Foreigner's Mistake

Chapter 77: Volume 6 - CH 73

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At that moment.

The World Tree, a symbol of the faith of the elves who live in this neighborhood, made a rustling sound as the leaves shifted. The unbelievably huge tree rustled as if singing, and a soft, pale light leaked out from the trunk, branches, and the entire tree and began to shine. The light became a golden torrent that poured out all around.

The elves who had gathered in the village were buzzing. The elves knew what the light meant.

The World Tree, which had been blocked from growing as it wished for hundreds of years, had now regained its true freedom.

「...... Ohh!」

Bauers, the elder of the World Tree Village, looked up with admiration at the sudden good fortune, trembling with emotion at the proof of faith in the tree. Originally, the World Tree was known as a tree that shone like this. It was before Bauers was born that it lost its light. Bauers is the oldest elf in existence. In other words, no one knows what the World Tree really is.

The giant tree, which even in its own right overwhelmed the others, had weakened in its growth since it stopped shining. It was whispered that it was the life span of the tree itself, but it is a fact known only to a few of the elves who live here that the power of the tree was sucked out of it by an underground labyrinth of unknown origin. Since the demon Ingolshenes entered the labyrinth as its Lord several hundred years ago, the World Tree has only maintained itself and has not grown at all.

But now the World Tree has regained its original growth power. This means that the Lord of the labyrinth has been defeated, and the labyrinth that has hindered the growth of the world tree for so many years has been freed - That's just unbelievable. It's a miracle.

The sound of the tree's leaves shifting as if singing. Bauers' eyes widened as he spotted a white glow around the tip of the branch. The figure, thought to be lost, was not large, but it was white, pale, but it was certainly glowing, and it presented a divine appearance.

「The buds ...... on the world tree are ......」

It's not just Bauers, but also the old elves who run the village together, who look at the phenomena around them in disbelief.

There was also a human girl with amber hair and brown skin, and a tall human-like woman with indigo hair and yellow skin, in a place where only the elves were originally allowed. Satoru's magical slaves, Rico and Minerva.

「You defeated the demon, didn't you? As expected of Satoru.」

「It's only natural for Danna-sama.」

While she was almost mesmerized by the beautiful changes in the surrounding scenery, Rico was paying attention to her surroundings. The elves were probably excited that the World Tree had regained its power for the first time in hundreds of years. Of course they were happy, but were they so happy that they didn't really feel it?

「Did you really defeated Ingolshenes un such a short time ......? Unbelievable ......」

Rico thought it would take a day or so, but she didn't expect it to take less than an koku (4 hours).

「A person from another world is such a ......」

Rico didn't miss the sound of Bauers' shaken voice. Her small body was proudly exposed in front of the Elder.

「...... Elder, right? Where did you know about about that?」

「N-No, I don't know anything.」

Bauers was certainly surprised by the brown-skinned human girl standing in front of him. What should I do to this human girl who has learned something that should not be known――The luminescence of Baues' eyes wavered.

The next moment, an invisible membrane deployed in front of Rico's eyes bounced off the unidentified force.

Bauers eyes widened up in surprise, the old people looked back to see what was going on, Rico's eyes narrowed, and Minerva's gentle face showed obvious anger.

It was obvious what had happened. Bauers used sorcery on Rico, and Rico repel it. To be more precise, it wasn't Rico. Satoru's magic ring, which Rico was holding, was flickering. The art in the ring stopped the elf elder's art.

Minerva raised her hand with a look of murderous intent, and a huge fireball about three majors (27 meters) in diameter danced above Minerva's head. Rico holds Minerva back while those around her are dismayed by the ball, which is filled with so much killing intent and magical power. Minerva breaks her concentration with a "eh" sound. The fireball burst with a small, silly sound.

「. ......Just now, you used magic on me, didn't you?」


Bauers was greatly dismayed that his sorcery had been repelled by a human, a girl who didn't seem to have much of a soul. Bauers may be old, but his soul is still alive and well. Unlike humans, elves' souls do not deteriorate with age. He had never imagined that this unpredictable girl would not only hear his careless mumbling, but also repelled his sorcery.

Rico was also secretly impatient. However, the ring that Satoru had filled with magic power had repelled the magic that the Elder had tried to cast. It was probably some kind of art of mind that directly affected Rico. If it had been a direct attack, it would have been hard to imagine that it could be repelled like this. Rico hadn't expected the Elder to take such a direct approach.

But it was clear that he was trying to harm her in some way beyond Rico's imagination. Minerva is also on this side, but even Minerva would have a tough time in this situation surrounded by enemies.

If it came to a serious fight―Rico calmly assessed the situation around her. Don't worry, there is a way out. I can contact Satoru after we escape.

However, this Elder seems to be very dismayed that his first art was repelled. Rico should bluff her way out of this.

「The Academy of the Wise, perhaps? For the time being. It's a real bummer, that place.」

Rico sighed heavily, pretending very comfortable. On the surface, Bauers doesn't react to Rico's bait―But Rico's keen senses saw right through her growing agitation.

This is the best school for human mages in this world. Rico sensed that it was apparently turning against Satoru.

In the past, it would have been frightening. But now that she had given everything to Satoru and left her in charge, what did she care about the Academy of the Wise?

「If I tell Satoru, he can wipe out this village. Satoru, you know, he's so scary when he's angry, and he doesn't hesitate.」

「N-no, that's a problem. ......」

Now Rico remember. She remember the first time she tried to seduce Satoru in Galhassan. At that time, Satoru was so furious with Rico that he ordered Leia to burn Galhassan to ashes. Now she understand that it was a threat to induce Rico, but if Satoru was really angry, he probably wouldn't hesitate.

Rico is angry, too. She was angry at the old elf for underestimating her and trying to cast a spell on her.

「Then tell me what you've been told. Just tell me. I'm telling you, the day you lie to me, you'll either get you all killed or the World Tree will die!?」

The old people were buzzing. It is forbidden to build a fire on the World Tree. The reason for this is quite simple: to avoid damaging the World Tree, which is also an object of worship. The tall woman who was probably Satoru's magical slave violated this prohibition earlier, but even with them, there was no one who could counteract the fireball that Minerva was about to unleash. It would be possible if several of them worked together, but there was no way they could do that on the spur of the moment.

In addition, the other girl with the dark elf-like skin also repelled the sorcery of the Elder Bauers, who is one of the most powerful people in this village.

In other words, even these two who have been assigned to stay at home are nothing short of considerable vessels―The old elves shudder at Rico's angry voice.

It is clear that their Lord is more powerful than them. He had kicked out the young radicals, including Dietta, who possessed the most soul in the village, and had vanquished Ingolshenes, the demon that was the Lord of the labyrinth of the World Tree, which had caused them so much trouble. It would probably not be impossible for Satoru to kill everyone and wither the World Tree.

「W-we just received a letter .......」

Bauers was uncharacteristically shaken by the enhanced appearance of the gentle, brown-skinned human girl. He had not expected that his pride and joy in the art of the mind would not work. He regretted his thoughtless use of art, but now it was too late.

「Let me see that letter.」

At the girl's request, Bauers reluctantly took out a piece of parchment from his pocket. It was a letter from the head of the Academy of the Wise. The beeswax seal had already been opened, but the name at the end of the letter was also stamped with wax, so there was no way to fool her.

Rico snatched the letter and looked it over with a frown on her face. The name on the letter is that of the High Mentor of the Academy of the Wise. There is no doubt about it.

「........If this letter is true, then the Academy of the Wise is aware of Satoru and is suspicious of him. ......」

While pretending to obey Satoru, the Academy have been sending letters like this, and sending messengers to send the elves around this Dark Green Forest to this village―They are completely dragging their feet. I don't even know what their goal is, but this is a completely hostile act.

Satoru will definitely be angry. But that's none of my business. The folly of picking a fight with Satoru should be atoned for by themselves.

「You don't have anything else??」

「There isn't. I swear, that's all.」

Rico narrowed her eyes and looked at the elf Elder. From here on out, I won't be able to handle this on my own. I need to seek the judgment of Satoru and Leia. The incident occurred just as I was approaching to get information, so I have been unable to gather much information, but that's all I can do.

「I'll check again when Satoru comes back.」

Saying this to the Elder, Rico thought about what she should do from now on. For now, what she needed to do was to make sure that she, Minerva, and Liz were safe.

「Minerva. Bring me Liz.」


With a glare, Rico turned her intimidating eyes on the old elves around her. It's bluff, but still, the old elves are shaken - they are not going to touch us by the looks of it.

Rico sighed softly so as not to be noticed.

* * * * * * *

Of course, Satoru, who was inside the labyrinth, could tell that the World Tree had undergone a change. This is because the floor and walls suddenly began to flicker. Satoru could sense that the World Tree was happy to have its freedom back for the first time in a long time, which confused him.

However, Satoru was surprised to see that the vertical hole that served as a passageway into which he had jumped had expanded and contracted. If that place is blocked, it will be a troublesome to go back.

「Isn't it bad?」

Leia also noticed Satoru's voice and gaze and looked up at the vertical hole that began to expand and contracted. It would not disappear in a few minutes, but after a long time, it was likely that the large Satoru would not be able to pass through it. However, Leia calmly assessed the situation and groaned, "Hmm".

「No, it's nothing for about one koku (four hours). Rather than that, I'm more concerned about the items left behind by the demon. Considering the time it took for him to come out, I'm sure that his dwelling place isn't too far away, and since we've already conquered this labyrinth, we can at least search for it.」

The sight of peristalsis and flickering lights in the trees is not pleasant to behold, and it is extremely unsettling. But even so, Satoru nodded lightly in response to Leia.

「If you say so, then it must be all right.」

Whatever the case may be, Satoru trust in Leia is full. Seeing that Solor also does not raise any objections, Leia's assessment is further reinforced.

Satoru re-tied the 【Giant Killer】 to his back and looked around, stroking his chin. Considering that Satoru landed here and Ingolshenes made his appearance without much waiting, and the white bones of the girls who have been sacrificed so far are buried in a hole dug at random, Leia's guess that the demon's dwelling is not far away is probably correct.

But all around is the skin of a peristaltic tree. There is no visible entrance to the dwelling place. Leia, who had sensed Satoru's intention, gave a small tilt of her head.

「With so much magic power around, it may be difficult to ...... 『Detect Magic』.」

The wrinkles between Leia's brows become deeper as she concentrates. She seems to be concentrating even more. Inside the labyrinth of the World Tree, even Satoru, who does not fully understand the meaning of magic, feels a peculiar shimmering. It must be extremely difficult even for Leia to pick up certain things with sensing-type sorcery.

「Murhh......There is a fluctuation of 【Concealment】. Solor! Unleash the art of 【Dispel】 in about 3 majors! Put some pressure on it!」 [TLN: I'll change Remove Spell to Dispel]

Solor quickly steps in the direction Leia pointed. To Satoru's eyes, it looks exactly the same as the surrounding area, just the skin of a tree.


Solor quickly held out her hand and said a single word. The air seemed to contract in the palm of Solor's hand, but there was still no change.

「Mugh, its not get through, it is?」

Leia is surprised at the fact that even with a magical power as strong as Solor's and can't get through even when it is given a certain amount of pressure. The magical fluctuation reflected in her own head grew for a moment, but did not change significantly.

「Shall I try it?」

「No. ...... I saw that this is not a art. Solor, you have a magic spell 【Dispel】, don't you? Try use that.」


Solor responded to Leia's request, closing her eyes and forming a mark with her hands and say a few words.

「『It is my law to release reason.』」

With a loud "paaan" sound, the crystals, like thin transparent glass plates, crumble away before Solor's eyes. Satoru involuntarily stared. There was a large hole in the crystal, which certainly had not been there a moment ago.


Leia opened her eyes, knowing that the flow of magical power she had pictured in her head had changed. She nodded "Yep", recognizing the large hole there, as she had expected.

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「It was magic, after all. Thank goodness Solor was here.」

Magic and Sorcery are two different things. Magic is an art that can only be used by making a contract with God, Satoru remembered what Leia had told him when they entered this forest. The most important thing to remember is that Magic is basically more effective and powerful than Sorcery, and it's very difficult for Sorcery to break the spell as it is now, Satoru thought vaguely. If not, the Ingolshenes' dwelling would probably have remained closed forever, hidden by concealment magic.

「That's a lot smaller than I thought.」

Satoru cautiously peered into the hole. Since Rico, a specialist in detecting traps, was not around, he was more careful than usual.

The hole was about half a major (4.5 m) in length, width, and height. The center of the room is about 10 feet (3m) long, 10 feet (3m) wide, and 1 foot (30cm) high, and there is a very typical treasure chest in the corner. The only thing that stands out is a small spot. There is nothing else. There is no smell of life, and considering the size of Ingolshenes' body, it seems to be on the very limit.

「The demons only need magic power to survive. Like me, they do not need to eat, drink, or sleep. A space to meditate is all they need.」

Satoru nodded his head in agreement with Leia's explanation. Although a space to meditate is sufficient, he wonders idly if it must have been hard for Ingolshenes to spend hundreds of years holed up in this cave, receiving offerings only once a year. I wonder if their mental structure is different from ours.

「......No need to eat or drink, then what was the point of the sacrifice?」

「To him, it was just a entertainment.」

Satoru gave a bitter look to Leia, who muttered with a discouraged expression. For a moment, he almost felt sympathy for Ingolshenes, but he quickly withdrew it. He turned around and prayed for the souls of the many bones that had been thrown into the hole. There must be at least a few dozen of them. Even if he wanted to take them back home, there are too many to take home, and even though Satoru is an atheist, he has no desire to touch them.

For now, if there is anything to be found, it would be the treasure chest sitting in a corner of the room. Leia carefully perceives the surroundings, but seems to have found nothing.

She turns her 【Clairvoyant】 awareness to the treasure chest and searches for a trap. She thought that Ingolshenes might have set up a vicious trap, but there was no sign of a trap. The chest was locked, but Satoru, not wanting to be bothered, destroyed the lock using 【Disintegration】 on it . Satoru have become quite accustomed to using this simple destruction technique with Rijutsu. Of course, he cannot control it as precisely as Leia, but he is able to focus only on the lock without any problem.

He forcibly inserted his finger into the destroyed lock and pried open the treasure chest with force. With a creaking sound, the treasure chest opens. Now it is time to show off the treasure.

The first thing that caught Satoru's eye was the colorful gems. The sight of them all spread out over the entire surface was quite spectacular. The jewelry was of such a high level that one would think that the third generation of a certain famous thief would come and steal it.

Leia also peeked in with him and said, "Hoho," and took out the largest gem from the area where gems like pink sapphires were randomly laid out.

「All of this area is magic crystal. It's capacity is about 450. That's a lot.」

The largest one has capacity about 450, which is comparable to the 500 that Leia has, which is quite a large capacity. However, the sheer volume made Satoru dizzy. At a glance, there must be two to three hundred of them. All of them are in a class not much different from the ones Rico has. If such a large amount of magic crystal were to appear on the market all at once, the market price of magic crystal would probably collapse.

Honestly, Satoru feel dizzy and he has no idea what it's worth. Leaving it to Leia, who began to appraise it, Satoru sat down on a higher place. Leia took a leather bag out of the shadows and tossed it carelessly into the bag.

After finishing sorting the magic crystals, Leia took out a large crystalline body this time. It looks like a crystal, but the inside looks strangely undulated.

「...... Is this a magic stone? It's so big ...... 【Estimation】」

The color of Leia's face changed quickly as she used her art and explored the strange crystal pillar.

「What! It's magic stones with capacity 2000!?」

Satoru only expressed his small admiration for Leia, whose face was filled with astonishment. Although disposable magic stones are cheaper than fillable magic crystals, he knew from previous experience that magic stones have a higher overall magic power value, but even so, he had never seen a digit of 2000. It must be quite rare since Leia is that surprised, but still, it's not much of an interest to Satoru since it's less than half of Leia's soul.

「Come to think of it, Solor. What was the difference between a magic stone and a magic crystal in the time you were made?」

If Leia is like that, it's going to be a while. When Leia asked the question to Solor, who was standing there looking absent-mindedly, she gave Leia a small, worried look, which was unusual for Solor, who always answers immediately.

「......What should I say? I know what a magic crystal is, but I don't know what a magic stone is in the first place.」


Solor's unexpected response was met with a curt, indifferent voice. Solor seemed to be choosing her words with a cautious look on her face.

「At least in the time when I was manufactured, there was no such thing as a magic stone. The magic stone was used when going out of the influence of the magic tower controlled by the country.」

「Hmm ...... hmmm?」

Satoru's face was filled with question marks, and Solor coughed once. She explains in detail from the beginning.

「At that time, wizards who belonged to the country had a 【Soul Search】 done when they were born, and something called a magic nucleus was implanted in their foreheads according to the number of soul they had. Through the magic nucleus, magic power was sent to the Magic Tower, and the people were able to draw freely from it.」

"Ohhh," cried Satoru. The reason why the people of the ancient magical kingdom used magic so freely, unlike today, finally became clear to him.

The Magic Tower was probably a device to accumulate the magic of the people. That's why it can collect enormous amounts of magic power. Since there are not many opportunities to use magic or sorcery in daily life, the rate of accumulation of magic power in the tower is basically greater than the rate of use. The accumulated magic power can be used in large quantities by a talented and knowledgeable practitioner, regardless of his or her original soul―I see. It is different from this era, especially when it depends on the soul of the individual. Even if a person is gifted, if his or her soul is small, he or she cannot make use of his or her gift in this world of magic. If magic and sorcery could be used without being affected by the soul, it is no wonder that the world was more prosperous than it is today.

「However, there is a fatal problem with this. If you are out of the influence range of the registered magic tower, you will not be able to send or receive magic power, and the magic power that cannot be sent will put pressure on your brain, resulting in your brain exploding and death. The magic crystal was prepared to prevent this.」

Solor's explanation was horrifying. According to Solor's explanation, anyone who was given a magic nucleus would basically have to spend the rest of his or her life as a citizen of that country. It was convenient, but at the same time it was a strong restrain.

However, there are times when a country must go to another country for negotiations. Therefore, it was necessary to release magic power in order not to put pressure on the brain. That is why there were magic crystals that could be filled with magic―Satoru tilted his head, satisfied with Solor's explanation.

「.......On the forehead. It's not like you can remove it or anything?」

「Basically, once it is put on, it'll last forever, but it can be done surgically. In fact, there have been measures such as removing the magic nucleus from those who have committed crimes, etc., and dropping them to the slave population. Because the wizard who could no longer receive the benefits of the Magic Tower could use sorcery, but could not use magic, and because the magical power that had been freely handled until then depended on the value of the soul, and those who had their magical nucleus removed were despised.」

Leia had told Satoru that Magic can be used only after making a contract with God. The way to make that contract was to have a magic nucleus implanted. Although Solor does not have a magic nucleus, the art of making a contract with a God is probably embedded in the pseudo-magic crystal stone that serves as a substitute for her soul. Satoru does not know why demons can use magic, but he guesses that it might be a characteristic of their race.

At any rate, people today cannot use magic because the technology of the magic nucleus and the Magic Tower has not remained in the modern world. Satoru was greatly satisfied to have found out part of the mystery of the ancient magical kingdom that he had been harboring.

「.......But the only people surviving today are those who did not wear a magic nucleus, huh? How ironic.」

They do not know who did this or why, but the towers of magic that had been built around the world during the 『Seven Days of Disaster』 were all destroyed, and as Solor explained earlier, many of the people who had implanted magical nucleus died because they could no longer transmit their magical power. Those who had magic crystals may have been able to survive, but many of those who survived were those who did not have magic nucleus, whom they had despised until then. Those who had the magic nucleus were hunted as a form of taking over the accumulated grudges― even though they could send magic power to the magic crystal, those who could no longer draw it from the tower were in the same position as those without the magic nucleus.

Even if they survive, there is no need to implant a magic nucleus if there is no magic tower. Is this why those technologies were not inherited in this era? The core of the Magic Tower power that Leia had and that was broken when Satoru was summoned must have been a substitute before it was placed as a tower.

Satoru groaned as he caught a glimpse of one of the reasons for the destruction of the ancient magic kingdom army.

While checking the contents of the treasure chest, Leia also heard the conversation between Satoru and Solor. Having reached the same conclusion as Satoru, Leia thinks one step further. She holds up the magic stone in her hand, which boasts a value of 2,000.

「...... Solor. Listen to this as a hypothetical story. This magic stone is a stone filled with disposable magic power, and unlike a magic crystal, it cannot be 【Filled】, but it is possible that the magic nucleus embedded in the forehead remains as a magic stone today.」

「I think it is highly likely.」

"Gehh," Satoru grunted. If his current guess is correct, the magic stone in Leia's hand is nothing more than a magic nucleus that was embedded in someone's forehead in the past.

「...... In other words, it is the very legacy of the wizards of the ancient magic kingdom.」

「I believe that Leia-sama's guess is correct. Perhaps that magic stone was the magic nucleus of an eminent king.」

Even if they were sending magic power to the Magic Tower, they would not have sent the maximum amount of souls every time. It must have been around a quarter to half of a soul―I thought so, and I was convinced that this is why the magic crystal does not need to have such a high magic value, and the magic stone has more magic power contained in each piece.

This is a story that has come to light because of Solor's knowledge of that time, but there is no need to spread it to the world. There may be people who are researching the subject, but there is no need to go into details. It is a story that should be kept to the hearts of those present.

Incidentally, Solor also does not know who destroyed the Magic Tower and why. It is no wonder that she does not know, since the tower was put into dormancy just as the research was being completed, and she has been sleeping as it is.

「If we assume that the souls are left as they are as magical power, then there are 2000 soul in this magic stone. ....... But who had 2000 soul? I have never heard of it. The best that has been recorded is 1,200 soul. Isn't that the record in Solor?」

「It is the same. The highest number of human soul is 1200, which was achieved by the Wise King Sarkadia of Yggdratie in his national project for the total enslavement of the people.」

「Hmmm ......」

Leia thinks carefully. Everything that has been said so far is based on assumptions. An assumption that is probably not so wrong, but no one in the past has had 2,000 soul. Then whose soul is this magic stone?―The answer came rather quickly. It's a non-human.

「It occurred to me that this magic stone could be the 【Immortal King】 from the time of the Ancient Magic Kingdom. A magic nucleus created due to the 『Seven Days of Disaster』? If all the wizards who had magic nucleus implanted have died, then I think there is a good chance that the 【Immortal King】 who had the nucleus implanted also died.」

If one could manifest into the 【Immortal King】 using the secret art of 【Anti-Spirit】, the most difficult of the Holy Arts, his soul would be approximately four times as large as that of the 【Immortal King】. This law is still in effect. He must not have been a citizen of the ancient magical kingdom group, because Leia doesn't recall her mentor, Yarth, having anything buried in his forehead. Another man named Amon succeeded in manifesting, but he was a latecomer and manifested 10 years later after Leia. Considering the characteristics of the race of the 【Immortal Kings】, it would not be surprising if there are some who have survived from the time of the Ancient Magical Kingdoms, but no such 【Immortal Kings】 have been confirmed as of yet.

「I see. I think that possibility is high, too.」

Solor also agreed with Leia's opinion, and the hypothetical story was further theorized with evidence. Perhaps this is a true story. If this is the case, it has been determined that the magic stones sold in the world will eventually disappear. If these magic stones are the result of the dead wizards of the ancient magical kingdom, then there is a limit to the number of these stones that are available.

「...... I just want to keep this one. Do you mind? my Lord.」

「Oh, sure」

Satoru nodded to Leia, who held a magic stone containing 2,000 magic power in her hand. Of the three present, Leia is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable in magic. Unfortunately, Leia's soul is the lowest among them. It is rather inevitable that she should have a large capacity magic stone to give her a choice.

For now, Leia puts the items in the treasure chest into a leather bag for each field, and throws them into her own shadow. For now, retrieval comes first, organization comes later. And Leia stops her hand.

「......Oh, my Lord. Here.」

"hyoi", Satoru received it, which was tossed to him.

「A sword?」

Upon receiving it, Satoru tilted his head when he saw the old sword in its scabbard. The scabbard was less than 3 feet (90 cm) long, and the handle was less than a foot long. It still feels much lighter in Satoru's hands, but it is about the length of a standard Japanese sword. The handle may have been wrapped with a cloth, but it is quite tattered and decayed after many years.

「How long can you use only a knife and a 【Giant Killer】? How about a spare sword?」

「Let's see」

Satoru was surprised when he pulled the sword out of its scabbard with a rattle. Satoru was surprised to see the gleam of the blade.

「......Hyuu. That's one hell of a sword」

It is one of the most commonly seen double-edged, straightly made Western swords he have ever seen, but the blade is thin for a double-edged sword. Is it a sword that focuses mainly on stabbing? It seems to be a sword opposite to the 【Giant Killer】 because the blade crests are faintly visible on the thin double-edged blade. However, the blade is shining silver and white, and shines faintly, and the blade pattern is shimmering on its own, even though it is not illuminated by a good light. The shimmering blade pattern, as if looking at the surface of a calm lake, is definitely the proof of a magic sword.

He swung it with one hand with a woosh sound. If it looks as it does, it should weigh at least 3 pounds (4.5 kilograms), but it doesn't feel like it weighs that much. Satoru feels as if he is swinging a bamboo stick.

「It is still a little light. It's better than nothing. I wonder if this sword has an inscription?」

Satoru looks carefully down at the scabbard. The scabbard, which was probably made of wood and leather, was so worn out that it looked as if it might break if he gripped it too hard. He could see that there was something like a letter carved into the base of the sheath.

「...... It looks very worn. And the letterforms are different. Solor, can you read it?」

Satoru know that these are not the letters he learned when he came into this world. Satoru shows Solor a scabbard with what looks like letters engraved on it. Solor squints.

「It is an Old Norse language. I can read Leva, but not the back.」

Hmmm, nodding, Satoru tilted his head. If you can't read it because it's rubbed off, you don't know the official name.

「Leva ...... Levatein, I wonder. I think there's some myth or something like that somewhere ...... What about your knowledge?」


「I'm sorry.」

Both Leia and Solor shook their heads. Satoru had only heard of it in a game and did not know what kind of sword Levatein was in any mythology.

「I only remembers the name, but that's okay. Let's just call it Levatein for now.」

Levatein ― a sword passed down in Norse mythology. Satoru, whose main weapon is 【Giant Killer】 which is for killing giants, uses this sword, which is said to have been owned by the Giant Surtr, as a backup weapon.

It is a great irony, but Satoru, who is ignorant of mythology, could not have realized this fact.

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