
Chapter 127: Chapter 118

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- Alea -


The carts drive for a while and then it somehow gets brighter in front of us.
We pass some massive halls and I realize that our situation is only getting worse and worse.
By now, I’ve seen so many monsters around us.
Flying, crawling, running, everywhere!

The next thing I notice is that something is smeared on the walls.


"God, they don't pay me enough for this." (guard)


This is terrible, just terrible!
They drive further and further into the depths of this nightmare.
And then abruptly they stop in a hall.


"Okay, get out here!" (Aaron)


Is this it?
Will they now abandon us here so the monsters can eat us?

But they don't leave us much of a choice and the huge monsters are enforcing this order.
We gather next to the carts, those of us who can have to hold those who are too young.

And then I see it.
It's the dressed insect!

The officer who managed all of this steps towards her.


"Look, we gathered every single one of them." (Aa)

"I see. And here is my part of the agreement." (H)


It waves with one claw and promptly a small army of monsters comes running.


"They're ordered to follow all of your commands. You can use them as you please. Within natural limits of course." (H)

"I understand. A pleasure doing business with you." (Aa)

"The messenger will lead you to the path to the 'palace' and is sufficiently able to communicate with your words if you require initial commands for them." (H)

"Alright. Thank you." (Aa)

"You may leave now. I can proceed without your further assistance from here on." (H)

"As you wish." (Aa)


He's leaving!
He's just abandoning us!
Some of the guards look back, but not a single one seems to even think about helping us.
We're left alone.


"Farrah! Begin now!" (H)


Promptly the maid from before steps out from somewhere.
I remember her.
She wasn't as scary as the others.
For some reason, she's carrying a tray.


"Not in this tone! And seeriously, I have doubts about your way to go about thies!" (F)

"It's a necessary step to proceed from here on out." (H)

"Ie still think this is wrong." (F)

"This is for me to decide for once. So 'please' continue!" (H)

"Scruh!" (F)


After this banter, she moves towards us.


"Ehk, Ie am sorry. You all surely wEnt through quite a lot. Ie promise nothing bad will happen to you. Uh, not verye bad at leeast." (F)


We all stare at her.
She's the only human here but it's clear that something is off about her.


"Ehk, Ie, I neeed to ask you to... sniff this. Iet's, it's not harmful, but it stienks." (F)


She's holding the tray towards us.
It's made from earth and there are several cups with... something in them.
I don't understand what's going on here.
Why this strange treatment?
The woman smiles friendly at us, but everything is just so terrific.


"We don't want this!" (O)


At this Owen tries to hit the tray, but before he can do so one of the insects on two legs has grabbed his arm.


"Skreak!" (messenger)

"Pleease, we need this to contienue. She's insisting on it." (F)


The woman points to the dressed insect which seems to grow impatient.
Is this so important?
What will they do if we don't comply?
I can't endure this anymore.


"I-If we drink this, what will happen then?" (A)

"N-no, not drinking. You neeed to put it into your nose. Onlye a bit. Maybee with a finger?" (F)


In our noses?
Can you get poisoned this way?
I'm confused.
What will happen if I do so?


"A-and then?" (A)

"Ehk, iet's gonna make you understand everyething better." (F)


I'm scared.
They're gonna make us take this and I don't even know what it does.


"Would you bee the first one? I promise nothing bad will happen to you." (F)


Do I even have a choice?
We can't escape.
I don't even know where exactly we are.

Also, this treatment is strange.
Is it supposed to make us tastier?
But if I take this, will I be fine?
Yet making them angry won't help us.

Worried, I stare at the cup, a dark mixture floating ominously within.

I take it and hold it a bit closer to my nose.




It stinks!


"Ehk, yes, that's a bit unpleeasant, but Ie promise it will get bEtter." (F)


It seems just sniffing from a distance isn't enough.
She said I'm supposed to use my fingers?
I put two inside.
The mix is lukewarm but nothing happens to them.


"Allie, no! You don't have to!" (O)


I know Owen only wants to protect me, but he doesn't seem to be aware of the situation.
I smile at him to hopefully assure him that it's fine.

Okay, here goes nothing!


"Buaahh!" (A)


Luckily, I didn't eat all that much.
Otherwise, I would now puke everything out.
The smell is stinging, hurting in my eyes, and so disgustingly overwhelming that I'm growing nauseous.
I'm getting so dizzy that it's difficult to keep myself upright.
But it slowly subsides and I can rub the tears out of my eyes.


"Allie, Allie." (Millie)


I notice that Millie, who was next to me holds my side.


"Allie!" (O)

"Allie!" (Sarah)


The others are apparently worried.
I... should try telling them it's fine.
Even if I don't feel too great after this ordeal.
But also not much worse.
Yet what was then the reason for this?


"I-it's fine. I feel okay." (A)

"She doesn't look okay."

"Did you see how she writhed?"

"I don't want to!"


Seems like I wasn't very convincing.
The others are now understandably scared.
But what will happen to them if they refuse?


<Screak!/This is taking too long. Nurses, apply the reagent. Start with the smaller ones.> (H)


This is the answer.
At once dozens of the insects that are walking on two legs appear.
They're going to do it by force!


<Skreeh!/This isn't what we agreed upon!> (F)

<Scrak, skriek!/This step is essential for the further process and I am tired of waiting. My activity interval already drags on far too long.> (H)


Why aren't the others freaking out as I do?!
The nurses will reach us any moment!

Did, did I hear that right?
The maid meanwhile is still furious.


<Skraahk!/This is too harsh!> (F)

<It is what it is and my decision to make. The further handling of these younglings will be far easier this way.> (H)


That's not my imagination.
I hear the weird sounds, but I know what they mean!
This is crazy, just crazy!


"Guys, they..." (A)


The nurses are there!
Before the maid can do much they take the cups from her tray and move toward us.
They dip their claws into the liquid and draw closer.

The first one of the insects seizes Noah.
He has no chance.
Not only is this insect much taller than he is, but it just grasps both of his arms, holds his head firm with a third, and can in this way easily apply it with the fourth.

The same happens to the others.
Wh-what is that one doing with Rin?
She is just one year old and can barely walk!
It, it separates her from Sarah who tried to hold her, holds her tight with her numerous arms, and mercilessly applies the concoction.
Rin cries and coughs, but the nurse just keeps her in her arms.


<Everything's alright! Everything's alright! Everything's alright!> (nurse)


There's barely a sound to hear, but it's over and over repeating this message.
But it's just a lie, nothing is alright!
This is just horror and... and Rin is suddenly calm in the nurse's arms.
She's still alive, I can see it. But how?
How is it that Rin can be calm in this situation?
She's old enough to understand at least a part of this situation.
But she's not crying anymore.

It doesn't take long and the numerous nurses are done with us.
This was so horrific.
It was almost like they were slaughtering us, except that no one actually died.
Owen struggled especially hard, but three nurses proved to be too much even for him.


<Finally. Good that this is over.> (H)


I guess now we all can hear this.


<Since you're now capable of receiving what I want to convey, it's time for an introduction. This might've been drastic, but I wanted to make sure you understand.> (H)


Most of us can barely speak.
We are exhausted and terrified.
Some of the others even vomited what little they had in their bellies.


<Your human nation has abandoned you. Thrown away as something they couldn't find a use for. But I am offering you a new perspective. I am Princess Honiu, and you are now part of my brood. You can be delighted, as it means your existence has a meaning now, a purpose.> (H)


A purpose?
What is this creature talking about?
I don't understand.
The way the insect said this it sounded more than positive.
What does it mean with us being its brood?
Is it implying that we won't get eaten?
This isn't too farfetched, considering they did all this to us.
So much preparation for eating us seems unlikely.
And a princess?

I'm, I'm overstrained.


"I don't want to be here! I wanna go home! Waaahh!" (S)

"Me too!"

"Let us go!"

<To make this clear, each one of you can leave at any time but then you shouldn't expect that you'll be allowed to return. I have no need for disobedient brood. Yet as your former owners made quite clear, they don't plan on taking you back. They won't feed, protect or provide for you. I, on the other side, will. You have no place there!> (H)


The words hurt.
Stinging deep inside me.
I know it's true.
They sold us and we're only an inconvenience to them.
Many of us may feel the same.
We were abandoned. It hurts.


<I am aware you're very exhausted. So I'll grant you some respite. The nurses will bring you to your quarters. Those are only temporary in nature but will suffice till I bring you to the hive.> (H)


Our quarters?
We're getting a place to sleep?
This, this doesn't sound too bad now.
I'm so tired.

The insects around open a path.
Some of the younger ones are still carried by the nurses who just before did this to them.
Then they begin to move and I just know that I'm supposed to follow.

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"Urrgh!" (A)

"Allie!" (O)


My leg!
It hurts!
Maybe all of this was a bit too much.
I want to walk further, but it's hard to support any weight on it.

The dressed insect... the princess has noticed it.
I feel her piercing glare lingering on me.
Owen is still by my side, while it comes threateningly closer.


"Leave us alone! Go away or I will, I will..." (O)

<A feisty one. Too much energy. Problematic, for now, but I'm sure there will be a role for this one.> (H)

"O-Owen." (A)


You can't attack it!


"I said go away!" (O)



I can't process this.
Owen tried to hit it, but now, now...
There's the tail of this monster in his neck!!!


<Very feisty, but it's possible to work with this.> (H)


Owen twitches and becomes limp before the stinger retracts and vanishes beneath the insect's dress.


"Aaaahhhhh!" (A)


Before he's reaching the ground a nurse is catching him.
Then one of the bigger insects on four legs comes, takes him, and together they walk away.
Where are they taking him?!

I continue to cry until I notice that the princess is still focused on me.


<This one is injured. Have a nurse look it over and put it in an alcove. And if it's already in there, make it drink this. The alcove will accelerate the process.> (H)


No, I want to go with Owen!
Let me go there!

I try to run after them but fail miserably, collapsing on my injured leg.


<SCREEAAAHH!!/HONIU! How could you?!!> (F)


It's so intense that it hurts.
The princess hands something over to a nurse before turning to the source.


<Proceed. I'm about to be busy.> (H)


Now the nurse moves towards me.
I feel how its arms settle around my body and a moment later I'm within its grasp.
It lifts me and I'm getting carried away.
I don't have any strength left to struggle.


<Everything's alright! Everything's alright! Everything's alright!> (nurse)


Is it trying to do to me the same as with Rin?!


"No. No!" (A)

<Everything's alright! Everything's alright! Everything's alright!> (nurse)


While it's carrying me away I perceive how this maid is freaking out at the princess.


<You never said you'd do it like this! Do you have any idea how to handle delicate children?! Goddamnit! You can't sting a child!!> (F)

<This youngling obviously needed to rest. I only helped. Could we please get this over with? I'm tired and want to rest.> (H)

<You think they weren't?! Oh no, I'm gonna scold you till I can be sure this will never repeat again! That's the only appropriate way to deal with a naughty child like you! Consider it a lesson in child care!> (F)


It's weird hearing what they're saying like this, but I'm still too exhausted to think deeper about it.

And Owen!
Owen was stung!
I need to look after him.


<Everything's alright! Everything's alright! Everything's alright!> (nurse)


No, it's not! We are here and everything is... is just too much.

The nurse carries me further into a remote room where I could barely perceive any other insects around.
There it places me on the side of a... tub?
Something is inside it, but I don't know what it is.
It's not water that much is certain, but it doesn't smell.
In this darkness, I can barely see anything.
Before I can investigate it closer it extends to me another cup.


<Drink.> (nurse)


Will again something happen like before if I do?
Can I do anything to prevent this?


<Drink. Drink.> (nurse)


It's repeating this in the same wordless manner.
However, I nonetheless perfectly understand what it wants from me.

I'm not sure.
I'm afraid of what will happen if I comply but also of what will happen if I don't.


<Drink.> (nurse)


I'm... not sure.


<Drink.> (nurse)


But what else can I do?
The nurse already laid the cup against my mouth.
I feel pressured to do this and in my sorry state, I don't know what would be right.
The liquid slowly pours through my slightly parted lips.


<Drink.> (nurse)


I swallow and feel the content flow down my throat until they reach my stomach.




My eyes rush open!

It burns!
My throat!
It hurts!


"Aaaahhh!" (A)


The nurse seems barely bothered.
Calm like before she pushes me softly over the edge of the tub.
Slowly she positions me in the center and I feel how I'm sinking into this substance.


<Everything's alright.> (nurse)

<Screeh, screahh!/No! It's not! Everything's terrible!> (A)

<You are safe. It's fine.> (nurse)


I perceive what she's saying.
Still not as words, but as general feelings.
The pain jolts through my body.


<Skreeh!/Help me!> (A)


I want to get away from here, but the nurse pushes me effortlessly back into the tub.


<Everything's alright. You are safe. You are protected. Rest.> (nurse)


This is a lie!
They're only hurting me more and more!
I want to get out of here!


<You can rest now. It will be okay. Everything's alright.> (nurse)

<Scriik./No, no it isn't.> (A)


I want to escape this place!
It's all too much!


<Everything's alright. You are safe! You can rest.> (nurse)


But I'm so tired.
The contents of the tub cling to me, making me feel too heavy to get up again and I'm so exhausted, I can barely move.


<Calm down. Rest. It's alright. Sleep.> (nurse)


So tired.


<You are now her brood. You are protected. You can rest.> (nurse)




I want to... rest.







- Farrah -


<Screak!/Goddamn, Honiu, what even was that?!> (F)

<What are you so upset about? Didn't you approve of my plan to take in these younglings?> (H)

<Only because otherwise they would've been at risk! You heard that man! They only feed them the bare minimum. If the supply situation becomes any worse they might stop providing for them at all. God, I have children as well! So sorry that I held a tiny bit of hope that these kids might at least have some kind of future here!> (F)

<Then your outrage is completely unwarranted since I plan to offer them just that.> (H)

<And they might not want or even completely reject this life.> (F)

<Why would that be the case? I plan to treat them well and use them to their full potential. It's an honor to serve a princess.> (H)

<But you aren't their princess! For them, you're only the one who bought them! They don't feel the same as your brood towards your person! Some may even feel like you do towards Uma.> (F)



Oh damn, apparently I went too far here and hit a sore spot.
Urgh, I'm already growing nauseous from her pheromones.
I should quickly appease her before I have to throw up.


<Okay, okay. Then more like my attitude towards you. While I can stand your presence this all only began because Uma assigned me without leaving me any choice. I just want to explain to you that the fact that you have power over them doesn't just induce them to love you.> (F)

<Then what would be the alternative? Do you want me to throw them out?> (H)

<Look, I'm just worried. Do you even know how to take care of humans?> (F)

<Where would be the problem? I'll provide the basic necessities. Nourishment, shelter, protection. There shouldn't be any issues.> (H)

<We're talking here about children! They're scared, in a foreign environment, completely on their own! Food and a place to sleep aren't going to cut it!> (F)

<And what would be enough? Enlighten me.> (H)

<They need to know they're safe and not just tools you plan to use as you please.> (F)

<But they are. They're now part of my brood and as such only exist for me.> (H)

<They don't have anyone and are scared! They need affection!> (F)

<Affection? Elaborate.> (H)

<They need love!> (F)

<That's still unprecise. What exactly entails 'affection' in concrete actions?> (H)

<Well, you have to show your children that they are important to you. Those are all the little things. Like remembering their names, hugging them, giving them little gifts, simply to show them that they as individuals are of importance to you. Anything that makes them feel better.> (F)

<Ah, this is something I can provide. All that is necessary would be some adjusted behavior of the responsible nurses.> (H)

<Sigh, I kinda feel like I didn't get the message across.> (F)

<You don't need to worry. I promise I'll treat them like my own brood.> (H)

<And that's exactly what I'm worried about.> (F)

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