Forming of a new world order

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 First contact

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As Alice approached the gate with Ryan, a small group of ten men approached her and saluted.

“Ma’am we have eight mounted unidentified people at the gate demanding to see the one in charge”

“Well then lets go meet them then” 

“All men form up escort formation” yelled Ryan as the gate was lifted ten men exited first and pointed their rifles at the mounted people. Next was Alice accompanied by Ryan and several other soldiers. The guards in the watchtower had already aimed at the group. Alice could see some of the riders shifting nervously even the horses were nervous. Then one of the riders approached he wore average looking clothes, a leather breast plate and leather shoulder guards he had blue eyes and short brown hair. His face was that of a young man his pale skin shone in the sun. As he dismounted Alice was really shocked he must have been seven foot tall. 

“Who is the leader here”

The soldiers moved out of the way for her but kept their rifles pointed at the riders.

“I am Alice Vonstine leader of these men, who might you be?” The man shifted ever closer to Alice before Ryan stepped in front of him and shoved the barrel of his rifle into the mans face.

“That as far as you’re getting Mr”

“Excuse my rudeness I never introduced myself did I, I’m Sir Isaac Newfeld” he looked over Ryan at Alice “you have some very protective men Miss Alice”

“What do you want Sir Isaac” Ryan still had the rifle pointed at the mans head his men seemed to get more nervous.

“Miss Alice could you tell your solider to remove his stick from my face then I can tell you what we want.”

“Lieutenant Goodfella please remove your rifle from this mans face you can shoot him if he tries anything you may speak now sir” Isaac looked confused what did she mean by shoot.

“Well my lord wants to know who you are and if you have any ill intentions”

“So there was someone out there other than those little green bastards”

“You must be on about the local goblins yes they are bastards.” Alice stepped closer to Isaac for someone so small she gave off a very dominating aura.

“Tell your lord we mean no harm in fact it’s good you found us, see we are mercenaries so if your lord has the coin we can be hired.” Isaac seemed confused along with the rest of her soldiers.

“Well we do have a problem with a local goblin nest but we can’t trust a unknown mercenary group”

“We will do this job for free you can accompany us if you so wish think of it as proof of what we are capable of.”

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Isaac did a hearty laugh “okay then missy you have a deal I will accompany you my men will report to my lord and if the extermination goes well he might enlist your services again in the future” Ryan looked at Isaac seriously.

“Try anything and you’ll be dead before you even know what hit you” he turned to his men “Okay half of you with me and Alice the rest stay here shoot anything that looks like a threat” Isaac extended his arm out to Alice”

“Would you like to ride with me, my lady” just then Ryans arms wrapped around her and lifted her up as he started to carry her.

“No thank you the lady will be carried by me until we can determine whether or not to shoot you” Alice couldn’t help but think that Ryan was like those over protective boyfriend’s she had seen on the TV in her world. He didn’t seem to have a problem marching with her cradled in his arms his broad chest heaved as the men behind him marched in unison in their implacably perfect lines. It seemed like it was going to be a day long march.

But as the sky drew darker Isaac stopped at what looked like a cave “we have arrived” as Ryan stared stared to lower her his eyes met hers and they were filled with something she had never seen before.

“When we get back we are going to have a serious word about your actions” some of the men started to snicker and Alice shot them a look “oh if you find this funny guess who is going to be running twenty laps of the base when we get back.” The men groaned and those who didn’t snicker gave scornful looks at those who did. Some mouthed insults to each other.

“Are you guys ready the soon we get done the sooner we can rest” Alices words had the desired impact and her men were spurred on by her words. As they entered the cave the smell of rotting meat and damp hit the mens noses. 

“Shit this smells worse then the fucking sleeping tents” cried one of the soldiers. Suddenly a small group of ten goblins exploded out of a nearby opening. A chorus of loud bangs rang throughout the cave system  the goblin collapsed riddled with holes.

“Collect your rounds then we will advance be careful stay together we don’t know what these pest are capable of don’t underestimate them” Ryans words were taken into consideration by the rest of the men. As they advanced deeper and deeper into the winding maze of corridors and passageways they iced any goblins they encountered, Alice noticed Isaac collecting the right ears of the downed goblin’s.

“What are you doing” Isaac looked at her.

“Goblin parts are worthless but you can get two copper coin per confirmed kill their right ears are taken as proof of a kill and to stop people deceiving the guilds.”

As they carried on with their decent they finally reached a final larger cavern. They could here moans and whimpering. The cavern was filled with chained and beaten girls and women. There was a single stronger and taller looking creature its skin was a bright orange with blue war paint streaked down its torso in swirling patterns. It was rapeing a young brunette. “Mother fucking hobgoblins those bastards are smarter and stronger than your average goblin but hide behind them like cowards.”

“Ryan Kbar that fucker” Ryan pulled a seven inch Kabar knife from it sheath and snuck closer to the hobgoblin he could hear its grunts and moans and the whimpers of the woman. His left hand clamped over the hobgoblins mouth and he thrust all seven inches of his knife into the hobgoblins back. And with little effort he twisted the knife tearing the creatures right lung to shreds. The hobgoblin kicked and lashed out but with out any weapons or backup he quickly succumbed to deaths cold embrace. He wiped the vile creatures blood off his knife with the hobgoblins loin cloth he found just by the girl.

As Alice looked at the women and girls most of them were glassy eyed and had no will to live. “What happened to them” Ryans eyes gazed daggers into Issac to answer Alices question.

“The goblins drug and rape the women and girls they capture, most of them when rescued are broken and have no way to live on their own, we were lucky most of them will be able to recover, I’ll make sure you are properly rewarded for this and thank you I have witnessed firsthand the damage these monsters inflict upon those unlucky enough to be captured by them” tears started to form in his eyes as he spoke before he promptly wiped them away.

As the exited the cave system they were greeted by a small group of mounted men like the ones before they were protecting a convoy of carriage. A elderly man approached them he wore expensive clothes and jewellery. His grey hair flowed down to the nape of his neck. “Lady Alice I presume” his smile was like that of a fox that had found a unguarded hen house.

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