Fouls Prohibited

Chapter 41: 41

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Huo Tinglan’s eyes showed a rare astonishment, and he almost laughed out loud.

What kind of strange image did Ye Ci have of him in his head……

He quickly suppressed his leaking emotions and held that silkworm chrysalis wrapped in a thin quilt in his arms.

“It’s not because of that.” He pretended to be self-deprecating, “It’s just that sometimes it feels like you may……not like me that much?”

“I, I like you so much, ah!” Ye Ci seemed to have been extremely wronged, and he straightened up in his arms. Huo Tinglan looked down and lowered his head, eagerly chasing those forlorn eyes. “Why, why do you think that?”

Even though Huo Tinglan had long been “notorious for his misdeeds,” the cool, wet tears on his cheeks were real. A top Alpha secretly crying at night was the epitome of sadness.

……It was impossible for him to have used eye drops.

Huo-shushu should still have his bottom line.


Right, ba?!

Ye Ci hesitated for half a second, then resolutely put aside that dark speculation and said cautiously: “What am I doing, doing wrong? Just say it and I, I will change.” He held Huo Tinglan’s hand, sincere and flattering, as if coaxing a sad little girlfriend. “Point, point out what needs to change.”

Huo Tinglan shamelessly savored the wonderful taste of being coaxed and pampered by a young lover, and smiled helplessly: “Do I have to make it so clear?” He didn’t seem too embarrassed, saying in a low voice, “I want to get close to you, but you always hide, so I just……”

It turned out to be the case, just as he suspected.

He was also worried about whether the two people’s incongruity would lead to similar misunderstandings, so he had guessed right this time.

Flustered, Ye Ci licked his lower lip as his throat tightened. In order to clear up the misunderstanding, he forced himself to explain: “It’s not that I don’t like you, I’m just, just embarrassed……because you’re kind of……” He stammered, trying to pick a good word, but was unable to. So he could only whisper, “Too, too……”

“Too what?” Huo Tinglan laughed. He really didn’t hear clearly this time, and turned his head to put his ear towards him, repeating, “Am I too amorous?”

Ye Ci blushed and said nothing, looking at Huo Tinglan with a hint of horror as he said those words aloud.

Too amorous – there was a naivety in this complaint, a taste of innocence. Huo Tinglan was so excited that it was like a ball of fire burned from his tailbone to the back of his neck. He turned over and held down the whining and complaining little thing, and the corners of his lips could not be pressed down as he tortured him with a smile. As if his innocence had been stained by Ye Ci, and he wanted to ask for an explanation: “What’s wrong with me, what did I do, huh?”

“Not, not to mention ordinary times, even during the, the health lessons, your hands……are not honest,” Ye Ci complained, and when he got to the crucial point, his volume dropped again, “All the time.”

Huo Tinglan smiled and repeated in a straight voice: “I always touch you?”

The clumsy wording was just too cute.

Why did he have to repeat it so loudly?!

Ye Ci’s eyes rolled and he almost passed out.

“That’s called a physical examination. Physical examination, what kind of hooliganism……” Huo Tinglan chased him and kissed him while saying unreasonable things. The kisses made Ye Ci’s cheeks pink and his lips bright red. Sweat formed and both bodies were hot with excitement, the pheromones ambiguously blended.

The mood was just right, the moon was full, and the enchanting atmosphere was heavy……everything was ready, and if he pushed the boat along the way, he could mark him permanently, but Huo Tinglan resisted the impulse – – a misunderstanding was a misunderstanding. He stroked his hair and straightened to prop himself on top of Ye Ci with a smile. “Just kidding, it wasn’t because of that……”

“……Huh?” Ye Ci’s blurred eyes slowly focused. When he understood what Huo Tinglan meant, he knew that he was probably being self-indulgent just now and had also taken the initiative to mention the permanent mark. His expression gradually changed until it looked like he had nothing left to live for. “What was it……you said it, it was an emotional matter……”

That was all he could think of.

Huo Tinglan pondered for a moment, then said softly: “I had a dream.”

“About going back to the past and living it again.” If Huo Tinglan told Ye Ci about this kind of thing seriously, Ye Ci might not believe it.

Even if he was on the verge of credit bankruptcy with Ye Ci, Ye Ci would trust him no matter what.


Huo Tinglan privately didn’t want Ye Ci to know what a terrible and hopeless situation he was in during his previous life. How he had been trampled and bullied, and died young.

Besides, that gloomy past could no longer even be called “the past.” That entire space-time had ceased to exist, so why mention it?

It would just add unhappiness.

So he substituted it for a dream.

“A nightmare?” Those few tears became the gold medal for avoiding death. Ye Ci didn’t care to pursue the matter of being teased a moment ago, and shakily stroked Huo Tinglan’s head.

The hair that brushed against his palm was thick and smooth. Without the setting spray, the elitist feeling of being in control of the situation was a bit less, and he looked real and fragile.

“Tell me, once the nightmare is said, it will be broken and it won’t come true.”

Ye Ci got up and turned on the night light. The warm light was like a thin layer of floating mist, tempting people to be honest.

“I dreamed of you……” He began.

Regarding the accident, he tried to describe it concisely, as he was afraid that his voice would reveal something abnormal.

But Ye Ci could still feel the deep, intense pain hidden in the forbearing narrative. Not like a frightening dream moments ago, but like years of mourning were seeping through, overflowing at the slightest touch.

He was at a loss, becoming panicked. He didn’t know how to coax people in the first place, but now he could only stroke Huo Tinglan’s back and repeat awkwardly, “But aren’t I okay? Huo-shushu, I’m okay.”

“Sorry, the dream was too real.” Huo Tinglan cleared his hoarse voice and smiled. “Maybe it’s because I care so much about you……that I can’t accept this possibility.”

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Ye Ci was so anxious that his palms were sweaty. He squeezed Huo Tinglan’s hand with all his strength, turned over his palm, and slotted his five fingers between the other man’s. Holding it tightly again, he wished to exchange all the strength he had nowhere to use for words of comfort – – he had guessed right, Huo-shushu was indeed an insecure person.

“There……there was no such possibility to begin with.” He desperately manipulated his tongue, “I am very careful to, to protect myself. I’ve been racing all, all my life……I won’t do it, don’t worry. Anyway, it’s just a hobby……actually, it can’t even count as a hobby, I just do it when, when I’m in a bad mood, and after a few laps, I feel comfortable……”

That depression needed a place to go.

But he didn’t need it now.

“I will never do anything that, that you think is dangerous.” Ye Ci fought with himself for a while, then suddenly turned over and stood on the ground. “I’m not, not going to that shooting club either……” He thought that this was what Huo Tinglan was worrying about. He didn’t want to make his lover worry about an insignificant hobby, so he wanted to fetch his membership card and shred it in front of him.

“Come back.” Huo Tinglan was amused, and he grabbed that strong, thin waist and dragged him back. Cuddling at the head of the bed, he closed his eyes and sincerely said, “It’s okay to play with guns, as long as I’m with you. Racing cars……really scares me.”

He was unwilling to restrict Ye Ci’s freedom in the name of so-called love, but in this matter alone, he would rather be an unreasonable person.

“I understand, I really do.” Ye Ci solemnly nodded. “You don’t have to think that, that this is……restricting my freedom. I’m an……” He swallowed the ‘Alpha’ that slipped to the tip of his tongue, and awkwardly changed the word, “……a man, married, and should let you have a sense of security.”

This Alpha burden couldn’t be set aside.

Huo Tinglan smiled, enjoying the moment of being forcibly enveloped by Ye Ci’s boyfriend power. So instead of destroying Ye Ci’s Alpha illusion, he just said softly, “Okay.”

Ye Ci scrutinized his expression, still uneasy, and organized his words for a while. Using the way the psychiatrist taught him to speak, he slowed down his speaking speed, lowered his tone, and said word by word: “Huo-shushu, don’t you think that my fate with you……is particularly deep? With a physique like yours, the degree of matching with other people’s genes is so low, but it is higher than mine. And I also, by chance, secondary differentiated into an Omega, as if just to meet you.”

“You and I are not from the same world, not to mention……we got married, and even if there was an intersection, it would have been difficult. But not only do we match, but, but there are so many good and bad……combinations of factors, like the Butterfly Effect just pinched us together.” He had never said such lovey-dovey words to anyone, and his cheeks were pink with embarrassment, but those clear black and white eyes were full of resolve. “The fate between me and you must be very deep. Even if we are separated, it cannot be taken apart. If, if I didn’t meet you, I can’t even imagine what my, my future would be like……Luckily, I met you early and was protected by you early on. I feel that these are all things that were arranged by the heavens.”

“I was born for, for you, to cure your illness in this life,” he concluded. “You, too, were born for me, to protect me. God can’t bear to let us separate……don’t be afraid, don’t worry anymore.”

Huo Tinglan stared at his thin, moving lips without taking his eyes off them, his ears roaring and his blood rushing.

– – Maybe you will meet again in your next life……

– – Fate so deep that it cannot be broken apart……

– – Meet him earlier, protect him earlier……

– – It’s all arranged by the heavens……

Lin Yao’s gentle words in the dream lingered in his ears and gradually merged with the syllables that dropped from Ye Ci’s mouth. There was a high degree of overlap, and some sentences were even exactly the same.

Was it a coincidence?

Or were they really destined in this life?

His feeling at that moment was impossible to put into words. He abruptly hugged Ye Ci, who was trying to coax him with his face up, his voice trembling slightly.

“I know, baby……”

The melancholy and regret in the depths of his heart were like the ice of a lake frozen for a long time, then suddenly cracking in the spring.

Spring water gurgled and gradually became turbulent, melting and soothing the black and blue frostbite in his heart, and his chest was filled with a warm and wonderful emotion. He hugged Ye Ci tightly. A small piece of frozen soil was about to come back to life, and spring grass burst densely out of the ground, making his heart itch unbearably. In order to relieve the piercing itch, he had no choice but to hold Ye Ci’s face and kiss him messily, passionately, and sincerely, holding him tightly and recklessly.

He was going to mark him forever, tonight, right now, right now.

“Baby……” A bit later, he pressed against Ye Ci, who was about to turn into a puddle of water, and inspected the learning results of recent days. “Do you remember the process of permanent marking?”

Ye Ci nodded lightly.

“Even if you know, I still need to remind you again.” Huo Tinglan touched his forehead, rubbed the tip of his nose affectionately, then immediately got up. While talking, he took out a small bottle of capsules from the small drawer of the bedside table, swallowing two capsules with water. It was a drug that reduced the activity of a certain reproductive cell to achieve a contraceptive effect, and it could only be taken by an Alpha – – this drug was the only method of contraception he could use when giving a permanent mark……He couldn’t let Ye Ci delay his studies because of his kind of accident, but he didn’t want Ye Ci to take medicine either, so he had to take it himself. This bottle of medicine had been placed in this small drawer for several months.

“Permanent marking is not a 100% pleasant process for the Omega……” After swallowing the capsules, he continued to give a science lesson.

At first, it was purely pleasurable.

But that was just a trick of the vile laws of nature.

After the real marking phase started, the Omega’s deep cavity needed to be opened for the first time. This process was often accompanied by pain and a strong sense of being violated and conquered at the psychological level. This was the inevitable consequence of the deep fusion of Alpha pheromones, and had nothing to do with whether the Alpha’s performance was gentle and considerate.

Therefore, for some Omegas whose temperaments were comparatively proud, the mental discomfort could even outweigh the physical pain.

“……Especially for an Omega like you whose initial differentiation result was an Alpha, you may suddenly feel resistance at a certain moment.” The arrow was on the string, but Huo Tinglan calmed down and gave Ye Ci a warning, “At that time, I may completely lose my mind. Even if you cry and beg me, hit me, it will be difficult for me to stop the marking……and a secure mark needs to be repeated many times, lasting for a few days on and off. Are you afraid?”

Ye Ci turned his head in embarrassment, opened a pair of almond eyes filled with tears from being kissed, and fibbed: “I’m not, not afraid. Besides, I’m not, not the kind of person who cries often……”

With this matter being imminent, he was still clinging to his Alpha baggage.

It was really cute.

Huo Tinglan’s lips twitched, and he leaned over to silence the lingering sound of his words.

… …

… …

… …

When it was all over, it was four days later.

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