Forerunner: Trifect

Chapter 5: Captain America

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The first world war was hard to watch for my children, the Cloud Walkers and the Martians. The second world war was even harder.

The "Red Skull" discovered the tesseract hidden in a church. The container for the space stone. Everyone got worried about it, but I placated their fears. I explained to them that Red Skull will not be able to use it to even a hundredth of its potential. I was right too. He made it into an energy source only.

I wanted the stone tesseract for my own research, but I decided to let the humans have it for the time being. Perhaps it will induce more development.

My thoughts were not wrong. Abraham Erskine created something interesting. He made a serum that would enhance the human body. I came to learn of a prototype of the serum as I looked into him. Red Skull is actually the product of it, albeit a failed one in my opinion. It looks like the defected doctor is confident in his current version though.

I actually teleported down. Invisible, I walked next to Erskine as he would work and search for a candidate.

Eventually, we came upon one Steve Rodgers. A skinny, short boy, with many health complications. Erskine saw something him the boy, and chose him for the selection program. The boy eagerly agreed to it.

In the training camp, the boy was performing the lowest. Erskine was even questioned on his choice. Erskine then explained that the serum increases everything about a person, not just their bodies. That the candidate must have a good heart.

I agreed with the Doctor's words. The colonel wasn't buying it though. So he performed a test and threw a grenade.

The others fled, while Steve jumped on it to keep the grenade from hurting anybody. Erskine smiled, and so did I. The human has a good heart.

Steve ends up being chosen and undergoes the procedure. The procedure goes well and Steve is remade into an exemplary human form. He reminds of humans I fought back in my origin universe. Not quite there yet though.

A Hydra spy then tries to assassinate Erskine. He gets shot and falls. Steve takes off.

I look at Erskine and decide, "I'll save this one. He can do more."

I then disappear with Erskine. We end up in my lab and I heal him up easily.

He wakes up and asks, "where am I? Who are you?"

I say to him, "You are on the planet you know as Jupiter. It's actual name is Antecedent though. You are in my personal laboratory. And I am the Trifect. The billions of years old being that took interest in you and saved you from death."

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Erskine then asks, "Why save me?" I answer, "Because you can still advance your civilization and species further. That serum you made is the first of your species towards further evolution and development. Its effect of turning bad people into evil people and good people into more good people is an interesting one too. Your mind is rare, I want to give you the chance to grow further. Which is why I also gave you another 200 years of lifespan."

Erskine then looked at a nearby mirror, "I'm younger!"

"Yes you are. Now, my Ancilla Adjournment will direct you to where you need to go. See you later Erskine.", I say.

Erskine is then led out by Adjournment's light body.

After some weeks, I check and see how Steve is doing. Erskine found himself on Mars already, learning many things I'm sure.

I see that the American military have made Steve into a...mascot? My brain starts to hurt from the sheer stupidity of such a thing. They turned an enhanced human into a mascot!?

I decided to not look any longer lest my brain hurt more. I do see that Hydra had made some rather advanced energy weapons when compared to what weapons are mostly being used. Yet, the armor they wore could still be shot through. Even Hydra is a little dumb in some cases.

A few months later, I find that Steve has forced himself into the battlefield against orders.

"Finally!", I say out loud.

Steve starts to fight and things turn around. He loses his friend Bucky, but he still lives. Although Steve is sure he died. I see some Hydra goons pick him up from the snow.

Later on, Steve defeats Red Skull and stops most of the bombers from leaving a Hydra base they're attacking. All except one, which he boards and takes control of.

He ends having to sink in the the cold waters below though. He sacrifices himself and dives the plane. He should've been able to jump out last minute if he'd disabled some circuitry though. I sigh at the sacrifice that wasn't really that necessary if he'd just think more. His physique would've allowed survival had he not been frozen underwater. Now the guy is stuck there.

I decided to leave him there to teach him a lesson on making sacrifices as the first solution.

I go back to my work.

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