
Chapter 114: Chapter 105

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<I need to say, although I had my doubts, this construct is far more comfortable than I believed it to be.> (H)

"Ehk, I'm glad that you're satisfied." (E)


I know Honiu holds a fascination for novel things.
This trait might actually make her more favorable towards my plans as it will give her new experiences to satisfy her curiosity.
And that she takes a liking to the things she's confronted with is a good start.

And it's quite nice in this coach.
Even with a large table inside, this coach is so spacious that all four of us can stand up and move around comfortably.
Also, it's possible to dim the light with curtains, which is a mercy for our sensitive insect eyes.
And most importantly, it didn't turn out to be a very elaborate trap where suddenly the doors lock and something terrible happens to the passengers.
I checked it!


<It looked hard and rigid from the outside, but the padding in here is so soft that any discomfort is avoided. And the stable structure leads to a steady journey. Maybe not as adaptable as the transportation with our drones but for the open conditions on the surface it seems adequate.> (H)


I need to admit that, obviously, considerable effort went into this construction.
Foremost, it's clear that it was custom-made.
Something one can already realize because of the fact that the seats leave space for our wings and ovipositors.
If I need to guess I'd say I have to thank Lord Jorad for this.
It's almost embarrassing that I forgot to mention something as important as this.
The whole trip would've had to be canceled if we wouldn't be able to sit in here.
And that would've meant... flesh carriage.


"They made it specifically for us. One can see that they want to accommodate us as much as possible." (E)

<I want to ask why you're insisting on speaking as you do. There's no need to in this context and I know enough about your throat to be sure that it's not as easy.> (H)

"Ehk, I'm currently used to it and want to stay that way. The other point would be that humans can't understand pheromone speech. For them, it simply sounds foreign and maybe scary. Also, they'll ask themselves if we're talking about things they aren't supposed to hear and could become distrustful. So I want to mitigate this as much as possible." (E)

<I see.> (H)


I'm not entirely sure if she's truly understanding of my point, but she's not pursuing this topic any further.
Instead, her curiosity takes over and she starts to continuously look out of the window and observe the environment.
First the town and, after we left it, all the things in the vicinity.
I guess now she really appreciates my proposal to travel on the surface.
She's almost like a child and asks mum nonstop new questions about the things she sees.


<What is the meaning of this large area which has the same structures everywhere? It's so wide I cannot see the end.> (H)

<Ahem, that's a field, princess. Humans cultivate their food in them. It's quite similar to the mycelium. But humans can only grow them on one layer so they spread them further. This in particular grows corn.> (F)

<Humans cultivate them? Then why is it left unattended? Why is it even unprotected and left for all critters to ravage?> (H)

<Well, human plants can only be harvested once or twice a cycle, so it would be a waste of time to attend them except for plowing the field beforehand, sowing, and harvesting. Also, since they can only be spread on a single layer, they're too big to effectively protect. Instead, the people just make even larger ones and try to keep as many critters away as possible.> (F)

<How terribly ineffective.> (H)


And that's not the only example.
We also have similar discussions about forests and how stupid humans are to leave something so dangerous within their territory unattended.

Yet her reaction when we crossed the river was actually quite funny.


<What is this weird phenomenon? The ground there looks almost like liquid.> (H)

<Well, that's because it is liquid. That's the Garanas. It's a river that flows through the whole country.> (F)

<And what is a river?> (H)

<A river is simply a great amount of water flowing in the same direction.> (F)

<WATER!?!> (H)


At this sudden outburst all my escorts, everyone within the coach, and naturally all the nurses perk up.
So our caravan comes to a sudden stop.

She totally panics here, because Formicea have an innate fear of water, as it might fill their tunnels and kill them all.
The concept that it could be completely safe while lying on the surface seems to be completely novel to her.


"Is something the matter? (A)


It's understandable that he comes asking after this rather extreme reaction.


"There's no significant issue. Honiu is only a bit averse to water. We can proceed." (E)

<The 'death through the walls' is here and no one reacts?!> (H)

<There's no reason to worry, princess. The water can't reach you and we're going to pass over a bridge. It's completely safe.> (F)

<How can it even lie here like this? Where does it come from?> (H)

<That would be because of the rain.> (F)

<Rain?> (H)

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One novel concept after the other.
Mum is carefully trying to explain that one as well.
Though, she doesn't react too great to it.


<Sometimes water simply falls from above us and fills such cavities on the surface.> (F)

<I-it's coming from above? How can you all be so calm?! That is terrifying!> (H)



Another wave of panic.
And once again all the drones become startled.


"I really need to ask you to stop this. We won't make it in time with all these interruptions and the men start to get nervous. The suddenly startled demeanor of all your subjects is off-putting." (A)

<You need to believe me, it isn't dangerous. Maybe a bit cold, but it would never be enough to drown you as it does below the earth.> (F)


I can literally feel mum's elation at being able to act like a wise teacher, all confident and superior, towards this problematic princess.
Honiu still has trouble believing her but at least we can cross the river without further interruptions.
Which, however, catch up with us as soon we did so.




Since Honiu was stressed and then gradually lost her tension, this induced a laying session.
Mum takes over incredibly professionally and leads the other nurses on to take the eggs.
Kyska partakes as well, but only in a way that she won't have to leave my side.

Following the leaving nurses with my gaze, I see that in their respective carriages they have something like a vessel where they store the eggs.
It's padded on the inside and seems to at least temporarily suffice to hold them.
Though I doubt that the journey is going to get so wild that the eggs will be in danger.


"Ehk, mum, do you want to leave your hands like that? Maybe someone has water so you can clean up." (E)


Albeit there's no filth, the eggs are still slimy and now it's all over her hands.


<Just good that I have the cleansing fluid.> (F)


And so mum begins cleaning her hands with the liquid from her hands.
Which is just weird.


At least the knights look kinda grossed out at this most insightful display of Formicean culture.
The envoy shows understanding but I'm sure he grows annoyed at all the interruptions.
And then it happens.




Because this awkward situation tensed me up, this means now that it's over I'm the next one in line for a session.
Now it's Kyska's turn to attend to me.
But different from her, mum has no issues leaving Honiu's side for me.
Which grants her a slight scolding from Kyska about not leaving her princess once they're done.

I on my side am now more than embarrassed.
While I was hidden from sight in here everyone should know.
Even more, it's not a comforting thought to know that they're all aware that I'm being responsible for another forced break.
The nurses, meanwhile, just put the new eggs with the others.


"Is it really okay to mix them like that?" (E)

<They have the mark of their respective princess. There won't be an issue.> (K)


Okay, if it's like this.
Now that everything's sorted out, I'm more than eager to proceed with our journey.

A while after this, the outside world starts to lose its novelty, and since the sun still stings a bit, Honiu retires for the inside. Mum takes this as a signal to bring out her games and we start playing.
The table is a nice addition for this purpose.

Suddenly a messenger lands on the side of the coach, almost causing an accident.


<Broodmother, another group of humans is heading towards our position!> (messenger)


Oh no, this sounds ominous.


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