Forerunner: Trifect

Chapter 7: A Small Adventure in a New Universe

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I take a peak at a couple of universes. One piques my interest though because I see a unique piece of technology. Now, I'll be able to jump into this universe, but I am still not to the point where I enter a universe, and then then enter at a certain point in the universe. At most, I can make sure where I enter will be clear of obstacles, although still random.

I send a quick message to Cloud and Gust, "Hey children, I'll be back in a bit. Going on a short adventure.

Before my children can respond, I open a trans-universal slipspace portal with Aspiration and go in. I come out in the middle of nowhere. At least that is what I thought at first. A quick perimeter scan picks up a space craft in...disrepair. I pull it up on my screen and see the ship's name on its side.

USG Ishimura...

I mutter, "Sounds like a human name. Eastern human, Japanese, to be more exact." I take a full scan of the ship and find the technology I came here for. After a second look at it though, it is different than what I saw at first. I saw a black monolith. This one is red and made out of different material. It works the same way though. I even detect it communicating. I decide to teleport into the ship and inspect the technology.

Making my way on the ship, it is ghastly. Bloodstains are present everywhere, and even small human body parts are lying around. I haven't seen any bodies though, which is odd. I continue to walk the ship and hear scuttering in the walls.

I ask Adjournment, "Run a lifeform scan again. As well as a movement scan and scan for non-organic entities."

"Running scan Master"

Adjournment reports, "No lifeforms detected. Movement scan picked up hordes of unknown moving entities. Non-organic entitles not detected."

I hum, "Scan for moving biological material then."


Adjournment sends me the results, "Master, please look quickly. I have updated her HUD mini-map and visor to track their movements too."

I look at the results in suspicion. I mutter out as my mini-map and visor lights up, "Ah fuck..."

Soon after I say that, a deformed abominable human pops out of a vent and rushes me. It is disgusting and has two appendages growing out of its back. I raise my hand and incinerate it.

Some more pop out and I incinerate them. They eerily remind me of the flood. I don't like it.

Adjournment alerts me, "Master, incoming spacecraft. It is attempting to dock to the ship." I ask, "Is Aspiration cloaked?" Adjournment says, "Yes Master, I cloaked it once the ship was detected. It is now docking."

I ask, "Hack their ship system for information. Who are the passengers?"

Adjournment reports, "Hack done. Passengers are a rescue crew. Once Isaac Clark has already begun exploring the ship. The other crew are doing other activities. It seems Isaac Clark is searching for something. All human."

Isaac Clark, huh. I say, "The information please Adjournment."

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Adjournment relays her gained information, " They are here to salvage personnel and all research data pertaining to the "Marker" alien artifact."

The marker must be the technology that interested me then. I say, "Adjournment, run scans on the marker directly. Tell me what it does."


Adjournment reports, "Marker is a generator of electromagnetic waves. Energy at first glance is made from nothing, but that is not the case. The humans just can't understand. The marker is a tier 1 technology as it's energy source is arcane and it can manipulate life it seems. The EM waves are able to affect biological life in a negative way. Hallucinations and madness will occur after long enough, or direct enough exposure. It also encroaches upon the domain of death."

I think for a second, "The marker made those...things? Domain of induces changes upon death. What crazy civilization would make such a heretical thing?"

Adjournment then states, "Subject Isaac Clark has been analyzed, and shows sign of being compromised by the Marker. Although, he is proving unusually resistant to its effects."

I say, "Track his movements. Also, activate cleansing protocols. The same ones used for the flood. Clean this ship, de-atomize it. We'll be taking this reverse-engineered Marker. We'll fully analyze it back on Antecedent."

Adjournment confirms, "Orders confirmed, protocols initiated. Drones deployed."

I grimaced as I never thought I'll have to use anti-flood protocols ever again. I guess my origin universe isn't the only one with infection problems. The drones flood the ship, scaring the human crew. They start to relax when they realize the drones are only killing the abominations. I have come to learn they are called, "Necromorphs". An apt name. They are biological entities, but not alive.

I have classified them as undead monsters. Something I didn't think science would create. I've only seen magic create undead. The Marker is also getting moved to my ship. The drones are flying through the halls, using their hard light weapons and lasers to kill the necromorphs. Some drones were lost, but my drone horde was larger and smarter than the necormorph hoard.

Adjournment materializes next to me, "Master, the protocols are being executed perfectly. These necromorphs are being cleaned out. They are easier to deal with than the flood. Also, Isaac Clark has been betrayed by his crew member, Kendra Daniels. As fate would have it though, the traitor was killed by a large necromorph. Said necromorph as promptly eliminated afterwards though. Isaac Clark is now attempting to activate a self-destruct function that is installed on the ship."

I nod. I project my voice to their language, so all can hear. I speak, "Isaac Clark, no need to worry yourself with the ship's destruction. It will be...wiped from existence once the cleansing is finished. No necromorph will leave this ship. Return to your rescue craft, and leave. I will take care of this human."

Isaac Clark hesitates before turning back and leaving. He has witnessed the power whoever is behind the drones wields. No simple guy can exterminate necromorphs like this. He has never seen robots like these either. They are too advanced. Then he was called human, it just confirmed that he has no idea who he is dealing with. So he came to the decision to take heed this time.

Isaac Clark leaves with a mostly intact crew. He looks quite shaken though. We took a final scan of him, and his mind has been..."fucked up" by the marker somewhat. I then take the marker into a secure hold of Aspiration. Then I aim my biggest gun and obliterate the ship.

"Good riddance you filthy fucks.", I say satisfied.

Adjournment stands beside me, "Adjournment, take us back to our set home universe."

Adjournment nods, "Understood Master, opening trans-universal slipspace."

I then returned to Antecedent.

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