
Chương 146: Chapter 137

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- Alea -


What did I just do?
I thought...
I don't know what I thought.
Apparently, nothing if I look at the result.
I just did as I was told.
It felt like the right thing to do.
Well, I went with the flow.
Everything was so chaotic and I completely failed to understand what was even happening.
I... I was scared of what would happen to me if I got caught.
So calling for help didn't seem too wrong.
I didn't know!

I was just running, trying to avoid the guards who surely found it weird that a kid was running away from the event.
Then I got caught.
I panicked and, and...
I screamed!

Naturally, in this weird screeching speech.
I'm not even completely sure what I said since it was about so much at once.
My confusion about this sudden turmoil, my fear when there was fighting close by, and what might happen next.
Then there might've also been something about Honiu contained in my call since she was the one who instructed me to do so.
It just felt somewhat right.
Was it right?

The guards were confused and looked strangely at me for the weird sound I made and started questioning.
But before I could even answer there was first a tremor in the ground.
The one holding me let go and I jumped away.
Before they could grab me again the wave came.
An endless flood of those creatures.
Small, big, huge, in all shapes, they were running towards the very hall I came from.
I couldn't possibly fathom that they might rush at us like this.
This wasn't to be expected, right?
They just were suddenly everywhere.
They didn't even care for the guards in the way.
At least not for those who jumped to the side in time.
Those who tried to lash out...
...there are now some stained red spots on the floor.

Now I'm standing in the hallway after the stampede has passed by.
It's like back then when my hometown was destroyed.
Just with all the monsters in addition.
For some reason, I didn't get trampled.
It was as if they intentionally avoided me.
All that's left now are the few guards who were left alive and a horde of the insects who seem to be waiting.


"Girl! What was that?!" (guard)

"She called them! It was her!" (guard)

"She did that!" (guard)

"Why? What is going on?! (guard)

"Don't you understand?! She's responsible!" (guard)


They're upset and I think they have a good reason to be.
It's my fault.
Had I not called out to them they wouldn't have come.
I called them.
It was me!

One of the guards is now close and I don't know his intentions.
But before he can do anything, I find that two of the mid-sized ones block him off.
And then there's even a giant approaching from behind me.
The man still tries to grab me but is brought down by the workers, who pin him to the ground, one claw even clamping around his face.
The figure of the giant behind me alone is enough to keep the others from approaching.


"Wade!" (guard)

"Please, stop!" (guard)

"We surrender!" (guard)


They shout and call out at the monsters but those won't stop and the guards are unable to approach.
I on the other side, am too overwhelmed to even move.
People died here, are even now dying, and this only because of me!
Just what should I do?
Suddenly, one of the guards looks directly at me and speaks.


"O-okay, we understand! Just tell them to let Wade go! They're killing him! He has a wife and kids!" (guard)


He's asking me!?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't want this man to die because of my actions but how should I stop them from mauling his head?
Should I... I could try talking to them!


<Skreeak!/Please stop! It's enough!> (A)


The two look back at me and truly take their claws away from the man.
He's bleeding at his hairline from the sharp ends of the claw but I think he'll be okay.
His friends already drag him back.
Instead, I have to deal now with the insects.


<Messenger!> (worker)


Oh, Honiu called me by that.
I'm a messenger!
But what does that entail?
Well, probably delivering messages.
That's what I did.
And now this big insect asks me to perform my role since it recognizes me as such.
Wait, is this why they listen to me?
If I'm the one who's supposed to deliver them their orders then that means they will listen to what I'm saying as it might come from their boss.


<Sc-scriek!/Pl-please no unnecessary killing. Just help Princess Honiu.> (A)


I'm trying to word it as if that's the order but at the same time, I can't lie to them.
I just know somehow that this would come out wrong when this speech conveys my intentions.
Fortunately, Honiu said I should just run and call for help but left the wording to me.
So if I say that I need help in a way that isn't overly violent then it should work out.

The insects now just stare at me.
And the humans who by now managed to drag the injured one away.


"What is going on? Why did you do this?" (guard)

"Is the palace under attack?"

"Are you invading us?"


They're directing all their questions at me.
No longer hostile but fearful.
And I don't know what to say.


"I have no ideeeaa! One of the priencEsses... Somethieng happEned to her. I was told to run aend call for heelp." (A)


I really can't say anything else than this!




Yeah, I can see the justified disbelief at this.


"A-and now?" (guard)

"I-I don't know. I think you shouldn't get in their way." (A)


I'm at least sure they wouldn't mind slaughtering them as well, but it seems they're not going out of their way to do so.


<Messenger?> (guardian)


What am I supposed to answer?
I don't want to see what's happening outside and here the insects are apparently keeping me safe.

So I think I should return.
Also, Millie is still there, and if what happened here is any indication there might be chaos in that hall.


<Scrik!/I have to return > (A)


I walk back, trying not to look at the bloody splotches on the ground or the questioning looks of the people who weren't in the way and so managed to survive the rush of the insects.

I make it back to the hall with all the nobles.
There are no longer any human guards who might stop me, and from the insects, I just get acknowledged as a messenger.

When I arrive I cease all movement and just stare.

The insects are naturally already here and intimidate the other side of the hall where the nobles tried to retreat to.
Some are dead, but most seem unharmed.

Honiu stands in the center and all eyes are focused on her.
In front of her kneels a man, holding his throat.
I-is that a crown on his head?
Is this truly the king?
The people look afraid and... and I'm completely lost about what I should do now.



<Scru, scrah!/I understand. I'll do everything you're requesting if it may prevent further bloodshed.> (K)


Is he talking like me?
Just what happened here?


<As long as you cooperate. My goal is to find the missing princess. There's no reason to create unnecessary impediments. I might find a use for you.> (H)


The nobles seem hostile.
Did I just help her bring down my country!?!


"Are we really doing nothing?"

"We should fight!"

"How? They outnumber us and most of us aren't combatants!"

<I'd like to speak to my subjects to soothe them. Is there a way...> (K)


Suddenly, Honiu turns away from him leaving him out cold with whatever he wanted to request.
Instead... She turns to me!?

You are reading story Formicea at


<Ah, my little messenger! This was excellent fulfillment of your first task. Promising. It seems my decision already bears results.> (H)


Ugh, she pats my head.
Just why am I feeling so strangely reassured about that?
I caused all this!
The dead ones, the chaos, this very situation that makes all of the nobles of this country so intimidated.
Also, it's certainly unbecoming that she lets the king kneel there for someone like me, which puts me on the spot and makes me uncomfortable.
But when she's so close and saying that I did a good job...
Why is it making me feel so content?
Is it just this smelling stuff she's emitting?
I know that it can mess a bit with my head.
But there's still some part of me that asks why I feel good about being praised even in this situation.
Am I actually proud of it?


<I perceive some inner turmoil from you. You should cease this. It's pointless. You fulfilled your purpose as my messenger. More isn't important.> (H)


Does she just want me to mindlessly follow orders?
Sure, that would make things simpler but I'm not willing to stop thinking just because she tells me to do so.
I don't even know what to think about what happened and someone else seems to think so as well.
The maid-like woman approaches together with Millie.


<Oh, you poor little things! Honiu, you can't do this to children!> (F)

<Why not? This was the sole reason for their presence. And the fact that they fulfilled their given orders without issues only proves that they're sufficiently developed to do so!> (H)

<But they're still children. You can't demand too much from them. And this was the case here!> (F)

<You're exaggerating. She performed well enough and there are no reasons to doubt her capability.> (H)


For some reason, she's much more convinced of me than I am while I'm honestly not sure about this.
The banter continues and I turn in the meantime to Millie.
Maybe I just need a bit of her caring nature right now.


<Allie, are you alright? I just saw you running. You were far too fast for me to catch up.> (M)


Was I?
Well, I was in a bit of a panic.


<Yes, just a bit overwhelmed by the fact that I initiated the invasion of the capital.> (A)

<That... might be an issue. But I know you didn't want to hurt anyone. I... Maybe you protected us. I don't know what would have happened if Honiu wasn’t in control.> (M)


Maybe she's right.
The guards might have seized Honiu, and then Millie and the maid would've been at their mercy.
I try to occupy my mind by talking to Millie but am getting drawn to the restarting discussion between the king and Honiu since it might become important for...
Well, absolutely everyone.


<Skruh!/As I wanted to say, is there a way for me to talk to my subjects? I should keep them in check, right?> (K)

"Not wrong. Yet it might take a while till the change settles down. That's a problem. Fortunately, I have the solution." (H)


With this, she points at the man who sold us and calls out to him.


"You there! Come here!" (H)


That one wastes no time and follows the order.
Without saying another word, she lets something drip from her extended tail onto her claw and then plunges it into the man's nose.


"Aaahhrghhh!" (Aaron)

"This creature attacked him!"

"I, I'm fine!" (Aaron)

<This should suffice. Now you can tell them what the other wants to say.> (H)

"What? I..." (Aaron)

<Stop wasting time. Move on!> (H)


I know how unignorable her commands are, so I understand why he directly moves to the king even though he's going through similar stuff as I did before.
They speak to each other and shortly after this turn to the crowd.


"Ahem, in the name of King Kieran Redora! You're all aware of the current situation! Princess Erys got abducted and as her host we are responsible! As such, we'll grant all possible support to the Formicea! In return, they agreed not to cause any more deaths, as long as no one tries to prevent them from achieving their goal of saving the princess! However, you should all prepare for an ongoing occupation of the streets! I demand that you comply in any way possible! As soon as the princess is found, the Formicea will retreat and we'll be able to move on! These orders are given for the sake of a quick end to this situation, and anyone who opposes them by escalating the current state of affairs will be seen as a traitor who is trying to get more good people killed! For this reason, the guards may execute such individuals on the spot!" (Aaron)


It's clear to everyone that the man just repeats the words of the king who doesn't look as if anything of what was just said was wrong.
They proceed with further instructions, but I can't concentrate on those because this human maid of Honiu comes running at me.
Millie holds my arm to try to reassure me, but I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this.
In general, I'm rather through by now.


"There! That girl, she caused all this!" (noble)


I was found out!
Okay, I didn't even hide it very well but I don't like how everyone is looking at me.


"Guards! Silence this man! Permanently, if necessary!" (Aaron)


Why is the man who sold me, now about to kill even a noble for my sake?
Did the king give him this order?
It seems so.
I'm quite close to him.
He speaks first.


<I'm sorry for this. I'm aware you just did as ordered. A subject shouldn't be held responsible for things like this.> (K)


Okay, now I'm confused.
Isn't he too lenient?
I mean, I just got his palace invaded.


<You're not angry?> (A)


For a moment he seems to be at a loss.


<I apologize, but I'm not able to understand this.> (K)


Does that mean he just got one side down?
That seems kinda unfinished.
But I shouldn't forget to answer him now.


"Ie'm sorry! But Am Ie not ien trouble?" (A)

<I wouldn't see why. You just did as you were ordered. I don't have any right anymore to claim to have any power over you. I sent you away and through this severed all ties that could bind you as my subject. There's nothing wrong with a job well done.> (K)

"But Ie caused thies!" (A)


I point at all the chaos that is apparent in this room alone.


<You did the right thing. If those people wouldn't have been completely overwhelmed they would've fought. The casualties would be far greater now.> (K)


Well, when he puts it that way.


<Was this enough confirmation for you? Because this is only the beginning.> (H)


What is beginning?


<What do you mean?> (A)

<We need to find a princess. I'll rely on you, my little messenger. Bring my will to fruition!> (H)




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