
Chapter 66: Chapter 62

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Finally, I made it out of that hall.
Seriously, my heart hammers like crazy.
You don't stand every day in front of the ruler of a great underground empire.

But I'm kinda glad that it went relatively smoothly.
I didn't know what to expect from the queen.
She's basically a mystery to me and responsible for my whole current situation.
I wouldn't actually say that she was nice but hospitable enough.
One could've thought she, as the one absolute being here would be more haughty than she actually was.
Not like a titan would need that to instill respect.

However, it could've turned out much worse than it did.
As things are I now basically have the permission to proceed as I did regarding human-Formicea relations.
Which is a good thing indeed.


"So. That went rather well, right?" (E)

"My heart is going to pierce out of my chest." (T)

"Uh, yes. She's quite the counterpart." (E)

"On that matter, what the hell was that in there?!! Did you want her to start a war?" (T)

"No, the opposite. You don't seem to understand that the Formicea don't even know the concept of lying. Not even half-truths. So when you tell her that no one is ever going to attack us, she will take you up on that. And if then a smaller lord decides to wage a crusade against insects it's "goodbye Tarsona". You almost insulted her in the most peculiar way. So yes, I rather inform her thoroughly before it comes that far." (E)

"And if she had decided this isn't worth the risks? You're far too convinced that the monsters with battle-ready bodies don't want to start a war." (T)

"I... had this feeling. It's difficult to explain, but when she spoke about the swarm wars it felt like... sorrow? I don't think she wants her brood to die if she can avoid it. Which is why it's good that you didn't ask her to participate in the war." (E)

"I may not be as proficient in reading body odor as you are, but even I could tell that bringing this up wouldn't have ended well. At least someone in my position should know when something is hopeless and that they shouldn't pursue it so that their own position won't get worse. In this case, my position was in front of an agitated titan. Urgh. I didn't sign up for this." (T)

"You didn't sign up. You were applied by your lord." (E)

"Thanks for the reminder." (T)


Now that I have calmed her a little there was something I really had to ask her.


"How is the war going? Just, you know, to know how my country is doing and if any of the agreements I make are going to last." (E)


"Sadly it's a stalemate. While the Koresans have the larger army, we have an advantage with our supply and equipment. Our line of fortifications at the border makes it difficult to simply pass through and a long-term siege would leave them in a vulnerable position. Like this, these "peak noses" have problems invading our lands while maintaining their supply lines. The other part is that many of their troops consist of slaves, which are quite difficult to control. Instead, they settled towards probing our defense with little units of raiders. Small battles are common but occupy the enemy too much to advance any further. The main issue is that our army can't manage to intercept them successfully. And while each day the last battle might be fought I am stuck here." (T)


I feel that this is really troubling her.
To not agitate Temia any further I proceed rather fast back down to my courtyard to split up as soon she can find her way.
Can't wait to tell my mum that the queen wants to share custody for me.


The first I notice is how Kyska leads a greater number of nurses somewhere.


<My princess, how went your meeting?> (K)


Well, an audience with the queen seems to be quite the event.


"Uh, it was unusual. I mean, I think it went well. At least everyone's still alive." (E)

"The queen is wise. If your reasoning is sound it's clear she would accept." (K)


Kyska is very good to perceive when I don't want to talk in Formicea.


"By the way, what are you doing here?" (E)

"I'm assigning the nurses who will take care of your royal guard." (K)

"Wait! You mean, here?" (E)

"Naturally. The royal guard is your very own special brood. It's impossible that they work for anyone else. So it's expected that they'll be raised in your domain. Do you wish to visit them? Your mother is already at the location." (K)

"My mother? Why?" (E)

"She wished to perform in her role as a nurse." (K)

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I'm sure she worded it differently.
But still, I guess I'll meet up.
It's actually quite the commotion.
Dozens of nurses gathered to adequately tend to several of those weird pods, which I've no idea when they got built here, where supposedly my royal guard is stored in.
I see mum and as soon she notices me she comes over.


<Skri, criak!/Ah, Ery. How nice of you to visit.> (F)


I would really wish she'd work more on her human speech.
Instead, she grew rather comfortable with her state.


"I've heard you're doing something peculiar." (E)

<Peculiar? No, I'm only caring for the little ones. They already hatched. Aren't they cute?> (F)


Honestly, cute isn't exactly the word I'd use.
Rather they look like a mix of baby and giant maggot.
Yet they're totally squishy and I can see how the baby part would trigger mum's instincts.
They're helpless, and the way they squeal for attention is hard to ignore.
Still, mum is a bit too much into it.

Wait! Hard to ignore?
Urgh, I should have known.

Pheromones! Like everything else here.
The babies use pheromone signals to transmit their basic needs.
And mum as probably one of the severe cases is susceptible.
I guess princesses are simply immune.


"Mum, are you aware that you might be subconsciously influenced to tend to them?" (E)

<Huh? Now you're saying it, the urge became stronger after I got here. I wasn't aware. But no, I don't think there's an issue. I made the original decision to help at our place. That's quite far away. And it's not too intense. You see, I can stop right now.> (F)

"What made you come here?" (E)

<The job as a nurse isn't too bad, as long you don't get abducted. I had some spare time and was kinda curious to see how they would establish this place here. To think that all this was just built recently.> (F)

"Why even such a commotion now? I... well, have got them a while ago." (E)

"Because, my princess, eggs need less attention than hatchlings. Aside from that, your alterations to their bodies warrants more attention than usual." (K)


Okay, makes sense.
This explains why such an unusually large number of nurses is here.


<And I've heard you were with the queen. How was it?> (F)

"Ah, you know, she's still a thirty-meter titan and, even if Kyska surely has a different opinion, I find her to be quite weird. But hey, I wasn't stung this time." (E)

<Screee!/She's our wise ruler! If she behaves unusually then only because we cannot possibly understand her way of thinking!> (K)


Well, she's simply extremely old.
At least, many thousands of years.
So some quirks are nothing unordinary after all this time.


<So you think you might be able to stand her presence?> (F)

"I guess so. I still feel conflicted about what she did to me. On the other hand it kinda saved my life. It's certainly not worth it to antagonize her." (E)

<It's good to see you're doing well.> (F)

"I think so as well. It's good to know you're still fine." (E)

<If you want you can leave now. I get the impression your presence is stalling the processes here.> (F)

"Fine, but don't overburden yourself. And don't let the babies mind-control you." (E)

<Ah, they aren't more demanding than you were at that age.> (F)


I want to retort.
But before I can say something I see how a nurse sticks her tongue through a tiny hole in the face of a hatchling to feed it, as they don't have anything else, because I simplified their food intake.
This reminds me too much about a certain experience I very much would like to forget.
And so I retreat.

And after another laying session, I can finally go to sleep.


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