pictured it getting about 20cm thick. Before he knew it, the surface of the rock changed to feel like a low-resilient material.

「It's amazing that you were able to get such a big rock out so easily, but what is this feeling?」

「The softer the rock, the more comfortable it is to sleep on.」

Satoru's other-dimensional magical power is now proven, and Rico is amazed by the results. Leia, like Rico, also touches the rock surface that has become strange to the touch.

Satoru took the initiative to climb up on the rock he had prepared and sat down on it. He closed his eyes and threw out his limbs, feeling a softness in his buttocks that he hadn't felt since he came to this world. Seeing how quickly Satoru had settled down, Rico, Leia, and Solor, in that order, cautiously imitated him and climbed up on the rock, their eyes surprised at the feeling.

「Wow, what a strange feeling.」

While Rico was stomping her feet repeatedly, Leia followed her Lord's lead and immediately laid down on his side.

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「Th-This softness is supreme. I've never slept in a bed this soft, not even mine.」

Honestly, Leia had imagined that it would soften the surface of the bed by one inch (3cm), but she was surprised by the result, which was more than she had imagined, but she honestly enjoyed it. Solor was also sitting upright, but her expression was subtle.

「Well, I'm glad you're like it.」

Satoru took a long, huffing breath, opened his eyes, and looked up at the sky. The sky was still bright, with only a few clouds in the sky. The sound of the river flowing around him and the breeze blowing through the canyon were pleasant. He felt a little lukewarm, probably because he was flying over a place that had been cold just a few minutes ago.

Satoru suddenly felt at ease for the first time in his life.

In all his travels and camping, had he ever felt this calm, looking up at the sky and feeling the wind blowing through? In all the past month he have been summoned to this world unexpectedly and traveled relentlessly to return to his original world, he never felt so relaxed. Satoru smiled, wondering if he had been unknowingly exhausted. If you think about it, it's impossible not to be tired after suddenly being summoned to another world, seeing and hearing about all the differences from his original world, and adapting to this world to some extent.

In that sense, it is the same for his companions who are now traveling together.

He doesn't know Leia's past exactly, but she has spent more than 200 years in the deepest labyrinths since her manifestation as the 【Immortal King】. In other words, she was a Queen of Hikikomori.

While Rico is a thief, she's also adaptable as a brigand, but thieves, for whatever reason, live in the city as the basis of their lives. She is not used to camping out in this way.

Minerva has lived in the wild for a long time, but she must have had a lot of trouble getting mixed in human life, and Solor has been asleep since the fall of the Magic Kingdom until recently. He doesn't think she's used to camping.

He threw his legs out to the side and looked at his companions who were sitting down to rest. Even as a man, he felt this invisible fatigue. His desire to take a bath was probably due to his unconscious desire to relax in the warm water. He wondered if their level of fatigue was greater than his own, even though he could not see it.

Satoru thought about this for a while.



Rico, who had been throwing out her legs and enjoying the feel of the cushioned, mysterious rock surface, looked back at Satoru.

「I'll make dinner tonight. You can take the rest of the day off from your chores.」

「Huh? But ......」

「No problem, no problem. Rico take care of it every day. It's good to have a day off once in a while.」

Bewildered, Rico glanced at the other two. Leia just shrugged her shoulders a bit, while Solor's expression was as blank as ever.

「But see, laundry and such ......」

「If you'll allow me, I'd like to try it.」

*shwp* and Solor raised her hands, and not only Rico, but also Leia and Satoru looked back at Solor in surprise. He was somewhat reluctant to let her, with her mysterious image, do the dirty work of housework, but it would be strange to refuse her if she wanted to do it. Besides, he honestly appreciate the offer.

「Errr... ......」

From Rico's point of view, she was frankly uncomfortable. To be told that she doesn't have to do something that she normally do herself is a part of her existence.

「Once in a while, then. It's not a bad idea to be honest and take advantage of my Lord's favor.」

As if to make fun, Leia also smiled at Rico. This brown-skinned girl has been doing everyone's chores since joining them, without anyone telling her to. When Satoru said in the labyrinth that he wanted to devote a day to each of them and do something for them, Rico was the one who reminded Leia for her reticence. He wonder if this was some kind of payback for that.

Satoru, the master of these Magical Slaves, and Leia, his first magical slave, approved of it. There was no way anyone could object. Rico accepted the offer even though she was confused.

「......,Mm, I got it. I'll relax then.」

「I'll prepare a bath later, but you can go take a dip if you want.」

「Ahh~. That's a good idea. But I'm alone. ......」

And then Minerva came back from the hollow with a loud rustling of her wings. She had caught a fat goat in her claws. It was quite a big one.

『I'm back~. Look~, Minerva caught a big one.』

Satoru hesitated for a moment, wondering if he would be able to handle it, but then he reminded himself that it would be unmanly to retract what he had already said.

「Why don't you take a dip with Minerva anyway?」

『Huh? What are you talking about?』

Minerva tilted her head as she set down the goat she had caught in her claws with a thud. Normally, Rico would take the lead in handling the prey that Minerva hunted, but since Rico was given the day off from work today, so she couldn't move. And without even needing to command, Solor began to move. Whether Solor can handle it or not, it's good that she's moving on her own initiative like that. While looking at Solor, Satoru shrugged his shoulders a bit towards Minerva.

「I wanted to give Rico a break. Rico like to take a bath, but it's boring to be alone. Minerva, if you want, you can go take a dip with Rico.」

『Let's see, with a human body?』

「That's right. I'll prepare a bath later. You're better off with take a bath with human body.」


Minerva's throat emits a sound "kyuu" that is rarely heard, and she begins to take on a human form. This was the effect of the 【Mimicry】 on her equipment. If she want to bathe, there's no need to wear clothes. Minerva smiled at Rico after shaking her whole body to acclimatize herself while she was completely naked.

「Rico, you wanna play?」

「...... It can't be helped.」

Rico, with a big smile on her face, boldly took off her usual short robe. The only people here now are Satoru and his magical slaves (technically, Solor is different). She was going to bathe, and there was no reason to be embarrassed. With her bottom still intact, and only a piece of cloth on top that looked like a tube top instead of a bra, Riko ran out into the river with a quick, light movement. As she approached the riverbank, she put her toes on it fearfully.

「Wow, it's cold!」

「There are small fish too―......But some of the fish are too small that they don't look very tasty」

The sun is shining a little harsh for early autumn, and it's a little hot and humid on the surface, so it's probably just right for a dip.

Satoru gently watches over Rico and Minerva as they begin to play in the water, squealing. Minerva is completely nude, so it's a little difficult to keep his eyes on her, but the scene is so healthy and peaceful that it makes him smiled. If you think about it, Rico is only 17 years old. Minerva's mental age is not yet 10 years old, and it's nice to see her play like that.

「Sometimes doing like this is good. Rico looks her age when she's like that.」

Leia approached Satoru, who had created a simple cooking stove with magic not far from the rock slab that Satoru had prepared as a bed. Satoru nodded his head and looked at Solor, who was handling a goat. It's not a surprise, but Solor's handiwork in handling the goat is quite impressive.

「......But then again, Solor has that kind of knowledge, too.」

「She is programmed to be able to do all household chores. But there are many discrepancies if you don't actually try it, so it's a great opportunity for her to be able to do a lot of things like this.」

「I see.」

That's why she said she was going to do the laundry, Satoru thought to himself. There is a big difference between learning in a classroom and in practice. Leia can't cook at all, and if she touches her prey, it will take away its life force and make it taste bad, so she can't easily touch the ingredients.

「So, Master. How should I cook this goat?」

「Basically, roast it over an open flame. Also, the entrails will be used separately, so just make sure to drain the blood.」

「Very well.」

Satoru unpacks the cookbook he bought at Galhassan from his backpack and reads it diagonally. As he looks through some of the dishes that use goat meat, he realizes that goat meat has a strong flavor and may need some herbs to remove the smell. But, he doesn't want to cook the same dish as in the cookbook.

「I don't have any seasonings. ...... I want soy sauce and miso.」

「Are those seasonings from the Master's world?」

「Yep, they are. Both are made by fermenting beans. ...... But, fermented foods have not been developed in this world.」

Satoru grumbled as he compared some of the seasonings Leia had stored in the shadows. Leia is a really hopeless when it comes to cooking, so when people talk about fermented foods, she doesn't even understand what they are.

「Fermentation ...... Is it something like liquor or bread?」

Liquor and bread can only be made by fermentation. That being said, there are also a few preserved foods, so it's not that there are no fermented foods.

「That's right. Soy sauce and miso, as I mentioned earlier, take half a year or even a year to ferment.」

「Isn't that rotten?」

「No, it's not.」

In a way, it was a rare sight to see Leia and Solol discussing cooking together. Neither Leia nor Solor needed to eat, so there was no need to mention food. As he watched Rico and Minerva playing in the water with delight, Satoru took out the knife on his hip and rolled up his arms.

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