Forest Meeting

Chapter 2: † One: Apprehension Part 1 †

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The night was cold and gloomy, wind howled through the tree tops, causing the sturdy branches of the tall aged trees to shake, creating an eerie atmosphere. The lone figure of a boy could be seen walking through the forest, his teeth chattering as he attempts to warm himself. Not that it mattered, his garbs were thin and frayed, his once beige tunic had long tuned nude. His shoes were no better, the worn leather thongs barely held them to his feet, and there was a hole in the toe of his left shoe. The only thing that was in good condition was the leather pouch that hung from the rope at his waist. 


This was not his first time being in the forest at night, but it was the first time he had been out this late. Usually, it would only take him a few hours to run errands for his father, but for some reason, he decided to send him out later than usual. He truly has no good intentions, that man, surely he’s up to something. Well, at least he didn’t try to send me out during a storm like last time. Lost in his thoughts, he was finally brought back by the feeling of being watched. 


Suddenly, he heard the sound of a twig snapping through the forest, causing him to freeze in place. 


"I-Is a-any bo-body there?" He stuttered into the darkness, voice wavering with every word becoming softer at the end. 


Unknown to him, the one he was expecting to answer was right above his head, peering down at him. This peculiar creature was an enormous snake that looked upon him with human like intelligence. Its body wrapped around the branch of a thick, sturdy tree. Its eyes followed the boy below with curiosity, wondering why the boy it has been watching has been venturing out later than usual.


"Maybe it was just my paranoia getting the best of me. Just keep moving, you'll find somewhere safe soon." He whispered, trying to calm himself. 


The forest is too dangerous to be ventured through at night. Everyone knew this, but he wasn't out here by choice, and neither would it be the last time. He quickens his pace, swiftly moving forward, making sure to pay attention to his surroundings. It would not be wise of him to lose his way due to fear, that would be the end of him. He remembers what the old hunter who sometime comes to the village to sell meat taught him. The old man's gravelly voice could be heard in his head as if he were there with him. 


A tall, sturdy, blue-eyed old man with graying brown hair and beard braided into two loose braids stood in front of the boy. It was apparent that he was a hunter from his attire, however the deer which was carried on his left shoulder further proved the fact. He had a unique air to him, had it not been for his graying hair and wrinkles on his face one would have thought him to be much younger. His strength was also not to be underestimated, for he carried an adult male deer on his shoulder with ease. 


“If ya some’ow ends up walkin trough da fores at night, try ta make az little noise az possible. Always keep an eye on yer surroundins and never ever let yer guard down. If ya ave a sudden feelin of bein watched, don’ idiotically ask “Ohhs dere?” It may not be a persin ta answers ya back. Be calm and quick yer pace, but don' run unless yer close to the village, or it's in close proximty to ya. This won’ guarantee that ya live, only that ya live longer. Once whatever watchin ya gives chase, and ya ave no weapon or a place to ide, yer dead.”


“What if it is a person?” The child asked curiously, looking up at the old man slightly tilting his head to the side, causing his fluffy fiery red curls to bounce. His brow cutely scrunched as if trying to solve a problem.


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The old man chuckled before using his right hand to ruffling the boy’s hair. “Don’ trust 'em. Ohh in dere right mine would be willin to ventur in’o the fores at night?”


“But I frequently do that! And if they’re human, can’t we…just…talk?” The young boy spoke confused.


“Ruta…” The old man stopped speaking, looking at the child in front of him. Exasperated, he shook his head.“Ya gonna ‘talk’ to some random stranger? Yer crazy!”


“But that's how I met you, old man.” The child placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the old man with a smug expression. His adorable little nose twitch as he tried not to laugh.


“Well, da's diffrin.” He had indeed followed this child through the woods, but it was because he thought his daughter had come back looking for him. However, it was only his delusion. Only after coming to his senses did he became concerned about the child walking through the forest alone. No sane, loving parent would allow such a thing. And further learning about the boy’s situation, he decided to protect him. The fact that he resembled his daughter also played a role in his decision.


He chuckles, remembering his younger self. It was his eleventh winter when his father started sending him on errands. The old man had met him in the forest a couple of times, he was kind and would sometimes give him meat. It was probably because he was smaller than the other children of his age that the old man took pity on him.  The old man's advice was not bad, but he knew it wouldn't really work well for him. Perhaps if he himself were a hunter, then maybe it would be more useful. He stopped his musing and continued forward. 


Unbeknownst to him, while he was deep in thought, the snake had never taken its eyes off him. It had followed him, silently, through his entire way back to the village. It slithered it's way closer to him until it was at a distance where it could easily reach him if it struck from the bush. 


However, the perfect ambush never happened, it simply followed him until he left the forest. Its eyes hadn't left his figure until he entered the village.


As he approached the forest exit, he saw that there was no light coming from the houses. Windows and doors were tightly shut. He would have to sleep in a barn tonight. It was to be expected since his father sent him out late. He had been running errands all day, with a few breaks here and there. He was not about to work himself sick again. Heaven knows it was a horrible experience.


He quickly made his way to old man Harish’s barn. Thankfully, there were no animals, just lots of hay. Sneaking in, he made his way up the ladder and sat on the quilt placed on the pile of hay before removing the pouch and placing it on the side. The old man left two days prior and would not be back for another ten days, so he will be safe here during that time. He closed his eyes as he lay down, almost instantly falling asleep.

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