
Chapter 118: Chapter 109

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Yep, sleeping surrounded by countless moving mandibles and claws is certainly an issue.
And yes, naturally I had another laying session in the morning.
But it seems like I wasn't the only one who got a difficult night.


"Mum, didn't you sleep well last night?" (E)

"You know, beecause I'm 'essEntial personnel' I wasn't allowed to sleeep in an exposed manner in a hostile environment. This means I had to sleeep wrapped up in some kind of nurse bundle. ThEy all placed themsElves around me and I was stuck compleetely immobile in thee middle." (F)


Oh my.
And I thought I had a hard night.


"Sorry to hear that." (E)

"Not like I don't appreeciate the comradery, but there are limits for everything." (F)


Yes, I'm quite sure the nurses don't have the same issues.
On the other side, they have carapaces.
So while it should be warm I can't believe it's comfortable.


"Ehk, we probably should get ready. The king's envoy might worry that we've ditched him. Although I don't like him we shouldn't make a bad impression." (E)

"Sure. Honiu also had her laying thies morning. Shee's already waiting. We are reeady to depart." (F)


Oh right.
It's time to once again spend the whole day with her in the cramped coach.


"By the way, your human speech improved considerably." (E)

"Scruh, I'm practiecing. We're going to thee capital after all. So I want to make a fine imprEssion." (F)


Nice that she's anticipating it.
Then we shouldn't waste any time.

Fortunately, there were no incidents with the villagers in the meantime.
The village chief, albeit still totally intimidated, was very accommodating towards us while seeing us off.
Though, I doubt they are fine with the holes leading to the underworld which are scattered now around the village.
Might disturb some of them.

Our journey continues and we have several similar stops along the way.
It's good that the king's envoy, or Aaron if I remember right, did a good job and compelled everyone we encountered to behave together with his men.

And eventually, we arrive.

The grand capital of Tarsona!

The jewel of the northern continent!

Valera, proud haven in a stormy sea!


We drive over a small hill on our way and so I gain a full overview of the whole city.
And it's certainly an impressive sight.

Not only is Valera the largest city in the country but supposedly also the richest in the world.
Aside from the already densely populated suburbs, it's the gigantic wall which, together with the fact that it was built on a massive cliffside, makes the whole capital look like a fortress.

The city itself is divided into four parts through intersecting walls.
The most important district is the harbor.
Every child in Tarsona has heard the stories around it.
It's certainly the largest port on the continent, with its many anchorages and great warehouses.
Only here are they building ships big and strong enough to challenge the rough sea and more importantly, its monsters.
Those great frigates sail till Yamano, an island nation far in the west, or to the settlements of the mystical lands in the south beyond the great desert.
And only here are all the exotic things of the world gathered together by our nation of merchants and explorers.

This brings us to the next district: The market.
As all of the goods brought into the town are bought and sold in this southern quarter, it’s an extremely fancy district where all the upper-class members gather.

Then there are the civil areas in the east and north of the town.

And finally, the place we're currently heading to.
The royal palace!

Separated from the rest of town by a wall, a long path, and then even bigger walls, it's located on a small mountain.
A true fortress.

The golden rays of early evening embellish this sight and create an impression of a mythical shimmering.
I truly can't believe that any other place, can keep up with this epitome of human architecture.
Even Honiu stares unceasingly, so it gets a bit cramped at the window.


"It's beautiful." (E)

"It is a highly developed base of your kind. I can see the intricacies. How the differences and specialties of humans show themselves in practical application. Yet there's one particular question I have." (H)

"Yes?" (E)

"What's the function of those long structures which drag through the whole area?" (H)

"You mean the walls?" (E)


Isn't their purpose obvious just by looking at them?


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"Yes. I saw similar structures in the first location and on our journey in the smaller settlements, yet not to this degree. What reason has such an effort?" (H)

"Naturally it's to protect the city. To keep the people and buildings behind the walls safe." (E)

"Protect? How is this protecting anything? It’s neither shielding from the open space above nor could it block anything coming from below." (H)

"Ehk, you know, on thee surface there are not many creeatures which can fly. And most of thEm are no threat. And nothing's coming from thee underground." (F)


I'm a bit glad that I don't have to be the only one to explain things here.


"This makes the surface sound fairly harmless. What purpose has then this structure?" (H)

"WEll, there used to bee monsters in this area, though nowadays it should bee cleared. Yet it's also protEcting thee people from other humans. Those have no wings, as you know. So iet's effective." (F)

"Naturally! You have to protect yourself from your own kind! I should've known!" (H)


Why do I feel like we continue to make bad first impressions regarding humans?


"It's not so bad. This whole area should be safe." (E)

"You should never cease your vigilance." (H)


The only one who didn't partake in this chat was Kyska.
Instead, she continues staring through the other window.


"And Kyska? What do you think about the capital?" (E)


As a former human of this country, I think I can be a bit proud here.
At least it's nice to be able to show off something impressive for once that might prove that humans can be valuable partners if they build places like this.


"We need more." (K)

"Kyska?" (E)

"Screeeak!/We need more drones, my princess! A far bigger escort! Many more guardians, all we can gather! There are far too many humans here! It's too dangerous! You can't enter! You can't!" (K)


Wow, Kyska's overprotectiveness breaks into new boundaries.


<Scriku, cruh, screah!/Kyska, we were set to come here. After all the preparations we can't just stop here. This is very important to me and I just have to see this through. Also, I'm sure Honiu has already prepared some measures in case of an emergency.> (E)

<You should be well aware that during all the past intervals since you came up with this project of yours our swarm established its presence below this 'settlement'. We are more than able to call at short notice sufficient troops to suppress any hostile human forces.> (H)


I'm glad she said hostile, which means she at least plans to distinguish.
Nonetheless, this is an extremely concerning statement.


<Ehk, scrii!/Ahem, as you see, there are enough drones.> (E)

<If you say so. But it's still so incredibly risky.> (K)


I'm aware of this.
If something happens to me or Honiu this will start an interspecies all-out war till only one remains standing.
Naturally, I'm also concerned for my well-being.
The envoy's ploy taught me a hard lesson that not everyone is nice and benevolent to me, even if I'm backed by a greater power.
I have trust in my guard and am confident that the other security measures will have an impact.

Nonetheless, it's still dangerous and I have to stay vigilant.

Which makes me extremely nervous once we approach the great gate.
Guards are already waiting there and guide us inside.
Once we enter the real town I stand stunned.

A great parade outlines the street and gives way for our carriages.

Guards are present but although there's a particular silence they don't seem to be freaking out.
The nurses draw attention and the few who get a glance of Honiu through the window react visibly, yet only with excitement.
I guess it was a good call to make my guard look mostly human.
In their cloaks, they don't give as much of a threatening impression as without.
Barely anyone dares to speak.

We move through the civilian area before passing another gate.
The path to the palace is much less frequented.
The long upwards slope makes it even more impressive when the castle comes into view.
The gate is already open and so we enter.
And with this, I'm in the royal palace of our capital of Tarsona.

Finally, I'm here.


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